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Hardy, Thomas (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Far from the Madding Crowd:
* ___ Chapter LVII. A Foggy Night and Morning: Conclusion, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1874, uncredited.
- * The Farm-Woman’s Winter, (pm) The Pall Mall Magazine January 1905
- * The Fiddler of the Reels, (ss) Scribner’s Magazine May 1893
- * The First Countess of Wessex, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1889
- * The Forsaking of the Nest, (pm) Nash’s Magazine February 1912
- * “A Gentleman’s Second-Hand Suit”, (pm) Harper’s Magazine March 1928
- * The Glimpse, (pm) Moments of Vision by Thomas Hardy, Macmillan and Co., 1917
- * The Grave by the Handpost, (ss) St. James’ Budget December 1897
- * The Hand of Ethelberta:
* ___ Chapter I. A Street in Anglebury—A Heath Near—Inside the “Old Fox Inn”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter II. Christopher’s House—Sandbourne Town—Sandbourne Moor, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter III. Sandbourne Moor (continued), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter IV. Sandbourne Pier—Road to Wyndway—Ball-room in Wyndway House, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter V. At the Window—The Road Home, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VI. The Shore by Wyndway, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VII. The Dining-Room of a Town House—The Butler’s Pantry, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VIII. Christopher’s Lodgings—The Grounds About Rookington, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter IX. A Village Inn—Rookington Drive—Christopher’s Rooms, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter X. A Lady’s Drawing-rooms—Ethelberta’s Dressing-Room, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XI. Lady Petherwin’s House, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XII. Sandbourne and Its Neighbourhood, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIII. Some London Streets, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIV. Arrowthorne Park and Lodge, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XV. The Lodge (continued)—The Copse Behind, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVI. A Turnpike Road, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVII. An Inner Room at the Lodge, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVIII. A Large Public Hall, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIX. Ethelberta’s House, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XX. Near Sandbourne—London Streets—Ethelberta’s, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXI. Ethelberta’s Drawing-Room, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXII. The Neighbourhood of the Hall—The Road Home, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIII. A Street—Neigh’s Rooms—Christopher’s Rooms, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Ethelberta’s House, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXV. Ethelberta’s House (continued), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVI. Ethelberta’s House (continued)—The British Museum, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVII. The Royal Academy—The Harefield Estate, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. Ethelberta’s Drawing-Room, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIX. Mrs. Belmaine’s—Cripplegate Church, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXX. Ethelberta’s—Mr. Chickerel’s Room, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Ethelberta’s Dressing-Room—Mr. Doncastle’s House, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXII. On the Housetop, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Knollsea—A Lofty Down—A Ruined Castle, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. A Room in Lychworth Court, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXV. The English Channel—Normandy, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. The Hotel Beau Séjour, and Spots Near It, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. The Hotel (continued), and the Quay in Front, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. The House in Town, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. Knollsea—An Ornamental Villa, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XL. Lychworth Court, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLI. Knollsea—Melchester, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLII. Melchester (continued), (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Workshops—An Inn—The Street, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIV. The Doncastles’ Residence, and Outside the Same, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLV. The Railway—The Sea—The Shore Behind, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVI. Sandbourne—A Lonely Heath—The “Old Fox”—The Highway, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVII. Knolsea—The Road Thence—Lychworth, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. Lychworth (continued)—The Anglebury Highway, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Lychworth and Its Precincts—Melchester, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1876, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter L. Anglebury—Lychworth—Sandbourne, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1876, uncredited.
