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[]Daniels, Les(lie Noel, III) (1943-2011) (books) (chron.)
- * Ambrose in Black Clothes, (ar) Tekeli-li! #2, Summer 1991 [Ref. Ambrose Bierce]
- * By the Light of the Silvery Moon, (ss) Borderlands ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Avon, 1990
- * The Dead Man, (ss) Tekeli-li! #1, Spring 1991
- * The Good Parts, (ss) Book of the Dead ed. John M. Skipp & Craig Spector, Bantam, 1989
- * Introduction, (in) Dying of Fright ed. Les Daniels, Scribner's, 1976
- * Introduction, (in) Thirteen Tales of Terror ed. Les Daniels & Diane Thompson, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1977
- * The Little Green Ones, (ss) Dark Voices 4 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1992
- * Loser, (ss) Dark Voices 5 ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, Pan, 1993
- * The Man in the Mirror, (ss) Deathport ed. Ramsey Campbell, Pocket, 1993
- * Mr. Stoker’s Skeleton or, What Dracula Did, (ar) Secret City ed. Jo Fletcher & Stephen Jones, Titan, 1997 [Ref. Bram Stoker]
- * The Monk, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988 [Ref. Matthew Gregory Lewis]
- * Monster Tales: The Return of the Jumbo Shrimp, (vi) Necon Stories ed. Necon Committee, Three Bobs Press, 1990
- * Room Service [Greystone Bay], (ss) The SeaHarp Hotel ed. Charles L. Grant, Tor, 1990
- * They’re Coming for You, (ss) Cutting Edge ed. Dennis Etchison, Doubleday, 1986
- * Under My Skin, (ss) Dark Terrors 6 ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz, 2002
- * Wereman, (ss) Borderlands ed. Thomas F. Monteleone, Avon, 1990, as "By the Light of the Silvery Moon"
- * Yellow Fog [Don Sebastian], (ex) Donald M. Grant, 1986
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
- * A Belated Valentine by Robert A. Booth, (ar) Tekeli-li! #1, Spring 1991
- * Citizen Vampire by James A. Anderson, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Citizen Vampire by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #49, November 1983
- * Horror by the Bucket—and the Fingerbowl by Benjamin Franklin Fisher, IV, (br) Gothic December 1979
- * Les Daniels Bibliography, (bi) Tekeli-li! #1, Spring 1991
- * The Les Daniels Interview, (iv) Tekeli-li! #1, Spring 1991
- * No Blood Spilled by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1991
- * Professional Appreciation of Les Daniels by J. N. Williamson, (ar) Tekeli-li! #1, Spring 1991
- * The Vampire of Les Daniels by James A. Anderson, (ar) Tekeli-li! #1, Spring 1991
- * Yellow Fog by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Summer 1988
[]Daniels, Norman (Arthur) (1905-1995); previously known as Norman A. Danberg; used pseudonyms Peggy Anderson, John L. Benton, John Blake, Richard Bridges, Wallace Brooker, Milton Burns, Stuart Campbell, Chandler Channing, Prescott Chaplin, James Clayford, Isabel Cory, Carter Critz, Norma Daniels, Grant Dell, Detective Dunn, John S. Endicott, Lee Eumenides, Louis Falk, A. R. Flagstaff, L. V. Fraser, Will Garth, Clifford Goodrich, Charles Alan Gregory, Sven Ielson, Frank Johnson, Frank Johnston, G. Wayman Jones, Robert Marks, Lew Martin, Charles Maxwell, Kerry McRoberts, Scott Morgan, Max Neilson, David M. Norman, Michael O’Brien, Tom Parsons, Kirk Rand, Mark Reed, Peter Reed, Peter Reid, Wayland Rice, Kenneth Robeson, C. K. M. Scanlon, Rex Sherrick, Jack Storm, Jud Tally, Anthony Tompkins, Laurence Victor, Robert Wallace & George Antonio Wetter (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Accent on Courage, (ss) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range February 1941
