The FictionMags Index
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[]McEvoy, Patrick (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Altered (with Andrea Montano), (cs) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2024
- * The Art of Patrick McEvoy, (pi) Midnight Zoo v3 #5, 1993
- * Bought & Sold (with Rodolfo Buscaglia), (cs) Penumbric Speculative Fiction April 2023
- * Devouring, (ss) The Chamber Magazine January 6 2023
- * Unknown Worlds, (ss) The Chamber Magazine February 3 2023
- * [front cover], (cv) Aberations #2, 1992
- * [front cover], (cv) Midnight Zoo v2 #6 1992, v3 #3 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Regions v3 #2 1996, #10 Fll 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Deep Magic #22, March 2004
_____, [ref.]
[]McEvoy, Seth (1948- ) (about) (chron.)
- * American and French, (cl) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #79, Spring 1983
- * Limerick: Barsoomian “”, (pm) Amra v2 #46, 1968
- * Market Reports, (cl) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #75 Wtr 1981, #80 Sum, #81 Fll, #82 Win 1983, #83 Spr 1984
- * The New Science Magazines, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #75, Winter 1981
- * On Samuri, (lt) Amra v2 #45, 1967
- * SFWA Games Committee Report, (ar) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #81, Fall 1983
- * Short Story Markets, (cl) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #74 Win 1980, #76 Spr 1981, #78 May 1982
- * Which in the Wood Decays, (ss) Orbit 17 ed. Damon Knight, Harper & Row, 1975
- * [letter], (lt) Starship #38, Spring 1980
- * [letter], (lt) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #82, Winter 1983
[]McEwan, Ian (Russell) (1948- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Child in Time, (ss) Esquire August 1987
- * The Cockroach, (ex) Jonathan Cape, September 2019
- * Conversation with a Cupboard Man, (ss) Transatlantic Review #42/43, Spring/Summer 1972
- * Dead as They Come, (ss) Bananas #3, 1975
- * The Diagnosis, (ss) The New Yorker December 20/December 27 2004
- * A Duet, (ss) The New Yorker August 8 2022
- * Düssel…, (ss) The New York Review of Books July 19 2018
- * Every Night Our Ancestors Slept in Fear of Monsters, (vi) Book of Mini-Sagas, Alan Sutton, 1985
- * First Love, Last Rites, (ss) First Love, Last Rites by Ian McEwan, Jonathan Cape, 1975
- * Hand on the Shoulder, (ss) The New Yorker April 30 2012
- * Homemade, (ss)
- * The Innocent, (ex) Jonathan Cape, 1990
- * An Interview with Milan Kundera, (iv) Granta #11, Spring 1984 [Ref. Milan Kundera]
- * In the Beginning, (ss) The New Yorker June 26/July 3 1995
- * My Purple Scented Novel, (ss) The New Yorker March 28 2016
- * On Chesil Beach, (ss) The New Yorker December 25 2006/January 1 2007
- * Pornography, (ss) The New Review February 1976
- * Psychopolis, (nv) American Review #26, November 1977
- * Solid Geometry, (ss) Fantastic Stories February 1975
- * The Use of Poetry, (ss) The New Yorker December 7 2009
- * Us or Me, (ss) The New Yorker May 19 1997
- * The Writing of “Or Shall We Die?”, (ar) Granta #7, Spring 1983
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- * Beating the Retreat: Black Dogs by M. John Harrison, (br) The Times Literary Supplement June 19 1992
- * The Cement Garden by Paul J. McAuley, (ar) Horror: Another 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Carroll & Graf, 2005
- * The Child in Time by John Clute, (br) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- * The Horror in Ian McEwan by Roger Keen, (bg) The Third Alternative #12, 1997
- * Ian McEwan’s Counterlife by Adam Begley, (ar) The Atlantic October 2022
- * “Our generation had the cream. We were free…it was wonderful” by Mick Brown, (iv) The Daily Telegraph June 16 2023
[]McEwen, Arthur (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Ambrose Walker: Artist, (ss) The Wave December 19 1891
- * As She Was Born, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1899
- * A Double Hold-Up, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1905
- * In Her Footsteps, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine March 1909
- * The Invasion of Calmhaven, (ss) The Black Cat November 1899
- * Long Brown of Esmerelda, (ss) The Black Cat October 1898
- * One Artist or Two?, (ss) Harper’s Monthly Magazine November 1905
- * The Reversion of Pietro, (ss) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1909
- * The Trust Question: The Trust as a Step in the March of Civilization, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine January 1900
- * Why Is New York Disliked?, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine September 1898
[]MacEwen, Gwendolyn (Margaret) (1941-1987) (about) (chron.)