- * The Harvest Supper (Circa 1850), (pm) The New Magazine (UK) December 1925
- * The Hatband, (pm) The London Magazine January 1956
- * The Haunter, (pm) Satires of Circumstances by Thomas Hardy, Macmillan and Co., 1914
- * Hearts Insurgent, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Dec 1894, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
Nov 1895
- * Her Second Husband Hears Her Story, (ex)
- * The History of the Hardcomes, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1891
- * The History of the Hardcomes, (ex) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1891
- * The Homecoming, (pm) The Graphic Christmas 1903
- * How Our Novelists Write Their Books, (sy) The Strand Magazine October 1924
- * An Imaginative Woman, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1894
- * An Impromptu to the Editor, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine January 1910
- * Incident in the Life of Mr. George Crookhill, (vi) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1891
- * An Indiscretion in the Life of an Heiress, (sl) New Quarterly Review
- * Interlopers at the Knap, (nv) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1884
- * In Time of “The Breaking of Nations”, (pm)
- * Jezreel, (pm) To-Day October 1918
- * The Lady Icenway, (ss) The Wave August 29 1891
- * The Lady Penelope, (ss) Longman’s Magazine January 1890
- * A Laodicean, (n.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine (European edition) December 1880 (+12)
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1881
Jan 1882
- * The Last Leaf, (pm) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine November 1924
- * Let Me Enjoy, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine April 1909
- * The Man He Killed, (pm) 1925
- * Master John Horseleigh, Knight, (ss) McClure’s Magazine July 1893
- * Masterpieces of Fiction:
* ___ Tess of the d’Urbervilles, (n.) James R. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891
- * Masterpieces of Modern Story-Telling:
* ___ Benighted Travellers, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 10 1881 (+1)
- * Maumbury Ring, (ar) The Times October 9 1908; revised from an earlier version in The Detroit Post, March 1885.
- * The Mayor of Casterbridge, (ex) Smith, Elder, 1886
- * The Melancholy Hussar, (ss) The London Magazine September 1903
- * The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion, (ss) The London Magazine September 1903, as "The Melancholy Hussar"
- * Memories of Church Restoration, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine August 1906; read at the General Meeting of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings, June 20, 1906.
- * A Mere Interlude, (nv) Bolton Weekly Journal October 1885
- * The Midnight Revel, (pm) McCall’s Magazine December 1924
- * The Mock Wife, (pm)
- * My Spirit Will Not Haunt the Mound, (pm)
- * Netty Sargent’s Copyhold, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1891
- * The New Dawn’s Business, (pm)
- * Night in a Suburb, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine December 1911
- * The Noble Lady’s Tale, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine March 1905
- * Old Andrey’s Experience as a Musician, (ss)
- * Old Mrs. Chundle, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1929
- * On a Midsummer Eve, (pm)
- * On the Western Circuit, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1891
- * The Pine-Planters, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine June 1903
- * Poem at a Lunar Eclipse, (pm) Poems of the Past and Present by Thomas Hardy, Harper & Bros., 1901, as "At a Lunar Eclipse"
- * The Portraits, (pm) Nash’s and Pall Mall Magazine December 1924
- * The Rash Bride; An Experience of the Mellstock Quire, (pm) The Graphic Christmas 1902
- * Reminiscences of a Dancing Man, (pm) Collier’s March 27 1909
- * The Return of the Native, (n.) Belgravia January 1878, uncredited.
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1878,
Jan 1879
- * The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid, (na) The Graphic Summer 1883
- * The Ruined Maid, (pm) Poems of the Past and Present by Thomas Hardy, Harper & Bros., 1901
- * The Sacrilege, (pm)
- * The Satin Shoes, (pm) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1910
- * The Science of Fiction 3., (ar) The New Review #23, April 1891
- * The Shadow on the Stone, (pm) Moments of Vision and Miscellaneous Verses by Thomas Hardy, Macmillan and Co., 1917
- * She Would Welcome Old Tribulations, (pm) The London Magazine January 1956
- * Short Story Masterpiece:
* ___ The Lady Penelope, (ss) Longman’s Magazine January 1890
- * Song of the Soldiers, (pm)
- * The Son’s Veto, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1891
- * The Souls of the Slain, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine April 1900
- * The Spectre of the Real (with Florence Henniker), (ss) To-Day November 1894
