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[]Creese, Brian (chron.)
- * Chain Mail, (gr) Imagine #6 Sep, #8 Nov 1983, #10 Jan, #12 Mar, #14 May, #16 Jul, #18 Sep, #20 Nov 1984, #22 Jan, #24 Mar, #26 May 1985
- * The Fanscene: Brian Creese invites you to play Diplomacy, (ms) Imagine #29, August 1985
- * An Introduction to the Postal Games Hobby, (ar) Imagine #4, July 1983
- * The Man in the Middle, (ar) Imagine #30, September 1985
[]Creighton, Basil (1885-1989) (about) (books)
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- * Altitude Record by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Höhenflugrekord”).
- * The Armored Cruiser “Orlov” by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Panzerkreuzer Orlow”).
- * The Armored Cruiser Potemkin by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
- * The Aunt Who Told Lies by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
- * Bullfight by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Stierkampf”).
- * The Death of Nero by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
- * Faithful Peter by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
- * Herr Hannsicke’s Second Birth by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Herrn Hannsickes Wiedergeburt”).
- * History of the Brain Specialist Dr. Bl. by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen Dr. Bl.”).
- * The House in the Shady Lane by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
- * The Little Season by Lion Feuchtwanger, (nv) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Nachsaison”).
- * Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, (nv) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Marianne in Indien”).
- * Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, (Viking Press, February 1935, oc)
- * Mr. Wollstein’s Trunk Checks by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Collier’s July 18 1942
- * Note by Lion Feuchtwanger, (pr) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German.
- * Polar Expedition by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935; translated from the German (“Polfahrt”).
- * Polar Exploration by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss) Marianne in India by Lion Feuchtwanger, tr. Basil Creighton, Viking Press, 1935
- * The Steward Antonio by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
- * A Wager by Lion Feuchtwanger, (ss)
[]Creighton, Mandell (1843-1901) (about) (chron.)
- * Elizabethan London, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine January 1900; a lecture delivered at the Queen’s Hall on Wednesday, November 8, 1899 at a meeting of the London Reform Union.
- * English Men and Women of Letters of the 19th Century. 7. Lord Macauley, (ar) Atalanta April 1888 [Ref. Lord Macauley]
- * Heroes, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1898; an address delivered at University College, Gower Street, on Friday, November 4, at a meeting of the Social and Political Education League.
- * The Imperial Coronation at Moscow, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine September 1896
- * “A Lost Text Regained”, (ar) Good Words May 1889
- * Naworth Castle, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1885
- * Picturesqueness in History, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine March 1897
- * Saint Edward the Confessor, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine December 1896; an address delivered in Westminster Abbey on the Festival of the Translation of St. Edward the Confessor, October 13, 1896.
- * Some Friars of Old, (ar) The Ludgate #62, December 1900
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[]Creith, Elizabeth (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Crossing Guard, (vi) New Myths #5, December 2008
- * The Feminine Mystique, (ss) Flush Fiction, Bathroom Readers' Institute, 2012
- * Five Oak Leaves, (ss) Fantastique Unfettered #1, December 2010
- * The Goblin Baker, (pm) Goblin Fruit Summer 2010
- * Here Be Dragons, (ss) Bull Spec #8/9, Spring 2013
- * One Day in the Caucasus Mountains, (ss) Liquid Imagination #8, January 2011
- * Pocket, (vi) Daily Science Fiction May 24 2012
- * The Primate of Rome, (vi) Lacuna #3, October 2010
- * The Sea Witch’s Tale, (ss) Enchanted Conversation v1 #3, 2010
- * The Spanish Entanglement, (ss) The Strand Magazine #57, February/May 2019
- * Stone the Crows, (vi) Flash Fiction Online August 2008
- * Straw Into Gold, (ar) Enchanted Conversation v2 #1, 2011
- * To Talk to Freddie, (ss) The Strand Magazine #55, June/October 2018
- * Viscous Circle, (ss) Murky Depths #17, September 2011
- * The Wer-Wolf of Thorpe, (ss) The Strand Magazine #53, October 2017/February 2018
[]Crelin, Joy (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Editor’s Note, (ed) Betwixt #1 Fll 2013, #2 Wtr, #3 Spr, #4 Sum, #5 Fll 2014, #6 Wtr, #7 Spr, #8 Sum, #9 Fll 2015, #11 Spr 2016
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