The FictionMags Index
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Derleth, August (William) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Old Barn, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * The Old Covered Bridge, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Old Farmer [Sac Prairie], (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * The Old Frog Pond, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Old Girls, (ss) Trend June/August 1932
- * Old Huckleberry [Sac Prairie], (ss) Story #53, December 1936
- * Old Ladies, (ss) The Midland January/February 1932
- * Old Man Fishing, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Old Maple, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Old Mark, (ss) Weird Tales August 1929
- * Old Matt [Sac Prairie], (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * The Old Mill Road, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Old Speck, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * The Old Swimming Hole, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Old Turtle, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Oliver Voir [Sac Prairie], (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Omega, (pm) Wonder Stories November 1934
- * On a Flake of Snow, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * On a Hawk Startled from His Nest, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * On a Locomotive Heard in the Forest, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * On Book Sales, (lt) Amra v2 #7, 1959
- * Once More the Locusts, (pm) Tomorrow February 1945
- * One Against the Dead [Sac Prairie], (ss) Sac Prairie People, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * One Window Square of Light, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * One Year Done, and One Begun, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * On Finding a Violet in Autumn, (pm) Fantasy: A Poetry Quarterly Spring 1935
- * “Only Deserted”, (pm) The Phantagraph March/April 1937
- * On Publication Dates, (ar) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * On Reading Old Letters. For H.P.L., (pm) 1997
- * On “The Lurker at the Threshold”, (ar) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1948
- * On Writing Poetry, (ar) 1942
- * Open, Sesame!, (ss) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1949, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Operated on 000 Kilocycles, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Opus 67: in C Minor, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Orion, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * The Ormolu Clock, (ss) Weird Tales January 1950
- * Oscar Stuart [Sac Prairie], (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Osprey, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * The Other Cheek, (ss) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * Others Deal in Death [Solar Pons], (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1961
- Reminiscences of Solar Pons, Mycroft & Moran, 1961, as "The Adventure of the Troubled Magistrate"
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Noose Report ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1966
- Death-Mate ed. Alfred Hitchcock, Dell, 1973
- The Solar Pons Omnibus, Volume Two, Arkham House, 1982, as "The Adventure of the Troubled Magistrate"
- * The Other Side of the Wall [Tex Harrigan], (ss) 10 Story Fantasy Spring 1951
- * Otter, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Out of the West, the Wind, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * The Overgrown Foundations, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Over the Filled Cup, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Over the Pasture Gate, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Owl at the Window, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * The Owl on the Moor (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1928
- * Owl Song: A Little Nocturne, (pm) Habitant of Dusk, Walden Press, 1946
- * Owl Tree, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * O Ye of Little Faith, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * The Pacer (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales March 1930
- * Pacific 421, (ss) Weird Tales September 1944
- Something Near, Arkham House, 1945
- Weird Tales (Canada) January 1945
- Short Story Magazine (Australia) #16, 1945
- The Ghost Now Standing on Platform One ed. Richard Peyton, Souvenir Press, 1990
- 100 Ghastly Little Ghost Stories ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- Weird Tales: Seven Decades of Terror ed. John Betancourt & Robert Weinberg, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- “Who Shall I Say Is Calling?” and Other Stories, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * The Panelled Room, (ss) Westminster Magazine September 1933
- Leaves #1, 1937
- Someone in the Dark, Arkham House, 1941
- The Other Worlds ed. Philip D. Stong, Funk, 1941
- Avon Ghost Reader, Avon, 1946
- And the Darkness Falls ed. Boris Karloff, World, 1946
- A Gathering of Ghosts ed. Seon Manley & Gogo Lewis, Funk & Wagnalls, 1970
- Specter! ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor House, 1982
- “Who Shall I Say Is Calling?” and Other Stories, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * Parrington’s Pool, (ss) Weird Tales July 1947, as by Stephen Grendon
- * Parting, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Passersby, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Passing of Eric Holm, (ss) Strange Stories December 1939, as by Will Garth
- * Passing of Mr. Eric Monroe, (ss) Consider Your Verdict by Tally Mason, Stackpole Sons, 1937, as by Tally Mason
- * Pastoral for Death, (pm) Fantasy: A Literary Quarterly with an Emphasis on Poetry v5 #4, 1937
- * The Patchwork Quilt, (ss) Over the Edge ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1964
- * Pausing in Woods on an April Evening, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Pavane, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Pavane Oubliée, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * The Peabody Heritage (with H. P. Lovecraft), (nv) The Survivor and Others with H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1957; written by Derleth from a fragment by Lovecraft.
