The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4129
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[]Goodman, Ivy (1953- ) (chron.)
- * Baby, (ss) Ploughshares Winter 1979
- * Remnants: A Family Pattern, (ss) Heart Failures by Ivy Goodman, University of Iowa Press, 1983
- * Secret, (ss) Epoch v43 #3, 1994
- * White Boy, (ss) Ploughshares Winter 1980/1981
- * Zoomorphism; or, The Fur Hat, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #12, Spring 2014
[]Goodman, Jack (fl. 1930s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Adjusted to a Tee (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1936
- * Autumn Leave (with Albert Rice), (ss) Collier’s November 14 1942
- * Backfield Nightmare (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1937
- * Build-up (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1938
- * The Candid Candidate (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1939
- * Can You Take a Joke? (with Albert Rice), (ar) Liberty August 17 1935
- * A Christmas Tree Should Be Green, (ss) Cosmopolitan January 1941
- * Foreign Affair (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1937
- * From Pillar to Post or How to Raise a Dog (with Alan Green), (ar) How to Do Practically Anything, Simon & Schuster, 1942
- * Knight Very Errant (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1936
- * Love Dogged His Footsteps (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1942
- * Love in Ice (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan March 1937
- * Love Is a Gamble (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1942
- * Love, Love, Love!, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1937
- * May the Best Man Lose, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1939
- * The Mystery of Naugatuck Island (with Albert Rice), (ss) Liberty February 17 1945
- * 9 Minutes (with Agnes Rumsey), (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1939
- * Norman Conquest (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1936
- * Pick Me Up (with Albert Rice), (ss) McCall’s September 1945
- * The Scatterbrain Trust (with Albert Rice), (ar) Liberty December 7 1935
- * Slip of a Girl, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1938
- * Some of the People (with Fred Schwed, Jr.), (cl) Cosmopolitan October 1946
- * Southern Exposure (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1938
- * Taming the Colorado, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 15 1962
- * They Mean Well! (with Albert Rice), (ss) Liberty March 21 1936
- * Trolly Trouble (with Albert Rice), (ss) Cosmopolitan June 1937
- * Two in the Bush, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1940
- * Very Mixed Foursome, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1938
[]Goodman, Jules Eckert (1876-1962) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bugle Call, (ss) Story #122, November/December 1946
- * Camilla, (ss) The Smart Set August 1909
- * David and Jane, (ss) People’s February 1909
- * Dolores, (ss) Short Stories December 1904
- * The Famous Fourth Act, (ss) Young’s Magazine September 1910
- * For Value Received, (vi) Liberty November 20 1937
- * In Theatrical By-Paths, (ar) People’s Magazine August 1906
- * A Lady of the Harem, (ss) The Smart Set February 1911
- * Making Decency Pay, (ar) The Pacific Monthly November 1904
- * The Month’s Attractions on the Stage, (ia) Metropolitan Magazine November 1904
- * The Permanent, (vi) Liberty May 7 1938
- * The Return from Court, (vi) People’s October 1908
[]Goodman, Maurie (Phillipe) (fl. 1960s-1970s); used pseudonym Maurice Bonhomme (chron.)
