The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 899
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Current Reviews, (rc) The Armchair Detective Apr, Jul, Oct 1977, Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct 1978, Jan, Spr, Sum, Fll 1979, Wtr, Spr,
Sum, Fll 1980
Wtr 1981
- * A Curse on the “Moon” Diamond, (ms) Speed Mystery July 1943
- * Curtailed Privileges Cause Riot in Chicago Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * “Cussing” Traps Three Suspects, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * The Custom’s Conscience Fund, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 20 1931
- * Customs House Sleuths, (ms) Mystery Magazine #163, September 1 1924
- * Customs School, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine August 1959
- * Cut by a Slipper, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 23 1929
- * Cut Her Teeth on Shakespeare, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2012 [Ref. Susan May]
- * A Cut-Rate Bandit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
- * Cut Through Brick Wall to Get Furs, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * Cutting Down the Cost of Justice, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1919
- * Cutting Ice with Violin Music, (ms) Mystery Magazine #112, July 1 1922
- * Cut Way Out of Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- * A Cyclone of Crime Sweeps Chicago’s Gold Coast, (pi) Real Detective July 1931
- * Dacoits—The Hindu Yeggmen, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly May 28 1927
- * DA: Dedicated Author, (iv) Suspense Magazine July 2011 [Ref. Marcia Clark]
- * Dagger Awards, (ms) Crimespree Magazine #10, January/February 2006
- * The Dagger Winners, (ar) Crime Time #42, 2005
- * Daily Costs of Prisoner’s Food, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 14 1919
- * Damages for Deaf and Dumb Defamation, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction April 28 1928
- * Dame Jean Remembers, (iv) The Sherlock Holmes Gazette #5, Summer 1992 [Ref. Dame Jean Conan Doyle]
- * Damia Allison, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly June 23 1928
- * Dana Cameron Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #59, April 2015 [Ref. Dana Cameron]
- * The Dance, (ar) Futures #16, August/September 2000
- * Dancer Smiles at Court Martial, (ms) New Mystery Adventures August 1935
- * Dancing—and Crime, (ms) Clues 1st May 1928
- * A Dancing Burglar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1927
- * Dancing Dilemma, (ms) Manhunt January 1957
- * Dancing Furniture, (ms) Mystery Magazine #85, May 15 1921
- * The Dancing Highwayman, (ms) Flynn’s September 19 1925
- * The Dancing Spy, (bg) The Illustrated Detective Magazine February 1930 [Ref. Mata Hari]
- * Danger from Thunderstorms, (ms) Mystery Magazine #20, September 1 1918
- * Danger in Diamonds [Sexton Blake], (na) (by Andrew Murray) The Union Jack #468,
- * Danger—Mental Blackout, (ms) Speed Mystery January 1945
- * A Dangerous Escape, (ar) Mystery Magazine #134, June 15 1923
- * Dangerous Lady, (iv) Crime Time #1, 1995 [Ref. Martina Cole]
- * Dangerous Lady, (sa) Movie Detective February 1942
- * Dangerous Occupations, (ar) Mystery Magazine #146, December 15 1923
- * Daniel and Susanna, (ex) from The Revised English Bible, The Oxford University Press, 1989
- * Daniel and the Destruction of Bel, (ex) from The Revised English Bible, The Oxford University Press, 1989
- * Daniel’s Case of the Babylonian Idol: An Apocryphal Scripture, (ss)
- * Dapper Don Facing Prison, (ms) Mystery Magazine #158, June 15 1924
- * Daring Attack at Grand Central Terminal, New York, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * Daring Daylight Bank Robbery, (ts) Saucy Detective Stories August 1937
- * Daring Escape in Montana, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 19 1921
- * Daring Fur Thieves, (ms) Clues February 1927
- * Daring Holdup in Theater, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * Daring Robbery in Baltimore, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 18 1920
- * Darings of the Red Rose:
* ___ Episode 1 [Betty Connolly (The Red Rose)], (ss) (by Margery Allingham) Weekly Welcome February 15 1930, uncredited.
