The FictionMags Index
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[]Paulsen, Steven (Keith) (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Art of H.A.K., (ar) Bloodsongs #3, Summer 1994 [Ref. Harry Adam Knight]
- * Australian Landscapes, (iv) Interzone #76, October 1993 [Ref. Paul Voermans]
- * The Black Diamond of the Elephant God, (nv) Shadows on the Wall, IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- * Book Review, (br) Aurealis #10, 1992
- * Christmas Morning, (vi) Hell’s Bells ed. AHWA Committee, Australian Horror Writers Association, 2016
- * An Eidolon Interview with Garth Nix, (iv) Eidolon Spring 1996 [Ref. Garth Nix]
- * An Eidolon Interview with Gary Crew, (iv) Eidolon Autumn 1998 [Ref. Gary Crew]
- * An Eidolon Interview with Louise Thurtell, (iv) Eidolon Autumn 1996 [Ref. Louise Thurtell]
- * An Eidolon Interview with Lucy Sussex, (iv) Eidolon Autumn 1997 [Ref. Lucy Sussex]
- * An Eidolon Interview with Richard Harland (with Van Ikin), (iv) Eidolon Autumn 1998 [Ref. Richard Harland]
- * An Eidolon Interview with Sean McMullen, (iv) Eidolon Autumn 1996 [Ref. Sean McMullen]
- * An Eidolon Interview with Simon Brown, (iv) Eidolon Spring 1996 [Ref. Simon Brown]
- * Errand Run, (vi) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine #5, Summer 1986/1987
- * Fixed in Time, (ss) Shadows on the Wall, IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- * Greater Garbo, (ss) Australian & NZ PC User October 1992
- * Hakwork: An Appreciation of John Brosnan, (ar) Studies in Australian Weird Fiction #3, April 2009 [Ref. John Brosnan]
- * Harold the Hero & the Talking Sword (with Jack M. Dann), (nv) And Then…The Great Big Book of Awesome Adventure Tales, Vol. 2 ed. Ruth Wykes & Kylie Fox, Clan Destine Press, 2018
- * A History of Australian Horror (with Bill Congreve & Sean McMullen), (ar) The Scream Factory #16, Winter 1995/1996, as "The Hunt for Australian Horror"
- * The Hunt for Australian Horror (with Sean McMullen), (ar) Aurealis #14, 1994
- * The Hunt for Australian Horror (with Bill Congreve & Sean McMullen), (ar) The Scream Factory #16, Winter 1995/1996
- * An Interview with Paul Collins, (iv) Sirius #7, November 1994
- * An Interview with Sherry-Anne Jacobs, (iv) Sirius #5, May 1994
- * An Interview with Stephen Donaldson, (iv) Dark Horizons #27, Summer 1984 [Ref. Stephen R. Donaldson]
- * An Interview with Victor Kelleher, (iv) Sirius #4, February 1994
- * In the Light of the Lamp, (ss) Terror Australis ed. Leigh Blackmore, Coronet Australia, 1993
- * Kid’s Stuff: Australian Children’s Horror Fiction, (ar) Bloodsongs #5, Winter 1995
- * Logic Loop, (vi) Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine #5, Summer 1986/1987
- * Martin Middleton Interview, (iv) Sirius #1, March 1993
- * Ma Rung, (ss) Dreaming Down-Under ed. Jack Dann & Janeen Webb, Voyager Australia, 1998
- * Old Wood, (ss) Terror Australis Winter 1988
- * Pest Control, (ss) Cthulhu: Deep Down Under ed. Steve Proposch, Christopher Sequeira & Bryce Stevens, Horror Australis, 2015
- * The Place, (vi) Terror Australis Autumn 1988
- * Publication History, (bi) Shadows on the Wall, IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- * Pulp Fiction in Oz, (ar) Bloodsongs #4, Autumn 1995
- * Pulse:
* ___ The Art of H.A.K., (cl) Bloodsongs #3, Summer 1994 [Ref. Harry Adam Knight]
* ___ Kid’s Stuff: Australian Children’s Horror Fiction, (cl) Bloodsongs #5, Winter 1995
* ___ Pulp Fiction in Oz, (cl) Bloodsongs #4, Autumn 1995
* ___ The Search for Early Australian Horror, (cl) Bloodsongs #2, June 1994
* ___ The State of the Australian Horror Fiction Magazine, (cl) Bloodsongs #1, January 1994
* ___ A Touch of Darkness: Gary Crew—Australia’s Maestro of the Macabre, (cl) Bloodsongs #6, Spring 1995 [Ref. Gary Crew]
* ___ [untitled?], (cl) Bloodsongs #7, 1996
- * The Quest for Australian Fantasy (with Sean McMullen), (ar) Aurealis #13, 1994
- * The Quest for Australian Fantasy—Continues (with Sean McMullen), (ar) Fantasy Annual #1, Spring 1997
- * Scoop: Australian SF News, (cl) Eidolon Spr 1995, Sum, Aut, Spr 1996, Aut, Spr 1997, Aut 1998
- * The Search for Early Australian Horror, (ar) Bloodsongs #2, June 1994
- * Shadows on the Wall, (co) IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- * Smoking Mirrors, with a Hint of Scrimshaw (with Van Ikin), (iv) Interzone #146, August 1999 [Ref. Terry Dowling]
- * The Sorcerer’s Looking Glass, (ss) Fantastic Worlds ed. Paul Collins, Moonstone Australia, 1998
- * The State of the Australian Horror Fiction Magazine, (ar) Bloodsongs #1, January 1994
- * Stray Cat, (ss) EOD #7, September 1992
- * A Touch of Darkness: Gary Crew—Australia’s Maestro of the Macabre, (ar) Bloodsongs #6, Spring 1995 [Ref. Gary Crew]
- * Two Tomorrow, (vi) Eidolon Spring 1990
- * Voices in the Light from a Ring of Green Fire, (iv) Interzone #107, May 1996 [Ref. Sean McMullen]
- * Whose Turn Is It Next?, (ar) Bloodsongs #7, 1996
- * The Wine Cellar, (ss) Shadows on the Wall, IFWG Publishing Australia, 2018
- * [untitled?], (ar) Bloodsongs #7, 1996
[]Paulson, Mari A. (fl. 1980s) (chron.)
