The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 7596
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[]Oemler, Marie Conway (1879-1932) (about) (chron.)
- * Anybody Want This Little Boy?, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1915
- * At Eventide, (pm) Watson’s Magazine July 1906
- * Aurora Janeway, (na) Ainslee’s February 1919
- * The Back Room, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1916
- * The Chrism of Life, (ss) Young’s Magazine March 1912
- * The Dream Mother, (ss) The New Magazine (UK) August 1913
- * The Egg in the Maresnest, (ss) Ainslee’s June 1913
- * The Eternal Two, (na) Ainslee’s August 1912
- * Fate, (pm) The Smart Set February 1911
- * Fear, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1922
- * The Huzzy, (ss) Young’s Magazine March 1910
- * “I, Too, in Arcadia”, (ss) The Smart Set April 1910
- * The Judgment of Spring, (ss) Ainslee’s June 1915
- * Leetle Gal, (ss) The Delineator April 1912
- * Linden Goes Home, (ss) Ainslee’s January 1916
- * The Little Brown House, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion December 1912
- * Lost Ladies, (n.) Ainslee’s January 1917
- * Millinery and Mules, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1912
- * The One-Sixteenth, (ss) Ainslee’s October 1916
- * The One with the Eye, (ss) The Century Magazine February 1915
- * Paid Claims, (ss) People’s November 1909
- * Play Baby, (ss) The Delineator April 1913
- * Playing Fair, (ss) Ainslee’s September 1912
- * Prodigal, (pm) The Smart Set October 1909
- * Rita of the Roses, (ss) Ainslee’s November 1913
- * Salome, (ss) Tom Watson’s Magazine July 1905
- * Sauce Rosemonde, (ss) The Century Magazine December 1911
- * Shipwrecked Hopes, (pm) Watson’s Magazine June 1906
- * The Son of His Father, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine April 1911
- * The Spirit of the House, (ss) Harper’s Bazar December 1915
- * To Be a Woman, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1918
- * Treasure of the Heart, (ss) Ainslee’s February 1913
- * Trousseau That Wouldn’t Get Ready, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1913
- * Unaware, (pm) Hampton-Columbian Magazine October 1911
- * “Wearyin’ for Peace”, (ss) Hampton’s Magazine February 1911
- * “Where the Young Child Was”, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1916
- * Youngest Officer, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1912
[]Oestreicher, Joy E. (fl. 1980s-2000s) (books) (chron.)
- * Allah and the Dreamtime, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #28, October 1989
- * The Alpha Omega Cat, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * At the Labyrinth, in Time, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2002
- * Babes in Starland, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #6, Fall/Winter 1989
- * Blades, (pm) Palace Corbie v1 #1, 1992
- * Book of Poetry Review, (br) Midnight Zoo v1 #3, 1991
- * Book Review, (br) Midnight Zoo v1 #5, 1991
- * Competitor, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Coyote Odds, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry July/December 1989
- * dribble mosaic, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #35, September 1991
- * Dyslexics in Space, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Efrum’s Marbles, (ss) A Wizard’s Dozen ed. Michael Stearns, Harcourt Brace, 1993
- * Far Ago Long Away, (pm) Lan’s Lantern #37, May 1991
- * First Mate, (pm) Midnight Zoo v2 #1, 1992
- * Fluid, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry December 1991
- * Futurefood, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Hatchlings, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Hermosa, (na) Midnight Zoo v4 #1, 1994
- * he still wonders what I do all day, (pp) A Theater of Blood #4, 1992
- * In the Colony Sea, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2001
- * Introduction, (in) Alpha Gallery ed. Joy Oestreicher, et al., SPWAO, 1990
- * Juicybees and Upscale Candied Fruit, (pm) Vice Versa v4 #2, 1989
- * Light of Day, Sonoran Desert, (pm) A Theater of Blood #4, 1992
- * Maglevitation, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1990
- * The Mathematics of Desire, (pm) Star*Line Winter 1991
- * Moonshine, Timepieces, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- * Necrophilia, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Nexus, (pm) Works #7, 1990
- * An Old Time Revival, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 2001
- * The Past in Realtime (with Michael A. Arnzen, Keith Allen Daniels, Marianne J. Dyson, Robert L. Fleck, Joe W. Haldeman, Mark A. Kreighbaum, Lisa Lepovetsky, John Nichols, Susan Noe Rothman, Lawrence Schimel & Martha Soukup), (pm) Star*Line v18 #6/v19 #1, November 1995/February 1996
- * Perspective, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #30/31, 1990
- * The Postal Spacetime Continuum, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #8, 1992
- * The Prince of Nights, (pm) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- * The Slow Earth, (pm) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Songs to the Pagan Earth, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #35, September 1991
- * Surface Tension, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1991
- * To Catch the Light, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2004
- * Umbrella Synchrony, (pm) Not One of Us #7, January 1991
- * Undergrowth, (ss) Argonaut #17, Spring 1993
- * Viscous Gold, (pm) Grue #15, Fall 1993
- * Wishlion, (pm) Works #7, 1990
- * Xavier Martim de Azevedo, (pm) Works #9, 1993
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[]Oetzel, Shawn (chron.)
