The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 801
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Turner, J(ohn) V(ictor) (1905-1945); used pseudonym David Hume (about) (chron.)
- * Anything to Say [Sammy Smith], (ss) The Thriller #367, February 15 1936, as by David Hume
- * A Basin of Trouble, (ss) The Thriller #334, June 29 1935, as by David Hume
- * Call in the Yard [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #317, March 2 1935, as by David Hume
- * The Crime Combine [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #378, May 2 1936, as by David Hume
- * The Crook’s Day Off, (ss) The Thriller #343, August 31 1935, as by David Hume
- * He Was Pinched for Nothing, (ss) The Thriller #350, October 19 1935, as by David Hume
- * Meet the Dragon [Mick Cardby], (sl) Detective Weekly #150 Jan 4, #151 Jan 11, #152 Jan 18, #153 Jan 25, #154 Feb 1, #155 Feb 8, #156 Feb 15, #157 Feb 22, #158 Feb 29, #159 Mar 7 1936, as by David Hume
- * The Murder Rap [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #390, July 25 1936, as by David Hume
- * The Murder Trap [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #323, April 13 1935, as by David Hume
- * The Secret of the Strong Room [Det. Insp. Sanderson], (na) The Thriller #304, December 1 1934, as by David Hume
- * Times Were Bad [Sammy Smith], (ss) The Thriller #373, March 28 1936, as by David Hume
- * Who Is Midnight?, (na) The Thriller #396, September 5 1936, as by David Hume
- * The Wrong Bottle, (ss) The Thriller #370, March 7 1936, as by David Hume
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Turner, N. B. (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Editorial, (ed) Hoosier Noir v6, 2024
- * Fingerprints on the Razor, (ss) Rock and a Hard Place #4, Fall/Winter 2020
- * Foreword, (fw) Hoosier Noir v5, 2022
- * If Your Eye Causes You to Sin, (ss) Hoosier Noir v4, 2021
- * Isaac and Abraham, (ss) Hoosier Noir v4, 2021
- * It All Comes Out in the Wash, (ss) Hoosier Noir v1, 2020
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Turner, Robert (Harry) (1915-1980); used pseudonyms Roy Carroll, Ken Murray, Franklin Villa & Glenn Wood (chron.)
- * Abra Cadaver!, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1943
- * Accident, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1957
- * Among Those Murdered—, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction June 1943
- * As Crime Goes By, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction December 1943
- * Bad Omen, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #15, May 1956
- * Bargain on Shrouds, (nv) Ten Detective Aces August 1941
- * Beach Boy, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #4, June 1955, as "Beach Bum"
- * Beach Bum, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #4, June 1955
- * Beautiful but Dead, (nv) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #2, November 1953
- * Be My Guest, (ss) Manhunt April 1953
- * The Better Death-Trap, (ss) Detective Tales January 1945
- * Blind Justice, (ss) Chase September 1964
- * The Blood Seeker, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #10, July 1955
- * Bloody Showdown!, (nv) Sure-Fire Detective Stories October 1957
- * Breaking Point, (ss) Chase January 1964
- * Bride and Doom, (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1944
- * Bride for a Killer, (ss) Super-Detective June 1949
- * Bride of the Gallows, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine October 1942
- * The Bride Wore Mourning, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1944
- * Business Trip, (ss) Murder September/October 1957
- * Caskets for Two, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine June 1942
- * The Catnip Caper, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1974
- * Christmas Gift, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1957
- * Coffins for Two, (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine January 1945
- * Cold Storage, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1947
- * Come Back—and Die!, (ss) Detective Tales June 1949
- * Come Home for the Killing, (ss) Detective Tales September 1944
- * The Corn Is Red, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1943
- * A Corpse Comes Calling, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine September 1943, as by Glenn Wood
- * Crazy Over Hearses, (ss) Crack Detective Stories March 1949
- * Crime Doesn’t Play, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine December 1947
- * The Crime of My Wife, (ss) Manhunt August 1953
- * The Crime of Your Life, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction March 1943
- * Crime on Your Hands, (ss) Detective Tales December 1944
- * The Dead and the Damned, (ss) Super-Detective March 1949
- * Dead—as in Darling, (ss) New Detective Magazine June 1953
- * Dead Heat, (ss) Manhunt October 1953
- * Dead Mouths Can’t Tell!, (ss) New Detective Magazine November 1944
- * Dead of the Night, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories August 1953
- * Death and Taxis, (ss) 15 Story Detective February 1951
- * Death Doubles in Brass, (nv) All-Story Detective June 1949
- * Death Hits the Daily Double, (nv) Detective Tales September 1946
- * Death Is My Neighbor, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1943
- * Death of a Call Girl, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #8, March 1955
- * Death of the Blues, (ss) 15 Story Detective May 1951
- * Death of the Party, (nv) Smashing Detective Stories December 1951
- * Death’s Stand-In, (nv) Ten Detective Aces December 1940
- * The Death Watch, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine August 1942
- * The Devil’s Darling, (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories June 1954
- * Die, Die, Blackbird!, (nv) 15 Story Detective June 1950
- * Die for Uncle!, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1942
- * Dine, Dance—and Die!, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1942
- * Dirge for Hell’s Belles, (nv) Ten Detective Aces December 1942
- * Dizzy Doll Blues, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine May 1950
- * Don’t Bet on the Hearses, (nv) Ten Detective Aces September 1949
