The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1019
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Blythe, Samuel George (chron.) (continued)
- * Presidentitis, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1923
- * President Making, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1928
- * The Price of Place, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jul 12, Jul 19, Jul 26, Aug 2, Aug 9, Aug 16, Aug 23, Aug 30, Sep 6 1913
- * The Private War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 28 1914
- * Pro Bono Publicity, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 4 1923
- * The Progress of a Sane Young Man, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 30 1911
- * Progress on the Potomac, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 2 1933
- * A Proper China War Lord, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 31 1917
- * Putting the Rollers Under the S.P., (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 7 1911
- * Quickening the Pulse, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 4 1916
- * The Radical Coast, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 7 1912
- * Raiding Moonshiners, (ia) Munsey’s Magazine June 1901
- * Ready!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 2 1918
- * The Real Issue, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 30 1935
- * A Redheaded Quaker, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 19 1910
- * Red Lights on the Switch, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 8 1916
- * Removing the Muffler, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 1 1919
- * Repeal-and a New Deal, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 11 1933
- * The Republican Situation, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 20 1912
- * The Return from Elba, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 23 1910
- * The Revolt of Peter Purdy, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 9, Apr 16 1927
- * Rumors of War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 13 1916
- * A Sad, Sad Dog, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 11 1909
- * The Same Old Game, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 20 1920
- * Search for a Hard-Boiled Egg, (ss) Everybody’s Magazine June 1909
- * The Sea Terriers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1918
- * Seeing the Campaign, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Aug 15, Aug 22 1908
- * The Selling of Mr. Beegan, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 18 1919
- * The Senate and the People, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1911
- * The Senate Primer, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post August 12 1911
- * Sensible Sixties, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 17 1930
- * A Session of the House, (pl) The Saturday Evening Post September 9 1911
- * Seventeen Billion Gallons of Gas, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 4 1930
- * A Ship Without a Port, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 12 1914
- * Sidelights on the War, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1914
- * The Silent House, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 17 1916
- * Since the Beans Were Spilled, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 3 1927
- * The Singing Soldiers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 21 1915
- * Skimble-Skamble Stuff, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 3 1920
- * The Skirts of Chance, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 18 1930
- * The Soft-Pedal Triplets, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 27 1909
- * The Soldier in Politics, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 15 1919
- * Some Bees in a Hurry, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 23 1915
- * Spring Fashion Notes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 20 1911
- * Stoppers, Soakers and Sakers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 11 1932
- * The Strange Case of Dr. Wilson and Mr. Wilson, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 5 1921
- * The Submerged Sleuths, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 26 1918
- * A Supplementary Santa Claus, (pl) The Saturday Evening Post December 25 1909
- * Swings, Slumps and Straws, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1916
- * A Talk with President Li, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 17 1917
- * A Talk with the Japanese Premier, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 24 1915
- * A Talk with the President, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 9 1915
- * T. Alternative Roosevelt, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 5 1916
- * Taming the Wild Guayule, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 2 1931
- * Tapering Off on Work, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 8 1925
- * The Tariff Stocking, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 18 1909
- * A Terrible Night, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 18 1913