- * Acid Yes, Murder No, (ss) Showpiece January/February/March 1973
- * All a Woman Can Give, (ss) Heels & Hose v6 #3, 1969
- * Another Lonely Soul, (ar) Adam September 1971
- * Bait for the King Pimp, (ss) Rapture v8 #3, 1969
- * Ball Her for the Jack, (ss) Vixen v3 #1, 1972
- * A Bare Exchange, (ss) Night People August/September/October 1970
- * Blood on the Seine, (ss) French Frills v7 #4, 1968
- * The Bloody Mark of Lust, (ss) French Follies v6 #2, 1969, as by Maurice Bonhomme
- * The Booby-Trapped Poodle, (ss) Fanny v1 #1, 1971
- * The Breast Laid Plans, (ss) 38-26-34 v9 #2, 1972
- * The Call-Girl Collector, (ss) Beauty Bazaar v2 #3, 1970/71
- * Canned Heat, (ss) Swingle July 1976
- * Cheater’s Luck, (ss) The New Touch v2 #1, 1970/71
- * Circle of Sex, (ss) Champagne v6 #2, 1968
- * The Comeuppance of Nickels Brown, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #36, September 1968
- * Coming Out Party for a Square, (ss) 21 v2 #3, 1969
- * Dial “O” for Orgy, (ss) Heels & Hose v7 #1, 1969
- * Diamonds in the Buff, (ss) 38-26-34 v8 #2, 1971
- * Double Feature: Lust—and Terror, (ss) Kingsize v5 #2, 1974
- * An Ecstasy of Terror, (ss) French Follies v5 #3, 1968, as by Maurice Bonhomme
- * Fallen Flowers, (ar) Knight July 1968
- * Finale for a Big-Breasted Gal, (ss) 38-26-34 v8 #3, 1971
- * First Bus, (ss) Broadside September/October/November 1972
- * The French Way, (ss) Broadside January/February/March 1970
- * Front for a “House”, (ss) Touch v6 #1, 1968
- * Games Sexy Dames Play, (ss) Snap v8 #1, 1968
- * “Give the Broad a Taste”, (ss) Rapture v8 #4, 1969
- * Hellbent Hellcat, (ss) High Time v7 #3, 1968
- * Hell Is a Hot Property, (ss) Sensation v5 #2, 1968
- * Her Father’s Money, (ss) Over 18 v1 #4, 1971
- * He Whore, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1970
- * Hookers Never Change, (ss) Femina v1 #1, 1969
- * Incident at Agua Prieta, (ss) Pix April 1968
- * In Memory of Pavlov, (ss) Adam February 1971
- * Invitation to an Orgy, (ss) X-Rated Films May/June/July 1970
- * Jeopardy for a Big-Jugged Babe, (ss) 38-26-34 v10 #1, 1972/73
- * Just for Kicks, (ss) Showpiece April/May/June 1973
- * Just One More Time, (ss) Late Show v7 #2, 1969
- * Keyhole Sex, (ar) Adult Words & Pictures January/February/March 1969
- * Ladies of Lesbos, (ss) Late Date v5 #4, 1968
- * Last Love for a Quiet Man, (ss) Showboat v4 #2, 1971/72
- * Las Vegas Pushover, (ss) Bachelor Party July/August/September 1971
- * Lesson for a Rapist, (ss) Adult Words & Pictures July/August/September 1969
- * A Lesson in Lust, (ss) Broadside October/November/December 1968
- * Lesson of Lust, (ss) Kingsize v1 #3, 1970
- * A License for Lust, (ss) Lasses & Glasses v2 #1, 1969
- * Love at Gun Point, (ss) Late Date v6 #1, 1968
- * Love Before We Die, (ss) Matinee v6 #2, 1969
- * Love Flesh Offering, (ss) Matinee v6 #3, 1969
- * The Love-In Farm, (ss) Pussycat v4 #4, 1970
- * Love on a Three-Day Pass, (ss) Touch v5 #4, 1968
- * Love Sets a Death Trap, (ss) Double Play November/December 1974/January 1975
- * The Love Snatchers, (ss) Trojan v7 #2, 1969
- * Lucky in Lust, (ss) Honey v4 #4, 1972
- * Lust’s Fatal Thrust, (ss) Quickie v6 #2, 1969
- * Lust Without Indemnity, (ss) Night People November/December 1971/January 1972
- * The Making of a Prostitute, (ar) Pix April 1969
- * Mint Stud, (ss) 21 v3 #1, 1969