- * Action on “X” Island, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Spring 1944
- * Act of Friendship, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1960
- * Affairs in Order, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1969
- * Aftermath of Murder, (na) Popular Detective July 1947
- * Agent of Destruction, (ss) G-Men Detective Winter 1944
- * Air-Cooled, (vi) Sky Fighters Spring 1946
- * Alias the Masked Detective [Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Fall 1940, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * Almost Like an Outlaw, (ss) Western Romances September 1957
- * An Almost Perfect Murder, (pz) Thrilling Detective August 1934, as by Detective Dunn
- * Altar of Passion, (nv) French Night Life August 1936, as by Kirk Rand
- * The American Method, (ss) Thrilling Adventures June 1940
- * The Angel Satan Sent, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1944
- * Angel’s Death, (ss) Clues Detective Stories May 1941
- * Angel with the Painted Toes, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1942, as by David M. Norman
- * Anniversary, (nv) Crack Detective Stories August 1947
- * Apache Sundown, (ss) Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine June 1949, as by Jud Tally
- * Appointment with Murder [Jerry Wade (The Candid Camera Kid)], (na) Detective Novels Magazine February 1944, as by John L. Benton
- * The Arms of the Law, (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1942, as by Frank Johnson
- * The Art of Murder!, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) July 1961
- * Ashes of Hate, (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1943
- * Ask for Murder, (ss) The Shadow January 1946
- * As Long as I Breathe, (na) Smashing Detective Stories November 1955
- * Atlantic Patrol, (ss) Exciting Navy Stories April 1942
- * Attack at Dawn [Captain John Fury (The Skipper)], (ss) Doc Savage February 1943, as by Wallace Brooker
- * The Auto Race Murders [Jerry Wade (The Candid Camera Kid)], (na) Detective Novels Magazine August 1940, as by John L. Benton
- * Avery’s Bones, (ss) Black Book Detective October 1947, as by Wayland Rice
- * Background for Death, (nv) G-Men Detective March 1948, as by Wayland Rice
- * Badman’s Girl, (ss) Rangeland Romances July 1954
- * A Bargain in Death, (ss) Doc Savage October 1937
- * Battle Stations [Captain John Fury (The Skipper)], (nv) Doc Savage June 1943, as by Wallace Brooker
- * Beach House, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) July 1965
- * Beauty vs. Bullets [Wilma West], (cs) Leading Western January 1949
- * The Beelzebub Wish, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine September 1967
- * The Big Break [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective July 1948, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * The Big Burn, (ss) Argosy October 1956
- * The Big Cat, (ss) Army-Navy Flying Stories Winter 1945, as by Tom Parsons
- * The Big Fix [Dan Fowler], (na) Five-Novels Magazine January/March 1948
- * The Big Fix [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Spring 1950; not the same as the story of the same name in the January/March 1948 issue of Five-Novels Magazine.
