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Cabell, James Branch (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Charteris Gets One Wrong by Roger Bryant, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Circular Time-Travel by Conway Zirkle, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Color in Jurgen by Kris Johannsen, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * The Comstock Lewd—Jurgen and the Law Updated by Harry Hartman, (ar) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Concerning Cabell by Peter J. Relton, (ar) Aklo, A Volume of the Fantastic ed. Mark Valentine, Roger Dobson & R. B. Russell, Tartarus Press, 1998
- * “Concerning Corinna”: James Branch Cabell’s “Machen” Story by Darrell Schweitzer, (is) The Weird Fiction Review #5, Fall 2014
- * Concerning the Number of Cabell’s Books by Nelson S. Bond, (ar) Kalki #22, 1974
- * The Contexts for Cabell by Robert H. Canary, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977; adapted from a paper presented at a seminar of the Modern Language Association.
- * Contrapuntal Prosody by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Coth and Tohueyo by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970
- * Count Manuel and Peer Gynt by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * The Cream of the Jest by George Hay, (br) Foundation #2, June 1972
- * The Cream of the Jest (with Joseph M. Flora) by Paul H. Spencer, (br) Kalki #26, 1976
- * The Curious Contents of the Copper Dish by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #26, 1976
- * The Dance Version of Jurgen by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #24, 1975
- * The Death of Koshchei by Bob Gray McElroy, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Did Cabell Mean to Quit? by Warren A. McNeill, (ms) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Did Cabell Use the Tarot Deck? by James Blish & William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * The Duchess of Malfi and Jurgen: The Shadow as Conscience by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * Eddawg & Horvendile by William Linden, (ar) Kalki #18, 1971
- * Elementary My Dear Cabell by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * Eschatologies of Manuel by Bob Parkinson, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970
- * Ettarre an Anagram? by Martin Gardner, (ar) Kalki #7, 1968
- * Extract from the English Edition of a Guide Michelin: Poictesme by Karen & Poul Anderson, (fa) Kalki #21, 1973
- * Fables of Art in The Silver Stallion by Robert H. Canary, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970; presented as a paper at the MLA Cabell Seminar in Denver, Dec 1969.
- * Fairy Tales in The High Place by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * Figures of Earth by Julius Weis Friend, (br) The Double Dealer May 1921
- * Figures of Earth by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Science Fiction Review #32, August 1979
- * Flamberge by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * From Behind “The Tinctured Veil” by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * A Gaelic Anagram by Chuck Garvin, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * The Geography of Dream by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Gihon Gefunden by Bob Parkinson, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * Gleanings About Glaum by Paul Johnson, (ar) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Hamlet and Hamlet Had an Uncle by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #34, 1988
- * Hamlet Had an Uncle by Edward M. James, (br) Kalki #5, 1967
- * Heroes and a Cuckold by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #28, 1978
- * The Hewlett Influence: An Afterthought by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #35, 1989
- * The High Place by Julius Weis Friend, (br) The Double Dealer March 1924
- * The High Place, by James Branch Cabell by James Blish, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1970
- * Hinzelmann by John Boardman, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * A Horrible Quiet Noise by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #6, 1968
- * Horvendile: A Link Between Cabell & Tolkien by Lin Carter, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * How Far to Antan? by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * Iconomatopoeia by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * An Image of an Image Maker by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * In Charteris’ Library by James N. Hall, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * In This Corner: Cabell’s Vocabulary by Richard E. Hoffmann, (ms) Kalki #26, 1976
- * James Branch Cabell: A Postscript by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) The Lost Club Journal #1, 1999/2000
- * James Branch Cabell as Poet by Dorys C. Grover, (ar) Kalki #37, 1993
- * James Branch Cabell at William and Mary: The Education of a Novelist by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) William and Mary Review 1967
- * James Branch Cabell Comments by Dorys C. Grover, (ar) Kalki #36, 1991
- * James Branch Cabell’s Flirtation with Clio: The Story of a Collaboration by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (ar) Kalki #22, 1974
- * James Branch Cabell: Wizard of the Unconscious by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * JBC—Reporter by Warren A. McNeill, (ar) Kalki #31, 1984
- * Joyce/Cabell and Cabell/Joyce by Nathan Halper, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969; revised & expanded from an earlier version in A Wake Newslitter.
