Original collection of poems written in the 1960s. |
Fantasy novel based on the myths and legends of the Polynesian peoples. Volume two in the series. |
Reprint (Orbit 1997) fantasy novel based on the myths and legends of the Polynesian peoples. |
Young-adult fantasy novel. The ghost of a Viking is disturbed by land developers. |
Teenage romance with a supernatural touch. Volume nine in the “Hauntings” series. |
Reprint (Hippo 1989) teenage romance with a supernatural touch. |
Historical novel set during the Crimean War. Volume seven in the series. |
Fantasy novel based on Polynesian myths and legends. Volume one in the series. |
Reprint (Orbit 1996) fantasy novel based on Polynesian myths and legends. |
Non-fiction account of a motorcycle ride through the Australian Outback on a Honda 110 motorbike. |
Collection of 35 prose poems “reflecting the thoughts and adventures of a young boy living in rural Suffolk and Essex in the early 1950s”. |
Historical novel. Volume one in the series. |
SF omnibus. This is “The Navigator Kings” trilogy. |
Fantasy novel based on the legends of the Borneo jungles in Malaysia. |
Young-adult animal fantasy novel. |
Reprint (HarperCollins UK 1999 as by Garry Douglas) historical novel. Volume three in the series. |
Historical novella about the Crimean war. |
Reprint (A & C Black 2001) historical novella about the Crimean war. |
SF novel. |
Collection of 13 stories, one original. |