- * There Was a Town, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1930
- * The Third-Term Tom-Tommers, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1925
- * This Billion-Barrel Oil Country, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 7 1930
- * This Congress and That, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 22 1930
- * Three O’Clock in the Morning, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1928
- * Three Tenderfeet Afishing Go, (hu) The Saturday Evening Post April 29 1911
- * Thrift, with a Sporting Slant, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 7 1915
- * Timorous Pirates of High Finance, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 13 1909
- * The Toll, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 7 1914
- * Too Much Exercise, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 4 1925
- * The Tosticated Trigeris, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 20 1916
- * Touries, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 27 1919
- * Tourists and Tourines, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 29 1908
- * Trained and Untrained Seals, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 11 1922
- * The Tremendous Triangle, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 26 1917
- * The Tribute of the People, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 5 1919
- * Uncle Sam, Foster-Father of Fishes, (ar) The Scrap Book May 1906
- * Uncle Sam’s Greatest Industry, (ia) The Junior Munsey March 1901
- * Under the New Apple Tree, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 21 1911
- * The United States and China, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 14 1931
- * The Universal Crime, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post February 11 1911
- * Verdict: Suicide, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 29 1913
- * The Views of Colonel Lowdown on Politics, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 1 1931
- * The Views of Mr. Wu (twice Chinese Minister to the United States), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 5 1915
- * Vote for Shimada!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 8 1915
- * Vox Pop. to the Bat, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1916
- * Vox Populi, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 14 1914
- * Waiting for the Germans, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 26 1914
- * A Waiting Patriot, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post Feb 6, Feb 13, Feb 27 1909
- * The War Report, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 13 1914
- * War Wheezes, (ms) The Saturday Evening Post February 22 1919
- * “We Have with Us To-Night”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 5 1908
- * Well! Well! Here Comes Sixty, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 7 1927
- * A Western Warwick, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jan 22, Jan 29, Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar 4, Mar 11, Mar 18 1916
- * We, the People —, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 15 1916
- * “W.G.”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 25 1920
- * What All the Shootin’s For, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 10 1930
- * What Ho the Democrats!, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 6 1923
- * “What Is There in it for Me?”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 19 1910
- * What of 1912? - II: East of the Mississippi, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 2 1911
- * What of 1912? - III: the South, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 23 1911
- * What of 1912? - I: West of the Mississippi, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 25 1911
- * What of the East?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 12 1917
- * “What’s Teddy Going to Do?”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 8 1914
- * What’s the Constitution Between Booze?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 11 1920
- * When China Says “No Wanchee!”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 12 1915
- * When John Bull Votes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 6 1923
- * Where All Signs Fail, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 28 1912
- * Where Do We Go from Here, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 26 1929
- * Where Do We Go from Here?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 1 1918
- * Where Silver Is King, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 28 1917
- * Where We Go to Be Amused: Atlantic City, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1907
- * Where We Go to Be Amused: Newport, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 31 1907
- * Who Takes the Ninety-Seven?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 19 1912
- * Why Is an Ambassador?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post January 10 1914
- * Why Not Pick a Good One?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 24 1927
- * Why Not Scrap Them Both?, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 25 1922
