The FictionMags Index
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Collins, Frederick L(ewis) (chron.) (continued)
- * Murder Over Brooklyn:
* ___ Crime Meets a Fighting Irishman, (ar) Liberty December 21 1940
* ___ When Terror Stalked the Waterfront, (ar) Liberty December 28 1940
* ___ Hoodlum’s Holiday, (ar) Liberty January 4 1941
* ___ Super-Hoodlum, (ar) Liberty January 11 1941
- * Myrna Loy’s Secret of Happiness, (ar) Liberty February 12 1938
- * My Stars, (ts) Cosmopolitan June 1924
- * Nemesis in the Sky, (ar) Liberty April 29 1939
- * The New Romance in Clark Gable’s Life, (ar) Liberty March 7 1936
- * New Weapons for War in the Air, (ar) Liberty July 25 1942
- * Not Afraid to Die, (ar) Liberty February 25 1939, as by Frederick Lewis
- * No Wonder Germany Quit!, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1919
- * Off the Networks, (ar) Liberty October 12 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Off the Networks, (ar) Liberty November 16 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Old Brown Joe, (ar) Liberty September 28 1940
- * The Old Home Town, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1922
- * “Old Whiskers” and the Gunmen: A True Tale of the F.B.I., (ar) Liberty October 28 1939
- * One Woman Against the Narcotic Ring, (ar) Liberty Feb 19, Feb 26 1938
- * Orson Welles Without Whiskers, (ar) Liberty July 13 1940 [Ref. Orson Welles], as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Other Side of the Benny-Allen Feud, (ar) Liberty January 28 1939
- * Our New World, (ar) Liberty September 12 1942
- * Paine’s Career Is a Triumph of Early American Virtues, (ar) The American Magazine June 1928
- * Passion Before Marriage: A Mother Tries to Understand Her Daughter, (ar) Liberty December 11 1937
- * Passion Before Marriage—Is American Youth Swing-Timing to Hell?, (ar) Liberty November 27 1937
- * Passion Before Marriage: Our Sons and Daughters—Have We Been Blind About Them?, (ar) Liberty December 25 1937
- * Passion Before Marriage: These Changing Times—The Way Into Temptation!—Do Girls Now Lead?, (ar) Liberty December 18 1937
- * Passion Before Marriage—Youth at the Threshold—Are Our High-School Children Playing with Fire?, (ar) Liberty December 4 1937
- * Paul Muni Becomes a Heathen Chinese, (ar) Liberty August 22 1936
- * Perhaps You Have a Rich Relative, Too, (ar) Liberty July 24 1937
- * The Personal History of Fibber McGee and Molly, (ar) Liberty December 16 1939, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Personal History of Lum and Abner, (ar) Liberty January 13 1940
- * Photoplay’s Memory Album, (ia) Photoplay October 1935
- * Places, (cl) Good Housekeeping Jan, Feb, May, Jun 1929
- * The Private Life of Baby Snooks, (ar) Liberty August 20 1938
- * The Private Life of Betty Lou, (ar) Liberty October 1 1938
- * The Private Life of Charlie McCarthy, (ar) Liberty October 2 1937, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Private Life of Deanna Durbin, (ar) Liberty July 3 1937, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Private Life of Dinah Shore, (ar) Liberty June 14 1941, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Private Life of Guy Lombardo, (ar) Liberty September 30 1939
- * The Private Life of J. Edgar Hoover, (ar) Liberty Mar 16, Mar 23 1940
- * The Private Life of Jimmy Stewart, (ar) Liberty June 15 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Private Life of One of the Prettiest Things on Legs, (ar) Liberty May 10 1941, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Profession of Being a Wife, (ar) The Delineator January 1928
- * Prohibition—Will It Happen Again?, (ar) Liberty June 27 1942
- * Public Bluebeard No. 1: A True Tale of the F.B.I., (ar) Liberty November 11 1939, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Purge in Hot Springs, (ar) Liberty August 12 1939
- * Queen Louella, (ar) Liberty July 19 1941, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Quiz-Crazy, (ar) Liberty September 3 1938
- * The Real Reason Why Edward and Wallie Are Coming to the U.S.A., (ar) Liberty November 20 1937, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Real Romance in the Life of Fred Astaire, (ar) Liberty January 25 1936