- * The Bigger They Come, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 29 1936
- * The Big Hater, (ss) Real Western Stories October 1955
- * The Big House Snatch [Neal Burton], (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1934
- * The Big Kill, (ss) Private Detective Stories November 1947
- * The Big Money Man, (ss) Black Book Detective Fall 1945, as by Wayland Rice
- * Big Talk, (ss) Western Short Stories June 1956
- * The Black Ball of Death [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)] (with C. S. Montanye), (na) The Phantom Detective Fall 1949, as by Robert Wallace
- * The Black Bat and the Red Menace [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective May 1941, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat and the Trojan Horse [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine November 1940, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 1 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (co) Altus Press, December 2017
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 2 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (co) Altus Press, December 2017
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 3 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)] (with Whitney Ellsworth), (co) Altus Press, December 2017
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 4 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)] (with Norvell W. Page), (co) Altus Press, December 2017
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 5 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)] (with Norvell W. Page), (co) Altus Press, December 2017
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 6 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (co) Altus Press, December 2017
- * The Black Bat Archives: Volume 7 [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)] (with Laurence Donovan), (co) Popular Publications, December 2024
- * The Black Bat Fights for Life [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Fall 1950, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Black Bat’s Challenge [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine January 1940, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat’s Crusade [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine May 1940, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat’s Invisible Enemy [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective September 1941, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat’s Justice [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective March 1941, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat’s Spy Trail [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine March 1940, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat Strikes Again [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine November 1939, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Black Bat’s Triumph [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine September 1940, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Black Camellia, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine May 1947, as by Wayland Rice
- * The Black Dragon [Jeff Shannon (The Eagle)], (na) Popular Detective February 1940, as by Kerry McRoberts
- * The Blackout Murders [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective March 1942, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Blackout on the High Seas, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1942
- * The Black Pearl, (ss) Thrilling Adventures January 1935, as by Kerry McRoberts
- * Blaze of Glory, (nv) Thrilling Adventures September 1935
- * The Bleeding Mummy, (nv) Crime Busters September 1939
- * Blimp Patrol, (na) Army-Navy Flying Stories May 1942
- * Blind Man’s Bluff [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Winter 1945, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Blind Spot, (nv) Thrilling Detective August 1951
- * Blizzard Killer, (ss) Doc Savage Magazine May 1937
- * Blockbusters for Berlin!, (ss) American Sky Devils July 1943
- * The Blonde Bandit, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories June 1934, as by Robert Marks
- * Blood in the Crystal, (nv) Ten Detective Aces September 1942
- * Blood Red, (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1948
- * The Blood Stone, (ss) Strange Detective Stories November 1933
- * The Blue Clue, (ss) Best Detective December 1947
- * Blueprints of Crime [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Spring 1950, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Bomb Site, (ss) Air War Winter 1945
- * Bomb Squad, (ss) Exciting Detective May 1941
- * The Booby Trap Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective August 1944, as by Robert Wallace
- * Boomerang Blade [Jason McGee], (ss) Secret Agent X March 1936
- * Borrowed Strategy [Captain Allan Danger], (ss) Air War Summer 1943, as by Scott Morgan
- * Brand of the Black Bat [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective Magazine July 1939, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * The Brass Pomeranian, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine August 1945
- * The Brave Heart, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1938
- * Breathe No More, (nv) G-Men Detective November 1947, as by Anthony Tompkins
- * A Brick Wall at Dawn, (ss) Doc Savage Magazine March 1937
- * Bride by a Landslide, (ss) Rangeland Romances October 1950, as by Peggy Anderson
- * Bride of the Lusting Corpse, (ss) Mystery Tales November 1938
- * Bring Him Back Alive! [Dan Clark], (ss) Gold Seal Detective February 1936, as by David M. Norman