- * The Dark Artist with a Colorful Heart, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2011 [Ref. Nathalia Suellen]
- * Dark Council, (cl) Dime Mystery Magazine Oct, Nov, Dec 1933, Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct 1934, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Nov, Dec 1935
Mar, Sep, Oct 1936
- * Dark Urban Fantasy, (pz) Suspense Magazine March 2011
- * The Darling of the New York Times, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2011 [Ref. Faye Kellerman]
- * The Darrow Enigma, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1972 [Ref. Melvin L. Severy]
- * Dartmouth Student Sentenced, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * A Dash for Liberty, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 23 1922
- * A Dash for Liberty, (ms) Mystery Magazine #152, March 15 1924
- * “The Date Being—?”—A Compendium of Chronological Data, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1971 [Ref. Andrew Jay Peck]
- * Dath or Life Imprisonment?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1928
- * Daughters Sue for Wages, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 10 1920
- * Dave Balfe, (bg) Bullet #5, 2005 [Ref. David Balfe]
- * David Belbin, (iv) Crime Time #11, 1998 [Ref. David Belbin]
- * Dawn Ervin, (ar) Detective Fiction Weekly September 22 1928
- * The Day After, (cn) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2017
- * A Day in the Life of Lisa Scottoline, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2013 [Ref. Lisa Scottoline]
- * Daylight Robbers Get $30,000, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * Dead and Gone, (ms) Speed Mystery May 1943
- * Dead Bandits Worth More, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 7 1931
- * Dead Boy Spoke to Mother, (ms) Mystery Magazine #61, May 15 1920
- * Dead but Not Unknown, (ms) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Fall 1952
- * Dead-End Justice, (ms) Fifteen Detective Stories April 1954
- * “Dead” Farmer Reappears and Vanishes, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- * Dead Father Stays Bandit’s Weapon, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 27 1926
- * Dead, Forfeits Bond, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1922
- * Dead Letter, (nv) (by G. C. Bleeck) East-Side Detective v1 #6, 1954
- * Dead Line No Longer Respected, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * Dead Loss, (ms) Verdict Crime Detection Magazine August 1956
- * A Deadly Alarm Clock, (ms) Mystery Magazine #161, August 1 1924
- * The Deadly Basilisk, (ms) Mystery Magazine May 15 1926
- * Deadly Blonde, (ss) Double-Action Detective (Australia) #1, 195?
- * Deadly Diamond Dust, (ms) Flynn’s Weekly February 19 1927
- * The Deadly Diary, (ss) Action Detective Magazine #14, 1953 (var.3)
- * Deadly Donation, (ms) Manhunt September 1957
- * A Deadly Duel, (ms) Mystery Magazine #144, November 15 1923
- * Deadly Photographs, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine June 1957
- * “Dead” Man Bites Policeman, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- * “Dead” Man Returns, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 10 1931
- * Dead Man Winner, (ms) Manhunt February 1956
- * Dead on Deansgate 1999, (ar) Shots Winter 1998
- * Dead or Not Dead?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1930
- * Dead Skip, (br) The Armchair Detective February 1973 [Ref. Joe Gores]
- * Dead Woman Returns, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 1 1930
- * “Deaf Mute” Astounds Police, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * The Dean Road Garage Mystery, (pz) The Thriller #21, June 29 1929
- * Dear Alfred Hitchcock, (hu) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1958
- * Death Across the Court [Sob Sister Sue], (cs) (by Rex Hayden Maxon) Private Detective Stories September 1937
- * Death and the Detective, (vi) Nero Wolfe Mystery Magazine June 1954
- * Death at a Poker Game, (cn) Mystery July 1933
- * Death Becomes Her, (iv) Crime Factory #6, May 2002 [Ref. Carol Anne Davis]
- * Deathbed Confession of Murder, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1921
- * Death Bucks the Wheel, (ms) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1949
- * Death by the ’Rod’, (ar) Startling Detective Adventures #26, July 1930
- * Death by Water, (br) The Armchair Detective April 1968 [Ref. Michael Innes]
- * Death Came Swiftly, (pz) Scotland Yard #10, March 1931
- * The Death Charm, (ar)
- * Death-Dealing Autoists, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 9 1930
- * Death Deepens Mystery, (ms) Super-Detective July 1945
- * Death Delights, (iv) (by David Honeybone) Crime Factory #3, August 2001 [Ref. Gabrielle Lord]
- * Death Diamonds, (na) Scotland Yard #2, May 1930
- * The Death Diamonds, (pz) The Thriller #44, December 7 1929
- * Death Farm, (ms) Flynn’s December 26 1925
- * Death from the Sky, (ar) The Thriller #320, March 23 1935
- * Death Hoax, (ms) Clues 2nd September 1928
- * Death-House Interlude, (ss) Detective Tales April 1940, as by Harry Forbes & Robert Morocco
- * Death in Guatemala, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine December 1958
- * Death in the Coffee Cup [Marcus Max], (ss) Detective Weekly #177, July 11 1936; rewritten from “The Strand Cafe Tragedy” (Penny Pictorial #643) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
