The FictionMags Index
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[]Tenno, Heliodore (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * The Correspondent, (nv) Snappy Stories 1st September 1919
- * Hawtrey’s Wife, (sl) Snappy Stories 2nd Jan, 1st Feb 1917
- * Hidden Flames, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1922
- * Irene Wanted a Husband, (sl) Snappy Stories 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1917
- * The One Who Kisses, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1922
- * The Price of Hilda Maury, (sl) Snappy Stories 1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 1st May, 2nd May 1923
- * The Purple Pendant, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1918
- * The Sin Offering, (nv) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1920
- * The Tiger of Desire, (nv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1921
- * The Web and the Weaving, (sl) Snappy Stories 2nd Jun, 1st Jul 1917
[]Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892) (about) (chron.)
- * Among the Lilies, (sg) Wide Awake June 1882, music by Julius Eichberg; edited by Louis C. Elson
- * The Approach of Christmas, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1850, as "In Memoriam"
- * April, (pm)
- * Argosies of Magic Sails, (ex) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842, as "Locksley Hall"
- * As Through the Land at Eve We Went, (pm)
- * Attempts at Classic Metres in Quantity, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine December 1863
- * Birdie and Baby, (pm) Macmillan’s Magazine January 1860, as "Sea Dreams, an Idyll"
- * Blow! Bugle, Blow!, (pm)
- * A Boy’s Morning Hymn, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 24 1886
- * Break, Break, Break, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842
- * Britain, (pm)
- * The Brook, (pm) Wide Awake October 1883
- * Bugle Song, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1854
- * The Captain. A Legend of the Navy, (pm) The Boy’s Own Magazine March 1865
- * Carol for the New Year, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1850, as "In Memoriam"
- * The Charge of the Light Brigade, (pm) The Examiner December 9 1854
- * Child Songs, (pm) St. Nicholas February 1880
- * The Chivalric Ideal, (pm) from The Coming of Arthur,
- * The City Child, (sg) St. Nicholas Feb, Mar 1880
- * Come Into the Garden, Maud, (pm) 1855
- * Couplet, (pm)
- * Crossing the Bar, (pm) Demeter and Other Poems by Alfred Tennyson, Macmillan, 1889
- * Crossing the Bar, (sg) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1890, music by Charles Villiers Stanford
- * Days That Are No More, (pm)
- * The Death of the Old Year, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1832
- * The Deserted House, (pm) Poems Chiefly Lyrical by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Effingham Wilson, 1830
- * The Devil and the Lady, (ex) Macmillan, 1930
- * The Eagle, (pm)
- * The Eagle. A Fragment, (pm)
- * Early Spring, (pm)
- * England and America in 1782, (pm) The New York Ledger January 6 1872
- * The Englishman, (pm)
- * Flight Into the Unknown, (pm)
- * The Flower, (pm)
- * Forgiveness, (pm)
- * from “A Dream of Fair Women”, (pm)
- * From: The Lady of Shalott, (pm)
- * The Golden Year, (pm)
- * The Horns of Elfland, (pm)
- * Human Knowledge, (pm)
- * In Memoriam, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1850
- * In Memoriam, (ex) Edward Moxon, 1850
- * Kind Hearts, (ex) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842, as "Lady Clara Vere de Vere"
- * The Kraken, (pm) Poems Chiefly Lyrical by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Effingham Wilson, 1830
- The Other Sides of Reality ed. Walter M. Cummins, Martin Green & Margaret Verhulst, Boyd & Fraser, 1972
- A Book of Sea Legends ed. Michael Brown, Puffin, 1975
- Strange Glory ed. Gerry Goldberg, McClelland & Stewart, 1975
- A Chilling Collection ed. Helen Hoke, Thomas Nelson US, 1979
- Classic, Spooky Poems for Halloween Night ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2020
- * Lady Clara Vere de Vere, (ex) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842
- * The Lady of Shalott, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842
- * Little Gems from Tennyson, (pm)
- * Locksley Hall, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842
- * Locksley Hall, (ex) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842
- * The Lotos-Eaters, (pm)
- * Love, (ex) , as "To J.S.", uncredited.
