The FictionMags Index
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[]Jacoby, Allen (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * The Dentist, (vi) 100 Horrors ed. Kevin G. Bufton, Cruentus Libri Press, 2012
- * Jerky, (ss) Another 100 Horrors ed. Kevin G. Bufton, Cruentus Libri Press, 2013
- * Lurking Variables, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #8, July 2012
- * Waiting for Gordon, (ss) So Long, and Thanks for All the Brains ed. Matt Nord, Collaboration of the Dead, 2012
[]Jacot, B. L.; [i.e., Bernard Louis Jacot de Boinod] (1898-1977) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * 1934: How Did It Go with You?, (ar) The Passing Show December 29 1934
- * According to Plan, (ss) John Bull April 24 1948
- * According to Type, (ss) The Grand Magazine November 1935
- * Acid Test, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #171, September 1936
- * After Hours, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1937
- * Along Came Walter, (ss) The Passing Show October 8 1932
- * Among the Stars, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #209, November 1939
- * And Coffee for One [Winslow Moult], (ss) Collier’s September 28 1929
- * And So to Glory, (ss)
- * Appointment in Mayfair, (ss) The Evening Standard November 3 1952
- * Armchairs Over Britain, (ar) The Passing Show November 3 1934
- * As Others See Us, (ss) The Passing Show October 28 1933
- * At 4 a.m., (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1931
- * At Mrs. Fluke’s [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull April 29 1939
- * Ausweg, (ss)
- * Bail for a Lady, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1938
- * The Bandit, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1933
- * Behind the Windows, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Summer 1949
- * Bird-Man or Bust [Winslow Moult], (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1930
- * A Bird of Temperament, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1928
- * Blood Money, (ss) Britannia and Eve September 1938
- * The Boat Train, (ss) The New Passing Show April 23 1932
- * Britain—Cinderella of the Air, (ar) The Passing Show October 20 1934
- * Brother Ambrose and the Golden Gates, (ss) Everybody’s June 21 1952
- * The Brute, (ss) The Passing Show October 27 1934
- * Bull’s Eye View, (ss) Argosy (UK) August 1947
- * Burglars Don’t Care, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1931
- * Business Much as Usual, (ss) Argosy (UK) October 1965
- * Calamity Car, (ss) Illustrated June 24 1939
- * Caporal Cocteau’s Revenge, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #210, December 1939
- * The Cat That Came to Stay, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1928
- * “Couleur-de-Rose”, (ss) The London Magazine January 1927
- * Count Twenty! [Winslow Moult], (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1930
- * Crash Landing, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1973
- * The Customer Is Always Right, (ss) The Grand Magazine July 1938
- * Danger Point, (ss) John Bull February 14 1948
- * The Dazzling Lolla, (ss) The Passing Show April 28 1934
- * Dear Clumsy Fool, (ss) The Royal Pictorial August 1932
- * Deep-Rooted, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #152, February 1935
- * Dilemma, (ss) The Grand Magazine January 1937
- * Dog-Daze, (ss) Britannia and Eve February 1937
- * Don’t Monkey with the Works, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #179, May 1937
- * Dumb Man Drama of a Dnieper Village, (ar) The People #3237, November 14 1943
- * Easy Money, (ss) Britannia and Eve September 1936
- * The Elephant Never Forgets [Winslow Moult], (ss) The Story-teller October 1932
- * The Empty Years, (ss) John Bull July 15 1950
- * Enchanted Hour, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1945
- * Eve Was the First, (ss) Hutchinson’s Story-Magazine August 1929
- * Eye for Detail, (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1968
- * The Face Was Familiar, (ss) The Evening Standard July 26 1939
- * False Move, (ss) John Bull March 13 1948
- * Father and the Diminished Third, (ss) Woman’s Journal July 1953
- * Feet of Clay, (ss) The Strand Magazine June 1933
- * The Fighting Frogs, (ss) John Bull May 30 1953
- * The Final Flutter [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull June 3 1939
- * Fine Feathers, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1929