- * Death in the Pot, (ms) Mystery Magazine March 1927
- * Death in Transit, (ss) East-Side Detective v1 #5, 1954
- * Death Is My Feud, (ss) True Gangster Stories February 1941
- * Death Lottery, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 9 1932
- * Death Masks to Catch Crooks, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine February 1931
- * Death Mystery Cleared by Confession, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 24 1923
- * The Death of a Financier, (cn) Mystery May 1933
- * Death of a Magazine, (ar) The Armchair Detective January 1968
- * The Death of Bendall, (pm) Flynn’s February 6 1926
- * The Death of Bernard Frobisher, (pz) The Thriller #6, March 16 1929
- * The Death of “Dope” Durant, (pz) The Thriller #30, August 31 1929
- * The Death of Dorothy Dawson—Crime Puzzle, (cn) Mystery November 1933
- * Death of Police Hero, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 3 1923
- * The Death of Rasputin, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1958
- * Death of Recluse Millionaire Burglar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 5 1923
- * Death of Sing Sing’s Oldest Guard, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1919
- * Death of the Artist’s Model, (cs) Private Detective Stories November 1937
- * Death on the Beach [Marcus Max], (ss) Detective Weekly #167, May 2 1936; rewritten from “The Case of Nurse Knight” (Penny Pictorial #647) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
- * Death Reveals Dual Personality, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 25 1925
- * The Death Ship, (ms) Scotland Yard #7, November 1930
- * Death Takes “Toughest Cop”, (ms) Private Detective Stories May 1946
- * Debutante’s Doom [Sob Sister Sue], (cs) (by Rex Hayden Maxon) Private Detective Stories October 1937
- * Debut Author Layne Fargo Releases Her “Temper” to Great Reviews, (iv) Suspense Magazine April/May/June 2019 [Ref. Layne Fargo]
- * Decade’s Murders and Homicides, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1916
- * Deceit Among Thieves, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 6 1920
- * December—A Challenge, (ms) Black Mask November 1935
- * December’s Gripping Stories, (ms) Black Mask November 1932
- * The December Thrill Docket, (ms) Dime Detective Magazine Nov 1938, Nov 1941, Nov 1942, Nov 1943, Nov 1944, Nov 1946, Nov 1947, Nov 1948, Nov 1949, Nov 1950,
Oct 1951
- * Deciding His Own Fate, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 10 1931
- * Deciphering What Works, (iv) Suspense Magazine November 2011 [Ref. Kathy Reichs]
- * Decoy Bundle Thwarts Swindler, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 30 1922
- * Decoyed Into Crime; Freed by Court, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 8 1920
- * Decoy Safe Fools Detectives, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1919
- * Decrease in New York’s Jail Population, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 10 1923
- * Decrease in Prison Population, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1934
- * Decrease in Suicides, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1927
- * Dectective Plays a Hunch, (ms) Private Detective Stories July 1944
- * Dedication and Tribute, (ms) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. John Creasey]
- * Deed Canceled by Kentucky Court, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922
- * Deed Signed by Finger Prints, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1920
- * The Deepest Gold Mine, (ms) Mystery Magazine #102, February 1 1922
- * Deep Holes in the Hudson River, (ms) Mystery Magazine #35, April 15 1919
- * Deep-Sea Monsters to Furnish Shoe Leather, (ms) Mystery Magazine #54, February 1 1920
- * The Defection of A. J. Lewinter, (br) The Armchair Detective May 1973 [Ref. Robert Littell]
- * Defective Shells Lucky for Detective, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 11 1922
- * Defectives Measure Vetoed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1922
- * Defies Big Men to Life Her, (ms) Mystery Magazine #88, July 1 1921
- * Defrauded Banks, (ms) Mystery Magazine #168, November 15 1924
- * Delayed Bullet, (ms) Manhunt February 1956
- * Delayed Justice, (ms) Flynn’s June 27 1925
- * Delayed Revenge, (ms) Manhunt February 1956
- * Delightful Dialogues, (ms) Girl’s Detective Mysteries October 1936
- * Delinquent Children Need New Home, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 6 1920
- * Delinquent Girls Escape, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1928
- * Delinquent Girls Younger, (ms)
- * Delinquent Women Have Little Education, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 27 1920
- * Deliver Gas, Then Use It to Rob, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1920
- * Delivers Beyond Expectations, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2013 [Ref. Ana Cruz]
- * Delivers Readers a Stunning Mystery with “Above the Bay of Angels”, (iv) Suspense Magazine Spring 2020 [Ref. Rhys Bowen]
- * Delphine LeCompte, (bg) Bullet #5, 2005 [Ref. Delphine LeCompte]
- * Deluke’s Endeavor Crosses the Finish Line, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2010 [Ref. Dean Deluke]
- * Demand Death for Murderers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * The Demon Rum, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1937
- * Demonstration, (ms) Manhunt July 1956