- * Pee Wee’s Ride, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * The Penfield Misadventure [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Orbit v1 #5, 1954
- * Perhaps Never, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Persistence of Memory, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * Personals, (gp)
- * Pewee, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Pewee Alone, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Phantom Lights, (ss) The Fantasy Fan May 1934
- * The Philosophers’ Stone, (vi) Weird Tales June 1928
- * The Piano Lesson, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Pickerel Water, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * The Pictured Pons, (si) Praed Street Papers, Candlelight Press, 1965
- * Pikeman, (ss) Weird Tales January 1946
- * Pileated Woodpecker, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * Place-Ghost, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * The Place in the Woods, (ss) Weird Tales May 1954
- * The Place of Desolation, (ss) Weird Tales March 1952
- * Place of Hawks, (na) Place of Hawks, Loring & Mussey, 1935
- * Place of Hawks, (oc) Loring & Mussey, 1935
- * The Planetary Arc-Light, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Playing at Dusk, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Pogo, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * Pollywog Pool, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Pond Dwellers, (pm) Country Poems, Prairie Press, 1956
- * The Pontine Dossier, (lr) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * The Pool in the Wood, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1949
- * Poosey, (ss) Decade of Short Stories v10 #4, 1950
- * The Poplars’ Windy Sound, (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * The Portrait, (ss) Weird Tales April 1930
- * Possession, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Potato Bugs and Weeds, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Potts’ Triumph, (ss) Weird Tales September 1950
- * A Praed Street Dossier [Solar Pons], (co) Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * The Praed Street Irregulars, (ar) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * Praed Street Papers [Solar Pons], (co) Candlelight Press, May 1965
- * Prairie After Evening Rain, (pm) Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- * Praise for Basil Copper, (ms)
- * A Prefatory Note, (pr) Something About Cats and Other Pieces by H. P. Lovecraft, Arkham House, 1949
- * Primitives, (si) Far Boundaries ed. August Derleth, Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1951
- * Prince Borgia’s Mass [Chronicles of the City-States], (ss) Weird Tales August 1931
- * Private Business, (pm) Rendezvous in a Landscape, The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * The Procedure, (in) Consider Your Verdict by Tally Mason, Stackpole Sons, 1937, as by Tally Mason
- * The Projected Arkham House Program, (ms) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967, uncredited.
- * Protoplasma [Tex Harrigan], (ss)
- * Providence: Two Gentlemen Meet at Midnight, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Autumn 1948
- * Pumpkin Faces, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Query, (pm) This Wound, The Prairie Press, 1962
- * The Quince Bush, (ss) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * Rabbit and Snake, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * Raft, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Raftsman, Lumberjack…, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Rain, (pm) Driftwind September/October 1935
- * Rain and Leaves Come Drifting Down, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Rain on the Roof, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Randolph Gread [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Raymond Sturk [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Raynor [Sac Prairie], (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * The Realm of Redonda, (ms) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1949
- * Recital, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * Red Hands (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales October 1932
- * Regarding Sherlock Holmes, (co) Mycroft & Moran, 1945, as “In Re: Sherlock Holmes”
- * The Regeneration of Ben Secker [Sac Prairie], (ss) Aunt May Strikes Again!, Hawk & Whippoorwill, 1996
- * The Remarkable Dingdong [Tex Harrigan], (ss) Spaceway April 1954
- * Reminiscences of Solar Pons [Solar Pons], (co) Mycroft & Moran, 1961
- * Rena Larriquer [Sac Prairie], (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Rendezvous [Sac Prairie], (ss) Tomorrow December 1942
- * Rendezvous in a Landscape, (oc) The Fine Editions Press, 1952
- * Renewal Time, (ms) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968, uncredited.