- * The Armies of the Moon, (pm) The Armies of the Moon by Gwendolyn MacEwen, Macmillan of Canada, 1972
- * The Discovery, (pm) Stardust v3 #2, 1981
- * The Eye, (pm) Stardust v3 #2, 1981
- * Flight One, (pm) The Armies of the Moon by Gwendolyn MacEwen, Macmillan of Canada, 1972
- * The Shadow-Maker, (vi)
- * The Vacuum Cleaner Dream, (pm) The Armies of the Moon by Gwendolyn MacEwen, Macmillan of Canada, 1972
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[]MacEwen, Pat (1954?- ) (chron.)
- * The California Queen Comes A-Calling, (nv) Welcome to the Greenhouse ed. Gordon Van Gelder, OR Books, 2011
- * Coyote Song, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016
- * The Cuckoo Bird, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * A Game of Cats and Queens, (ss) Crafty Cat Crimes ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 2000
- * Home Sweet Bi’ome, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2011
- * Knock, Knock, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 2001
- * The Lightness of the Movement, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2014
- * The Macklin Gift, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1997
- * Part V: Hitting the Big Time!, (ar) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
- * Part VI: Palaeo-Sex: How the Dinosaurs Did It!, (ar) Midnight Zoo v2 #3, 1992
- * Renewable Resources: Copper Mines & Oil Wells? Are You Kidding?, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #2, 1991
- * Sex and the Single E.T. Part 1. Possibilities, (ar) Amazing Experiences November/December 1990
- * Sex and the Single E.T. Part II. Cephalopod Sex: An Alien Building Exercise, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991
- * Sex and the Single E.T. Part IV Gender Benders, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #6, 1991
- * Sex and the Single E.T.:
* ___ Part V: Hitting the Big Time!, (ar) Midnight Zoo v2 #2, 1992
* ___ Part VI: Palaeo-Sex: How the Dinosaurs Did It!, (ar) Midnight Zoo v2 #3, 1992
- * Sex Change: A Few Simple Rules, (ar) Aeon #1, November 2004
- * Sex & the Single E.T. Part III. The Awful Aftermath!!!, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #3, 1991
- * Taking the Low Road, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2012
- * A Voice for the Goddess of Mercy, (ss) Aeon #2, February 2005
- * A Winter’s Night, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume IV ed. Algis Budrys, Bridge, 1988
[]McEwen, Todd (fl. 1980s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Drinking Men, (ss) Granta #25, Autumn 1988
- * Evensong, (ss) Granta #8, Summer 1983
- * Frank of Oregon, (ss) Esquire April 1983
- * The Little Plate of Childhood, (ss) Granta #78, Summer 2002
- * Paramilitarism in Costa del Burger, (mm) Granta #14, Winter 1984
- * They Tell Me You Are Big, (ar) Granta #10, Winter 1983
- * With Billy Collins in the Berg Room, (pm) Deliberately Thirsty Winter 1998/1999
[]Macfadden, Bernarr (1868-1955) (about) (chron.)
