The FictionMags Index
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Rappaport, Jenny Rae (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Doors, (vi) Factor Four Magazine #6, July 2019
- The Answer That You Are Seeking, (ss) Lightspeed #112, September 2019
- Spindles and Spires, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 19 2019
- The Castle of Wine and Clouds, (vi) Daily Science Fiction January 13 2020
- Girls with Needles and Frost, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #315, October 22 2020
- Everything and Nothing, (ss) Lightspeed #125, October 2020
- The Shape of Wings and Feathers, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #338, September 9 2021
- In the Cold, Dark Sea, (vi) Lightspeed #140, January 2022
- Reason to Believe, (vi) New Myths #59, Summer 2022
- The Sweetness at the End, (ss) Etherea Magazine #13, August 2022
- The Inheritance of Dust and Leather, (vi) Lightspeed #148, September 2022
- What Will Bring You Home, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #396, November 30 2023
Rappatta, Brian (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Tongues, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXII ed. Algis Budrys, Galaxy, 2006
- The Plunge, (ss) Nemonymous #7, 2007, uncredited.
- The Dead March, (ss) Shock Totem #1, 2009
- The Prufrock Whisperer, (ss) Amazing Stories Summer 2019
- To Sift the Sacred, (nv) Speculative North #2, August 2020
- Embrace of Memory, (vi) Baffling Magazine #2, January 2021
- The Last Compact, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2021
- The Sphinx of Adzhimushkaj, (ss) Life Beyond Us ed. Susan Forest, Lucas K. Law & Julie Novakova, Laksa Media Groups, 2023
Rappoport, S(hloyme) Z(anvl) (1863-1920); used pseudonyms Sh. An-Sky & Ansky (about) (items)
- Moses Montefiore, (ss) Yisröel, The First Jewish Omnibus ed. Joseph Leftwich, John Heritage, 1933, as by Sh. An-Sky
- A Good Laugh, (ss) Yenne Velt Volume I ed. Joachim Neugroschel, Stonehill, 1976; translated by Joachim Neugroschel, as by Ansky
- The Penitent, (ss) Yenne Velt Volume I ed. Joachim Neugroschel, Stonehill, 1976; translated by Joachim Neugroschel, as by Ansky
- The Tower of Rome, (ss) Yenne Velt Volume I ed. Joachim Neugroschel, Stonehill, 1976; translated by Joachim Neugroschel, as by Ansky
Rasch, Phil (fl. 1940s-1970s) (items)
- The Story Behind “The Star Rover”, (ar) The Gorgon July 1947
- Literary Criticism and Off Trail Literature, (ar) The Gorgon September 1947
- Metalanim & Nan-Matal, (ar) The Gorgon November 1947
- The Rrrllya, (ar) The Gorgon January 1948
- Ys and Carnac, (ar) The Gorgon March/April 1948
- The Kraken, (ar) The Gorgon v2 #1, 1948
- The Face in the Abyss, (ar) The Gorgon v2 #2, 1948 [Ref. A. Merritt]
- West Coast S-F Conference, (ar) The Gorgon v2 #2, 1948
- Alice in Wonderland, (ar) The Gorgon v2 #3, 1948
- The Mystery of the Flying Discs, (ar) The Gorgon v2 #4, 1948
- Open Letter to Harold T. Wilkins, (lt) Fantast Sidetrack April/May 1954
- [2 limericks], (pm) Amra v2 #52, 1970
Rascoe, (Arthur) Burton (1892-1957) (about) (books) (items)
- Caste, (ss) The Smart Set May 1921
- Little Ironies of Literary Life, (cr) The Double Dealer August/September 1921 [Ref. Paul Verlaine, Jules Laforgue, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Anatole France & Remy de Gourmont]
- The Sacred Name, (ar) The Smart Set November 1922
- The Ten Dullest Authors, (sy) Vanity Fair (US) August 1923
- My Wife and I Have Become Good Friends, (ar) Hearst’s International November 1924
- Life & Letters at 15, (ar) Story #58, May 1937
- The Libel Racket, (ar) Esquire January 1939
- Initiation, (ts) Liberty April 13 1940
- The Affair of Mr. X, (ar) Detective Spring 1951
- Portrait in One Breath, (ms) [Ref. Henry James]
- “Smart Set” History, (in)
Rasey, Jean (fl. 1930s-1940s) (items)
- Coquettes, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 18 1938
- Summer Melody, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 9 1938
- Love Letter, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 16 1938
- Minature, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 14 1939
- Chapeau, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 7 1940
- Over White Fences, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 21 1940
- Biography of a Purse, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 1 1941