- * Requiem for the Children of Europe, (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * The Return of Andrew Bentley (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales September 1933
- The Other Worlds ed. Philip D. Stong, Funk, 1941
- Famous Ghost Stories ed. Bennett Cerf, Modern Library, 1944
- Colonel Markesan and Less Pleasant People with Mark Schorer, Arkham House, 1966
- Haunted America ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC, 1991
- “Who Shall I Say Is Calling?” and Other Stories, The Battered Silicon Dispatch Box, 2009
- * The Return of Hastur, (nv) Weird Tales March 1939
- Someone in the Dark, Arkham House, 1941
- The Mask of Cthulhu, Arkham House, 1958
- The Spawn of Cthulhu ed. Lin Carter, Ballantine Adult Fantasy, 1971
- The Hastur Cycle ed. Robert M. Price, Chaosium, 1993
- The Cthulhu Mythos, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- In Lovecraft’s Shadow, Mycroft & Moran, 1998
- * The Return of Sarah Purcell, (ss) Weird Tales July 1936
- * The Return of Solar Pons [Solar Pons], (co) Mycroft & Moran, 1958
- * Revenant, (pm) The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Revenants, (pm) Macabre #5, Summer 1959
- * The Revolt of the Worm, (ss) Wisconsin in Their Bones, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1961
- * A Ride Home [Sac Prairie], (ss) Story #25, August 1934
- * Riders in the Sky (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales May 1928
- * Rill, (pm) West of Morning, The Golden Quill Press, 1960
- * Rind of Earth, (oc) The Press of James A. Decker, 1942
- * A Ring for Stella, (ss) The Country Guide March 1946
- * Rising Costs, (ms) The Arkham Collector #8, Winter 1971, uncredited.
- * Rite of Spring, (pm) 1960
- * A Rival to Xantippe, (ar) Wisconsin Murders, Mycroft & Moran, 1968
- * The River, (ss) Weird Tales February 1927, as by August Derleth
- * The River (with Mark R. Schorer), (ss) Weird Tales February 1927
- * River Going By, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Roller Skating, (pm) It’s a Boy’s World, Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Roofs, (pm) Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- * A Room in a House, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Fall 1950
- * The Room in the Annex, (ss) Strange Stories December 1939, as by Tally Mason
- * Room to Turn Around, (ss) Literary America February 1936
- * Rowing at Night, (pm) A Boy’s Way, Stanton & Lee, 1947
- * “Sac Prairie” [Sac Prairie], (ar) A Derleth Collection, Geranium Press, 1993
- * Sac Prairie: Memorandum for Explorers [Sac Prairie], (pm) Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- * Sac Prairie Midnight, (pm) Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- * Sac Prairie: Night in May, (pm)
- * Sac Prairie Notebook [Sac Prairie], (ss) Northwest Life November 1945
- * Sac Prairie People, (gp)
- Hawk on the Wind, Ritten House, 1938
- Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- Here on a Darkling Plain, Ritten House, 1940
- Wind in the Elms, Ritten House, 1941
- Rind of Earth, James A. Decker, 1942
- The Edge of Night, James A. Decker, 1945
- * Sac Prairie People, (oc) Stanton & Lee, 1948
- * Sadie Galway [Sac Prairie], (pm) Man Track Here, Ritten House, 1939
- * The Sandwin Compact, (nv) Weird Tales November 1940
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