The FictionMags Index
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[]Lord, Doreen Mildred Douglas (1904-1992); used pseudonym Doris Canham (chron.)
- * The Fellow Who’d Time to Be Kind, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1925, as by Doris Canham
- * A Legend of Julius Caesar, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper Supplement 1925, as by Doris Canham
- * Morning, (pm) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine December 1921, as by Doris Canham
- * Night, (pm) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine December 1921, as by Doris Canham
- * The Passing of Brown, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1924, as by Doris Canham
- * The School, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1925, as by Doris Canham
- * The Schoolboy’s Lament, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1923, as by Doris Canham
- * Somebody, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1925, as by Doris Canham
- * What a Small Chap Likes, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1925, as by Doris Canham
- * What Shall the New Year Bring?, (pm) Woman’s Magazine (UK) January 1936, as by Doris Canham
[]Lord, Earle N. (fl. 1960s-1970s) (chron.)
- * Basket of Air, (ss) Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Mystery Magazine August 1975
- * The Bird (Singular), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1973
- * The Black Box, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1970
- * Let Saprophyte Do It, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1970
- * The Maxnome Riddle, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1971
- * A Message from Garcia, (ss) Don Pendleton’s The Executioner Mystery Magazine May 1975
- * The Reluctant Spy, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1969
- * The Search for Paul, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1969
- * Season Tickets, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1970
- * Sinclair Carlins’ Private War, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1967
- * Tavenaar, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1972
- * Thank You, Mr. Andrews, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1970
- * The Typewriter Shop, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1969
[]Lord, Frederic I(ves) (1897-1967) (about) (chron.)
- * Blitzkrieg Rehearsal, (ar) War Aces #1, July 1940
- * Do College Men Fly Better?, (ar) Flying Aces November 1940
- * H.C.O. Pilots—Why Not?, (ar) Flying Aces July 1941
- * I Dabbled with Death in Russia, (ts) Flying Aces December 1936
- * I Faced Death in Spanish Skies, (ar) Flying Aces Jun, Jul 1937
- * If I Were Air Corps Chief, (ar) Flying Aces January 1941
- * Is Our Air Force Second-Rate?, (ar) Flying Aces March 1941
- * More Close Calls in Russia, (ar) Flying Aces March 1937
- * Spain Has Witnessed a Modern Air War!, (ar) Flying Aces August 1938
- * “Talk About Screwy Students—!”, (ar) Flying Aces February 1940
- * What’s New in This Airwar?, (ar) Flying Aces May 1941
- * Why Scare Us to Death?, (ar) Liberty February 18 1939
_____, [ref.]
[]Lord, Glenn (Richard) (1920-2011) (books) (chron.)
- * Addenda: Character-Continuity Series, (ms) The Howard Collector Summer 1963
- * Addenda: Fiction Index, (ms) The Howard Collector Spring 1967
- * Addenda: Verse Index, (ix) The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * Afterword, (aw) The Gods of Bal-Sagoth by Robert E. Howard, Ace, 1979
- * Afterword to ‘The Vultures’, (ar) The Vultures by Robert E. Howard, Fictioneer, 1973
- * The Bibliography, (bi) The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1976
- * Bibliography of the Robert E. Howard Collections held at the University of California at Berkeley, Bancroft Library, (bi) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #7, 2003
- * Book Index, (ix) The Howard Collector Winter 1965
- * The Chronicles of Conan (with Norm Metcalf & P. Schuyler Miller), (bi) Amra v2 #4, 1959
- * Editorial Notes, (ed) The Howard Collector Sum 1961, Spr, Aut 1962, Sum 1963, Sum 1964, Spr, Win 1965, Sum 1966, Spr 1967,