- * Wilson in the Country, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 29 1913
- * Wilson in Washington, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 8 1913
- * The Wind from the West, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 24 1924
- * With Its Ear to the Ground, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 5 1913
- * Women in British Politics, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post March 24 1923
- * The Wreck of a Continent, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 10 1914
- * W. Wilson - Human Being, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 24 1913
- * A Young Man Named Loeb, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 13 1910
[]Blythe, Sylvia (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Attractive Grooming if You’re Large, (ar) This Week March 24 1940
- * Beautiful Hands Must Look Capable, (ar) This Week October 29 1939
- * Beauty—Even if You’re Ill, (ar) This Week August 4 1940
- * Beauty for Tween-Teens, (ar) This Week August 10 1941
- * Beauty for Young Job-Seekers, (ar) This Week January 19 1941
- * Beauty in the Bud, (ar) This Week November 9 1941
- * Beauty Is Half in Knowing How, (ar) This Week July 2 1939
- * Beauty Tips for Office Girls, (ar) This Week April 7 1940
- * Beauty Tricks That Men Don’t Like, (ar) This Week February 5 1939
- * Before the Baby Comes, (ar) This Week June 16 1940
- * Be Glad It’s White, (ar) This Week January 29 1939
- * Be Your Age—While You’re Young, (ar) This Week April 9 1939
- * The Brassiere Question, (ar) This Week May 11 1941
- * But Wear Them Right, (ar) This Week May 18 1941
- * But Wear the Right Flowers!, (ar) This Week April 13 1941
- * Charm Gives You What It Takes, (ar) This Week October 1 1939
- * Cheat a Little on Your Lips, (ar) This Week March 10 1940
- * Cinderella: 1939 Model, (ar) This Week May 7 1939
- * Color—Wear It Right, (ar) This Week October 19 1941
- * Comfortable Feet Are Pretty Feet, (ar) This Week July 30 1939
- * Cosmetics Belong in the Kitchen, (ar) This Week February 4 1940
- * Cover That Blemish with Beauty, (ar) This Week June 23 1940
- * Creating a Better Hip Line, (ar) This Week January 5 1941
- * Dangerous Curve!, (ar) This Week April 20 1941
- * Do an Artist’s Job of Make-Up, (ar) This Week January 12 1941
- * Don’t Take It on the Chin, (ar) This Week May 25 1941
- * Do’s and Don’ts for Redheads, (ar) This Week March 16 1941
- * Do Your Looks Rate You a Job?, (ar) This Week April 30 1939
- * Do You Want to Look Taller?, (ar) This Week March 17 1940
- * Dressing to Deceive, (ar) This Week August 7 1938
- * Exercise Keeps You Young, (ar) This Week October 15 1939
- * Famous Beauties Have Conquered Flaws, (ar) This Week July 3 1938
- * Fascinate at Forty, (ar) This Week August 20 1939
- * A Flaw in Your Looks?, (ar) This Week July 20 1941
- * Fool Your Face with a Hair-Do, (ar) This Week September 3 1939
- * For a Lovely Skin—, (ar) This Week September 8 1940
- * For a Young Waistline—, (ar) This Week August 24 1941
- * For Beautiful Feet—, (ar) This Week July 21 1940
- * For Beauty’s Sake—Relax!, (ar) This Week December 14 1941
- * For Beauty—Swim!, (ar) This Week June 1 1941
- * For Beauty Try Sleep, (ar) This Week November 3 1940
- * For Lovelier Eyelashes, (ar) This Week March 31 1940
- * Forty? Face It Frankly, (ar) This Week December 7 1941
- * Freckled? Be Glad of It!, (ar) This Week July 10 1938
- * Give Your Eyes a Chance, (ar) This Week March 30 1941
- * Give Your Face an Expert Make-Up, (ar) This Week November 12 1939
- * Give Yourself a Cameo Profile, (ar) This Week July 23 1939
- * Going to School for Beauty, (ar) This Week April 2 1939
- * Good Figures Have Good Proportions, (ar) This Week October 26 1941
- * Grooming a Girl for a Job, (ar) This Week December 3 1939
- * Hair Comes First, (ar) This Week September 18 1938
- * Hair-Dos for Sub-Debs, (ar) This Week May 19 1940
- * Hair Too Curly?, (ar) This Week February 25 1940
- * Have Your Baby and Your Figure Too, (ar) This Week October 12 1941
- * A Head Start to Beauty—, (ar) This Week November 23 1941
- * Help Him Look His Best, (ar) This Week August 18 1940
- * Housework Can Give You Beauty, (ar) This Week June 22 1941
- * How a Plain Jane Made Herself Beautiful, (ar) This Week January 14 1940
- * How Are Your Legs?, (ar) This Week October 30 1938
- * How Do You Use Your Face?, (ar) This Week February 16 1941
- * How Models Make Up, (ar) This Week January 1 1939
- * How to Acquire Charm, (ar) This Week December 8 1940
- * How to Attain “Chic”, (ar) This Week July 14 1940
- * How to Charm a Camera, (ar) This Week January 8 1939
- * How to Choose a Girdle, (ar) This Week September 10 1939
- * How to Groom a Husband, (ar) This Week November 2 1941
- * How to Have a Well-Shaped Head, (ar) This Week April 14 1940
- * How to Judge Cosmetics, (ar) This Week October 5 1941
- * How Young Is Your Posture?, (ar) This Week August 28 1938
- * If Santa Brings Perfume, (ar) This Week December 21 1941
- * If the Shoe Fits—, (ar) This Week November 16 1941
- * If You Are Too Thin, (ar) This Week December 11 1938
