The FictionMags Index
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Charteris, Leslie (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Green Goods Man [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News November 21 1932, as "The Very Green Goods Man"
- * The Happy Suicide [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine June 1957
- * The Helpful Pirate [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1962
- * The Higher Finance [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #264, February 24 1934, as "On the Night of the 13th"
- * The High Fence [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #280, June 16 1934, as "The Man Who Knew"
- * The Homecoming [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss)
- * The Homecoming of Amadeo Urselli [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) Double Detective November 1937, as "The Saint Sits In"
- * The Hopeless Heiress [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1963
- * The House on the Moors [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #29, August 24 1929
- * The Human Torch, (ts) The Saint’s Choice v3, 1945
- * The Impossible Crime [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #109, March 7 1931, as "Bumped Off"
- * The Ingenuous Colonel [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 1 1933, as "Keep an Eye on the Clock"
- * Instead of the Saint—I, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1964
- * Instead of the Saint—II, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1964
- * Instead of the Saint—III, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine October 1964
- * Instead of the Saint—IV, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1965
- * Instead of the Saint—V, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1965
- * Instead of the Saint—VI, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1965
- * Instead of the Saint—VII, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine September 1965
- * Instead of the Saint—VIII, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) November 1965
- * Instead of the Saint—IX, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) January 1966
- * Instead of the Saint—X, (ar) The Saint Magazine May 1966
- * Instead of the Saint—XI, (ar) The Saint Magazine July 1966
- * Instead of the Saint—XII, (ar) The Saint Magazine September 1966
- * Instead of the Saint—XIII, (ar) The Saint Magazine December 1966
- * Instead of the Saint—XIV, (ar) The Saint Magazine March 1967
- * The Intemperate Reformer [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine February 1962
- * Introduction, (in) Suspense, the Mystery Magazine November 1946
- * Introduction, (in) The Saint Mystery Library #5, #7, #8 1959, #9, #11, #12, #13, #14 1960
- * Introduction to “The Blast of the Book” by G.K. Chesterton, (is)
- * The Inventions of Oscar Newdick [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 15 1933
- * The Invisible Millionaire [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Daily Mail May 10 1938 - May 24 1938
- * The James Bond Phenomenon, (ar) Diplomat December 1965
- * The Jolly Undertaker [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine November 1962
- * The Judgement of the Joker [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #17, June 1 1929
- * Judith, (ss) Saint Errant by Leslie Charteris, Doubleday Crime Club, 1948
- * Keep an Eye on the Clock [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 1 1933
- * The Kidnapped Killer [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #131, August 8 1931
- * The Kidnapping of the Fickle Financier [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News November 19 1933
- * King of the Beggars (with Henry Kuttner), (na) The American Magazine May 1947; adapted from the script of the episode broadcast in the NBC radio series on 17th March 1945.
- * The Last Hero [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (n.) Hodder & Stoughton, 1930
- * The Last Word, (aw)
- * The Latin Touch [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine August/September 1953
- * The Lawless Lady [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) Enter the Saint by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1930
- * The League of Unhappy Orphans [Sherlock Holmes] (with Denis Green), (nv) The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part XXI ed. David Marcum, MX Publishing, 2020; originally broadcast on radio on October 23, 1944 as part of the The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.
