The FictionMags Index
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[]Kumara, Sanandana; pseudonym of Roger Philip Graham (1909-1966) (chron.)
- * Am I My Dark Brother’s Keeper, (ss) Mystic Magazine #10, June 1955
- * Assignment to Life, (nv) Mystic Magazine #3, March 1954
- * The Holy Man, (nv) Mystic Magazine #6, October 1954
- * In the Twinkling of an Eye, (nv) Mystic Magazine #5, August 1954
- * …Lest Ye Be Judged, (ss) Mystic Magazine #4, May 1954
[]Kumashov, M(isha) Dimitri (1955- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Ascension, (ss) Aurealis #12, 1993
- * Blood and Wine, (ss) Other Worlds ed. Paul Collins, Void, 1978
- * Crackers, Pisspot, and the Deathshead Carnival, (ss) Nexus 1980
- * Defect, (ss) Aurealis #10, 1992
- * Heart of Clay, (ss) Eidolon Autumn 1993
- * Kumashov’s Campaign, (pi) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #1, 1979
- * The Libber, (ss) Envisaged Worlds ed. Paul Collins, Void, 1978
- * Morda’s Wrath, (nv) Eidolon Autumn 2000
- * Night Howl, (vi) Crux v6, 1985
- * Rawbone, (ss) Bloodsongs #1, January 1994
- * What’s the Time? or H.G. Wells and All That, (ss) Crux v2, 1979
- * [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #1, 1979
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Science Fiction (Australia) v2 #2, 1979
[]Kumin, Maxine (Winokur) (1925-2014) (chron.)
- * The Contagion, (nv) Ploughshares Spring 1976
- * Creature Comforts, (ss) Mademoiselle March 1987
- * Dreaming in Poetry, (ar) Michigan Quarterly Review Winter 1997
- * Elegy Beginning with Half a Line from Ben Jonson, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Fall/Winter 2012
- * Estivating (journal), (ar) Ploughshares Spring 1974
- * Fat Pets On, (pm) The Kenyon Review Winter 1990
- * 400-Meter Freestyle, (pm)
- * The Green Well, (pm) The Kenyon Review Winter 1990
- * In the Moment, (pm) Ploughshares Spring 2009
- * Invisible Horses by Patricia Goedicke, (br) Ploughshares Fall 1997
- * January 25th, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1965
- * The Journey, (pm) Harper’s Magazine February 1961
- * The Missing Person, (ss) TriQuarterly 1978
- * On This Short Day of Frost and Sun, (ss) The Ontario Review #5, 1976
- * Opening the Door on Sixty-Second Street, (ss) The Southern Review Autumn 1973
- * Telling the Barn Swallow, (ed) Ploughshares Fall 1997
- * These Gifts, (ss) Redbook March 1976
- * To an Astronaut Dying Young, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1961
- * West, (ss) Ploughshares Fall 1980
- * The Whole Hog, (pm) Ploughshares Spring 2009
- * The Winking Vulva, (pm) Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2008
[]Kümmel, Timo (1980- ) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Hello Summer, Goodbye by Michael Coney, Drugstore Indian Press, 2014
- * [front cover], (cv) I Remember Pallahaxi by Michael Coney, Drugstore Indian Press, 2014
- * [front cover], (cv) Flower of Goronwy by Michael Coney, Drugstore Indian Press, 2014
[]Kummer, Frederic Arnold (Sr.) (1873-1943); used pseudonym Arnold Fredericks (about) (chron.)