- * Love and Death, (pm)
- * Mariana, (pm) Poems Chiefly Lyrical by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Effingham Wilson, 1830
- * Merlin and the Gleam, (pm) 1889
- * Midnight, June 30, 1879, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1880
- * ’Mid Rolling Drums, (pm)
- * The Miller’s Daughter, (sg) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1894, music by George H. Ely
- * Minnie and Winnie, (sg) St. Nicholas March 1880
- * Morte d’Arthur, (pm) 1842
- * New Year’s Bells, (pm)
- * A New Year’s Chime, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper January 3 1880
- * New Year’s Eve, (ex) Edward Moxon, 1850, as "In Memoriam"
- * Northern Farmer, Old Style. In the Lancashire Dialect, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1864
- * Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, (ex)
- * Oh That ’Twere Possible, (pm)
- * O Lark, (sg) The Argosy (UK) March 1895, music by Lady Emily Tennyson
- * “The old order changeth, yielding place to new…”, (pm)
- * Old Soldier, (pm)
- * Order of Chivalry, (pm)
- * Our Music Page:
* ___ The City Child, (sg) St. Nicholas Feb, Mar 1880
* ___ Minnie and Winnie, (sg) St. Nicholas March 1880
- * Our Note Book:
* ___ A Boy’s Morning Hymn, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 24 1886
- * The Palace of Art, (ex)
- * The Passing of Arthur, (pm) Idylls of the King by Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1870
- * Pilots of the Purple Twilight, (ex) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842, as "Locksley Hall"
- * The Princess, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1847
- * A Prophecy, (pm)
- * The Reconciliation, (pm)
- * “Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New”, (pm)
- * Ring Out, Wild Bells, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1850, as "In Memoriam"
- * Rizpah, (pm) Ballads and Other Poems by Alfred Tennyson, C. Kegan Paul, 1880
- * Sea Dreams, (pm)
- * Sea Dreams, an Idyll, (pm) Macmillan’s Magazine January 1860
- * The Sea-Fight at the Azores, (pm)
- * Sir Galahad, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842
- * Slumber Song, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1891
- * A Small, Sweet, Idyl, (pm)
- * The Soldier’s Wife, (pm)
- * Some Day, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842, as "Locksley Hall"
- * A Song, (pm) The New Review #22, March 1891
- * Summer Night, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1847, as "The Princess"
- * Sweet and Low, (pm) Edward Moxon, 1847, as "The Princess"
- * Tears, Idle Tears, (pm)
- * That Which Made Us, (pm)
- * There Is No Land like England, (pm)
- * The Throstle, (pm) The New Review #5, October 1889
- * Tithonus, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine February 1860
- * Ulysses, (pm)
- * untitled (“Brooks—for they called you so that knew you best…”), (pm) Scribner’s Monthly February 1876
- * untitled (“Revered, beloved—O you that hold…”), (pm) , uncredited.
- * untitled (“With trembling fingers did we weave…”), (ex) Edward Moxon, 1850, as "In Memoriam", uncredited.
- * The Victim, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1868
- * “Vision of the world”, (pm) Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edward Moxon, 1842, as "Locksley Hall"
- * A Welcome, (pm) London Society April 1863
- * What Does Little Birdie Say?, (pm) , as "Sea Dreams"
- * [untitled poem], (pm)
_____, [ref.]
- * Alfred Lord Tennyson by Andrew Lang, (ar) Longman’s Magazine November 1897
- * Alfred, Lord Tennyson by George Stewart, (ar) The Cosmopolitan December 1892
- * Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) by Mike Ashley, (is) Dreams and Wonders ed. Mike Ashley, Dover Publications, Inc., 2010
- * Alfred Tennyson by Lewis Worthington Smith, (ar) The Optimist December 1900
- * Alfred Tennyson by Anne Isabella Ritchie, (bg) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1883
- * English Men and Women of Letters of the 19th Century. 7. Lord Tennyson by William John Courthope, (ar) Atalanta April 1889
- * The Handwriting of Alfred Lord Tennyson by John Holt Schooling, (ar) The Strand Magazine December 1894
- * Memories of the Tennysons at Somersby by H. D. Rawnsley, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine February 1912
- * A New Study of Tennyson by J. C. C., (ar) The Cornhill Magazine Jan, Jul 1880, Jul 1881
- * On the Works of Lord Tennyson by A. D. Godley, (cn) The Cornhill Magazine August 1911
- * Portraits of Celebrities at Different Times of Their Lives by The Editor(s), (cl) The Strand Magazine January 1891
- * R.D.B.’s Procession by Ralph D. Blumenfeld, (ar) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine October 1934
- * A Spring Day at Farringford: An Afternoon with Tennyson by M., (bg) Temple Bar August 1902
- * Talks with Tennyson by Elizabeth Rachel Chapman, (ar) Putnam’s Magazine Feb, Mar 1910
- * Tennyson by A. B. Cooper, (ar) The Captain #125, August 1909
- * Tennyson by Annie Fields, (ar) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1893
- * Tennyson by Albert J. Myers, (ar) The Bohemian Sep, Oct 1893
- * Tennyson by Henry Walcott Boynton, (bg) Putnam’s Magazine August 1909
- * Tennyson 1. by Edmund Gosse, (ar) The New Review #42, November 1892
- * Tennyson 2. by Herbert W. Paul, (ar) The New Review #42, November 1892
- * Tennyson as a Sea Poet by H. C. T. Franklin, (ar) Temple Bar February 1902
- * Tennyson in Ireland by Alfred Perceval Graves, (bg) The Cornhill Magazine November 1897
- * Tennyson’s Early Years, (ar) The Strand Magazine October 1891
- * With Coleridge and Tennyson at Clevedon by Arthur L. Salmon, (bg) Temple Bar August 1905
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