The FictionMags Index
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Benson, E(dward) F(rederic) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Way It Happened, (nv)
- * What Came Into the Long Gallery, (ss) New Story Magazine March 1915
- * When Greek Meets Greek, (nv) The Windsor Magazine December 1926
- More Spook Stories, Hutchinson, 1934, as "The Step"
- A Tide of Terror ed. Hugh Lamb, W.H. Allen & Co., 1972, as "The Step"
- Thrillers, Chillers & Killers ed. Helen Hoke, Elsevier-Nelson, 1979, as "The Step"
- Terror by Gaslight ed. Hugh Lamb, Constable, 1992, as "The Step"
- Sea Mist, Ash-Tree Press, 2005, as "The Step"
- Winter Night Classics ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2015, as "The Step"
- Ghosts of Christmas Past ed. Tim Martin, John Murray, 2017, as "The Step"
- Fireside Ghost Stories for Christmas Eve ed. M. Grant Kellermeyer, Oldstyle Tales Press, 2017, as "The Step"
- * Whose Ghost Would You Like to Meet?, (sy) Pearson’s Magazine March 1916; edited by William Pollock
- * A Winter Morning, (ss) Six Common Things, Osgood, McIlvaine & Co., 1893
- * Winter Pastimes, (ar) The Windsor Magazine December 1910
- * The Wishing-Well, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine February 1929
- * The Witch-Ball, (ss) Woman’s Journal December 1928
- * The Woman in the Veil, (ss) The (London) Evening News June 26 1928
- * A Woman’s Ambition, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1900
- * Young Marling, (ss) The Strand Magazine November 1920
- * The Zoo, (ss) Six Common Things, Osgood, McIlvaine & Co., 1893
_____, [ref.]
- * Blood Brothers by Mike Ashley, (bg) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine May/June 1984
- * Caterpillars by Allen Koszowski, (il) Weird Tales Fall 2001
- * Colin by Allan Howard, (br) Fantasy Commentator Summer 1989
- * Colin II by Allan Howard, (br) Fantasy Commentator Summer 1989
- * Desirable Residences and Other Stories by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1992
- * The Dodo Saga: Dodo, Dodo’s Daughter, Dodo Wonders by Alice Sessums Leovy, (br) The Double Dealer December 1921
- * Edward Frederick Benson by Frank Frankfort Moore, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1904
- * E.F. Benson (1867-1940) by Robert Lloyd Parry, (bg) Ghosts of the Chit-Chat ed. Robert Lloyd Parry, Swan River Press, 2021
- * A Few More Uncomfortable Moments by A. Langley Searles, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Spring 1953
- * “A Few Uncomfortable Moments” by A. Langley Searles, (ar) Fantasy Commentator #1, December 1943
- * The Flint Knife by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Summer 1989
- * The Ghost Stories of E.F. Benson (1867-1940) by Gail-Nina Anderson, (ar) Aklo Summer 1989
- * The Horror Horn by Basil Copper, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * The Inheritor by Matthew Henry Onderdonk, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1953
- * In Pursuit of The Countess of Lowndes Square by Jack Adrian, (ar) All Hallows #7, October 1994
- * Miss Mapp, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly December 9 1922
- * Sea Mist by Scott Connors, (br) Weird Tales May/June 2006
- * Ungerheuerhorn by Grayson What, (ss) Dark Worlds Adventures Winter 2009
[]Benson, Edwin (fl. 1940s-1950s); house pseudonym used by Richard S. Shaver (1907-1975) (chron.)
- * Edwin Benson, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1943
- * Federal Police Agencies, (ms) Mammoth Detective March 1943
- * Invasion of the Raindrops, (nv) Fantastic Adventures January 1945
- * Lunar Loot, (ss) Fantastic Adventures March 1940
- * Marai’s Wife, (ss) (by Richard S. Shaver) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950
- * Meet the Authors:
* ___ Edwin Benson, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1943
- * Priestess of the Floating Skull, (n.) Amazing Stories May, Jun 1943
- * A World He Never Made, (na) Amazing Stories September 1951
- * Yellow Fireballs, (ms) Mystic Magazine #1, November 1953
[]Benson, Gordon (Kent), Jr. (1936-1996) (about)
_____, [ref.]
- * Bob Shaw: Artist at Ground Zero (with Bob Shaw & Phil Stephensen-Payne) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner: A Marriage of Souls and Talent (with Henry Kuttner, C. L. Moore & Virgil Utter) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * Frederik Pohl: A Working Bibliography (with Frederik Pohl & Phil Stephensen-Payne) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * Michael Bishop: A Working Bibliography (with Michael Bishop) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * Philip K. Dick: A Working Bibliography (with Philip K. Dick & Phil Stephensen-Payne) by Stefan Lewicki, (br) Foundation #46, Autumn 1989
- * Poul Anderson: Myth-Master and Wonder-Weaver (with Poul Anderson & Phil Stephensen-Payne) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
- * Theodore Sturgeon: A Working Bibliography (with Phil Stephensen-Payne & Theodore Sturgeon) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #47, Winter 1989/1990
[]Benson, Irene Elliott (fl. 1910s) (chron.)
