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Book Contents Lists: Page 539

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    The Best of Tombstone Humour by Richard De’ath (Javelin, October 19, 1987, 0-7137-1995-8, £2.50, 192pp, pb, nf)
        Collection of graveyard wit, extracted from Tombstone Humour (Unwin 1983), Last Will & Testament (Unwin 1984), Died Laughing (Unwin 1985), and Grave Moments (Unwin 1986).

    Died Laughing, or, One Last Goodbye! by Richard De’ath (Unwin, October 28, 1985, 0-04-823318-8, 96pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of graveyard wit.

    French Letters and English Overcoats: Sexual Fallacies and Fads from Ancient Greece to the Millennium by Richard De’ath (Robson, June 2000, 1-86105-323-1, £14.95, xvi+204pp, hc, nf)
        Historical collection of peculiar practices, beliefs and myths associated with sex that demonstrates sexual eccentricities through the ages.

    Grave Moments by Richard De’ath (Unwin, November 24, 1986, 0-04-827143-8, 144pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of graveyard wit.

    Last Will and Testament by Richard De’ath (Unwin, September 24, 1984, 0-04-827125-X, 141pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of unusual bequests.

    Laws and Disorders: A Law Breaking Guide to Real but Bizarre Laws from Over the Centuries by Richard De’ath (Robson, October 11, 1999, 1-86105-295-2, £7.99, 174pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of amusing and amazing laws that exist around the world..

    Pull the Other One: Amazing Real Life Excuses from Around the World by Richard De’ath (Robson, October 2000, 1-86105-349-5, £6.99, 182pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of excuses offered by people trying to get out of a tight corner.

    Recipes for Disaster: A Deliciously Funny Feast of Culinary Catastrophes by Richard De’ath (Robson, November 16, 2001, 1-86105-469-6, £14.95, 240pp, hc, nf)
        Collection of catering calamities from all over the world.

    Sod’s Laws A Book of Bizarre and Unusual Laws and Statutes by Richard De’ath (Robson, January 1998, 0-86051-995-3, £12.95, 163pp, hc, nf, cover by John Jensen)
        Collection of humorous and bizarre laws that exist in countries around the world.

    Tombstone Humour by Richard De’ath (Unwin, November 14, 1983, 0-04-827090-3, 112pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of graveyard wit.

    Trial and Error, or Beyond the Legal Limit by Richard De’ath (Unwin, September 30, 1985, 0-04-827116-0, 112pp, tp, nf)
        Collection of funny stories from the courts of law through history.

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