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Gardner, Martin (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Symmetry Creations of Scott Kim, (ar) Scientific American June 1981, as "The Inspired Geometrical Symmetries of Scott Kim"
- * Tangent Circles, (ar) Scientific American January 1979, as "The Diverse Pleasures of Circles That Are Tangent to One Another"
- * Tangrams, Part 1, (ar) Scientific American August 1974, as "On the Fanciful History and the Creative Challenges of the Puzzle Game of Tangrams"
- * Tangrams, Part 2, (ar) Scientific American September 1974, as "More on Tangrams: Combinatorial Problems and the Game Possibilities of Snug Tangrams"
- * Tanya Hits and Misses, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 18 1982
- * Tanya Tackles Topology, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1979
- * Tasks You Cannot Help Finishing No Matter How Hard You Try to Block Finishing Them, (ar) Scientific American August 1983
- * Taxicab Geometry, (ar) Scientific American November 1980, as "Taxicab Geometry Offers a Free Ride to a Non-Euclidean Locale"
- * Taxicab Geometry Offers a Free Ride to a Non-Euclidean Locale, (ar) Scientific American November 1980
- * Technology on Vzigs, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1984
- * The Ternary System, (ar) Scientific American May 1964, as "The Tyranny of 10 Overthrown with the Ternary Number System"
- * Tests of Divisibility, (ar) Scientific American September 1962, as "Tests That Show Whether a Large Number Can Be Divided by a Number from 2 to 12"
- * Tests That Show Whether a Large Number Can Be Divided by a Number from 2 to 12, (ar) Scientific American September 1962
- * Tethered Purple-Pebble Eaters, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1983
- * Tetraflexagons, (ar) Scientific American May 1958, as "About Tetraflexagons and Tetraflexagation"
- * Tetrahedrons, (ar) Scientific American February 1965, as "Tetrahedrons in Nature and Architecture, and Puzzles Involving This Simplest Polyhedron"
- * Tetrahedrons in Nature and Architecture, and Puzzles Involving This Simplest Polyhedron, (ar) Scientific American February 1965
- * Thang, (vi) Comment Fall 1948
- The Best Science-Fiction Stories: 1949 ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Fell, 1949
- Science Fiction Omnibus ed. Everett F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty, Garden City Books, 1952
- 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Doubleday, 1978
- The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 10, 1948 ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1983
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Fifth Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza, 1985
- The No-Sided Professor, Prometheus, 1987
- The Little Book of Horrors ed. Sebastian Wolfe, Xanadu, 1992
- * Thang, The Planet Eater, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1986
- * Thang, Thung, and Metagame, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1983
- * That Old Man Gloom, (ss) Esquire November 1950
- * Third Answers, (ms) Science Fiction Puzzle Tales, Penguin, 1983
- * Third Answers, (ms) Puzzles from Other Worlds, Oxford University Press, 1986
- * A Third Collection of “Brain-Teasers”, (ar) Scientific American August 1958
- * The Third Dr. Moreau, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March/April 1978
- * The Thirty Color Cubes, (ar) Scientific American September 1978, as "Puzzling Over a Problem-Solving Matrix, Cubes of Many Colors and Three-Dimensional Dominoes"
- * Thirty Days Hath September, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1982
- * Thirty-Seven Catch Questions, (ar) Scientific American April 1963, as "A Bit of Foolishness for April Fools’ Day"
- * Thoughts on the Task of Communication with Intelligent Organisms on Other Worlds, (ar) Scientific American August 1965
- * The Three Cowboys, (vi) Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine for Little Children January 1959
- * The Three Robots of Professor Tinker, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1979
- * Ticktacktoe and Its Complications, (ar) Scientific American August 1971
- * Ticktacktoe Games, (ar) Scientific American August 1971, as "Ticktacktoe and Its Complications"
- * Ticktacktoe, or Noughts and Crosses, (ar) Scientific American March 1957, as "Some Old and New Versions of Ticktacktoe"
- * Tiling with Convex Polygons, (ar) Scientific American July 1975, as "On Tessellating the Plane with Convex Polygon Tiles"
- * Tiling with Polyominoes, Polyiamonds, and Polyhexes, (ar) Scientific American August 1975, as "More About Tiling the Plane: the Possibilities of Polyominoes, Polyiamonds, and Polyhexes"