- * Confessions of a Mother-in-Law, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1911
- * Flower Souls, (pm) The Smart Set February 1911
- * Her Heritage, (ss) Young’s Magazine July 1913
- * Hetty of the Hobble, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine July 1911
- * The Match-Making Umbrella, (ss) Romance February 1915
- * Mrs. Van Tassell’s Little Hour, (ss) Young’s Magazine June 1912
- * The Passing of the Bully, (vi) Young’s Magazine February 1911
- * The Reducing of Mollie, (ss) Smith’s Magazine November 1910
- * A Sympathetic Response, (vi) The Smart Set August 1910
- * The Turning of the Tables, (ss) Young’s Magazine December 1913
[]Benson, James T. (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Above Us the Waves (with C. E. T. Warren), (nb) John Bull Aug 1, Aug 8, Aug 15, Aug 22, Aug 29, Sep 5, Sep 12, Sep 19, Sep 26, Oct 3 1953
- * Can a Man Become Invisible?, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1948
[]Benson, John (fl. 1990s-2000s)
_____, trans.
- * The Child That Never Was by Maria Virginia Estenssoro, (ss) Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real ed. Celia Correas de Zapata, Arte Público Press, 1990; translated from the Spanish.
- * Death and Transfiguration of a Teacher by María Theresa Solari, (ss) Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real ed. Celia Correas de Zapata, Arte Público Press, 1990
- * In Heaven by Guadalupe Dueñas, (vi) Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real ed. Celia Correas de Zapata, Arte Público Press, 1990; translated from the Spanish.
- * The Last Emigrant by Nora Glickmann, (ss) Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real ed. Celia Correas de Zapata, Arte Público Press, 1990; translated from the Spanish.
- * Shoes for the Rest of My Life by Guadalupe Dueñas, (vi) Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real ed. Celia Correas de Zapata, Arte Público Press, 1990; translated from the Spanish.
[]Benson, John M. (1950- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Actuary, (pm) Thin Ice #7, 1990
- * All in the Mind, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v1 #1, 2005
- * Almost Alone (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #19, August 1998/July 1999
- * American Graveyard Iconography (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #2, November 1984
- * Ancient Festivals for the Dead (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #8, May 1987
- * Bedtime Somg, (pm) Grue #1, 1985
- * Body Burning in the Old Days (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * Broken Home (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Outer Darkness #27, 2003
- * Catacomb Nursery (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Mindmares #1, Winter 1998
- * Cave Art (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #15, Fall 1995/Winter 1996
- * Chop-Right, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986
- * Circumstance (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * Cold Comfort, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986
- * A Denial (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Goddess of the Bay #5, December 1998
- * Descent, (pm) Perdition Press #0, Spring 1988
- * The Disappeared (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Third Alternative #7, Summer 1995
- * Disenchantment: The Uses of Hypertension (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Bifrost #2, Fall 1985
- * Doppelganger (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Third Alternative #4, Autumn 1994
- * Downer, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Dust, (pm) Not One of Us #1, October 1986
- * Early Modern Embalming (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #4, June 1985
- * Eighteenth Century Burial Crypts in Real Life (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #7, September 1986
- * End of Speech (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Goddess of the Bay #5, December 1998
- * The Enemy of My Enemy, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #2, Winter 1996
- * The Evolution of Popular Romance (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Paperback Parade #23, March 1991
- * Eyeshot, (vi) Desert Sun #3, Fall 1987
- * Fire, (vi) Desert Sun #5, Fall 1988
- * Food for Thought, (pm) Thin Ice #7, 1990
- * Formula for Success (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Paperback Parade #2, February 1987
- * The Garden, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v3 #3, 2007
- * Get Down, (pm) Perdition Press #0, Spring 1988
- * Graveyard Restoration for the Amateur (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #3, February 1985