- * Able to Take Nourishment, (ar) Physical Culture February 1925
- * The Actual Cause of Criminality, (ed) Metropolitan Magazine July 1924
- * Additional Discoveries That Official Medicine Should Make, (ed) Liberty January 20 1940
- * Adventuring, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East March 1926
- * After Forty Years—Medical Science Discovers Diet, (ed) Liberty September 2 1939
- * All Is Over but the Funeral, (ar) Physical Culture November 1923
- * The Allurement of a Fascinating Smile, (ed) Dream World May 1928
- * Alone Through the Sky, New York to Miami, at 70, (ar) Liberty December 4 1937
- * Americanism—Is It Worth Saving?, (ed) Liberty December 14 1940
- * Americanism—Open Declaration Demanded, (ed) Liberty July 27 1940
- * The American System—Out of Date?, (ed) Liberty May 14 1938
- * The American Way of Life, (ed) Liberty January 11 1941
- * American Youth Is Shamefully Neglected, (ar) Physical Culture June 1939
- * American Youth’s Priceless Heritage, (ed) Liberty December 18 1937
- * Analyzing Our Dreams, (ed) Dream World January 1927
- * Ancestors Don’t Make or Break You, (ed) Liberty August 21 1937
- * Another Reign of Terror?, (ed) Liberty February 18 1933
- * Another Way to Save the American System, (ed) Liberty August 10 1940
- * Are the Politicians on the Skids?, (ed) Liberty January 15 1938
- * Are the Workers to Blame for the New Deal Depression?, (ed) Liberty August 20 1938
- * Are We Facing the Horrors of Regimentation?, (ed) Liberty October 29 1938
- * Are We Losing Our Most Precious Possession?, (ed) Liberty August 13 1938
- * Are We Satiated with War News?, (ed) Liberty March 15 1941
- * Are We to Become a Nation of Sissies?, (ed) Liberty September 18 1937
- * Are You Afraid of the Dog-Days?, (ar) Physical Culture August 1928
- * Are You Chained to a Tree?, (ed) True Detective Mysteries January 1925
- * Are You Getting Married?, (ar) Physical Culture June 1931
- * An Army of One Million! Patriotism—Love of Country—Slowly Dying! Why?, (ed) Liberty December 12 1936
- * Artificially High Wages—Prices—Bring Disaster, (ed) Liberty July 30 1938
- * Artificial Rejuvenation, (ar) Liberty September 3 1938
- * Asleep at the Wheel, (ar) Liberty December 23 1939
- * Athletic Romances, (ar) Physical Culture September 1931
- * At One Time There Were States’ Rights, (ed) Liberty February 18 1939
- * Automotive Industry Staggers the Imagination, (ed) Liberty November 21 1936
- * Back to the Farm Our Only Salvation, (ed) Liberty June 24 1933
- * A Balanced Diet, (ed) Physical Culture July 1931
- * Bathing in the Sun, (ed) Physical Culture August 1931
- * A Beautiful Bust, (ar) Woman’s Physical Development December 1901
- * Beauty and Charm, (ed) Physical Culture November 1931
- * Beauty Culture, (ar) Physical Culture February 1929
- * Beauty Via Paint and Powder, (ar) Beautiful Womanhood July 1923
- * The Beginning of Life, (ed) Physical Culture June 1931
- * The Benefits of Fasting Cannot Be Hidden, (ar) Physical Culture April 1924
- * Bernarr Macfadden—A Candidate for the U.S. Senate, (ed) Liberty April 27 1940
- * Bernarr Macfadden’s Viewpoint, (ar) Physical Culture November 1923
- * Bernarr Macfadden’s Viewpoint, (ed) Physical Culture Jan, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec 1923, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1924
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1925, Sep, Nov 1926
- * Bernarr Macfadden Wants to Be Secretary of Health, (ed) Liberty August 3 1940
- * Billions for Relief, (ed) Liberty June 12 1937
- * Billions Lost to This Nation Through Anti-Gambling Laws, (ed) Liberty February 27 1937
- * Billions of Idle Capital Waiting—Waiting, (ed) Liberty August 5 1939
- * The Bonus Bill, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day April 1924
- * A Boy or a Girl—Take Your Pick, (ar) Physical Culture March 1925
- * Brains and Brawn, (ar) Physical Culture June 1925
- * Bring the Skeletons Out of the Closet, (ed) Liberty January 25 1941
- * Build a Powerful National League, (ar) Physical Culture May 1924
- * Building Better Backbones, (ar) Physical Culture October 1914
- * Building Broad, Powerful Shoulders, (ar) Physical Culture August 1912