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Eighth, (ss) FSFnet v1 #7, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Fifth, (ss) FSFnet v3 #1, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the First, (ss) FSFnet v3 #5, 1986
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Fourth, (ss) FSFnet v3 #2, 1985
- * The Narret Chronicles: Book the Last, (ss) FSFnet v1 #3, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Ninth, (ss) FSFnet v1 #6, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Second, (ss) FSFnet v3 #5, 1986
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Seventh, (ss) FSFnet v1 #8, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Sixth, (ss) FSFnet v2 #1, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Tenth, (ss) FSFnet v1 #5, 1985
- * Narret Chronicles: Book the Third, (ss) FSFnet v3 #4, 1985
[]Paulssen, Catherine (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Against the Wall, (ss) Duty and Desire ed. Kristina Wright, Cleis Press, 2012
- * Foreplay, (vi) The Mammoth Book of Quick & Dirty Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2013
- * A Perfect Start, (vi) The Mammoth Book of Quick & Dirty Erotica ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Robinson, 2013
- * Three Nights Before the Wedding, (ss) Best Erotic Romance 2013 ed. Kristina Wright, Cleis Press, 2012
[]Paulus, Arnold (fl. 1960s) (chron.)
- * Branded by the Red Butterflies, (ss)
- * The East Village: New Bohemia, (ar) Pix Autumn 1967
- * The Go-to-Hell Life of the Non-Student, (ar) Pix Summer 1967
- * Knights in the Garden of Allah, (ar) Adam June 1962
- * Las Vegas—Lustville in the Desert, (ar) Man’s Illustrated November 1962
- * Paris Bordello: For Women, (ar) Spree v2 #1, 1964
- * Queen of the Paris Red Light District, (ss)
- * Robert Clairmont: The Last Bohemian, (ar) Sir Knight v3 #4, 1962
- * Sex for Free—Return of the Teenage V-Doll, (ar) Man’s Conquest October 1968
- * Sex Voyage of the Sea Sprite, (ss) Blaze #3, 1962
- * Snobville, U.S.A., (ar) Monsieur June 1963
- * Witch of the Islands, (ss) Spree v1 #24, 1961
[]Paus, Herbert (1860-1944) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Collier’s Jan 20, May 5, Jul 14 1917, Mar 2, Mar 23, Jun 15, Jul 6, Aug 3, Aug 31 1918, Mar 8,
May 3, Jun 14, Jul 5, Jul 26 1919
Aug 24, Sep 7 1929, Apr 12, Jun 7 1930, Jun 20, Dec 5 1931
- * [front cover], (cv) Popular Science Monthly July 1927
- * [front cover], (cv) Woman’s Home Companion January 1930
- * [front cover], (cv) Pearson’s Magazine April 1931
- * [front cover], (cv) Liberty Jan 1, Feb 5, Apr 15, May 13 1944
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Home Companion Apr 1907, Jun, Nov 1923, Mar 1925, Dec 1927, Jul 1930, Mar 1931, Jan 1934, Jun 1935,
Jul, Nov, Dec 1936
Apr 1937, Apr 1938
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post May 18 1912
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Jan 2, Jul 17, Jul 24, Dec 4 1915, Jan 20, May 5 1917, Jun 29, Aug 31 1918, Jan 11,
Feb 8 1919
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Everybody’s Magazine January 1916
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s World September 1920
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Jan, Sep, Oct, Nov 1929, Sep, Dec 1930, Mar 1931, Apr, Aug 1932, Jan,
Jul, Dec 1934
Jul, Sep, Dec 1935, Feb, Mar, Jun, Dec 1937
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20, Aug 27 1939
- * [illustration(s)] (with Joseph Clement Coll), (il) Everybody’s Magazine March 1916
- * [illustration(s)] (with Alfred Parker), (il) The American Magazine March 1942
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