- * The Spring Call, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine May 1906
- * Squire Petrick’s Lady, (ss) The Wave August 22 1891
- * A Sunday Morning Tragedy (circa 1860), (pm) The English Review December 1908
- * The Supernatural Tales of Thomas Hardy, (co) Foulsham, December 1988 ; edited by Peter Haining
- * The Superstitious Man’s Story, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine April 1891
- * The Telegram, (pm) Harper’s Magazine December 1913
- * Tess of the d’Urbervilles, (n.) James R. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891
- * Tess of the d’Urbervilles, (ex) James R. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891
- * They Come, Beset by Riddling Hail, (ex) from The Dynasts,
- * The Thieves Who Couldn’t Help Sneezing, (ss) Father Christmas December 1877
- * Thoughts from Sophocles, (pm) The London Magazine January 1956
- * The Three Strangers, (nv) Longman’s Magazine March 1883
- The Golden Book Magazine #16, April 1926
- World’s One Hundred Best Short Stories, Volume Three: Mystery ed. Grant Overton, Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1927
- The Argosy (UK) May 1927
- Great Detective Stories, Walter J. Black, 1928
- 101 World’s Great Mystery Stories, Blue Ribbon Books, 1928
- The Omnibus of Adventure ed. John R. Colter, Dodd, Mead, 1930
- Great Tales of Terror & the Supernatural ed. Herbert A. Wise & Phyllis Fraser, Random House, 1944
- Twenty-Two Strange Stories ed. John L. Hardie, Art & Educational, 1946
- The Golden Argosy ed. Van H. Cartmell & Charles Grayson, Dial Press, 1947
- The Classics of Mystery Volume V: An Omnibus of British Mysteries ed. George Bisserov, Juniper, 1959
- Ellery Queen’s Poetic Justice ed. Ellery Queen, NAL, 1967
- My Favorite Suspense Stories ed. Maureen Daly, Dodd, Mead, 1968
- Tales of Mystery and Melodrama ed. Leonard R. N. Ashley, Barron's, 1977
- Gateway to Mystery Stories ed. Elayne Sidley, Target Press, 1978
- The Best Crime Stories of the Nineteenth Century ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Dembner, 1988
- The Supernatural Tales of Thomas Hardy, Foulsham, 1988
- Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, Bracken Books, 1994
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1996
- Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Stories (9th edition) ed. James H. Pickering, Prentice Hall College Div., 2000
- The Mammoth Book of Vintage Whodunnits ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2006
- Stories of Terror and the Supernatural ed. Herman Graf, Skyhorse Publishing, 2013
- Chilling Horror Short Stories ed. Laura Bulbeck, Flame Tree Publishing, 2015
- * A Thunderstorm in Town: A Reminiscence, (pm) Collier’s August 22 1914
- * Tony Kytes, the Arch-Deceiver, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1891
- * To Please His Wife, (ss) Black & White #21, June 27 1891
- * The Trumpet-Major, (sl) Good Words Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1880
- * The Turnip-hoer, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine August 1925
- * Two and Two, (ex) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1891, as "The History of the Hardcomes"
- * Two on a Tower, (sl) The Atlantic Monthly May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1882
- * The Two Rosalinds, (pm)
- * The Unplanted Primrose, (pm) The London Magazine January 1956
- * Vagrant’s Song, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine January 1925
- * The Village Choir Makes Its Rounds, (ar)
- * The Voice, (pm)
- * Waiting Booth, (pm)
- * The Waiting Supper, (nv)
- * A Wasted Illness, (pm) Poems of the Past and Present by Thomas Hardy, Harper & Bros., 1901
- * Wessex Folk, (na) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1891
- * What the Shepherd Saw, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1881
- * When Dead, (pm)
- * When I Set Out for Lyonnesse, (pm)
- * The Winters and the Palmleys, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1891
- * The Withered Arm, (nv) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine January 1888
- Great Ghost Stories ed. Joseph Lewis French, Dodd, Mead, 1918
- The Golden Book Magazine #82, October 1931
- The Ghost Story Omnibus ed. Joseph Lewis French, Dodd, Mead, 1933
- The Argosy (UK) July 1933
- A Little Night Reading ed. Dave Allen, Roger Schlesinger, 1974
- The Best Horror Stories, Hamlyn, 1977
- Chilling and Killing ed. Joan Kahn, Houghton Mifflin, 1978
- Classic Stories of Mystery, Horror and Suspense ed. Simon Petherick, Robert Hale, 1987
- Charles Keeping’s Classic Tales of the Macabre ed. Charles Keeping, Blackie, 1987
- The Supernatural Tales of Thomas Hardy, Foulsham, 1988
- The Best Horror Stories (var. 1), BDD/Mallard Press, 1990
- The Best Horror Stories (var. 1), Ivy Leaf, 1990
- Masters of the Macabre, BOMC, 1999
- Classic Tales of Horror Volume 1, Bloody Books, 2006
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