The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 515

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    Fiction Quarterly (Canada)   (about)
    Pulp magazine that reprinted remaindered copies of various Canadian pulps of various genres. Note that the Spring 1942 issue has been seen with variant contents so the following should be regarded as an illustrative sample only.

    • Publishers:
      • The American News Company, Ltd.; Toronto, Ontario: Fiction Quarterly.

    15 Story Detective (Canada)   (about)
    Canadian reprint edition of 15 Story Detective.

    • Publishers:
      • Popular Publications; Montreal: 15 Story Detective (Canada).

    Fingerprints Detective   (about)
    Issues are undated, but probably in the 1940s. Stories and articles were reprints from companion title Scientific Detective.

    • Publishers:
      • EBR Book Co.; 1755 Broadway, New York 19, NY: Fingerprints Detective, #1.
      • R. and J. Publishing Company; 1745 Broadway, New York 19, NY: Fingerprints Detective, #2.

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