The FictionMags Index
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Lovecraft, H(oward) P(hillips) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Plaster-All, (pm) The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- * The Poe-et’s Nightmare, (pm) The Vagrant #8, July 1918
- Something About Cats and Other Pieces, Arkham House, 1949
- Weird Tales July 1952, as "Alethia Phrikodes"
- Weird Tales (UK) #18, 1952, as "Alethia Phrikodes"
- Collected Poems, Arkham House, 1963
- The Fantastic Poetry, Necronomicon Press, 1990
- The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * The Poem of Ulysses, or The Odyssey, (pm) The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- * Poesy, (ar) The Tryout July 1918
- * “The Poetical Punch” Pushed from His Pedestal, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * The Poet of Passion, (pm) The Tryout June 1917, as by Lewis Theobald, Jr.
- * Poetry and the Artistic Ideal, (ar) The Acolyte Spring 1943
- * Poetry and the Gods (with Anna Helen Crofts), (ss) The United Amateur September 1920, as by Anna Helen Crofts & Henry Paget-Lowe
- The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces, Arkham House, 1959
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, Arkham House, 1965
- The Tomb and Other Tales, Beagle, 1970
- The Transition of H.P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness, Ballantine Del Rey, 1996
- Shadows of Death, Del Rey, 2005
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * The Poet’s Rash Excuse, (pm) The Tryout July 1920, as by Lewis Theobald, Jr.
- * Polaris [Dream Cycle], (vi) The Philosopher December 1920
- The Fantasy Fan February 1934
- Weird Tales December 1937
- The Outsider and Others, Arkham House, 1939
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, Arkham House, 1965
- Friendly Aliens ed. John Robert Colombo, Hounslow Press, 1981
- The Dream Cycle of H.P. Lovecraft, Ballantine Del Rey, 1995
- The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories, Penguin Classics US, 2004
- Shadows of Death, Del Rey, 2005
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- Pulp Adventures #24, Winter 2017
- The Outsider, The Rats in the Walls, and More Tales of Ghouls, Gods, & Graveyards, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2024
- * “The Pool,” Recommendations for Revision—Synopsis, (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #49, Lammas 1987
- * The Port [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind November 1930
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Weird Tales September 1946
- Weird Tales (Canada) November 1946
- Dark of the Moon ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1947
- Collected Poems, Arkham House, 1963
- The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- Off the Coastal Path ed. Jo Fletcher, Stanza Press, 2010
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth ed. Stephen Jones, Fedogan & Bremer, 2013
- * Postcard to Charles D. Hornig, (lt) Crypt of Cthulhu #49, Lammas 1987
- * A Postcard to Clark Ashton Smith, (ms) Xenophile #18, October 1975 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, April 25, 1934 (“Greetings from my favorite town!…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, August 21, 1932 (“Just recd. your note. Here’s another Newport view…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, August 24, 1931 (“New England’s oldest!…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, ca. January 2, 1932 (“Behold the neo-Georgian splendors…”)and W. Paul Cook , (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, ca. May 1931 (“Well- I’ve struck your ancient Spanish country at last…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, ca. mid-October 1931 (“Here’s a new tale which Talman asked me…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, January 26, 1932 (“Thanks for the final Thevenin article…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, January 9, 1932 (“Thanks tremendously for the varied material…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, June 14, 1932 (“Thanks profoundly for our unexpected & happily inspired…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, June 21, 1932 (“Greetings from an old Confederate capital…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, [No postmark; enclosed with letter?], c. May 1934 (“Hail, Conan! ’Queen of the Black Coast’…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, no postmark (“Old Salem with its special memories…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, November 13, 1932 (“Thanks exceedingly for the very interesting cutting…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, October 15, 1932 (“Thanks prodigiously for the splendid set…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, postmarked August 12, 1935 (“______ of the Panhandle! Hope you’re…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, postmarked August 19, 1935 (“Thanks abundantly for the fress batch of…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, postmarked August 20, 1935 (“On the road at last! The Barlows…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, postmarked August 27, 1935 (“Greetings from ancient Charleston!