- * Jurgen: A Card Game by Leonard Cline, (ms) Wormwood #12, 2009
- * Jurgen—an apology by John Gilbert McLaren, (ar) Mandrake February 1946
- * Jurgen and Peer Gynt by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Jurgen and the Ghost by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #28, 1978
- * A Key to Cabell by Louis Untermeyer, (cr) The Double Dealer July 1922
- * The Lance and the Veil by Roger Staples, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969
- * The Letters of James Branch Cabell by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (br) Kalki #26, 1976
- * A Life Beyond Life by Paul H. Spencer, (bg) Kalki #6, 1968
- * Likeness Within Difference: Cabell and Faulkner by Carvell Collins, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * The Long Night of a Virginia Author by James Blish, (ar) Journal of Modern Literature v2 #3, 1972
- * The Man from Storisende by Gerald W. Page, (bg) Kalki #2, November 1965
- * A Manual of Non-Manuels: A Further Bibliography by Paul H. Spencer, (bi) Kalki #6, 1968
- * Manuel as Savior of Poictesme by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * Manuel Magus by Roger Bryant, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * Mark Twain and Cabell: A Footnote by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #31, 1984
- * Mathematics of Guivric by Stephen Jackson, (ar) Kalki #18, 1971
- * Maya and Mrs. Yoop by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #35, 1989
- * Messire Jurgen by Ann Layman Chancellor, (ar) Kalki #9, 1969
- * The Mirror and Pigeons Resolved by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * Mr. Cabell of Virginia by The Editor(s), (cr) The Double Dealer January 1921
- * More About Sylane by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * More Airy Persiflage by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * More Coverage for Cover by Jim Allan, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * More Devilment by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969
- * More Holes Filled by J. W. Thomas, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * More Notes on Notes by Jim Allan, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969
- * More on Cabell in Paperback by Lin Carter, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * More Spells by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #7, 1968
- * The Most Egregious Buelg by William Leigh Godshalk & Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * Mundus Vult Decipi by James N. Hall, (ar) Kalki #1, July 1965
- * Ninzian Gets One Right by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #5, 1967
- * The Notes Go On… by Jim Allan, (ar) Kalki #15, 1970
- * Notes on Figures of Earth by James P. Cover & John Philips Cranwell, (ar) McBride, 1929
- * Notes on Notes by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * Of Madoc and the New World Behind the Moon by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #35, 1989
- * On Keeping Cool and Keeping Mum by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #32, 1986
- * On the Trail of St Odo by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * On Troubadors by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * On Visiting the Master by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #23, 1974
- * The Ornate Waste Land of James Branch Cabell by Maurice Duke, (ar) Kalki #23, 1974; presented as a paper at a seminar of the Modern Languages Association.
- * Our Lady of Pain, or, Sundry Devices of the Philistines by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969
- * Out of the Mouses of Babes by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Palnatoki by James Blish & Edward M. James, (ar) Kalki #5, 1967
- * A Partial Answer—and a New Question by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #26, 1976
- * The Passing of James Branch Cabell by Vincent Starrett, (cr) The Double Dealer November 1921
- * The Problem of Scoteia by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #7, 1968
- * A Question of Values by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #37, 1993
- * The Re-Evolution of a Vestryman by James N. Hall, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * ReSearches in Tollan by Gene K. Edlin, (ar) Kalki #27, 1977
- * Researches Into the Dirghagama by Gene K. Edlin, (ar) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Revelations of a Sunrise by Deborah Schilmeister, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * The Rise and Fall of James Branch Cabell by Mel Madel, (ar) Pulpdom #51, May 2008
- * Romantic Formulae by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #16, 1970
- * The Romaunt of Manuel Pig-Tender by Thomas Horan, (fa) Postprandial Press, 1931
- * The Roving Critic by Carl Van Doren, (ar) The Century Magazine June 1926
- * The Sanitizing of Jurgen by Harlan L. Umansky, (ar) Kalki #34, 1988
- * Scot Upon Amneran by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #17, 1971
- * The Shirt of Nessus by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #9, 1969
- * The Siege Re-Enthroned by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * The Sigil of Scoteia by David H. Keller, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1949
- * The Silver Stallion by James N. Hall & Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #5, 1967
- * The Silver Stallion by John Boardman, (br) Science Fiction Review #33, October 1969
- * Sinclair Lewis’s Attempts to Reform James Branch Cabell by Geoffrey Morley-Mowat, (ar) Kalki #24, 1975
- * Some Bottom-Heavy Greek by Mary Anne Meeker, (ar) Kalki #20, 1973
- * Some Cabellian Tropes by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #7, 1968
- * “Some Ladies” and “Jurgen” by Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #26, 1976
- * Some Notes on Sources by Richard Brzustowicz, Jr., (ar) Kalki #25, 1975
- * Something About Eve by Robert E. Howard, (br) Amra v2 #47, 1968
- The Conan Grimoire ed. L. Sprague de Camp & George H. Scithers, Mirage Press, 1972
- The Spell of Conan ed. L. Sprague de Camp, Ace, 1980
- Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- The “New” Howard Reader #1 by Robert E. Howard, Joe & Mona Marek, 1998
- Sentiment: An Olio of Rarer Works by Robert E. Howard, The Robert E. Howard Foundation Press, 2009
- * Something About Eve, by James Branch Cabell by James Blish, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1971
- * Something About the Gods by Poul Anderson, (ar) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Source Notes in Reverse by Jon M. Harvey, (ar) Kalki #18, 1971
- * Stallion et Legend by Desmond Tarrant, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970
- * The Stallion’s Other Members by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970
- * The Structure of The Silver Stallion by Joseph M. Flora, (ar) Kalki #14, 1970; presented as a paper at the MLA Cabell Seminar in Denver, Dec 1969.