- * The Legacy [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1936
- * Lida [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #45, August 1947, as "The Quarterdeck Club"
- * The Loaded Tourist [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Manhunt March 1953
- * The Lovelorn Sheik [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine June 1956
- * The Lovely Sinner [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Argosy February 1948, as "The Saint and the Lovely Sinner"
- * The Loving Brothers [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) Empire News November 26 1933, as "Green Eyes of the Greedy Brothers"
- * The Mail Swindle [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 20 1932
- * The Man from Moscow [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1954
- * The Man from St. Louis [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #198, November 19 1932, as "The Saint—Hi-Jacker"
- * The Man Who Knew [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #280, June 16 1934
- * The Man Who Liked Ants [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Double Detective December 1937
- * The Man Who Liked Toys, (ss) The American Magazine September 1933
- The Story-teller December 1933, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 3 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1934, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part V ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- The Third Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1942, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- The First Bedside Book of Great Detective Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Barker, 1976, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- The Mammoth Book of Great Detective Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Robinson, 1985, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- Mysterious Pleasures ed. Martin Edwards, Little, Brown, 2003, as "The Mystery of the Child’s Toy"
- * The Man Who Liked Toys [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Boodle by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1934
- * The Man Who Looked at Fish, (ss) Bluebook November 1953, as "Fish Story"
- * The Man Who Murdered Shakespeare [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948
- * The Man Who Was Arrogant, (ss) Pall Mall Magazine July 1928
- * The Man Who Was Clever [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) Enter the Saint by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1930
- * The Man Who Was Lucky [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) The American Magazine December 1935, as "Date in the Dark"
- * The Masked Angel [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948
- * The Masked Menace [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #116, April 25 1931
- * Meet the Tiger [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (n.) Ward, Lock & Co., 1928
- * The Melancholy Journey of Mr. Teal [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #131, August 8 1931, as "The Kidnapped Killer"
- * The Million Pound Day [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #122, June 6 1931, as "Black Face"
- * The Miracle Tea Party [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller Library #469, January 29 1938, as "The T.N. Tea-Party"
- * The Mixture as Before [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Boodle by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1934
- * The Moustache and the Tea-Cup [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News December 3 1933
- * The Mug’s Game [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Happy Highwayman by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1939
- * Murder Goes to Market [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) Black Mask March 1944
- * Murder Haunts the Beauty Bath, (sl) Argosy Aug, Sep, Oct 1942
- * The Mystery of the Child’s Toy, (ss) The American Magazine September 1933, as "The Man Who Liked Toys"
- The Story-teller December 1933
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror Vol. 3 ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1934
- Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery, and Horror: Part V ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Gollancz, 1939
- The Third Omnibus of Crime ed. Dorothy L. Sayers, Coward-McCann, 1942
- The First Bedside Book of Great Detective Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Barker, 1976
- The Mammoth Book of Great Detective Stories ed. Herbert van Thal, Robinson, 1985
- Mysterious Pleasures ed. Martin Edwards, Little, Brown, 2003
- * The Naughty Niece, (ss) Saint Errant by Leslie Charteris, Doubleday Crime Club, 1948, as "Judith"
- * The Newdick Helicopter [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 15 1933, as "The Inventions of Oscar Newdick"
- * The New Swindle [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 20 1932, as "The Mail Swindle"
- * The Noble Sportsman [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Boodle by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1934
- * Number One [Lyn Peveril], (na) The Thriller #52, February 1 1930
- * The Old Routine [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948, as "The Man Who Murdered Shakespeare"
- * The Old Treasure Hunt [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1954
- * The Old Treasure Story [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine October 1954, as "The Old Treasure Hunt"
- * One Crowded Hour, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine January 1925, as by Leslie Charles Bowyer-Yin
- * On the Night of the 13th [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #264, February 24 1934
- * Operation Luella [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Rex Stout’s Mystery Monthly #6, October 1946
- * The Owners’ Handicap [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News September 11 1932, as "Won by a Neck"
- * Palm Springs [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Saint Goes West by Leslie Charteris, Doubleday Crime Club, 1942
- * Paris Adventure [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) The American Magazine January 1934
- * The Patient Playboy [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine March 1956
- * The Pearls of Peace [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine March 1954
- * The Percentage Player [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine September 1958
- * The Perfect Crime [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 9 1932, as "The Perfect Touch"
- * The Perfect Sucker [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine April 1957
- * The Perfect Touch [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 9 1932
- * The Pirate Saint [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The American Magazine November 1935
- * The Pluperfect Lady [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine November 1955
- * The Policeman with Wings [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) Enter the Saint by Leslie Charteris, Hodder, 1930
- * Prelude for War [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (n.) Cosmopolitan May 1938
- * The Prince of Cherkessia [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (ss) Empire News October 22 1933, as "The Vanishing of Prince Schomyl"
- * The Prince of Robbers [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv)
- * The Problem in Palm Springs [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Saint Goes West by Leslie Charteris, Doubleday Crime Club, 1942, as "Palm Springs"
- * The Prodigal Miser [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1963
- * The Property of the Deceased [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (na) The Thriller #157, February 6 1932
- * The Quarterdeck Club [Simon Templar (The Saint)], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #45, August 1947; radio script adaptation.
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