- * Denise Danks’ Crystal Ball, (ar) Crime Time #24, 2001
- * Dennis Lehane Doesn’t Drop the Ball, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2014 [Ref. Dennis Lehane]
- * Denounce UngratefuI Convict, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1920
- * Dentists as Insanity Experts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1918
- * Departed Souls to Rule the World, (ms) Mystery Magazine #91, August 15 1921
- * The Department of Justice, (ms) Best Detective Magazine March 1935
- * Deportation Decreed for Dog, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 9 1921
- * Deportation for Bad Check Writers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1927
- * Deportation of Aliens, (ms) Best Detective Magazine October 1935
- * Depositors to Be Finger-Printed, (ms) Mystery Magazine #111, June 15 1922
- * Depths of the Sea, (ms) Mystery Magazine #99, December 15 1921
- * Deputies and Convicts Battle, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 27 1926
- * Derelict in Duty, (ms) Manhunt September 1957
- * Deserters Flee Governor’s Island, (ms) Mystery Magazine #168, November 15 1924
- * The Deserter’s Nemesis, (ar) Flynn’s June 27 1925
- * Desertion Cases Increasing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 30 1919
- * Desertion Laws of Massachusetts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 16 1919
- * The Desk Sergeant, (cl)
- * Desmond Bagley, (ar) Crime Time #24, 2001 [Ref. Desmond Bagley]
- * Desperate Convict Escapes Again, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1920
- * Desperate Criminal Is Run Down in Scotland, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * Desperate Criminal’s Manner Is Deceptive, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 2 1919
- * Despite Guards and Spiked Walls, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 6 1924
- * Desserts Are In Again, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1932
- * Destitute, Man Grabs Handbag, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1927
- * Detailed Reports Trouble Old-Time Detectives, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 24 1926
- * Detect Fraud in Paintings, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 3 1921
- * Detecting an Author, (iv) Suspense Magazine May 2010 [Ref. Ingrid Dean]
- * Detecting Female Crooks, (ar) Mystery Magazine #137, August 1 1923
- * Detective Ability, (ar) Mystery Magazine #137, August 1 1923
- * Detective Action Stories for August-September, (ms) Detective Action Stories June/July 1937
- * Detective Action Stories for June-July, (ms) Detective Action Stories April/May 1937
- * Detective Agency’s Circular Captures Forger, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 1 1919
- * Detective Arrests Own Son, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 11 1920
- * Detective Bureau for Burglary Insurance Companies, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1921
- * Detective Chases Dress Thief, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 23 1928
- * Detective Chief in Prison Cell, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 5 1917
- * Detective Killed by Four Gunmen, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 12 1925
- * Detective Killed by Wealthy Manufacturer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 18 1921
- * The “Detective Magazine” Cross Word Puzzle, (pz) The Detective Magazine #61, March 13 1925
- * Detective Quiz, (qz) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1979
- * Detective Recognises Crook’s Handiwork, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 24 1926
- * The Detectives and the Stars, (ar) Edgar Wallace Mystery Magazine #17, December 1965
- * Detectives Arrested as Burglars, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Detective Says Trance Aids Him, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1919
- * Detective’s Bullet Performs Operation, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 17 1926
- * A Detective’s Fix, (ms) Mystery Magazine #139, September 1 1923
- * Detectives Foil Bank Holdup, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 25 1922
- * Detectives Frighten Ferry Crowd, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1920
- * Detectives Go to Jail for “Getting Evidence”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 22 1927
- * Detectives Grab Bank Burglars, (ms) Mystery Magazine #150, February 15 1924
- * Detective’s Guess, (ts) Mystery September 1934
- * Detectives Involved in Thefts, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1918
- * Detective Slanguage, (ar) Speed Detective August 1946
- * Detective’s Long Memory, (ms) Best Detective Magazine September 1935
- * Detective’s Luck, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1926
- * Detectives Near During Bold Holdup, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 21 1922
- * Detective’s Notebook, (cl) Sure-Fire Detective Stories January 1957
- * The Detectives of Ispahan, (ss) (by James Morier)from The Adventures of Hajji Baba, of Ispahan, anonymously, John Murray, 1824, uncredited.
- * Detectives Rent Office to Trap Swindlers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 4 1921
- * A Detective’s Skill, (ms) Mystery Magazine #119, November 1 1922
- * Detective’s Stirring Fight, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 13 1921
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