- * Don’t Go Away Mad, (ss) Justice January 1956
- * Don’t You Die for Me!, (ss) Detective Tales April 1943
- * Doom Service, (ss) Detective Fiction March 1951
- * Downbeat Dirge, (nv) Shock May 1948
- * Empty House, (ss) Detective Tales July 1942
- * Encore, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #12, November 1955
- * Escape to Hell, (ss) Detective Tales May 1943, as by Glenn Wood
- * Everybody’s Woman, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine May 1957
- * Everything Has to End, (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #13, January 1956
- * Evil Has No Witness!, (nv) Sure-Fire Detective Stories April 1957
- * The Farmer’s Slaughter, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1944, as by Glenn Wood
- * The Farmer Takes a Life, (ss) Detective Tales May 1943
- * Feds Die Hard!, (nv) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1950
- * Field of Honor, (ss) Manhunt October 1955
- * Fight Night, (ss) Manhunt January 1956
- * Filmtown Fadeout, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine July 1942
- * Final Payoff, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine July 1979
- * Finders Creepers, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1949
- * Fire-Crazy Girl, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine July 1956
- * First You Count the Cadavers, (ss) Detective Short Stories January 1943
- * The Fixer, (ss) Manhunt April 1953, as "Be My Guest"
- * Flatfoot, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories December 1952
- * Forgive Us Our Dead, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine February 1949
- * Forgive Us Our Deaths, (ss) 10 Story Mystery Magazine December 1942
- * For Old Crime’s Sake, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1946
- * For the Rest of Your Death, (ss) Black Mask Detective January 1951
- * Framed—and Ready to Hang, (nv) Ten Detective Aces September 1943
- * Frame for a Flatfoot, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine September 1943
- * Frogtown Vengeance, (ss) Hunted Detective Story Magazine #2, February 1955
- * Get-Away Girl, (ss) Detective Tales December 1942
- * The Girl the Ghoul Chose, (ss) Detective Short Stories November 1942
- * Goodbye Out There, (ss) Mystery Tales April 1959
- * Hair of the Cat, (ss) Crack Detective Stories June 1947
- * Hair Shirt, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine September 1956
- * Hands Off That Girl, (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine March 1957
- * Happy Deathday to You, (nv) Best Detective December 1947
- * Having a Wonderful Crime, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1944, as by Glenn Wood
- * Hell Is What You Make It, (ss) Black Mask Detective November 1950
- * Hell’s Belle, (nv) Shock March 1948
- * Hell’s Highwaymen, (na) F.B.I. Detective Stories February 1951
- * Here Goes the Groom, (ss) Detective Tales July 1943
- * Her Price Was Slaughter, (ss) Off Beat Detective Stories March 1959
- * Hideout in Hell, (ss) Detective Tales October 1943
- * High Dive, (ss) Manhunt December 1956
- * Hold Your Hearses, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1943
- * The Homicidal Hangman, (na) Dime Mystery Magazine May 1943
- * Homicidal Hitchhiker, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine February 1950
- * Homicide Solo, (ss) Detective Tales August 1944
- * Hooked, (nv) Manhunt February 1958
- * Hook, Line, and Sucker!, (ss) Famous Detective Stories November 1952
- * Horse of Another Killer, (nv) 15 Story Detective October 1950
- * How Dead Can You Get?, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine December 1948
- * I Heard You Died Last Night, (ss) Detective Tales May 1944
- * I’ll Be Slaying You, (ss) Detective Short Stories October 1947
- * I’ll Buy That Frame, (nv) Ten Detective Aces February 1947
- * Invisible Weapon, (ss) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine November 1966
- * It’s Time to Squirm, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1950
- * The Jokers, (ss) Manhunt December 1955
- * Killer a la Carte, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1944
- * Killer, Come Back to Me, (nv) Ten Detective Aces February 1943
- * Killer’s Curtain Call, (nv) Crack Detective Stories November 1944
- * Killers of the Crooked Cross, (ss) Detective Tales March 1944
- * Kill Me Again!, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine May 1941
- * Kill-o’-the-Wisp, (nv) Crack Detective Stories March 1944
- * Kiss and Kill, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine July 1949
- * The Kiss-Off, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1950
- * K.P. Corpse, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1945
- * The Lady Is Poison!, (nv) Detective Tales February 1950
- * Lady Killer, (na) New Detective Magazine May 1946
- * The Lady’s from Hades, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine July 1947
- * Lam to the Slaughter, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1942
- * The Last Martini, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Stories February 1957
- * Let Me Kill You, Sweetheart, (ss) New Detective Magazine March 1947
- * A Life for a Life, (ss) Manhunt December 1954
- * A Living from Women, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine August 1957
- * The Lonely Corpse, (ss) Flynn’s Detective Fiction August 1944
- * The Long Count, (ss) Detective Tales October 1947
- * Lover, Watch Me Die, (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine December 1957
- * Man’s Best Fiend, (na) Black Mask September 1949
- * The Man Who Never Hurried, (ss) Mantrap July 1956
- * Medicine for Murder, (ss) New Detective Magazine September 1943
- * Melody in Murder-Time, (ss) 15 Story Detective December 1950
- * Merchant of Menace, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine April 1941
- * Midnight Is for Murder, (ss) Detective Tales August 1943
- * Movie Night, (ss) Manhunt July 1957
- * Murder—by Appointment, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1941
- * Murder C.O.D., (ss) Thrilling Detective October 1951
- * Murder Hires a Press Agent, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine September 1942
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