- * More Than a Stud, (ss) Love Date v3 #3, 1972
- * More Than Once, (ss) Nightcap v4 #1, 1972
- * A Most Righteous Mama, (ss) Adam Yearbook 1969
- * Naked Ambush, (ss) Snap v9 #2, 1969/70
- * The Naked Hour, (ss) Kingsize v1 #2, 1970
- * Naked in the Arena, (ss) Snap v8 #2, 1968/69
- * Night of the Nympho, (ss) Pagan v6 #2, 1968
- * No Way to Turn, (ss) Showpiece July/August/September 1973
- * One for My Friend the Jockey, (ss) Touch v6 #2, 1968/69
- * One More Time, (ss) Sir Knight v3 #5, 1962
- * 1,000 Frames of Lust, (ss) French Frills v8 #2, 1969
- * On Guard, Sucker!, (ar) Adam Bedside Reader #37, December 1968
- * Overmatch, (ss) Adam May 1969
- * Passion Is the Payment, (ss) Guys & Dolls v1 #2, 1968/69
- * Passion with a Punch, (ss) Electra v1 #1, 1969
- * Passion with the Brakes Off, (ss) Broadside April/May/June 1969
- * Pay All Bets…in Bed!, (ss) Pussycat v3 #2, 1968
- * Pay Dirt with Passion, (ss) Heels & Hose v5 #4, 1968
- * Payment in Passion, (ss) Late Date v6 #2, 1969
- * Payoff for a Stud, (ss) Lasses & Glasses v1 #4, 1969
- * Pick-Up, (ss) Nightcap v5 #3, 1973
- * Portrait of an Investigator, (ar) Adam November 1962 [Ref. Fred Otash]
- * Prey to the Hitman, (ss) Double Play February/March/April 1975
- * Private Eye—Modern Style, (ar) Sir Knight v3 #9, 1962
- * The Prize Is Love or Lust, (ss) Heels & Hose v7 #4, 1970
- * Race Toward Exinction, (ar) Knight March 1969
- * Rape and the Militant, (ss) Showpiece July/August/September 1972
- * A Roach for Daddy, (ss) Broadside June/July/August 1973
- * Set-Up for the Stags, (ss) Guys & Dolls v1 #3, 1969
- * Sex Change, (ss) Nightcap v5 #1, 1973
- * Sex-Kitten for the Cong, (ss) The Nylon Jungle v7 #2, 1969
- * Sex on the Dotted Line, (ss) Guys & Dolls v1 #1, 1968
- * The Sexpot and the Shark, (ss) 38-26-34 v6 #2, 1969
- * Sex Trap for a Rapist, (ss) Midnight v9 #1, 1970
- * Sex Trap for Death, (ss) Late Date v7 #3, 1970
- * The Sex Watchers, (ar) Knight May 1969
- * Shill for a Hustler, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #9, 1962
- * Shootout for a Redhead, (ss) Black Magic v5 #3, 1968
- * Shoot-Out for Sex, (ss) 38-26-34 v6 #1, 1968/69
- * Six Shots to Passion, (ss) Late Show v7 #1, 1969
- * Something Between the Pusher and the Punk, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #32, December 1967
- * A Spike for Eddie, (ss) Nylon Party v5 #2, 1968
- * Stripped for Murder, (ss) Broadside April/May/June 1970
- * Summer’s a Good Time to Learn, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #38, March 1969
- * A Sweet Scent of Terror, (ss) Late Show v6 #1, 1968
- * A Taste for Her Honey, (ss) Femina v1 #3, 1970
- * A Taste of Rabbit, (ss) Broadside March/April/May 1973
- * The Taxi Dancers, (ar) Adam September 1971, as "Another Lonely Soul"
- * Tennis Shoe Jakey, (ss) Sir Knight v3 #7, 1962
- * That Secret Kind of Love, (ss) Girl to Girl October/November/December 1969
- * Three for Murder, (ss) Dapper June 1976
- * Two to Twist, (ss) Knight v3 #10, 1962
- * The Unwilling Lover, (ss) 38-26-34 v7 #4, 1970
- * Vendetta’s End, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #33, February 1968
- * Vengeance Is a Matter of Pride, (ss) Adam February 1963
- * What Price Passion!, (ss) Matinee v5 #3, 1968
_____, as told to
_____, [ref.]
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