- * The Brink of Death [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Spring 1951, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * Broken Alibi, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1936, as by Kirk Rand
- * Bullet Brains, (ss) Headquarters Detective July 1936, as by David M. Norman
- * Bullet Double-Cross, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine June 1948
- * Bundles for Norway [Captain John Fury (The Skipper)], (nv) Doc Savage October 1943, as by Wallace Brooker
- * Burden of Guilt, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine April 1967
- * Burma Base, (nv) Army-Navy Flying Stories Winter 1945
- * “—But the Patient Died!”, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1945
- * Callahan’s Hat, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1961
- * Camera Trap [Jerry Wade (The Candid Camera Kid)], (na) Detective Novels Magazine February 1942, as by John L. Benton
- * The Canal Zone Murders [Rex Parker (The Masked Detective)], (na) The Masked Detective Summer 1942, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * A Candidate for Doom, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May/June 1933
- * The Candid Camera Kid Vanishes [Jerry Wade (The Candid Camera Kid)], (na) Detective Novels Magazine February 1940, as by John L. Benton
- * The Candid Camera Murders [Jerry Wade (The Candid Camera Kid)], (na) Detective Novels Magazine August 1939, as by John L. Benton
- * Captain Danger Over Italy [Captain Allan Danger], (na) Air War Spring 1942, as by Scott Morgan
- * Captain Danger Over Macassar Strait [Captain Allan Danger], (nv) Air War Summer 1942, as by Scott Morgan
- * Captain Danger’s Battle Cry [Captain Allan Danger], (nv) Air War Fall 1942, as by Scott Morgan
- * Captain Danger’s Blitzkrieg [Captain Allan Danger], (na) Air War March 1942, as by Scott Morgan
- * Captain Danger’s Challenge [Captain Allan Danger], (nv) Air War Winter 1943, as by Scott Morgan
- * Captain Danger’s Special Mission [Captain Allan Danger], (ss) Air War Spring 1944, as by Scott Morgan
- * The Captain’s Birthday Present, (nv) Air War Fall 1943
- * Captains of Death [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective May 1943, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Cargo of Death [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective January 1949
- * A Cartoonist Cracksman, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1933
- * Case of the Dead Client, (ss) Famous Detective Stories October 1954
- * The Castle Half-Way Up, (ss) Mammoth Adventure January 1947
- * Castle of the Doomed, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1942, as by David M. Norman
- * Catalogue Bride, (nv) Rangeland Romances November 1954, as by Isabel Cory
- * The Chateau of Crime [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective February 1936, as by Robert Wallace
- * The Cheated Corpse, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1952
- * The Chemise Murders, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories July 1934
- * China Cyclone, (ss) Sky Fighters Spring 1946, as by Kerry McRoberts
- * Chinese Mission, (ss) Sky Fighters November 1943
- * Chink in the Armor, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1960
- * The Circus Murders [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective March 1936, as by Robert Wallace
- * City of Deception [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective Summer 1950, as by C. K. M. Scanlon
- * The City of Dreadful Night [Richard Curtis Van Loan (The Phantom Detective)], (na) The Phantom Detective Spring 1949, as by Robert Wallace
- * City of Hate [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective November 1948, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * City of Hidden Death [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective December 1947, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Clipped Pinions, (ss) RAF Aces March 1942, as "Clipped Wings"
- * Clipped Wings, (ss) RAF Aces March 1942
- * Closed Book, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Novel Magazine January 1946
- * Clue in Pink [Hank McTurk; Jeff Patrick], (ss) Crime Busters February 1939
- * Clue of the Silver Spoon, (ss) The Shadow January 1 1938, as by Milton Burns
- * Clues in the Dark, (ss) Secret Agent X February 1934
- * Coffin Certificate, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1940
- * The Coiled Serpent [Tony Quinn (The Black Bat)], (na) Black Book Detective February 1948, as by G. Wayman Jones
- * Cold Steel, (ss) Thrilling Detective December 1933
- * Combination for Murder, (ss) Detective Mystery Novel Magazine Fall 1947, as by Anthony Tompkins
- * Come, Be My Gunman, (ss) Rangeland Romances March 1955
- * Conditional Surrender, (ss) The Phantom Detective July 1948
- * Conspiracy in Tibet, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly September 1938
- * Contract for Death, (ss) The Shadow March 1 1938
- * The Convention Murders [Dan Fowler], (na) G-Men Detective September 1940
- * The Copper Cobra, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1942
- * Cops Die Hard [Boxcar Reilly], (ss) Crime Busters February 1938
- * Corpse by Mistake, (ss) The Phantom Detective May 1948, as by Anthony Tompkins
- * The Corpse Calls the Cops, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine August 1944
- * Corpse Canyon [Wayne Morgan (The Masked Rider)], (na) Masked Rider Western August 1949, as by Jud Tally
- * Corpse Collector, (ss) Secret Agent X November 1935
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