- * The Reporter and the Hoodlums, (ar) Liberty July 20 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Rhett Butler—A Dream Walking, (ar) Liberty September 16 1939, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Rich Man in Sing Sing, (ar) Liberty December 31 1938
- * The Riddle of the Vanished King, (ss) Mystery December 1932
- * Riding with Murder, (ar) Liberty October 8 1938
- * Ronald Colman—A Hollywood Mystery, (ar) Liberty January 9 1937, as by Frederick Lewis
- * See America! Part II—The Auto Way, (ar) Liberty April 12 1941
- * See America! Part I—The Rail Way, (ar) Liberty April 5 1941
- * See America! The Air Way, (ar) Liberty April 26 1941
- * See This Amazing America! Part III—The Bus Way, (ar) Liberty April 19 1941
- * Seven Passports to Glory, (ar) Liberty February 4 1939
- * The Shame of Hot Springs, (ar) Liberty August 5 1939
- * The Sheik of Araby Rides Again, (ar) Liberty August 6 1938, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Sherlock Holmes with Modern Improvements, (ar) Liberty May 6 1939
- * Slickers in Slacks (with J. Edgar Hoover), (??) Collier’s October 16 1943
- * Spencer Tracy Conquers Himself, (ar) Liberty October 9 1937, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Strange Adventure of Captain Alexander Ramsay, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion January 1924
- * The Strange Case of Mary Page, (sa) The Ladies’ World Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1916, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Strange Case of Mortimer Snerd and Charlie McCarthy, (ar) Liberty March 2 1940
- * The Stroud Twins and Their Past, (ar) Liberty September 17 1938
- * Super-Hoodlum, (ar) Liberty January 11 1941
- * Sweet Words at Parting, (ar) Liberty May 24 1941, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Tabard Inn of Hollywood, (ar) Liberty December 21 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Ten Years of Warning—What Liberty Foretold About the War, (ar) Liberty July 20 1940
- * Terror Racket, (ar) Liberty July 27 1940
- * Terror’s Trail—A True Tale of the G-Men, (ar) Liberty October 14 1939
- * They Had Bill Powell Marked for Death, (ar) Liberty January 14 1939, as by Frederick Lewis
- * “Too Much Vitamin G”, (ar) Liberty May 20 1939
- * Traitors Must Die! (with J. Edgar Hoover), (bg) Collier’s July 17 1943 [Ref. Max Stephan]
- * Travelcharts: Florida of Course; The Riviera Perhaps, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion January 1930, as by Frederick Lewis
- * The Two Best Bets in Hollywood, (ar) Liberty November 16 1940
- * Uncle Sherlock Puts on His Glasses, (ar) Liberty August 3 1940
- * Under the High Hats, (ss) Collier’s March 13 1926
- * Want a Man, Girls? Just Telephone, (ar) Liberty August 1 1936
- * “We Come as Honest Men”; Interview with Joseph Caillaux, (iv) Collier’s September 26 1925
- * Whale Ho!, (pi) Adventure February 1955, as by Frederick Lewis
- * What Chance Have Edward and Wallie for Happiness?, (ar) Liberty May 1 1937, as by Frederick Lewis
- * What Do You Think?, (ed) McClure’s Magazine March 1918
- * What Happened Before Pearl Harbor?, (ar) Liberty March 21 1942, as by Frederick Lewis
- * What Is a Keynoter—and Who?, (ar) Liberty June 13 1936
- * What Is Jimmy Roosevelt’s Real Job in Hollywood?, (ar) Liberty February 18 1939, as by Frederick Lewis
- * What Kind of President Would Senator Taft Make?, (ar) Liberty Apr 6, Apr 13 1940
- * What Lies Ahead for Edward and Wallie?, (ar) Liberty September 7 1940
- * What Love Has Done for William Powell, (ar) Liberty September 20 1941, as by Frederick Lewis
- * What Makes Radio Announcers That Way, (ar) Liberty August 19 1939
- * What’s Happened to Royalty?:
* ___ II: The City of Exiles, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion January 1923
- * What’s Happening to Television?, (ar) Liberty December 20 1941, as by Frederick Lewis
- * What’s Wrong with These Nine Old Men?, (ar) Liberty April 10 1937
- * What Will Happen Next in the Lindbergh Case?, (ar) Liberty November 7 1936
- * When Terror Stalked the Waterfront, (ar) Liberty December 28 1940
- * Who Are the Ladies Behind the Nine Old Men?, (ar) Liberty May 1 1937
- * Who Are Your Friends? Mine Are Waiters, Stewards, Etc., (ar) McClure’s October 1927
