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[]Dickinson, Mike (1947-2017) (chron.)
- * The Alchemical Marriage of Alistair Crompton, (br) Foundation #16, May 1979 [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
- * Crackpot, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Ron Goulart]
- * A Little More Off the Top, (cl) Vector October 1979
- * Mike Dickinson Reviews, (rc) Black Hole #11, December 1977
- * Nemo, (br) Foundation #14, September 1978 [Ref. Ron Goulart]
- * A Planet Called Treason, (br) Foundation #23, October 1981 [Ref. Orson Scott Card]
[]Dickinson, Oliver (Thomas Pilkington Kirwan) (1941- ) (books) (chron.)
- * All in the Family, (ss) White Dwarf #51, March 1984
- * Bad Example, (ss) Different Worlds #44, 1986
- * Carving up Carver, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #6, 1991
- * The Collected Griselda, (co) Reaching Moon Megacorp, August 1993
- * The Cradlesnatchers, (ss) Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, Issaries, 2001
- * Devil’s Play, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #8, 1992
- * Different Shades of Red, (ss) Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, Issaries, 2001
- * Down Among the Dead Men, (ss) Different Worlds #43, 1986
- * First Class Protection, (ss) Peoples of Pavis, 1996
- * Good Advice, (vi) Different Worlds #87, 1987
- * The Great Chart Caper, (ss) Pavis, Chaosium, 1983
- * Griselda: A Brief Bibliography, (bi) Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, Issaries, 2001
- * Griselda: A Brief Biography, (bg) The Collected Griselda, Reaching Moon Megacorp, 1993
- * A Griselda Bibliography, (bi) The Collected Griselda, Reaching Moon Megacorp, 1993
- * Griselda Gets Her Men, (ss) White Dwarf #30, April 1982
- * A Griselda Songbook, (sg) Convulsion ’92 Programme Book, 1992, as "Griselda: The Songs"
- * Griselda the Hero??, (vi) The Collected Griselda, Reaching Moon Megacorp, 1993
- * Griselda: The Songs, (sg) Convulsion ’92 Programme Book, 1992
- * Hanufa’s Little Sister, (ss) White Dwarf #43, July 1983
- * Happy Anniversary, (ss) The Collected Griselda, Reaching Moon Megacorp, 1993
- * The Hero Bit, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #7, 1992
- * Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, (co) Issaries, August 2001
- * Holding the Baby, (ss) Green Slime #1, 1988
- * Introduction, (in) The Collected Griselda, Reaching Moon Megacorp, 1993
- * Introduction, (in) Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, Issaries, 2001
- * Lucky Eddi, (ss) White Dwarf #29, February 1982
- * The Matchmaker, (ss) Peoples of Pavis, 1996
- * Points of View, (ss) Tradetalk 2001
- * Red Hot, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #9, 1993
- * Respect, (ss) Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, Issaries, 2001
- * Serious Money, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #3, 1990
- * Shamus Gets a Case, (ss) White Dwarf #42, June 1983
- * A Tasty Morsel, (ss) White Dwarf #41, May 1983
- * This Love Business, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #5, 1991
- * The Trouble with Nephews, (ss) Hero Wars: The Complete Griselda, Issaries, 2001
- * Wolfhead’s Story, (ss) Tales of the Reaching Moon #2, 1989
- * Worlds Apart, (ss) Convulsion ’92 Programme Book, 1992
[]Dickinson, Patric (Thomas) (1914-1994) (about) (chron.)
- * At Loch Freuchie, (pm) Penguin Parade #3, 1948
- * The Caterpillar, (pm) The Windmill v2 #8, 1947
- * How to Handle Poets, (ar) Lilliput June 1947
- * James Elroy Flecker, (ar) The Windmill v1 #1, 1944
- * Mankind and Star, (pm) The Penguin New Writing #28, July 1946
- * A Note on Ronald Firbank, (es) The Windmill v1 #3, 1946
- * Poem, (pm) The Windmill v2 #5, 1946
- * Rupert Brooke, (ar) Mandrake Winter 1946 [Ref. Rupert Brooke]
- * The Soldier, 1939, (pm) Rob Wagner’s Script #554, May 11 1940
[]Dickinson, Peter (Malcolm de Brissac) (1927-2015) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Aubade, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Ballad, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Barker, (ss) Guardian Angels ed. Stephanie Nettell, Viking Kestrel, 1987
- * The Barracoy, (pm) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * The Barrow-mound, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Binocular Vision, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * The Bridge, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Chateau Ducru Beaucaillou 1918, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * A Chosen End, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Christmas Party, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Commuters, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly
- * “Corresponding De-escalation”, (pm) Punch 1966
- * The Cost of Living, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * The Cuddlyjob, (pm) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * Cutting Edge, (pm) Punch 1958
- * Damsel, (nv) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Demolishing a Cupboard, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Dinner Party Blues, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * …Dreams, (pm) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Earth and Air, (oc) Small Beer Press, September 2012
- * An Education, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Enchantress, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Epitaph for Mr Jiggs, (pm) Punch 1963
- * The Fandango, (pm) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * The Fifth Element, (ss) Verdict of 13 ed. Julian Symons, Faber and Faber, 1978, as "Who Killed the Cat?"
- * Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits (with Robin McKinley), (oc) Penguin/Putnam, October 2009
- * Fireworm, (nv) Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley, Putnam, 2009
- * Five Finger Exercise, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Flight, (nv) Imaginary Lands ed. Robin McKinley, Ace, 1985
- * Flight of the Dragon, (ex) Omni June 1979; extract from The Flight of Dragons to be published by Harper & Tow (August 1979).
- * Flint, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * For an Old Man’s Sundial, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * From Slum to Chic, (pm) Punch 1967
- * Full Circle, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Galsworthy in Space, (ss) Punch November 30 1960
- * The Gibber, (pm) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * Gravy, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Group, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Grouse Are Scarce This Year, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1955
- * Heartsease [Changes], (n.) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #373 Mar 8, #374 Mar 15, #375 Mar 22, #376 Mar 29, #377 Apr 5, #378 Apr 12, #379 Apr 19, #380 Apr 26, #381 May 3,
#382 May 10 1969
- * Hedgerow Trees, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Hermit, (pm) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Impossible Pets, (gp) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * In Blue Hill, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Infinite Loop, (pm) Encounter
- * Instant, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * The Invaders, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * It’s an Ill Wind-bag, (pm) Punch 1966
- * K, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * King, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Knight Errant, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * The Knowit, (pm) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * Kraken, (nv) Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley, Penguin Putnam, 2002
- * Love in the Laboratory, (pm) Punch 1958
- * Lucky Numbers, (pz) The First Puffin’s Pleasure ed. Kaye Webb & Treld Bicknell, Puffin, 1976
- * The Lure of the Reichenbach, (ar) Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader’s Companion ed. Dilys Winn, Workman Publishing, 1977
- * Meme, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Merlin…, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Merlin Dreams, (co) Delacorte, October 1988
- * Merlin’s Son, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Mermaid Song, (nv) Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley, Penguin Putnam, 2002
- * Mink, (ss) The After Midnight Ghost Book ed. James Hale, Hutchinson, 1980
- * The Moon Is Female, (pm) Punch 1966
- * Motto for Artists, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Murder in the Manor, (ar) The Armchair Detective Spring 1991
- * Mystery Man, (ss) The Tenth Ghost Book ed. Aidan Chambers, Barrie & Jenkins, 1974
- * Naming the Animals, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Note, (pr) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * The Other End of the Telescope, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Palinode, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Phoenix, (na) Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley, Putnam, 2009
- * Poor Unlucky Lucy, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Poultry Country, before Daybreak, (pm) Punch 1963
- * Preface, (pr) Earth and Air, Big Mouth House, 2012
- * Reading in the Bathroom, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Repairing a Roof, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Ridiki, (nv) Earth and Air, Big Mouth House, 2012
- * Salamander Man, (nv) Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley, Putnam, 2009
- * The Scapedog, (pm) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
- * Sciopod, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Scops, (nv) Earth and Air, Big Mouth House, 2012
- * Sea Serpent, (na) Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits with Robin McKinley, Penguin Putnam, 2002
- * Sestina in Spring, (pm) Punch 1957
- * Some Steam-Age Publishers, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Song, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Sonnet, (pm) Punch 1952
- * The Spring, (ss) Beware! Beware! ed. Jean Richardson, Hamish Hamilton, 1987
- * Stone, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Sword, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Talaria, (nv) Earth and Air, Big Mouth House, 2012
- * These Three, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Third, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Thomas Hardy on Egdon Heath, (pm) Punch 1956
- * Troll Blood, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2012
- * Two on a Bed, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Unicorn, (ss) Merlin Dreams, Gollancz, 1988
- * Waking at Night, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Walking to School, (pm) The Weekend Telegraph
- * Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits (with Robin McKinley), (oc) Penguin Putnam, June 2002
- * The Weir, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * The Weir: Poems, (oc) Peter Dickinson Books, December 2007
- * Where Do You Get Your Ideas?, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * Who Killed the Cat?, (ss) Verdict of 13 ed. Julian Symons, Faber and Faber, 1978
- * Wizand, (nv) Earth and Air, Big Mouth House, 2012
- * … x 2, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * You Asked Why I Loved You, (pm) The Weir: Poems, Peter Dickinson Books, 2007
- * [article about Heartsease], (ar) Puffin Post v5 #3, 1971
- * [Hammersmith Bridge], (ms) Puffin Annual Number 1 ed. Treld Bicknell, Frank Waters & Kaye Webb, Puffin, 1974
_____, [ref.]
- * The Blue Hawk by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1978
- * A Chimp in Time… by Richard E. Geis, (br) The Alien Critic #11, November 1974
- * Elementals: Water (with Robin McKinley) by Alison Waller, (br) Foundation #89, Autumn 2003
- * “Into the Trees”: Journeys Into the Future in Peter Dickinson’s Eva by Pat Pinsent, (ar) Foundation #88, Summer 2003
- * Peter Dickinson by Christopher Fowler, (ar) The Independent on Sunday February 12 2012
- * The Playful Mysteries of Peter Dickinson by Earl F. Bargainnier, (ar) The Armchair Detective Summer 1980
- * The Poison Oracle by Allen J. Hubin, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1974
- * The Weathermonger by Lynne Holdom, (br) The Alien Critic #11, November 1974
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