The FictionMags Index
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[]Flynn, T(homas) T(heodore, Jr.) (1902-1979) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Abbey of the Damned [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly October 30 1937
- * The Accusing Corpse, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 15 1934
- * Adventurers All:
* ___ Mates Amuck, (ts) Short Stories February 25 1931
- * After the Embassy, (ss) Cabaret Stories August 1928
- * All in a Lump, (ss) Flynn’s December 19 1925
- * Apple Man, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1926
- * Argonotes (with William Campbell Gault, Richard Howells Watkins, Neill C. Wilson & Byron de Prorok), (bg) Argosy June 1947
- * Ashes, (ss) Adventure January 15 1928
- * Back Trail, (nv) Dime Western Magazine September 1949, as "Hunted Wolf!"
- * Bananas North, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories November 15 1933
- * Barred Doors [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly May 18 1935
- * Barrel Size, (ss) The Popular Complete Stories February 15 1932
- * Battle Across the Islands, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1929
- * Battle-Hymn for a Lost Lawman, (nv) Star Western November 1938
- * The Bayou Trail, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 2 1932
- * Behind This Face, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1937
- * Belari the Black, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories 2nd May 1931
- * The Bell-Tower Terror, (na) Dime Detective Magazine October 15 1933
- * The Big Top Mystery, (nv) Clues 1st May 1930
- * Billydoo Barker, Hoss Thief, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1932
- * Birds of Prey, (ss) Mystery Stories September 1927
- * The Black Doctor [Val Easton], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1932
- * The Black-Eyed Gentlemen, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 20 1927
- * The Black Phantom, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1 1933
- * The Black-Winged Menace, (nv) Air Adventures October 1928
- * Blood and Steel, (na) Argosy June 1947
- * Blood Bondage of the Lawless, (nv) Star Western July 1937
- * Blood on the Blue-Grass [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine November 1940
- * Blood on the Book [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine January 1940
- * The Bloody Isle, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly May 25, Jun 1, Jun 8 1940
- * The Bookie and the Blonde [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine July 1940
- * Boothill for Sheepers!, (ss) Dime Western Magazine December 1936
- * Border Blood, (na) Dime Western Magazine September 15 1934
- * The Boss Says Kill, (na) Dime Detective Magazine March 1940
- * Brady of Broadway, (ts) The Blue Book Magazine September 1951
- * Brains, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd April 1929
- * Brand of the Hangtown Kid, (nv) Fifteen Western Tales September 1945
- * The Brand of the Lizard, (nv) Clues 1st March 1931
- * Breakaway, (ss) Short Stories October 25 1930
- * The Bride of the Beast, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Brother Murder [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly December 2 1939
- * Brothers of the Owlhoot, (na) Dime Western Magazine May 15 1935
- * Build Up for Murder [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (nv) Detective Fiction August 20 1941
- * Bullet Bounty, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story August/September 1949
- * A Bullet for the Kid, (ss) Big-Book Detective Magazine February 1942
- * A Bullet for the Utah Kid, (na) Fifteen Western Tales August 1948
- * Bullet Proof, (nv) Clues 1st June 1929
- * Bullets to the Pecos, (na) Fifteen Western Tales November 1949
- * Bulls-Eye on His Back!, (na) Dime Western Magazine July 1950
- * Burning Ice, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1937
- * Calamity Lou [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine December 1944
- * The Cargo of Death, (nv) Gang World April 1932
- * The Case of Colleen, (ss) Clues 2nd June 1929
- * Castaway, (nv) Adventure April 15 1928
- * Charged to Experience, (ss) Flynn’s December 12 1925
- * Charts of Intrigue, (nv) Clues 2nd May 1928
- * The Chest of Chadwick House, (nv) Clues 2nd July 1929
- * The City Hall Murders [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (na) Detective Fiction Weekly March 23 1935
- * Cleaned, (ss) Clues 2nd October 1929
- * The Clock-Tower Murders, (na) Dime Detective Magazine February 15 1934
- * Cold Steel, (ss) The Danger Trail February 1927
- * The Complete Cases of Mr. Maddox, Volume 1 [Joe Maddox], (co) Altus Press, April 2014
- * The Complete Cases of Mr. Maddox, Volume 2 [Joe Maddox], (co) Altus Press, November 2015
- * The Complete Cases of Mr. Maddox, Volume 3 [Joe Maddox], (co) Popular Publications, November 2024
- * The Complete Cases of the Prince of Thieves [Jerry Prince (Prince of Thieves)], (co) Popular Publications, November 2023
- * The Complete Cases of Val Easton [Val Easton], (co) Steeger Books, November 2020