- * 1408, (mr) Shroud Magazine #1, January 2008
- * Book and Movie Reviews (with Edward Cox, James A. Lee, Christine Norris & David Lee Summers), (rv) Tales of the Talisman v4 #1, 2008
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Tales of the Talisman v8 #2, 2012
- * Book Reviews (with Anthony G. Bernstein & Christine Norris), (rc) Tales of the Talisman v3 #3, 2007
- * Book Reviews (with Anthony G. Bernstein, Christine Norris & David Lee Summers), (rc) Tales of the Talisman v3 #4, 2008
- * Book Reviews (with James A. Lee, Kurt MacPhearson, Christine Norris & David Lee Summers), (rc) Tales of the Talisman v5 #3, 2009
- * Book Reviews (with Christine Norris), (rc) Tales of the Talisman v3 #2 2007, v4 #2 2008
- * Book Reviews (with David Lee Summers), (rc) Tales of the Talisman v8 #1, 2012
- * The Eye, (mr) Shroud #2, March/April 2008
- * Joshua, (mr) Shroud #2, March/April 2008
- * Mr. Brooks, (mr) Shroud Magazine #1, January 2008
- * Thr3e, (mr) Shroud Magazine #1, January 2008
[]O’Faolain, Julia (1932- ) (chron.)
- * Dies Irae, (ss) Nova March 1967
- * The Irish Signorina, (ex) Firebird 3 ed. Robin Robertson, Penguin, 1984
- * Legend for a Painting, (ss)
- * Love in the Marble Foot, (ss) The New Yorker April 27 1957
- * Mad Marga, (ss) TriQuarterly #50, Winter 1981
- * Man in the Cellar, (nv) Viva January 1974
- * Melancholy Baby, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine Winter 1967/1968
- * A Political Animal, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post September 7 1968
- * A Pot of Soothing Herbs, (ss)
- * Pray for Grace, Poor Little Sinner, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 25 1967
- * The Religious Wars of 1944, (ss) The New Yorker May 23 1994
- * Rum and Coke, (ss) Scripsi v9 #1, 1993
- * This Is My Body, (ss) Man in the Cellar by Julia O'Faolain, Faber and Faber, 1974
- * Under the Rose, (ss) The New Yorker February 28 1994
- * We Might See Sights!, (ss)
- * Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad?, (nv) Winter’s Tales 26 ed. A. D. Maclean, Macmillan, 1980
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[]O’Faoláin, Seán (Proinsias) [born John Francis Whelan] (1900-1991) (about) (chron.)
- * AE., (vi) The London Mercury
- * The Bomb-Shop, (ss) The Dial March 1927
- * The Born Genius, (nv) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine April 1934
- * Charlie’s Greek, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine Summer 1966
- * Christmas Eve in Brooklyn, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1956
- * Dear Everybody, (ss) Penguin Parade #10, 1943
- * The Death of Stevey Long, (nv) 1923
- * Dividends, (nv) McCall’s September 1966
- * Don Juan in Dublin, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1965
- * Dunsany As I Remember Him… An Appreciation, (ob) The Sunday Independent October 27 1957
- * Dürling, or The Faithless Wife, (ss) Playboy January 1974
- * The End of the Record, (ss) The Finest Stories of Sean O’Faolain by Sean O'Faolain, Little, 1957
- * Evening Star, (ss) Tomorrow July 1948
- * Falling Rocks, Narrowing Road, Cul-de-Sac, Stop, (ss) Playboy June 1972
- * A Fool of a Man, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 23 1968
- * Fugue, (ss) The Hound and Horn September 1928
- * The Fur Coat, (ss) 1948
- * The Heat of the Sun, (ss) 1966
- * Innocence, (ss) The Man Who Invented Sin, Devin-Adair, 1948
- * The Inside Outside Complex, (ss) Playboy January 1973
- * Jubilee in the North Abbey, (ss) Lovat Dickson’s Magazine December 1933
- * The Jungle of Love, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 13 1966
- * Kitty the Wren, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine March 1937
- * Lonely Lives, (ss) Story #51, October 1936
- * Love’s Young Dream, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post October 3 1959
- * May I Have Some Marmalade, Please?, (ss) Playboy December 1980
- * A Meeting, (ss) Story #40, November 1935
- * The Might Have Been, (??) Harper’s Bazaar #2731, December 1939
- * Murder at Cobbler’s Hulk, (nv) Playboy July 1971
- * Of Sanctity and Whiskey, (ss) Playboy September 1970
- * The Old Master, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine July 1937
- * One Man, One Boat, One Girl, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1963
- * Operation Rosebud, (ss) Redbook August 1966
- * Our Fearful Innocence, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1970
- * Passion, (ss)
- * The Planets of the Years, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal September 1969
- * The Plight of the Novelist, (ar) John o’ London’s Weekly June 21 1940
- * The Rocking Chair, (ss)
- * The Sighing Age, (ss) Tomorrow June 1950
- * Sinners, (ss)
- * The Talking Trees, (ss) Playboy January 1969
- * The Tall Coorter, (ss) Esquire April 1936
- * Teresa, (nv) Penguin Parade #8, 1941
- * There’s a Birdie in the Cage, (ss) American Aphrodite: A Quarterly for the Fancy Free v1 #4, 1951
- * The Three Clever Sisters, (ss) Story #71, June 1938
- * The Trout, (vi) Collier’s May 12 1945
- * Two of a Kind, (ss) 1959
- * Under the Roof, (ss) The Dial September 1926
- * Unholy Living and Half Dying, (ss) Tomorrow October 1946
- * Venus or the Virgin?, (ss) Playboy August 1974
- * What a Stunning Night!, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 28 1968/January 11 1969
- * The Woman Who Married Clark Gable, (ss) The Man Who Invented Sin, Devin-Adair, 1948
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