…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, postmarked October 25, 1933 (“Abundant & prodigious thanks for the marvellous…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, September 1, 1930 (“This place surpasses all my expectations…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, September 14, 1932 (“Greetings from a conclave of spectre-chasers!…”)and Donald Wandrei , (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * Postcard to Robert E. Howard, September 22, 1932 (“Many thanks for the interesting issue…”), (lt) [Ref. Robert E. Howard]
- * The Power of Wine: A Satire, (pm) The (Providence) Evening News January 13 1915
- * Primavera, (pm) The Brooklynite April 1925
- * Prologue to “Fragments from an Hour of Inspiration” by Jonathan E. Hoag, (pm) The Tryout July 1917
- * The Prophecy of Capys Secundus, (pm) A Winter Wish, Whispers Press, 1977
- * Providence, (pm) The Brooklynite November 1924
- * Providence Amateur Press Club (Deceased) to the Athenaeum Club of Journalism, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Providence in 2000 A.D., (pm) The (Providence) Evening Bulletin March 4 1912
- * Psychopompos, (pm) The Vagrant #10, October 1919
- Weird Tales September 1937
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Dark of the Moon ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1947
- Collected Poems, Arkham House, 1963
- The Fantastic Poetry, Necronomicon Press, 1990
- The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- Hallowe’en in a Suburb & Others, Stanza Press, 2010
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * Pursuit [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) The Fantasy Fan October 1934
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Dark of the Moon ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1947
- Collected Poems, Arkham House, 1963
- The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * The Question of the Day, (ar) The Conservative April 1915
- * The Quest of Iranon [Dream Cycle], (ss) The Galleon July 1935
- Weird Tales March 1939
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Mirage v1 #5, 1962
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, Arkham House, 1965
- The Young Magicians ed. Lin Carter, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1969
- The Dream Cycle of H.P. Lovecraft, Ballantine Del Rey, 1995
- The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories, Penguin US, 2001
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * Quinsnicket Park, (pm) The Badger June 1915
- * The Rats in the Walls, (nv) Weird Tales March 1924
- Weird Tales June 1930
- Switch on the Light ed. Christine Campbell Thomson, Selwyn & Blount, 1931
- The Outsider and Others, Arkham House, 1939
- Great Tales of Terror & the Supernatural ed. Herbert A. Wise & Phyllis Fraser, Random House, 1944
- Sleep No More ed. August Derleth, Farrar & Rinehart, 1944
- Best Supernatural Stories of H.P. Lovecraft, World Publishing Co., 1945
- The Dunwich Horror and Other Weird Tales, Editions for the Armed Services, 1945
- Rex Stout Mystery Magazine #3, February 1946
- Rex Stout Mystery Magazine (Canada) #3, June 1946
- The Haunter of the Dark and Other Tales of Horror, Gollancz, 1951
- Zest January 1956
- The Dunwich Horror and Others, Arkham House, 1963
- The Best Ghost Stories, Hamlyn, 1977
- A Treasury of Modern Fantasy ed. Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon, 1981
- 65 Great Spine Chillers ed. Mary Danby, Octopus, 1982
- Great Short Tales of Mystery and Terror, Readers Digest, 1982
- The Best of H.P. Lovecraft, Del Rey, 1982
- House Shudders ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, DAW, 1987
- The Dark Descent ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor, 1987
- The Best Ghost Stories (var. 1), BDD/Mallard Press, 1990
- Crypt of Cthulhu #72, Roodmas 1990
- The Medusa in the Shield ed. David G. Hartwell, Grafton, 1990