- * Congo Cargo, (nv) Argosy October 1943
- * The Corpse in the Window, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 15 1933
- * Crazy and Dangerous, (ss) Double Detective May 1938
- * Crimson Codicil, (nv) Ace-High Detective Magazine January 1937
- * Cupid’s Jewels, (ss) Clues 1st April 1929
- * The Dance for Devils, (nv) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories April 1933
- * Dark Abyss, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 11, Dec 18, Dec 25 1937, Jan 1, Jan 8 1938
- * A Date at the Morgue, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1937
- * The Deadly Orchid [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 15 1933
- * Dead Man Deputy, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story January 4 1941
- * Dead Man’s Debt [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1938
- * Dead Man’s Dough [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1944
- * Dead Man’s Gold, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story August 31 1940
- * Dead Man’s Lottery, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine July 1932
- * A Deal in Bonds [Pa Winn], (ss) Flynn’s Weekly August 7 1926
- * Death Atoll, (na) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories January 15 1933
- * Death by Proxy, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 16 1930
- * Death for Double-O Neighbors!, (nv) Ace-High Magazine September 1937
- * Death Lives Here, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction April 1943
- * Death Marks Time in Trampas, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 15 1939
- * Death on the Waterfront, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly March 6 1937
- * Death Pays Fighting Wages, (nv) Star Western May 1938
- * Death Plays a Sucker, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 16 1938
- * Death Rides the Favorite [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine October 1938
- * Death’s Deputy, (na) Dime Western Magazine November 1948
- * Death Takes a Tally, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story July 27 1940
- * Death Takes Passage, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 22 1933
- * The Death Trap, (ss) The Popular Magazine July 1931
- * Deliver the Dead, (na) Popular Detective November 1937
- * Deputy, (ss) Clues August 1927
- * Detective Nimrod Twigg, (ss) Flynn’s Weekly June 26 1926
- * The Devil in the Horse Van [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine December 1941
- * Devils at the Ball, (ss) Clues 2nd January 1929
- * The Devil’s Derby [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine April 1939
- * The Devil’s Gunsmoke Ramrod, (nv) Dime Western Magazine July 1943
- * The Devil’s Lode, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine June 24 1939
- * Die, Senator!, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly May 13 1939
- * Dilemma, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 18 1931
- * A Dirty Deal, (ss) Clues 1st March 1930
- * Dr. Carter Reaps, (ss) Flynn’s December 5 1925
- * Double Outlaw, (na) Star Western December 1935, as "Outlawed by the Owlhoot!"
- * The Dragons of Chang Ch’ien [Val Easton], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 15 1935
- * The Dragon Woman, (sl) Clues Aug, Sep, Oct 1931
- * Easy to Kill [“Izzy” O’Shea], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1 1934
- * The Efficiency of Eli Tarbox, (ss) The New McClure’s October 1928
- * Evidence in Death, (ss) Mystery Stories January 1928
- * The Evil Brand [Val Easton], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine November 15 1934
- * The Evil One, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 3 1932
- * The Eye of Buddha, (sl) Clues Jan, 1st Feb, 2nd Feb, 1st Mar, 2nd Mar 1928
- * Eyes That See, (ss) Short Stories May 10 1932
- * Faces in the Fog, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1932
- * Falling Death [Trixie Meehan & Mike Harris], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly October 28 1933
- * False, (ss) Clues 1st December 1929
- * Fighting Dons of San Saba, (na) Star Western April 1936
- * Fire Flower, (nv) All Star Detective Stories July 1930
- * Five Angels of Death, (na) Dime Detective Magazine September 1940
- * Five Doomed Men, (na) Dime Detective Magazine April 1 1933
- * Five Fatal Hours, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1 1935
- * Flight Into Danger, (ss) Country Home Magazine April 1939
- * Fool’s Gold, (ss) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories July 15 1933
- * For the Defense, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 8 1936
- * For the Love of Lucille, (ss) Mack’s Pocket Detective Stories Magazine November 1930
- * The Fountain of Pep, (nv) Top-Notch Magazine April 15 1927
- * Four Nights to Doom, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 15 1934
- * The Fourteenth Mummy, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1932
- * 14 Votes Brand a Maverick, (nv) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine April 13 1940