- * Time-Reversed Worlds, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1986, as by Rendrag Nitram
- * Time Travel, (ar) Scientific American May 1974, as "On the Contradictions of Time Travel"
- * Time Travel and Other Mathematical Bewilderments, (W.H. Freeman & Co., 1988, nf)
- * The Tinkly Temple Bells, (ar) Scientific American May 1978, as "The Bells: Versatile Numbers That Can Count Partitions of a Set, Primes and Even Rhymes"
- * Titan’s Loch Meth Monster, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 8 1981
- * Titan’s Titanic Symbol, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1980
- * Topological Diversions, Including a Bottle with No Inside or Outside, (ar) Scientific American July 1963
- * A Topological Problem with a Fresh Twist, and Eight Other New Recreational Puzzles, (ar) Scientific American April 1972
- * The Topology of Knots, (ar) Scientific American September 1983, as "The Topology of Knots, Plus the Results of Douglas Hofstadter’s Luring Lottery"
- * The Topology of Knots, Plus the Results of Douglas Hofstadter’s Luring Lottery, (ar) Scientific American September 1983
- * A Toroidal Paradox and Other Problems, (ar) Scientific American December 1979, as "A Pride of Problems, Including One That Is Virtually Impossible"
- * The Toroids of Dr. Klonefake, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September/October 1978
- * The Tour of the Arrows and Other Problems, (ar) Scientific American May 1973, as "A New Miscellany of Problems, and Encores for Race Track, Sim, Chomp and Elevators"
- * The Transcendental Number e, (ar) Scientific American October 1961, as "Diversions That Involve the Mathematical Constant “e”"
- * The Transcendental Number Pi, (ar) Scientific American July 1960, as "Incidental Information About the Extraordinary Number Pi"
- * Trapdoor Ciphers, (ar) Scientific American August 1977, as "A New Kind of Cipher That Would Take Millions of Years to Break"
- * Tree-Plant Problems, (ar) Scientific American August 1976, as "The Symmetrical Arrangement of the Stars on the American Flag and Related Matters"
- * Trees, (ar) Scientific American February 1968, as "Combinatorial Problems Involving Tree Graphs and Forests of Trees"
- * Tricks, Games and Puzzles That Employ Matches As Counters and Line Segments, (ar) Scientific American July 1969
- * Tricks of Lightning Calculators, (ar) Scientific American May 1967, as "Cube-Root Extraction and the Calendar Trick, or How to Cheat in Mathematics"
- * The Trip Around the Moon and Seven Other Problems, (ar) Scientific American June 1964, as "A Collection of Short Problems and More Talk of Prime Numbers"
- * Trivalent Graphs, Snarks, and Boojums, (ar) Scientific American April 1976, as "Snarks, Boojums and Other Conjectures Related to the Four-Color-Map Theorem"
- * Tube Through the Earth, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1980
- * The Turing Game and the Question It Presents: Can a Computer Think?, (ar) Scientific American June 1971
- * The 24 Color Squares and the 30 Color Cubes, (ar) Scientific American March 1961, as "How to Play Dominoes in Two and Three Dimensions"
- * The Twin Paradox, (ex) from The Relativity Explosion, Vintage, 1976
- * Twisted Prismatic Rings, (ar) Scientific American August 1978, as "A Möbius Band Has a Finite Thickness, and So It Is Actually a Twisted Prism"
- * Two Odd Couples, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1984
- * The Tyranny of 10 Overthrown with the Ternary Number System, (ar) Scientific American May 1964
- * The Ultimate Turtle, (br) The New York Review of Books June 16 1988
- * The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical Diversions, (Simon & Schuster, 1969, nf)
- * Up-And-Down Elevator Games and Piet Hein’s Mechanical Puzzles, (ar) Scientific American February 1973
- * Vacation on the Moon, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1980
- * The Valley of Lost Things, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1984
- * Valley of the Apes, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1982
- * The Vanishing Plank, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1986
- * A Variety of Diverting Tricks Collected at a Fictitious Convention of Magicians, (ar) Scientific American August 1962
- * Various Problems Based on Planar Graphs, or Sets of Vertices Connected by Edges, (ar) Scientific American April 1964
- * Victor Eigen: Mathemagician, (ar) Scientific American August 1960, as "An Imaginary Dialogue on “Mathemagic”: Tricks Based on Mathematical Principles"
