The FictionMags Index
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[]Hayward, William Stephens (1835-1870) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * The Eagle and the Vulture; or, The Two Privateers, (sl) Young Englishman’s Journal Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7, Nov 14, Nov 21,
Nov 28, Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19, Dec 26 1868
Jan 2, Jan 9, Jan 16, Jan 23, Jan 30, Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27, Mar 6, Mar 13,
Mar 20, Mar 27, Apr 3 1869
- * The End of the Voyage, (ss)
- * Fifty Pounds Reward [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * Found Drowned [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * Incognita [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * The Lost Diamonds [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * Mistaken Identity [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * The Mysterious Countess [Mrs. Paschal], (nv) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * The Nun, the Will, and the Abbess [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * Revelations of a Lady Detective [Mrs. Paschal], (co) George Vickers, 1864 , uncredited.
- * Revelations of a Lady Detective [Mrs. Paschal], (n.) George Vickers, 1864
- The British Library, February 2013
- * The Secret Band [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * Stolen Letters [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
- * Which Is the Heir [Mrs. Paschal], (ss) Revelations of a Lady Detective, George Vickers, 1864, uncredited.
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[]Haywire Mac; pseudonym of Harry Kirby McClintock (1882-1957) (chron.)
- * Big Rock Candy Mountain, (pm) Railroad Magazine September 1940
- * Blow That Whistle, (ar) Railroad Magazine November 1951
- * ’Bo Money, (ts) Railroad Magazine March 1939
- * A Boomer in Africa, (ts) Railroad Magazine June 1938
- * The Boomer’s Bag o’ Tricks, (ts) Railroad Magazine September 1954
- * Boomers I Have Known, (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1939
- * Caboose Hustler, (ts) Railroad Magazine October 1956
- * Chasing the Red (Santa Fe) (with Paul McGuire), (ar) Railroad Magazine September 1944
- * The Good Provider, (ts) Railroad Magazine March 1940
- * Green Lights Replace White, (ts) Railroad Magazine August 1944
- * The G.Y.M., (ar) Railroad Magazine January 1944
- * Helper Town (D&RG), (ts) Railroad Magazine January 1941
- * The Little Red Caboose, (ia) Railroad Magazine April 1938
- * Pocatello Yardmaster, (pi) Railroad Magazine December 1940, as "Pocatello Night Yardmaster", by Harry Kirby McClintock
- * Railroaders Are Tough, (ss) Railroad Magazine April 1943
- * Rawhide Run, (ss) Railroad Magazine June 1942
- * Remember the Old Pay Car?, (ts) Railroad Magazine April 1939
- * Rolling Wheels, (ts) Railroad Magazine June 1962
- * Rule G, (ts) Railroad Magazine June 1940
- * A Switch-Shanty Yarn, (ss) Railroad Magazine August 1955
[]Haywood, Gar Anthony (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- * All That Glitters, (ss) South Central Noir ed. Gary Phillips, Akashic Books, 2022
- * And Pray Nobody Sees You [Aaron Gunner], (ss) Spooks, Spies, and Private Eyes ed. Paula L. Woods, Doubleday, 1995
- * Better Dead Than Wed, (ss) Shades of Black ed. Eleanor Taylor Bland, Prime Crime, 2004
- * The Einstein Divorce, (vi) Kwik Krimes ed. Otto Penzler, Thomas & Mercer, 2013
- * The First Rule Is, (ss) Black Noir March 3 2009
- * Introduction (with Gary Phillips), (in) Witnesses for the Dead ed. Gary Phillips & Gar Anthony Haywood, Soho Crime, 2022
- * It’s Always the Quiet Ones [Aaron Gunner], (ss) Mary Higgins Clark Mystery Magazine Summer 2000
- * The Lamb Was Sure to Go [Aaron Gunner], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2010
- * Like Something Out of a Comic Book, (ss) San Diego Noir ed. Maryelizabeth Hart, Akashic Books, 2011
- * A Mother Always Knows, (ss) Funny Bones ed. Joan Hess, Signet, 1997
- * Moving Pictures, (ss) Hollywood and Crime: Original Crime Stories Set During the History of Hollywood ed. Robert J. Randisi, Pegasus Books, 2007
- * On Gossamer Wings, (ss) Witnesses for the Dead ed. Gary Phillips & Gar Anthony Haywood, Soho Crime, 2022
- * A Room in the Heart, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2023
- * Some Things You Never Forget, (ss) Damn Near Dead 2: Live Noir or Die Trying! ed. Bill Crider, Busted Flush Press, 2010
- * Third Santa from the Left, (ss) New Mystery v6 #2, 1999
- * With Footnotes and References, (ss) The Darkling Halls of Ivy ed. Lawrence Block, Subterranean Press, 2020
- * With the Right Bait, (ss) Playing Games ed. Lawrence Block, Subterranean Press, 2023
_____, ed.
[]Haywood, Laura (Alice) W(eber) (1938- ); used pseudonym Alice Laurance (books) (chron.)
- * At the End, (vi) Vertex June 1974, as by Alice Laurance
- * Call from Kerlyana (with William K. Carlson), (ss) The Alien Condition ed. Stephen Goldin, Ballantine, 1973, as by William K. Carlson & Alice Laurance
- * Cassandra Rising, (oa) Doubleday, 1978 , as by Alice Laurance
- * Chances Are, (ss) Protostars ed. David Gerrold & Stephen Goldin, Ballantine, 1971, as by Alice Laurance
- * The Coloured Element (with William K. Carlson), (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1969, as by William K. Carlson & Alice Laurance
- * The Game of the Name, (ss) Microcosmic Tales ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Taplinger, 1980, as by Alice Laurance
- * Guilty as Charged (with William K. Carlson), (ss) Vertex February 1974, as by William K. Carlson & Alice Laurance
- * Nine-Tenths of the Law, (ss) Galileo January 1980, as by Alice Laurance
- * Nobody Loves a Moebius Strip, (ss) Galileo #11/12, 1979, as by Alice Laurance
- * The Past, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 1998
- * Preface, (pr) Cassandra Rising ed. Alice Laurance, Doubleday, 1978, as by Alice Laurance
- * Reprisal, (ss) Generation ed. David Gerrold, Dell, 1972, as by Alice Laurance
- * Schlossie, (ss) Cassandra Rising ed. Alice Laurance, Doubleday, 1978, as by Alice Laurance
- * Speculations (with Isaac Asimov), (an) Houghton Mifflin, April 1982, as by Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance
- * Speculations (with Isaac Asimov), (oa) Houghton Mifflin, April 1982 , as by Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance
- * A Touch of Truth (with William K. Carlson), (ss) Speculations ed. Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance, Houghton Mifflin, 1982, as by William K. Carlson & Alice Laurance
- * User Friendly, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1988, as by Alice Laurance
- * We Interrupt This Magazine, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1978, as by Alice Laurance
- * Who Done It? (with Isaac Asimov), (oa) Houghton Mifflin, 1980 , as by Isaac Asimov & Alice Laurance
- * Zenna Henderson: In Memoriam, (ob) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction Writers of America #81, Fall 1983 [Ref. Zenna Henderson], as by Alice Laurance
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