Spr 1968, Spr 1969, Spr, Aut 1970
Spr, Aut 1971, Spr, Aut 1972, Aut 1973, Sum 2011
- * Errata: The Howard Collector Number 1, (ms) The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * Fiction Index, (ix) The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * The Fiction of Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Howard Review #1, November 1974
- * Foreword, (fw) Always Comes Evening by Robert E. Howard, Arkham House, 1957
- * Foreword, (fw) The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1976
- * A Gent from Cross Plains, (ar) Amra v2 #1, 1959 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Herbert Klatt: The Fourth Musketeer, (ar) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #1, August 1990
- * Howard Publishing in Eastern Europe, (ar) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #4, May 1997
- * Howard’s Crusades’ Hero, (ar) The Howard Review #7, April 1977
- * Howard’s Detective Stories, (br) Amra v2 #17, 1961 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Indexes, (ix) The Howard Collector Autumn 1962
- * Index to Spicy-Adventure Stories (Part II), (bi) PEAPS Mailing #11, April 1990
- * Introduction, (in) Red Shadows by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1968
- * Introduction, (in) Singers in the Shadows by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1970
- * Introduction, (in) The Second Book of Robert E. Howard by Robert E. Howard, Zebra, 1976
- * Introduction, (in) Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard, Zebra, 1976
- * Introduction, (in) Always Comes Evening (var. 1) by Robert E. Howard, Underwood-Miller, 1977
- * Introduction, (in) Writer of the Dark by Robert E. Howard, Dark Carneval Press, 1986
- * Introduction, (in) Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard, Necronomicon, 1989
- * Introduction, (in) Shadows of Dreams by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1989
- * Introduction, (in) Post Oaks & Sand Roughs by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1990
- * Introduction to The Howard Reader, (in) The Howard Review #8, Summer 1988
- * Introductory Essay, (is) Trumpet #7, May 1968
- * Kline-Howard Collaborations? (with Otis Adelbert Kline), (ar) OAK Leaves #10, Winter 1972/1973
- * Letter to James Van Hise, April 12, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, December 7, 1994, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, February 7, 1994, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, February 8, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, January 11, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, January 3, 1996, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, June 20, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, March 20, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, May 15, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, May 8, 2006, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to James Van Hise, November 20, 1995, (lt) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013 [Ref. James Van Hise]
- * Letter to Mrs. Kuykendall, August 23, 1965, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v11 #1/2, 2017
- * Letter to Mrs. Kuykendall, September 15, 1965, (lt) The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter v11 #1/2, 2017
- * Lone Star Fictioneer, (bg) The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1976
- * Note, (ms) The Pride of Bear Creek by Robert E. Howard, Donald M. Grant, 1966
- * On a Bibliography and Some Pennames, (lt) Amra v2 #1, 1959
- * On Howard & Women, (lt) Amra v2 #10, 1960
- * On the True Circumstances of Howard’s Death, (lt) Amra v2 #2, 1959
- * Preface, (in)
- * REH, HPL and the Cthulhu Mythos, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur Spring 2005
- * Robert E. Howard’s Library, (ar) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * The Sign of the Dragon-Fly, (ar) Lore Fall 1967
- * The Spice Rack:
* ___ “Starred and Unstarred”—Part I, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * Spicy-Adventure Stories, (bi) PEAPS Mailing #13 Oct 1990, #15 Apr, #17 Oct 1991, #19 Apr 1992