- Masters of Fantasy ed. Terry Carr & Martin H. Greenberg, Galahad, 1992
- Crawling Chaos: Selected Works 1920-1935, Creation Press, 1993
- Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, Bracken Books, 1994
- Weird Tales: Seven Decades of Terror ed. John Betancourt & Robert Weinberg, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- Haunted Houses: The Greatest Stories ed. Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books, 1997
- Tales of H.P. Lovecraft, Ecco Press, 1997
- Telling Stories: An Anthology for Writers ed. Joyce Carol Oates, W.W. Norton, 1998
- The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, Penguin US, 1999
- My Favorite Horror Story ed. Mike Baker & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2000
- Black Seas of Infinity, SFBC, 2001
- Tales, Library of America, 2005
- Necronomicon, Gollancz, 2008
- Crawling Chaos: Selected Weird Fiction Volume One: 1917-1927, Creation Oneiros, 2012
- The Rogues Gallery ed. Dr. Alex Scully, Firbolg Publishing, 2014
- Masters of Horror, Vol. Two: H.P. Lovecraft, Armchair Fiction, 2020
- The Outsider, The Rats in the Walls, and More Tales of Ghouls, Gods, & Graveyards, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2024
- * Recapture [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Weird Tales May 1930
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Weird Tales January 1946
- Weird Tales (Canada) March 1946
- Dark of the Moon ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1947
- Collected Poems, Arkham House, 1963
- The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- Hallowe’en in a Suburb & Others, Stanza Press, 2010
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * Recognition [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Driftwind December 1936
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Dark of the Moon ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1947
- Collected Poems, Arkham House, 1963
- The Ancient Track, Night Shade Books, 2001
- Eldritch Tales, Gollancz, 2011
- * Regnar Lodbrug’s Epicedium, (pm) Acolyte Summer 1944
- * A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson, (fa) The United Amateur September 1917, as by Humphry Littlewit, Esq.
- * The Renaissance of Manhood, (ar) The Conservative October 1915
- * Respite, (pm) The Conservative October 1916
- * The Return, (pm) The Tryout December 1926
- * The Return of Mr. Smith, (pm) The Tryout December 1926, as "The Return"
- * Revelation, (pm) The Tryout March 1919
- * R. Kleiner, Laureatus, in Heliconem, (pm) The Conservative April 1916
- * The Road to Ruin, (pm) Crypt of Cthulhu #21, Eastertide 1984
- * Robert E. Howard: A Memoriam, (mm) Fantasy Magazine September 1936, as "In Memoriam: Robert E. Howard"
- * Robert Ervin Howard: 1906-1936, (ob) The Phantagraph August 1936 [Ref. Robert Ervin Howard]
- * Robert Ervin Howard: A Memoriam, (mm) Fantasy Magazine September 1936, as "In Memoriam: Robert E. Howard"
- * Roman Dream [“The Very Old Folk”], (lt) Hallowe’en Hauntings ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1984
- * The Rose of England, (pm) The Scot October 1916
- * The Round Tower, and other notes, (ms) Golden Atom Winter 1943
- * A Rural Summer Eve, (pm) The Trail January 1916
- * The Rutted Road, (pm) The Tryout January 1917, as by Lewis Theobald, Jr.
- * St. Toad’s [Fungi from Yuggoth], (pm) Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- * Saturnalia, (pm) A Winter Wish, Whispers Press, 1977, as "Ye Merry Christmas"
- * The Scream of the Dead, (ss) Home Brew May 1922
- Weird Tales November 1942
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943
- Weird Tales (Canada) March 1943
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales, Arkham House, 1965
- The Rivals of Frankenstein ed. Michel Parry, Corgi, 1977
- The Thirteenth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories ed. Mary Danby, Fontana, 1980
- Cinemonsters ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Frank D. McSherry, Jr. & Charles G. Waugh, TSR, 1987
- Intensive Scare ed. Karl Edward Wagner, DAW, 1990
- New England Ghosts ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Rutledge Hill Press, 1990
- Great American Ghost Stories ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Rutledge Hill, 1991
- Great American Ghost Stories, Volume One ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1992
- Crawling Chaos: Selected Works 1920-1935, Creation Press, 1993
- The Mammoth Book of Zombies ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 1993
- The Frankenstein Omnibus ed. Peter Haining, Orion, 1994