- * Who Is Poison at the Box Office Now?, (ar) Liberty June 29 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Who Will the Six New Justices Be?, (ar) Liberty April 24 1937
- * Why Ann Harding Wants Her Child to Be “a Lady”, (ar) Liberty September 5 1936
- * Why Claudette Colbert Does Not Fear Religious Differences in Her Marriage, (ar) Liberty May 16 1936
- * Why Crooks Win Elections, (ar) Liberty August 17 1940
- * Why Did Hitler Give Lindbergh a Medal?, (ar) Liberty December 17 1938
- * Why Do the Democrats Want to Nominate McNutt?, (ar) Liberty January 6 1940
- * Why Garbo Is Making Her Last Picture, (ar) Liberty May 30 1936
- * Why Glamour-Girls Don’t Marry Great Lovers, (ar) Liberty April 17 1937
- * Why Glenn Miller’s Music Gets the Girls, (ar) Liberty October 26 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
- * Why Jack Benny Is the Highest-Paid Entertainer in the World, (ar) Liberty March 28 1936
- * Why Lindbergh Acts That Way, (ar) Liberty Jun 7, Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28 1941
- * Why Senator Wheeler and Lindbergh Work Together, (ar) Liberty Jul 26, Aug 2, Aug 9, Aug 16 1941
- * Why Streamline Trains?, (ar) Liberty August 8 1936
- * Why the Prince of Wales Must Marry, (ar) The Illustrated Love Magazine October 1932
- * Will Hollywood Move to England?, (ar) Liberty November 30 1935
- * Will the Charlie Chaplin Jinx Get Paulette Goddard? (with Marian Squire), (ar) Liberty March 14 1936
- * Will the Health Trust Be Smashed?, (ar) Liberty October 22 1938
- * Will War in Europe Save Roosevelt?, (ar) Liberty November 11 1939
- * Will We Have Enough to Eat?, (ar) Liberty November 7 1942
- * Winston Churchill and His American Mother, (ar) Liberty Jun 29, Jul 6, Jul 13 1940
- * The World and the Prophets—What’s Ahead?, (ar) Liberty November 30 1940, as by Frederick Lewis
_____, ed.
- * Editor: The Ladies’ World Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1916
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1917
- * Editor: McClure’s Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1918
[]Collins, Gilbert (Henry) (1890-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * Another Victiom of “Welt-Krieg”, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1915
- * The Apostle of Freedom, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1923
- * Beyond the Skyline, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1922
- * The Botanist, (vi) The Windsor Magazine October 1919
- * Butterfly Boy, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1920
- * “Chambers”, (pm) The Windsor Magazine September 1919
- * Destiny, (pm) The Story-teller October 1919
- * The Escape, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #61, April 1917
- * The Freedom of the Sea, (pm) The Story-teller September 1919
- * The Girl Who Didn’t Believe, (ss) Gaiety September 1922
- * Hush Money, (pm) The Captain #249, December 1919
- * The Idol, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine October 1923
- * In Terror of Drought, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) August 1919
- * The Man Who Suspected the Feminine Mind, (ss) Gaiety October 1922
- * The Master-Stroke, (vi) The Windsor Magazine July 1919
- * The Morning Dip, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1919
- * On the Edge of the Unknown, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine October 1922
- * The Ordeal by Water, (ss) The Strand Magazine July 1920
- * The Piper, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) April 1917
- * Prince of the Blood, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1922
- * The Purple Flea, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1920
- * Red Peril, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine December 1922
- * The Sensualist, (vi) Cassell’s Magazine of Fiction #89, August 1919
- * The Shovel Boy, (ss) The Captain #262, January 1921
- * A Song of the Lone Turnpike, (pm) The New Magazine (UK) June 1917
- * Squeeze, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1924
- * The Starkenden Quest, (n.) McBride, 1925
- * To a National Guard, (pm) The Windsor Magazine August 1915
- * The Valley of Eyes Unseen, (n.) Duckworth, 1923
- * [letter from London, England], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Apr, Jun, Dec 1952
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