- * If You’re a Bride, Look Like One, (ar) This Week June 18 1939
- * If You’re Large, Act It, (ar) This Week November 19 1939
- * If You’re Naturally Vivid—, (ar) This Week January 7 1940
- * If You’re Not Slim Throated, (ar) This Week September 25 1938
- * If You’re Short—Act Tall, (ar) This Week August 27 1939
- * If You’re Taking a Trip—, (ar) This Week June 30 1940
- * If You’re Tall—Act It, (ar) This Week October 13 1940
- * If You’re Too Short—, (ar) This Week October 6 1940
- * If You’re Young, Look Young, (ar) This Week October 8 1939
- * If Your Figure Is Topheavy—, (ar) This Week February 11 1940
- * If Your Skin Has Violet Lights, (ar) This Week November 20 1938
- * If You Want a Good Skin, (ar) This Week March 3 1940
- * If You Want a Perfect-Oval Face, (ar) This Week June 4 1939
- * Illusion Makes a Nose More Beautiful, (ar) This Week August 13 1939
- * Imperfect Features Make Girls Prettier, (ar) This Week January 22 1939
- * Invisible—and It Should Be!, (ar) This Week July 27 1941
- * It Depends on the Manicure, (ar) This Week June 8 1941
- * It’s All Done with Mirrors, (ar) This Week November 27 1938
- * Keep Beauty Secrets Secret, (ar) This Week August 17 1941
- * Keep Children’s Feet Perfect, (ar) This Week October 20 1940
- * Keeping That Youthful Look, (ar) This Week December 28 1941
- * Keep It Trim, (ar) This Week October 16 1938
- * Keep Looking Feminine, (ar) This Week July 7 1940
- * Keep Looking Young, (ar) This Week December 4 1938
- * Keep Your Beauty Aids Flower-Fresh, (ar) This Week June 15 1941
- * Keep Your Feet Youthful, (ar) This Week April 6 1941
- * Keep Your Hair-Do’s Faultless, (ar) This Week September 22 1940
- * Keep Youth in Your Eyes, (ar) This Week February 12 1939
- * Learn About Make-Up from Them, (ar) This Week August 21 1938
- * Lessons in Good Looks, (ar) This Week September 15 1940
- * Let Your Lipstick Key Your Costume, (ar) This Week June 2 1940
- * Look at Your Back, (ar) This Week December 25 1938
- * Looks Depend on Little Things, (ar) This Week December 18 1938
- * Look the Way You Want to Look, (ar) This Week March 19 1939
- * Look Well—with a Cold, (ar) This Week February 9 1941
- * Make a Time-Budget for Beauty, (ar) This Week March 9 1941
- * Manicure Man-Style, (ar) This Week May 26 1940
- * Meet Yourself in the Mirror, (ar) This Week September 11 1938
- * Men Are Fastidious Too, (ar) This Week May 4 1941
- * Mirrors Can Lie, (ar) This Week February 18 1940
- * Outwit Time with Make-Up, (ar) This Week April 27 1941
- * Perfume Is Important, (ar) This Week November 10 1940
- * Prettying Up the Awkward Age, (ar) This Week January 15 1939
- * Protect Your Skin—Don’t Cook It!, (ar) This Week July 16 1939
- * Putting Yourself Across, (ar) This Week April 21 1940
- * Recapture a Youthful Skin, (ar) This Week November 24 1940
- * Rosebud Mouths Are Out, (ar) This Week April 16 1939
- * Round Out That Too-Slender Throat, (ar) This Week October 2 1938
- * Say It with a New Hair-Do, (ar) This Week July 24 1938
- * Scrub Up Before You Make Up, (ar) This Week May 21 1939
- * “She Walks in Beauty”, (ar) This Week January 26 1941
- * Sit Right While You Work, (ar) This Week August 31 1941
- * Sitting Pretty, (ar) This Week February 23 1941
- * Slap Your Own Face, (ar) This Week March 2 1941
- * Slim Legs Are Lovely, (ar) This Week September 14 1941
- * Smart Clothes Need Slim Hips, (ar) This Week September 4 1938
- * So You Want to Look Like a Gibson Girl, (ar) This Week November 6 1938
- * Sports Are Beautifiers, (ar) This Week December 29 1940
- * The Straight Road to Loveliness, (ar) This Week December 17 1939
- * Style Outshines Mere Prettiness, (ar) This Week September 1 1940
- * Summer-Proof Your Hair, (ar) This Week August 6 1939
- * Take the Sun—Right, (ar) This Week August 3 1941
- * This One’s for Redheads Only, (ar) This Week May 14 1939
- * A Tip from 7,000 Dentists, (ar) This Week November 30 1941
- * Today’s Grandmothers Stay Beautiful, (ar) This Week June 25 1939
- * To Feel Tops, Look It!, (ar) This Week December 1 1940
- * Too Many Doodads Spoil Your Charm, (ar) This Week May 28 1939
- * Tricks Your Hair Will Like, (ar) This Week March 5 1939
- * Trim Off the Trimmings, (ar) This Week September 24 1939
- * Turn Eyeglasses Into an Asset, (ar) This Week June 11 1939
- * Use the Beauty Wisdom Models Use, (ar) This Week February 26 1939
- * Walk Young!, (ar) This Week February 19 1939
- * Want to Look Pretty?…Look Happy!, (ar) This Week October 23 1938
- * Want to Wear a Pompadour?, (ar) This Week October 27 1940
- * The Way to Charm an Audience, (ar) This Week December 22 1940
- * Wear Your Winning Colours, (ar) This Week December 31 1939
- * What to Know About a Permanent, (ar) This Week December 24 1939
- * When a Man’s Hair Begins to Fall, (ar) This Week November 5 1939
- * When a Man’s Hair-line Recedes, (ar) This Week May 12 1940
- * When Hair Turns Grey, (ar) This Week July 28 1940
- * When Sun Gets in Your Eyes, (ar) This Week July 6 1941
- * When You Powder Your Nose, (ar) This Week September 28 1941
- * You’ll Stay Beautiful, If—!, (ar) This Week September 17 1939
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