- * £500 to Spend, (ss) The Happy Mag. Christmas 1931
- * Fogbound, (ss) The New London Magazine #28, February 1933
- * Fool’s Paradise, (ss)
- * “For Heroes to Live In”, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #197, November 1938
- * For Remembrance, (vi) John Bull August 19 1944
- * Fought to a Finish, (ss) The Passing Show January 23 1937
- * Found Shot, (ss) The Passing Show January 14 1933
- * Four Thousand Women Count the Days, (ar) Britannia and Eve May 1938
- * Friday Night at Eight, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1946
- * Frogs Don’t Grow Feathers [Winslow Moult], (ss) Collier’s April 12 1930
- * Frontier Frenzy, (ss) The Passing Show May 29 1937
- * Garage for Twenty Cars, (ss) Liberty December 19 1931
- * Genius Buds at Chipping Worsley, (ss)
- * Genius in Reverse [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull January 1 1944
- * Ginger for Pluck, (ss) The New Royal Magazine September 1931
- * A Girl Looked On, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1946
- * Girl on the Bank, (ss) Argosy (UK) April 1965
- * The Girl on the Beach, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1934
- * The Girl Said “No”— [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull January 15 1944
- * Glory Leaves at Dawn, (ss) The Passing Show April 30 1938
- * Good-by, Mr. Lung, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1935
- * Half a Brick for Henry [Winslow Moult], (ss) Liberty February 16 1929
- * Happy Landing, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1937
- * Hello, Sweetheart, (ss) The Passing Show August 1 1936
- * Higher Than Courage, (ss)
- * Hollywood Headache, (ss) The Novel Magazine December 1937
- * Ho Lung Passes By, (ss) The House of Madame Jacqueminet, Frederick Muller, 1944
- * Hot Money, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #164, February 1936
- * The House of Madame Jacqueminet, (Frederick Muller, 1944, co)
- * The House of Madame Jacqueminet, (ss)
- * I’m Not Scared of the General, (ss) Collier’s September 14 1929
- * The Innkeeper, (ss)
- * In the Early Hours, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine March 1929
- * In the Vicar’s Absence, (ss) The Passing Show September 28 1935
- * I Rather Care for That!, (ss) John Bull July 10 1948
- * It Hurts to Grow Up, (ss) Argosy (UK) June 1969
- * It’s a Dog’s Life, (ss) John Bull August 20 1949
- * It’s a Wonderful Life, (ss) John Bull May 22 1948
- * It’s Going to Be Fun!, (ss) John Bull June 15 1946
- * Joe Was No Soldier, (vi) Woman’s Own May 25 1945
- * Journey’s End, (ss)
- * Keepsake, (ss) The Evening Standard May 26 1949
- * The Kepi, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1973
- * The Killer, (ss) John Bull December 2 1950
- * A Knight on the Tiles, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1928
- * Lady Luck, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1933
- * The Lady Was Scared, (ss) Britannia and Eve January 1945
- * The Last Line, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1937
- * The Last Trick, (ss) John Bull October 26 1946
- * The Last Word, (vi) John Bull September 16 1944
- * Late Visitor, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #219, September 1940
- * “Leave It to Bill” [Winslow Moult], (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1930
- * Leave It to Winslow! [Winslow Moult], (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine June 1931
- * Life in the Raw [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull May 20 1939
- * The Link, (ss) John Bull March 11 1939
- * A Little Enterprise—and Aubrey, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1929
- * A Little Fresh Hair, (ss) John Bull August 2 1947
- * The Little Shop, (ss) The London Magazine March 1928
- * Lone Eagle, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1936
- * Lonely Heart, (ss) Good Housekeeping (UK) October 1946
- * Loot for a Lady, (ss) The Passing Show February 11 1939
- * Love Can Be a Pain, (ss) Everybody’s February 18 1950
- * Lucky Money, (ss) The Evening Standard November 22 1939
- * Lucky Star, (ss) Britannia and Eve October 1936
- * Make It Rare and Juicy, (ar) Liberty June 24 1944
- * Man Out of the Past, (ss) The Passing Show March 20 1937
- * Man with a Miracle:
* ___ (with D. M. B. Collier), (bg) The Passing Show November 30 1935 [Ref. Marconi]