- * A Tentative Checklist of the Works of James Branch Cabell by Chuck Garvin, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #29, March 1973
- * A Time for Airy Persiflage by William D. Jenkins, (ar) Kalki #10, Spring 1969
- * Titivated Romance by Fritz Leiber, (br) Amra v2 #37, 1966
- * To Rhadamanthus, Snarling: Cabell Against His Critics by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #7, 1968
- * The Triumph of Romantic Realism by Joanne Yocum, (ar) Kalki #19, 1971
- * Tropes or Traps by Greg N. Gabbard, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * The Two Cabells by John Boardman, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage? (with Michael Swanwick) by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #236, April 2008
- * What Can Be Saved from the Wreckage? (with Michael Swanwick) by Steven Hart, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #236, April 2008
- * Whatever Happened to the Cabell Revival? by Robert H. Canary, (ar) Kalki #22, 1974
- * What’s in a Name? by Poul Anderson, (ar) Kalki #13, Winter 1969
- * Wherein Is Set Forth a Brief Account of Cabell’s Early Career, with a Few Even Briefer Comments on Faulkner by William Leigh Godshalk, (ar) Kalki #31, 1984
- * A Wildean Echo? by James Blish & Paul H. Spencer, (ar) Kalki #11, Summer 1969
- * The Witch-Woman by James Blish, (br) Kalki #9, 1969
- * Womanland; Morven by James Blish, (ar) Kalki #12, Fall 1969
- * [letter] by E. R. Eddison, (lt) Kalki #8, 1968
[]Cabell, Nancy; pseudonym of Nan Bouvé Tilden (1900-1957?) (chron.)
- * After the Ball, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #62, November 29 1927
- * —All Time to Come, (ss) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 1 1939
- * Back Stairs Love, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #221, September 1934
- * Be Bold, Bettina!, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #224, December 1934
- * The Broken Lute, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1923
- * Carnival Kisses, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #157, February 24 1931
- * Chiquita of the Chimes, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #58, November 1 1927
- * The Dominant Strain, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1924
- * Eyes of Greed, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1924
* ___ I. Eyes of Greed, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1924
* ___ II. Green Glass, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1924
* ___ III. The Magnificent Mite, (ss) Ainslee’s May 1924
* ___ IV. The Kiss of Tosca, (ss) Ainslee’s June 1924
* ___ V. The Dominant Strain, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1924
* ___ VI. The Lifted Doom, (ss) Ainslee’s August 1924
- * The Fallen Idol, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #96, October 23 1928
- * Flames in Arcady, (ss) Cupid’s Diary June 16 1926
- * The Golden Link, (ss) Ainslee’s September 1925
- * Golden Windows, (ss) Ainslee’s July 1923
- * Green Glass, (ss) Ainslee’s April 1924
- * Gypsy Moth, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #147, October 7 1930
- * Hearts Adrift, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #48, August 23 1927
- * A Heroine to Order, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #116, July 30 1929
- * Her Path to Happiness, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #7, February 17 1926
- * His Love for Hire, (nv) All-Story Love Stories July 1 1933
- * The House Next Door, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #51, September 13 1927
- * I Can’t Marry You, (nv) Cupid’s Diary April 7 1926
- * June Will Come Back!, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #218, June 1934
- * The Kiss of Tosca, (ss) Ainslee’s June 1924
- * The Lifted Doom, (ss) Ainslee’s August 1924
- * The Little Green God, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #50, September 6 1927
- * Little Lost Lady, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #189, May 17 1932
- * Lorna of the Dunes, (na) Ainslee’s May 1923
- * The Love Prisoner, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #154, January 13 1931
- * Love’s Last Lie, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #156, February 10 1931
- * Love to Let, (ss) The Novel Magazine June 1933
- * The Magic Casement, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #75, February 28 1928
- * The Magnificent Mite, (ss) Ainslee’s May 1924
- * Masquerade, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #113, June 18 1929
- * Menace Unknown, (na) Sweetheart Stories #234, October 1935
- * The Miracle of Happiness, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #4, January 6 1926
- * Mountain Laurel, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #80, April 3 1928
- * Mystery Mansion, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #117, August 13 1929
- * The Path of the Peacocks, (ss) Ainslee’s December 1923
- * Port of Heartbreak, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #73, February 14 1928
- * The Pretty Masquerader, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #8, March 3 1926
- * Rapture Deferred, (nv) Love Novels Magazine December 1952
- * Spell o’ the Jungle, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #137, May 20 1930
- * Stroke o’ Midnight, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #66, December 27 1927
- * Troubled Waters, (ss) Cupid’s Diary July 27 1926
- * When Strangers Kiss, (sl) Sweetheart Stories #152 Dec 16, #153 Dec 30 1930, #154 Jan 13 1931
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