- * The Adventure of the Actress’ Jewels, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1914
- * The Adventure of the Alarm Clock, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1914
- * The Adventure of the Extra Baby, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1914
- * After Last Night, (vi) The Illustrated Love Magazine October 1932
- * Antique Box, (ss) The Country Gentleman October 1931
- * Around, Around, Around, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine January 1910
- * The Battle of the Generals, (ss) The Smart Set December 1910
- * The Black Book Mystery [Jerry Todd & Judy Baker], (ss) Mystery November 1932, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * The Bonehead, (nv) All-Story Weekly March 29 1919
- * The Brute, (nv) Ainslee’s December 1910
- * The Bubble, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine June 1923
- * The Burglar, (ss) The Underworld November 5 1927
- * The Canterbury Cathedral Murder [Shirley Holmes; Joan Watson] (with Basil Mitchell), (ss) Mystery December 1933
- * The Changing Lights [Richard & Grace Duvall (The Honeymoon Detectives)], (sl) The Cavalier Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1 1913, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * The Chicken That Came Home to Roost, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1922
- * The Choice, (nv) The Smart Set December 1909
- * A Close Call, (na) The Cavalier November 8 1913
- * The Condition or the Man (with Mabel Herbert Urner), (ss) Ainslee’s January 1911
- * Crimes, Limited: A Transaction in Pearls, (ss) Liberty November 22 1924
- * The De Medici Cup, (ss) The Evening Standard February 7 1933
- * The Descent of George (with Helen Talbot), (ss) The Smart Set April 1914
- * The Devil and Angela Page, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1918
* ___ An Essential Polygamist, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1918
* ___ 1. The Devil and Angela Page, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1918
* ___ I.—First Episode—In Which We Meet the Eternal Camouflage, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1918, as "The Devil and Angela Page"
* ___ 2. The Episode of St. Anthony, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine June 1918
* ___ II.—The Episode of St. Anthony, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine June 1918
* ___ 3. The Episode of Bluebeard, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1918
* ___ III.—The Episode of Bluebeard, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1918
* ___ 4. “Pot and Kettle”, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine September 1918
* ___ IV.—“Pot and Kettle”, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine September 1918
* ___ 5. A Satyr in Carpet Slippers, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine October 1918
* ___ V.—A Satyr in Carpet Slippers, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine October 1918
* ___ 6. An Essential Polygamist, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1918
- * Diamond Cut Diamond, (nv) Liberty December 13 1924
- * Diodotta of the Evil Eye, (nv) Munsey’s Magazine April 1928
- * Diving Beauty, (sl) The Illustrated Love Magazine Jul, Aug 1932
- * The Dominant Male, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1919
- * Eight Bells, (na) The American Magazine January 1935
- * The Emerald Buddha, (nv) Adventure June 1911
- * The Episode of Bluebeard, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1918
- * The Episode of St. Anthony, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine June 1918
- * An Essential Polygamist, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine November 1918
- * Faith, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1913
- * Fandango, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1924
- * Fatal Eyes, (ms) College Humor and Sense #113, June 1933
- * The Feminine Touch, (vi) Liberty May 3 1930
- * The Fight’s Off: The Unforgettable Plot, (ar) Photoplay January 1925
- * The Film of Fear [Richard & Grace Duvall (The Honeymoon Detectives)], (sl) All-Story Weekly Mar 17, Mar 24, Mar 31, Apr 7, Apr 14 1917, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Finer Clay, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 16 1922
- * First Episode—In Which We Meet the Eternal Camouflage, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine May 1918, as "The Devil and Angela Page"
- * The First Prize, (vi) The Strand Magazine February 1936
- * The Five Brass Cartridge-Cases, (ss) Everybody’s January 1923
- * The Five Crises in a Woman’s Life—IV: ’Twixt Husband and Child, (ar) Liberty June 21 1924
- * The Five Crises in a Woman’s Life—V: The Perils of Midchannel, (ar) Liberty July 5 1924
- * The Five Crises of a Woman’s Life—II: After the Honeymoon, (ar) Liberty May 24 1924
- * The Five Crises of a Woman’s Life—III: When Pay Day Comes Around, (ar) Liberty June 7 1924
- * The Five Crises of a Woman’s Life—I: The Proposal, (ar) Liberty May 10 1924
- * Fixing the Porch Steps, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine February 21 1915
- * For Better or Worse, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1922
- * The Fourth Fiancé, (ss) Romance February 1925
- * Front Page Stuff, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly November 1931
- * Gewgaws, (vi) Liberty February 16 1935
- * Gifts from Saladin, (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1926
- * Golden Slippers, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1924
- * The Gulf Stream, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1910
- * The Hat Check Mystery [Jerry Todd & Judy Baker], (ss) Mystery December 1932, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Heartbreak in Hollywood, (ss) Liberty May 5 1934
- * Her Bit, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1919
- * The Honeymoon Detectives [Richard & Grace Duvall (The Honeymoon Detectives)], (sl) The Cavalier Mar 23, Mar 30, Apr 6, Apr 13, Apr 20 1912, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * I Did the Best I Could:
* ___ 1. A Woman of the City, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1919
* ___ 2. Sell All That Thou Hast, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine February 1919
* ___ 3. Her Bit, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine March 1919
* ___ 4. Thomas by Proxy, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine April 1919
- * I Don’t Know Your Name, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine August 1919
- * I Have Insured My Children’s Future, (ar) Cosmopolitan March 1926
- * The Infinitesimal Error, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine June 1919
- * The Invisible Web [Jerry Todd & Judy Baker], (ss) Mystery August 1933, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Is One Wife Enough?, (ar) Smart Set October 1924
- * It Can’t Be Done, (sl) Photoplay Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1925
- * The Ivory Snuff-Box [Richard & Grace Duvall (The Honeymoon Detectives)], (na) The Cavalier May 11 1912, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Joy Ride, (ss) The Country Gentleman July 1932
- * Ladies in Hades, (sl) Photoplay Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1927
- * The Lantern of Diogenes, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal November 1920
- * Letters from the Valley, (ss) The Red Book Magazine February 1914
- * Life, (ss) The Red Book Magazine November 1913
- * Little Corporal’s Dream, (ss) Good Housekeeping September 1926
- * The Little Fortune [Richard & Grace Duvall (The Honeymoon Detectives)], (sl) The Cavalier Aug 9, Aug 16, Aug 23, Aug 30 1913, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * A Lost Paradise, (sl) Women’s Stories Dec 15 1913, Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1, Feb 15 1914
- * Love at Amageddon, (ss) Good Housekeeping October 1926
- * The Love of Women, (pl) The Smart Set August 1909
- * Love’s Greatest Mistake, (sl) Liberty Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, Mar 19, Mar 26, Apr 2, Apr 9, Apr 16, Apr 23 1927
- * The Love Test, (ss) The Novel Magazine April 1925
- * Luck, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day January 1923
- * The Madman, (sl) Pictorial Review Feb, Mar 1917
- * Mad Money, (ss) Mystery February 1933, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Manhattan Masquerade, (sl) The Illustrated Love Magazine Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933
- * The Marble Cross, (nv) The Blue Book Magazine September 1907
- * The Mark of the Rat, (n.) J.H. Sears, 1929, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * The Melodrama, (nv) Gaiety January 1923
- * Melting of Fatty McGinn, (ss) Collier’s November 23 1918
- * Miss Cleopatra, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine January 1920
- * Missing Ancestors, (ss) Hearst’s International February 1922
- * Mr. Buttles, (nv) The Smart Set February 1909
- * “Mother’s Boy”, (ss) The Cavalier March 2 1912
- * Mrs. Moore’s Husband, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 30 1917
- * Murder Off Stage, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly September 1932
- * The Mysterious Goddess [Richard & Grace Duvall (The Honeymoon Detectives)], (sl) All-Story Cavalier Weekly Apr 17, Apr 24, May 1, May 8 1915, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * The Mystery of the Hollow Knock! [Jerry Todd & Judy Baker], (ss) Mystery November 1933, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Octavius, Amateur Detective:
* ___ The Adventure of the Actress’ Jewels, (ss) The Novel Magazine August 1914
* ___ The Adventure of the Alarm Clock, (ss) The Novel Magazine October 1914
* ___ The Adventure of the Extra Baby, (ss) The Novel Magazine September 1914
- * The Other Side of the Story, (ss) Smart Set August 1924
- * The Other Wife, (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1921
- * The Pajama Party Murder [Jerry Todd & Judy Baker], (ss) Mystery January 1933, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * Pan Passes, (ss) Harper’s Bazar October 1915
- * The Peacock’s Eye, (sl) All-Story Weekly Jun 8, Jun 15, Jun 22, Jun 29 1918
- * The Perfect Lie, (ss) Photoplay October 1921
- * The Phantom of Crestwood, (sl) Mystery Oct, Nov 1932
- * Pig’s Feet, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post February 2 1924
- * Plaster Saints, (sl) Hearst’s International Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1921
- * The Platinum Blonde, (ss) Mystery April 1933, as by Arnold Fredericks
- * “Pot and Kettle”, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine September 1918
- * A Quadrangular Love Affair, (ss) Illustrated Sunday Magazine December 3 1916
- * Queen Sheba’s Rouge-Pot, (ss) Good Housekeeping June 1926
- * Red and Yellow, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine July 1919
- * The Return of Jean Crosby, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #7, January 1923
- * The Right Angle of the Triangle, (ss) Smart Set February 1929
- * The Road to Fortune, (sl) The Elks Magazine Nov, Dec 1924, Jan, Feb, Mar 1925
- * The Room Across the Way, (ss) The Green Book Magazine October 1917
- * Runaway Trailer, (sl) Capper’s Farmer Mar, Apr 1940
- * A Satyr in Carpet Slippers, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine October 1918
- * Seal of Rameses, (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1926
- * Sell All That Thou Hast, (ss) Hearst’s Magazine February 1919
- * The Seventh Glass, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1914
- * The Shadow (with Mabel Herbert Urner), (ss) The London Magazine October 1913
- * Shark Hook, (ss) The Country Gentleman December 1931
- * The Ship, (ss) Collier’s December 4 1926
- * Speed, (nv) The Cavalier March 16 1912
- * The Strange Case of Dr. Vasiloff, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly May 1932
- * The Studio Secret, (sl) Photoplay Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1923
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