- * Viewpoint:
* ___ Great Moments in Pseudoscience, (ar) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1983
- * The Virgin from Kalamazoo, (vi) Men Only June 1951
- * Voting Mathematics, (ar) Scientific American October 1980, as "From Counting Votes to Making Votes Count: the Mathematics of Elections"
- * The Voyage of the Bagel, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May/June 1978
- * The Wandering Jew and the Second Coming, (ar) Free Inquiry Summer 1995
- * WAP, SAP, PAP, and FAP, (br) The New York Review of Books May 8 1986
- * Waring’s Problems, (ar) Scientific American December 1973, as "On Expressing Integers As the Sum of Cubes and Other Unsolved Number-Theory Problems"
- * Weird Numbers from Titan, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1980
- * Werner Heisenberg, (br) Dimensions v7 #1, 1993
- * What Unifies Dinner Guests, Strolling Schoolgirls and Handcuffed Prisoners?, (ar) Scientific American May 1980
- * Wheels, (ar) Scientific American September 1970, as "On the Cyclical Curves Generated by Wheels That Roll Along Wheels"
- * Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements, (W.H. Freeman & Co., 1983, nf)
- * Wherein Geometrical Figures Are Dissected to Make Other Figures, (ar) Scientific American November 1961
- * White and Brown Music, Fractal Curves and One-Over-F Fluctuations, (ar) Scientific American April 1978
- Fractal Music, Hypercards and More…: Mathematical Recreations from Scientific American, W.H. Freeman & Co., 1992, as "White, Brown, and Fractal Music"
- The Night Is Large: Collected Essays, 1938-1995, Penguin, 1997, as "White, Brown, and Fractal Music"
- * White, Brown, and Fractal Music, (ar) Scientific American April 1978, as "White and Brown Music, Fractal Curves and One-Over-F Fluctuations"
- * Who Was Shakespeare?, (br) The Washington Post Book World January 19 1992
- * Why I Am Not a Pragmatist, (ar) from Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener, Morrow, 1983
- * Why I Am Not a Smithian, (ar) from Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener, Morrow, 1983
- * Why the Long Arm of Coincidence Is Usually Not As Long As It Seems, (ar) Scientific American October 1972
- * Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone, (ar) from Fads and Fallacies, Dover, 1957
- * William James and Mrs. Piper, (ar) Free Inquiry Spring 1992 (+1)
- * The Wisdom of Solomon, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1986
- * The Wonders of a Planiverse, (ar) Scientific American July 1980, as "The Pleasures of Doing Science and Technology in the Planiverse"
- * Word Play, (ar) Scientific American September 1964, as "Puns, Palindromes and Other Word Games That Partake of the Mathematical Spirit"
- * The World of the Möbius Strip: Endless, Edgeless and One-Sided, (ar) Scientific American December 1968
- * Worm Paths, (ar) Scientific American November 1973, as "Paterson’s Worms, Fantastic Patterns Traced by Programmed “Worms”"
- * W.V. Quine, (br) The Boston Globe July 7 1985
- * Wythoff’s Nim, (ar) Scientific American March 1977, as "Cornering a Queen Leads Unexpectedly Into Corners of the Theory of Numbers"
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1985, Oct 1994
- * [letter from Hastings-on-Hudson], (lt) Kalki #4, February 1967
- * [letter from Hastings-on-Hudson, NY], (lt) Kalki #7, 1968
_____, [ref.]
- * Fads and Fallacies (in the Name of Science) by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #150, May 1965
- * Fads & Fallacies in the Name of Science by Jay Tyler, (br) Future Science Fiction #36, April 1958
- * From the Wandering Jew to William F. Buckley, Jr. by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Spring 2003
- * Interview: Martin Gardner by Scot Morris, (iv) Omni January 1982
- * In the Name of Science by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction April 1953
- * In the Name of Science by Groff Conklin, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1953
- * Logic Machines and Diagrams by Frederik Pohl, (br) If May 1960
- * Martin Gardner: North Carolina’s Historian of Oz and Annotator of Alice by Mark I. West, (ar) North Carolina Literary Review #10, 2001
- * Puzzles from Other Worlds by Lee Montgomerie, (br) Interzone #17, Autumn 1986
- * Science Fiction Puzzle Tales by John D. DiPrete, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Science Puzzlers by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine October 1961
- * Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery by David Langford, (br) The Skeptic v9 #6, 1996
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