- * Fresh Fish and Eve, (ss) Romance November 1928
- * Fugitive Lawman, (na) Star Western June 1936
- * Gambler’s Lady, (na) The American Magazine March 1947
- * Gambler’s Odds, (ss) Argosy December 25 1937
- * Gangster’s Toll, (ss) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories February 1933
- * The Garroters of Ghost Cove, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly July 25 1931
- * The Gate of the Golden Dead, (ss) All Star Detective Stories April 1931
- * Gee-Gee Doublecross [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 1946
- * Ghost from the Deep, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly April 25 1931
- * Ghost Gold for Gringo Guns, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine August 27 1938
- * Ghost’s Don’t Dies, (ss) Dime Western Magazine August 1933
- * The Ghost Whistle, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine October 1935
- * The Girl with the Alligator Bag, (sl) Live Girl Stories Jan, Feb 1929
- * Glory Blast, (ss) Dime Western Magazine March 1934
- * The Golden Cipher [Jerry Prince (Prince of Thieves)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 15 1934
- * The Golden Ghost, (na) Dime Detective Magazine August 15 1933
- * Gold Greed, (ss) The Popular Magazine April 1931
- * The Governor Picks His Man, (na) Complete Stories 1st October 1930
- * Gratefully Yours, (ss) Argosy September 1943
- * The Green Heirloom, (na) Complete Stories 2nd April 1930
- * Green Light Ahead, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd June 1929
- * Gringo’s One-Man War Party, (nv) Ace-High Western Magazine December 1936
- * A Gun for the Resurrection Kid, (ss) Big-Book Western Magazine March 1954
- * Gun-Help for the Resurrection Kid, (ss) Star Western August 1938
- * Gunman’s Way, (nv) Star Western September 1938, as "When a Gunman Steals a War"
- * Guns of the Lobo Trail, (na) Fifteen Western Tales May 1945
- * Half-Interest in Hell!, (ss) Dime Western Magazine July 1945
- * Half-Pint Son of Hell, (ss) Dime Western Magazine March 1934, as "Glory Blast"
- * Hangnoose Hungry!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine March 1949
- * Happy Murder to You! [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1942
- * Harrigan’s Last Job, (ss) Detective Tales March 1939
- * Havana Contact, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 27 1938
- * Hayseed Homicide [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1944
- * He Asked for It, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 29 1936
- * Heir to Murder, (ss) Detective Action Stories December 1931
- * Hell’s Half-Acre, (nv) Star Western October 1933
- * Hell’s Own Buckskin-Popper!, (na) .44 Western Magazine March 1949
- * Help or Hang!, (na) Street & Smith’s Western Story September 13 1941
- * Herd Hunters Die Young!, (na) Dime Western Magazine December 1942
- * Her Sky Hero, (ss) Modern Girl Stories June 1929
- * He Wanted Easy Money, (ss) Complete Stories 1st November 1930
- * High Steel, (nv) Argosy November 28 1936
- * Honor Roll, (ss) Short Stories August 10 1930
- * The Hoodoo Division, (ss) Short Stories July 10 1930
- * A Horse of Another Killer [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1943
- * The Hostage, (nv) Romance March 1929
- * Hot Gun Town, (na) Dime Western Magazine May 1948
- * Hot Hunches, (ss) Gang World November 1931
- * Hot Money, (ss) All Star Detective Stories July 1931
- * The Hound That Didn’t Bay, (ss) Ace-High Detective Magazine October 1936
- * House of Dread [Jerry Prince (Prince of Thieves)], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 15 1935
- * The House of Hate, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Dec 27 1930, Jan 3 1931
- * The House of Two Masters, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 1 1931
- * The House of Vanishing Men [Jerry Prince (Prince of Thieves)], (na) Dime Detective Magazine May 1 1933
- * Hunted Lawman, (na) Star Western June 1936, as "Fugitive Lawman"
- * Hunted Wolf!, (nv) Dime Western Magazine September 1949
- * I’ll Bet Your Life! [Joe Maddox], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine September 1948
- * In Fifteen Fathoms, (nv) The Popular Complete Stories January 1 1932
- * The Iron Horse, (sl) Top-Notch Magazine 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1928, 1st Jan, 2nd Jan 1929
- * The Jade Fury, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1937
- * The Jade Joss [Val Easton], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine November 15 1933
- * Jewels of Fate, (nv) Clues 2nd April 1928
- * A Job in the Country, (ss) Clues All Star Detective Stories September 1932
- * Johnny’s One-Man Invasion, (ss) Dime Western Magazine July 1942
- * The Jungle Extra, (nv) Street & Smith’s Complete Stories 2nd June 1931
- * Jungle Secret, (ss) Everybody’s March 1928
- * Jungle Spirits, (ss) The Danger Trail August 1926
- * Justice at Pas Marie, (ss) Thrilling Adventures December 1936
- * Kentucky Kickback [Joe Maddox], (na) Dime Detective Magazine May 1940
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