- Chapel Bells, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine February 8 1941
- Surprise, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine May 24 1941
- Yesterday’s Candles, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 7 1941
- First Love, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine November 29 1941
- Rings, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine June 6 1942
- Hope Chest, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine August 15 1942
- After Parting, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine October 31 1942
- Victory Cookbook, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine July 13 1943
- Cat, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine September 7 1943
- Paradox, (pm) Street & Smith’s Romantic Range September 1944
- There Should Be a Law, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine December 1945
- More Than Starlight, (pm) Street & Smith’s Love Story Magazine January 1946
- Home Owner, (pm)
Rash, Ron (1953- ) (about) (items)
- Why Poe Drank Liquor by Marion Montgomery, (br) The South Carolina Review Spring 1984
- Stanley Fish in the Afterlife, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1992
- The Barn, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1992
- Grabbing, (pm) The South Carolina Review Spring 1994
- 1934, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1994
- Flying Squadron, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1994
- The Old Men at Hamrick’s Carp Pond, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 1994
- On The Christ-Haunted Landscape: Faith and Doubt in Southern Fiction, (br) The South Carolina Review Fall 1994
- Circling by Paul Ruffin, (br) The South Carolina Review Spring 1997
- Last Rite, (ss) Greensboro Review Summer 1998
- Catamount, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2000
- Dangerous Love, (ss) The South Carolina Review Fall 2000
- Graveyard Fields, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2000
- At Boone Creek Landing, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2001
- Bottomland, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2001
- Shee-Show, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2001
- Tremor, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2001
- The Vanquished, (pm) The South Carolina Review Fall 2001
- Speckle Trout, (ss) The Kenyon Review Spring 2003
- Graveyard Shift, (ss) Oxford American #54, Fall 2006
- Back of Beyond, (ss) Tin House Spring 2007
- Into the Gorge, (ss) The Southern Review Autumn 2008
- The Ascent, (ss) Tin House Spring 2009
- The Trusty, (ss) The New Yorker May 23 2011
- 26 Days, (ss) The Washington Post Magazine November 27 2011
- “Corrie” by Alice Munro, (ar) The PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories 2012 ed. Laura Furman, Anchor Books, 2012 [Ref. Alice Munro]
- The Outlaws, (ss) Oxford American #81, Summer 2013
- Where the Map Ends, (ss) The Atlantic March 2014
- The Baptism, (ss) The Southern Review Autumn 2017
- Neighbors, (ss) Epoch v67 #1, 2018
Rask, Marie Coolidge; [born Marie Aurilla Coolidge] (1872-1949) (about) (items)
- “Billy th’ Kid”: The Heir of the Double Circle, (sa) The Motion Picture Story Magazine August 1911
- The Last Drop of Water, (sa) The Motion Picture Story Magazine September 1911
- On the Threshold of Life, (sa) The Motion Picture Story Magazine October 1911
- The Battle of the Sexes, (ss) Photoplay Magazine May 1914
- Uncle Bill, (sa) Photoplay Magazine September 1914
- Brandon’s Last Ride, (sa) Photoplay Magazine October 1914
- For Cash, (ss) Moving Picture Stories #125, May 21 1915
- The Mystic Emblem, (nv) Mystery Magazine #7, February 15 1918
- Who’s a Crook?, (ss) Detective Tales February 1924
- Who’s a Crook?, (ss) Detective Tales March 1924
- The Hotel Detective, (ss) Detective Tales April 1924
Rasky, Frank (fl. 1940s-1950s) (items)
- The Truth About Mail-Order Marriage, (??) Collier’s April 30 1949
- Beware the Gem Gyps!, (ar) Varsity (US) #24, May/June 1950
- “He Likes Contests Because…”, (??) Collier’s December 30 1950
- Phony Talent Scouts Invade the Campus, (ar) Varsity (US) #27, December 1950/January 1951
- Sin Factory, (ar) Male July 1952
- Tough Guys of TV, (ar) Real October 1952
- Get Rich with a Geiger Counter, (ar) Cavalier May 1953
- I Joined Canada’s Red Party, (ar) Liberty (Canada) October 1954
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