- Reel Future ed. Forrest J Ackerman & Jean Stine, SFBC, 1994
- The Transition of H.P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness, Ballantine Del Rey, 1996
- More Annotated H.P. Lovecraft, Dell/DTP, 1999
- The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, Penguin US, 1999
- Waking Up Screaming, Ballantine Del Rey, 2003
- Strange Worlds of Horror: Volume 2 ed. Ron Hanna, WildCat Books, 2004
- Strange Worlds #13, 2004
- Tales, Library of America, 2005
- Necronomicon, Gollancz, 2008
- The Mammoth Book of Body Horror ed. Paul Kane & Marie O'Regan, Robinson, 2012
- Crawling Chaos: Selected Weird Fiction Volume One: 1917-1927, Creation Oneiros, 2012
- The Mammoth Book of Zombies (var. 1) ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson, 2013
- Windy City Pulp Stories #15, 2015
- The Outsider, The Rats in the Walls, and More Tales of Ghouls, Gods, & Graveyards, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2024
- * De Scriptore Mulieroso, (pm) H.P. Lovecraft in the Argosy ed. S. T. Joshi, Necronomicon Press, 1994
- * The Secret Cave: or John Lees Adventure, (ss) The Shuttered Room and Other Pieces, Arkham House, 1959
- * September Skies, (pm) The (Providence) Evening News September 1 1916
- * The Shadow in the Attic (with August Derleth), (nv) Over the Edge ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1964; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * The Shadow Out of Space (with August Derleth), (nv) The Survivor and Others with August Derleth, Arkham House, 1957; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * The Shadow Out of Time [Cthulhu], (na) Astounding Stories June 1936
- The Outsider and Others, Arkham House, 1939
- The Dunwich Horror, Bart House, 1945
- Portable Novels of Science ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Viking Press, 1945
- Dreams and Fancies, Arkham House, 1962
- The Dunwich Horror and Others, Arkham House, 1963
- The Colour Out of Space, Lancer, 1964
- The Lurking Fear and Other Stories (var. 1), Panther, 1964
- The Arbor House Celebrity Book of Horror Stories ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Arbor House, 1982
- The Best of H.P. Lovecraft, Del Rey, 1982
- Dark Company ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martin's, 1984
- 13 Short Horror Novels ed. Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Crown/Bonanza, 1987
- The Mammoth Book of Classic Science Fiction ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Robinson, 1988
- Great Tales of Classic Science Fiction ed. Isaac Asimov, Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Galahad, 1990
- Astounding Stories: The 60th Anniversary Collection (Vol. 1), Easton Press, 1990
- The Best of Astounding ed. James Gunn, Carroll & Graf, 1992
- Tales of H.P. Lovecraft, Ecco Press, 1997
- Black Seas of Infinity, SFBC, 2001
- The Dreams in the Witch House and Other Weird Stories, Penguin Classics US, 2004
- Tales, Library of America, 2005
- Shadows of Death, Del Rey, 2005
- Necronomicon, Gollancz, 2008
- The Yith Cycle ed. Robert M. Price, Chaosium, 2010
- * The Shadow Over Innsmouth [Cthulhu], (na) Visionary Press, 1936
- The Outsider and Others, Arkham House, 1939
- Weird Tales January 1942
- Weird Tales (Canada) May 1942
- The Dunwich Horror and Other Weird Tales, Editions for the Armed Services, 1945
- The Dunwich Horror and Others, Arkham House, 1963
- The Lurking Fear and Other Stories (var. 1), Panther, 1964
- The Lurking Fear and Other Stories (var. 2), Beagle, 1971
- The Shadow Over Innsmouth and Other Stories of Horror, Scholastic Book Services, 1971
- The Best of H.P. Lovecraft, Del Rey, 1982
- Tales of the Dark #3 ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martin's, 1988
- Crawling Chaos: Selected Works 1920-1935, Creation Press, 1993
- Shadows Over Innsmouth ed. Stephen Jones, Fedogan & Bremer, 1994
- Tales of H.P. Lovecraft, Ecco Press, 1997
- The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories, Penguin US, 1999
- Black Seas of Infinity, SFBC, 2001
- Waking Up Screaming, Ballantine Del Rey, 2003
- Tales, Library of America, 2005
- Necronomicon, Gollancz, 2008
- Humanoid Horrors ed. Jeffrey A. Linscott, Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2020
- Masters of Horror, Vol. Two: H.P. Lovecraft, Armchair Fiction, 2020
- Up From the Depths ed. T. M. Gray, Jeffrey A. Linscott & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
- Mass. Hallucinations ed. Alex Miller & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
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