- * Initiation Candomblé (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * In the Hoodoo (with Tina Beigal), (pm) The Blue Lady #7, 1997
- * Letter from an Ancient Species, (ms) Beyond #5, September 1986
- * Makeover, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Man on the Corner in Abidjan (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Mindmares #2, Spring 1998
- * Microcosm (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Goddess of the Bay #5, December 1998
- * Miracle Weight-Loss Plan (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Enter the Realm #1, 1994
- * Miss You (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * Modern Ways, (pm) Twisted #3, Summer 1986
- * Morbid History and Practice:
* ___ Part 7): Mountain Mummy (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #10, May 1989
* ___ Part 8): Body Burning in the Old Days (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * Morbid History & Practice:
* ___ Part 1. American Graveyard Iconography (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #2, November 1984
* ___ Part 2. Graveyard Restoration for the Amateur (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #3, February 1985
* ___ Part 3. Early Modern Embalming (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #4, June 1985
* ___ Part 4. What Do Funerals and Michael Jackson Have in Common? (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #6, February 1986
* ___ Part 5. Eighteenth Century Burial Crypts in Real Life (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #7, September 1986
* ___ Part 6. Ancient Festivals for the Dead (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #8, May 1987
- * Mountain Mummy (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #10, May 1989
- * Never Neat (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * No-Havin’ (In Winter) (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Palace Corbie #5, 1994
- * Obtaining Consent for Invasive Procedures from Newly Deceased Adults: A Request for Proposals (with Tina Reigel), (vi) Not One of Us #17, February 1997
- * One Last Look (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Urbanite #12, Spring 2001
- * Potential (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #2, Winter 1996
- * Prison of Many Names, (pm) Not One of Us #3, April 1988
- * pSycophantasy, (pm) Sycophant #1, September 1986
- * Reborn, (pm) The Ultimate Unknown #4, Summer 1996
- * Reisepass, (ed) Not One of Us #17 Feb, #18 Sep 1997, #19 Mar, #20 Sep 1998, #21 Mar, #22 Sep 1999, #23 Mar, #24 Sep 2000, #27 Mar, #28 Sep 2002,
#29 Mar, #30 Sep 2003
#34 Sep 2005, #38 Oct 2007, #48 Oct 2012
- * Reisepass, (ed) Under Review ed. John Benson, John Benson, 2012
- * Reisepass: The Best of Not One of Us, (in) The Best of Not One of Us ed. John Benson, Prime Books, 2006
- * Requiem for an Athlete, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Rescue (with Tina Reigel), (pm) The Urbanite #10, 1998
- * Romance (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Bare Bone #6, 2004
- * The Romance of Making Money (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Paperback Parade #14, August 1989
- * Scared Stiff (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Mindmares #8, Fall 1999
- * Severance Pay, (pm) Talebones #1, Fall 1995
- * Sheol, (pm) Enter the Realm #1, 1994
- * Stay at Home (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Palace Corbie #6, 1995
- * Stiff Competition (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Enter the Realm #1, 1994
- * Talgua (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Outer Darkness #4, Summer 1995
- * Trade-Off, (pm) Beyond #7, May 1987
- * Wanderlust, (pm) Doppelgänger #9, October 1988
- * What Do Funerals and Michael Jackson Have in Common? (with Anke M. Kriske), (ar) Doppelgänger #6, February 1986
- * Wilderness of Warning (with Tina Reigel), (pm) Mindmares #3, Summer 1998
- * World Without Will (with Tina Reigel), (vi) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Doppelgänger, #5 -.
* ___ Not One of Us
- * Editor: Grim Grafiks 1987
- * Editor: Not One of Us #7 Jan, #8 Oct 1991, #9 Jun 1992, #10 Apr, #11 Nov 1993, #12 Aug 1994, #13 Feb, #14 Sep 1995, #15 Mar,
#16 Sep 1996, #17 Feb, #18 Sep 1997
#19 Mar, #20 Sep 1998, #21 Mar, #22 Sep 1999, #23 Mar, #24 Sep 2000, #25 Mar, #26 Sep 2001, #27 Mar, #28 Sep 2002,
#29 Mar, #30 Sep 2003
#31 Apr, #32 Sep 2004, #33 Apr, #34 Sep 2005, #35 Apr, #36 Nov 2006, #37 Apr, #38 Oct 2007, #39 Apr, #40 Oct 2008,
#41 Apr, #42 Oct 2009
#47 Apr, #48 Oct 2012, #49 Apr, #50 Sep 2013, #51 Apr 2014, #53 Apr, #54 Sep 2015, #55 Apr, #56 Sep 2016, #57 Apr 2017,
#65, #66, #67, #68 2021
#69, #70, #71, #72 2022, #73, #74, #75, #76 2023, #77, #78, #79, #80,
#81 2024
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