* ___ 2: Sounds Across the Sea! (with D. M. B. Collier), (bg) The Passing Show December 7 1935 [Ref. Marconi]
* ___ 3: Marconi Conquers the Atlantic (with D. M. B. Collier), (bg) The Passing Show December 14 1935 [Ref. Marconi]
* ___ 4 (with D. M. B. Collier), (bg) The Passing Show December 21 1935 [Ref. Marconi]
- * The Man with the Long Face, (ss) John Bull October 12 1946
- * Marconi Conquers the Atlantic (with D. M. B. Collier), (bg) The Passing Show December 14 1935 [Ref. Marconi]
- * Marrying Them Is Different, (ss)
- * McDougal the Bulb Man Swops One for a Space Gun…, (ss) The Evening Standard June 14 1958
- * Meet My Son, Joe, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1939
- * Memory of Juliette, (ss) John Bull October 30 1948
- * Milk-Fed, (ss) The Passing Show December 28 1935
- * Minchenko, the Schoolmaster, (ss) Illustrated July 21 1943
- * Mr. Das Feels It Keenly [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull May 13 1939
- * Mr. Pickering Marks Time, (ss) The Passing Show September 11 1937
- * Mr. President, no you know, (ss) Lilliput June/July 1952
- * Moon Over the Hills, (ss) The Passing Show January 29 1938
- * Mrs. Fluke Steps In [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull May 6 1939
- * Mrs. Sparrow Carries On, (ss)
- * Murder Ship, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1939
- * Needle Fight, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #193, July 1938
- * The Night Call, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1932
- * Night Express, (ss) John Bull September 30 1950
- * Nine Seconds, (ss) Adventure October 1937
- * No Harm Done, (ss) The Passing Show February 6 1937
- * No Place Like Home, (ss) Britannia and Eve August 1944
- * No Soul in Sight, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #189, March 1938
- * Not on the Menu, (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1966
- * Not the Tape Measure Again?, (ss) John Bull September 18 1948
- * Not the Tortoise—, (ss) The Passing Show February 1 1936
- * Oak Grows from Acorns, (ss) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1931
- * Odd Behaviour of a Restless Gentleman, (ss) The London Magazine October 1927
- * The Offering, (ss) The Evening Standard September 10 1949
- * The Old Lady’s Day of Reckoning, (ss) The Evening Standard December 6 1958
- * Old Soldier, (ss) The House of Madame Jacqueminet, Frederick Muller, 1944
- * Old Spanish Custom [Winslow Moult], (ss) The New Royal Magazine May 1931
- * One Jump Ahead, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1937
- * One Moment, Mr. Honeybone!, (ss) The Passing Show March 21 1936
- * Only Half a Hero, (ss) The Passing Show October 6 1934
- * Out of Date, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1929
- * A Party in the Park [Winslow Moult], (ss) Collier’s May 2 1931
- * Pearl Beyond Price, (ss) The Evening Standard March 4 1957
- * The Perils of Paris, (ss) Collier’s June 4 1932
- * A Point of Honor, (ss) Collier’s August 17 1929
- * Post Office Hold-Up, (ss) The Passing Show May 30 1936
- * Practically Painless, (ss)
- * Precious Cargo, (ss) The Novel Magazine July 1937
- * Quiet Night, (ss) Britannia and Eve April 1945
- * Rain, (ss)
- * Reaction, (ss) The 20-Story Magazine #175, January 1937
- * Really, Mr. Wilson!, (vi) The Passing Show June 27 1936
- * A Rich Girl Like Zoe, (ss) The Passing Show September 10 1938
- * The Riddle of the Well, (ss) The Passing Show March 18 1933
- * The Right Spirit, (ss) The Story-teller September 1935
- * Road Sense:
* ___ Safer, Swifter, Smarter Cars, (ar) The Passing Show September 22 1934
* ___ Still More Motor Cars!, (ar) The Passing Show October 13 1934
- * Roads Safe for You (with Frank D. Long), (ar) The Passing Show March 23 1935 [Ref. George Bernard Shaw & Leslie Hore-Belisha, M.P.]
- * Robbery on the Great West Road, (ss) The Novel Magazine February 1937
- * Romance at No. 9 [Mrs. Fluke], (ss) John Bull May 27 1939
- * Room 46, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1932
- * Safer, Swifter, Smarter Cars, (ar) The Passing Show September 22 1934
- * Salt Is the Sea, (ss) Britannia and Eve April 1943
- * Sawdust Caesar, (ss) The Evening Standard July 21 1949
- * Say It with Bears, (ss) The Passing Show May 11 1935
- * The Scoop, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1931
- * Secret Places, (ss) The Evening Standard January 18 1952
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