- * “Starred and Unstarred”—Part I, (ar) Spicy Armadillo Stories April 1990
- * Strange Detective Stories: Article and Index, (bi) The Pulp Era #65, September/October 1966
- * Strange Detective Stories Index, (ix) Sword & Fantasy #12, September 2016
- * Ultima Thule [Installment 2], (ar)
- * An Unborn First Edition, (ar) Xenophile #18, October 1975 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * The Unpublished Fiction of REH, (bi) Cross Plains #7, September 1975 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Verse Index, (ix) The Howard Collector Summer 1961
- * The Writing Game, (ar) REH: Lone Star Fictioneer #1, Spring 1975
- * Yesterday #6 (7pp): PEAPS Mailing #13, October 1990
- * Yesteryear #7 (6pp): PEAPS Mailing #15, April 1991
- * Yesteryear #8 (7pp): PEAPS Mailing #17, October 1991
- * Yesteryear #9 (6pp): PEAPS Mailing #19, April 1992
- * Yesteryear Number 5 (7pp): PEAPS Mailing #11, April 1990
- * Zarfhaana: Zarfhanna 1974
- * [letter], (lt) Amra v2 #3, 1959
- * [letter], (lt) OAK Leaves #1 Fll 1970, #4 Sum 1971
- * [letter], (lt) The Science Fiction Collector #14, May 1981
- * [letter], (lt) The Pulp Collector Summer 1990
- * [letter from California & Texas], (lt) Fantastic Novels Magazine Apr, Jun 1951
- * [letter from California & Texas: Skull-Face Issue Good], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries June 1953
- * [letters to James Van Hise], (lt) Sword & Fantasy #18, 2021
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Howard Collector Sum 1961, Spr, Aut 1962, Sum 1963, Sum 1964, Spr, Win 1965, Sum 1966, Spr 1967,
Spr 1968, Spr 1969, Spr, Aut 1970
Spr, Aut 1971, Spr, Aut 1972, Aut 1973, Sum 2011 [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Always Comes Evening by Robert E. Howard, (co) Arkham House, 1957
- * Glenn Lord’s Ultima Thule, (nf) Joe & Mona Marek, October 2000
- * The Howard Collector by Robert E. Howard, (co) Ace, April 1979
- * The Howard Collector [#1, Summer 1961]: The Howard Collector Summer 1961
- * The Howard Collector [#2, Spring 1962]: The Howard Collector Spring 1962
- * The Howard Collector [#3, Autumn 1962]: The Howard Collector Autumn 1962
- * The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard, (an) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]Donald M. Grant, 1976
- * Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard, (co) Zebra, June 1976
- * Selected Letters 1923-1930 by Robert E. Howard (with S. T. Joshi), (nf) Necronomicon, October 1989
- * Selected Letters 1931-1936 by Robert E. Howard (with Steve Behrends, Rusty Burke & S. T. Joshi), (nf) Necronomicon Press, March 1991
- * Ultima Thule [#1, October 1975]: Ultima Thule #1, 1975
- * Ultima Thule [#2, April 1976]: Ultima Thule #2, 1976
- * Ultima Thule [#3, July 1976]: Ultima Thule #3, 1976
- * Ultima Thule [#4, October 1976]: Ultima Thule #4, 1976
- * Ultima Thule [#5, July 1977]: Ultima Thule #5, 1977
- * Ultima Thule [#6, January 1978]: Ultima Thule #6, 1978
- * Wolfshead by Robert E. Howard, (co) Lancer, 1968
_____, [ref.]
- * Glenn Lord Nov. 17, 1931—Dec. 31, 2011 by James Van Hise, (ob) Sword & Fantasy #11, December 2013
- * In Memoriam: Glenn Lord, 1931-2011 by Morgan Holmes, (ob) Blood ’n’ Thunder #33, Spring 2012
- * An Interview with Glenn Lord by Joseph W. Marek, (iv) Robert E. Howard: The Power of the Writing Mind ed. Ben Szumskyj, Mythos Books, 2003
- * The Last Celt by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #24, February 1978
- * The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard by L. Sprague de Camp, (br) Amra v2 #67, 1977
- * The Last Celt: A Bio-Bibliography of Robert Ervin Howard by Robert Silverberg, (br) Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine November 1977
- * Letter to Glenn Lord, January 11, 1966 by Harold Preece, (lt) The Howard Collector Summer 1966
- * Letter to Glenn Lord, July 20, 1965 by Chandler H. Whipple, (lt) The Howard Collector Winter 1965
- * Obituary for Glenn Lord, (ob) Sword & Fantasy #18, 2021, uncredited.
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