- * Building Castles, (ed) Dream World July 1929
- * Buoyant Health, (ar) National Brain Power January 1924
- * Bureaucracy—A Great Tax-Eating Monster, (ed) Liberty December 2 1939
- * Burning the Candle at Both Ends, (ed) Midnight #6, September 23 1922
- * Business Critics Are Worrying Washington, (ed) Liberty December 25 1937
- * Business Has Failed…Government Will Take It Over, (ed) Liberty October 14 1939
- * Businessmen Want Fascism—Says Mr. Ickes, (ed) Liberty January 22 1938
- * Business—The Source of Everything Worth While, (ed) Liberty May 21 1938
- * Can Cancer Be Cured Without an Operation?, (ar) Liberty March 21 1936
- * Can Labor Destroy Industry—the Source of Jobs?, (ed) Liberty October 1 1938
- * Can Women Vigilantes Orginization Save Us from Destruction?, (ed) Liberty January 16 1937
- * Capital and Labor Are Partners, (ed) Liberty February 5 1938
- * Certainly Mr. Roosevelt Will Be a Candidate, (ed) Liberty September 9 1939
- * Character Building, (ed) National Brain Power March 1923
- * Charity, (ed) National Brain Power December 1922
- * Christianity versus Atheism, (ed) Liberty March 22 1941
- * Christmas Is Here . . Let Joy Be Unconfined, (ed) Liberty December 23 1939
- * Commercializing Love, (ed) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine November 1924
- * Common Horse Sense Tragically Needed, (ed) Liberty July 15 1939
- * Communism Is National Capitalism, (ed) Liberty October 17 1936
- * Confessions of an Amateur Politician, (ar) Liberty August 24 1940
- * Constitutional Democracy—Is It Worth Saving?, (ed) Liberty July 3 1937
- * Controlling Pain—and Death, (ar) Physical Culture November 1924
- * Converting Congress to Physical Culture, (ar) Physical Culture July 1924
- * Courage, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East February 1926
- * The Crime of Overeating, (ar) Physical Culture February 1914
- * Criminal Waste in Feeding the Unemployed, (ed) Liberty July 2 1932
- * The Danger of Losing a Priceless Treasure, (ed) Liberty October 19 1940
- * Dangerous Explosives, (ed) Fighting Romances from the West and East June 1926
- * Daylight-Saving Foolishness, (ed) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day June 1924
- * Death Increasing from Diphtheria Serums, (ar) Physical Culture April 1925
- * Debauching the Mind by Law, (ar) Physical Culture June 1923
- * Defeat the Child Labor Amendment!, (ed) Liberty April 10 1937
- * Delightful Imagery, (ed) Dream World April 1928
- * Democracy Is Doomed, Says Dr. Goebbels, (ed) Liberty October 16 1937
- * The Despairing Soul, (ed) Dream World January 1930
- * Destroying an Ideal, (ed) Dream World April 1925
- * Developing Brain Power, (ar) Physical Culture March 1915
- * Develop Your Neck and Increase Your Vitality, (ar) National Brain Power December 1923
- * Develop Your Nerve, (ed) National Brain Power March 1924
- * Develop Your Shoulders and Keep Your Head Erect!, (ar) National Brain Power November 1923
- * The Dominating Influence of Habit, (ed) Physical Culture October 1927
- * Don’t Be a Dust Eater, (ed) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction June 1925
- * Don’t Be Downhearted, (ed) Dream World March 1928
- * Don’t “Slug” Your Stomach, (ar) Physical Culture May 1939
- * Do Something Worth While, (ed) National Brain Power April 1924
- * Do the Strikers Pay the Losses?, (ar) Liberty December 30 1939
- * Do the Workers All Want Government Jobs?, (ed) Liberty June 25 1938
- * The Dreamer, (ed) National Brain Power February 1924
- * Dreaming of Love, (ed) Dream World August 1931
- * Dreaming Your Life Away, (ed) Dream World May 1929
- * Dreams of Home, (ed) Dream World September 1928
- * Drinking Water for Health, (ar) Physical Culture July 1931
- * Dynamic Health in Romance, (ed) True Story Magazine #125, April 1933
- * Economize or Face Insolvency—Chaos—Possible Revolution, (ed) Liberty January 6 1940
- * Economy at Last Given Consideration, (ed) Liberty September 23 1939
- * Editorial, (ed) Woman’s Physical Development December 1901
- * Editorial, (ed) Dream World June 1924
- * Editorial, (ed) Liberty Aug 29, Sep 19 1936
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