The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 789
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Tinsley, Theodore A(drian) (1894-1979); used pseudonyms Maxwell Grant & Reid Sleyton (chron.)
- * Alibi from Hell, (na) Clues Detective Stories May 1943
- * Amusement, Inc. [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces January 1932
- * Angel-Face Alibi [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces January 1932, as "Amusement, Inc."
- * Ask for Sweeney [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine September 1940
- * Bald-Headed Snatch [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine December 1939
- * Ball and Chain [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask February 1933
- * Behind the Column [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask August 1935
- * Behind the Fog, (ss) Clues Detective Stories December 1935
- * Beyond All Light [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask January 1933
- * Black Mask Mystery:
* ___ No. 2 The MacClintock Murder, (pz) Black Mask June 1933
- * Black Moon, (nv) Clues Detective Stories July 1940
- * Black Queen [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters July 1938
- * Black Sleep, (ss) Clues Detective Stories July 1937, as by Reid Sleyton
- * The Blizzard Buster [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (nv) Nick Carter Detective Magazine February 1936
- * Blue Face [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Blue Giraffe [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1941
- * Blue Murder [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters May 1938
- * Body Snatcher [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask February 1936
- * The Brazilian Parrot [Martin Breed], (nv) Clues Detective Stories September 1937
- * Bulldog Style [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (ss) Crime Busters January 1938
- * A Bullet for a King [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters June 1939
- * Bullets for a Brunette, (nv) Detective Romances November 1936
- * Burn ’Em Down [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces June 1932, as "Mr. Whiskers"
- * Candidate for Death [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine March 1933
- * Chattels of Crime, (nv) Headquarters Detective July 1936
- * The Cinema Mob [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces March 1932
- * City of Fear [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Cops Are Only Human, (ss) Detective Tales June 1939
- * The Crazy Crimes [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters March 1939
- * The Crimson Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow August 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Crimson Phoenix [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Crook Bait [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #494, July 23 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Cup of Confucius” (The Shadow Magazine, May 1, 1937).
- * The Cross, (ss) Double Detective December 1937
- * A Cup of Coffee, (ss) Clues Detective Stories January 1936
- * The Cup of Confucius [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine May 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death by Arrangement, (nv) Black Mask March 1935
- * Death in the Dark [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters October 1938
- * Death in the Harbor, (nv) The Shadow January 1944
- * Death Lights a Candle [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine May 1940
- * Death’s Bright Finger [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death’s Green Necklace [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters March 1938
- * Death’s Harlequin [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Death’s Screaming Portrait, (nv) Clues Detective Stories January 1943
- * The Devil’s Partner [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Devil’s Paymaster [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Benedict Stark (Prince of Evil)], (n.) The Shadow November 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Dicks Die Hard, (ss) Gold Seal Detective March 1936
- * Dope King’s Protege, (nv) Detective Tales January 1936
- * Double Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow December 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Double Gamble, (ss) The Shadow June 1943
- * Double Trouble [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine February 1940
- * Evidence to Order [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #491, July 2 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “Foxhound” (The Shadow Magazine, January 15, 1937).
- * Fast Woman [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters February 1938
- * The Fifth Napoleon [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow February 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Firebug, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine (UK) August 1941
- * Five Spot [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask November 1935
- * Foxhound [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine January 15 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Gems of Jeopardy [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Give and Take, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1933
- * G-Man in the Making, (ss) Ace G-Man Stories May/June 1936
- * The Golden Dog Murders [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Golden Doom [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Greedy Guns, (ss) Federal Agent October 1936
- * The Green Doctor [Terry “Bulldog” Black], (nv) Nick Carter Detective Magazine May 1936
- * The Green Terror [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow January 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Guide to Murder [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask June 1939
- * Guilty Guns, (ss) The Shadow Magazine June 1 1936
- * Gun Squad [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces May 1932
- * The Gun-Squad Murders [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces May 1932, as "Gun Squad"
- * A Hand of Pinochle, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 10 1936
- * Hangman’s Rope, (ss) Popular Detective November 1935
- * He Asked for it [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask May 1933
- * Hell House [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine July 1933
- * Help Wanted [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask March 1933
- * High Jack [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters November 1938
- * The House of Crime [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine October 1933
- * House of Horror [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters January 1939
- * I Want to Burn, (na) Clues Detective Stories March 1940
- * Keep on Asking [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask May 1935
- * Killer’s Vengeance, (nv) Federal Agent August 1936
- * Little Guy [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask January 1937
- * The Living Corpse, (nv) Clues Detective Stories May 1940
- * The Macaw Mystery [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine September 1941
- * The MacClintock Murder, (pz) Black Mask June 1933
- * Make It Murder [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask September 1938
- * The Man from Florida [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1942
- * Manhattan Whirligig [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask April 1937
- * Manhunt! [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces April 1932, as "The Pigeon Man"
- * Man Trap [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (nv) The Thriller Library #503, September 24 1938, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Crimson Phoenix” (The Shadow, April 1, 1938).
- * The Man Who Died Twice [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Benedict Stark (Prince of Evil)], (n.) The Shadow September 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Man with Green Whiskers [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters July 1939
- * The Mark of Satan, (nv) Clues Detective Stories September 1942
- * Master of Flame [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow May 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Miami Murder [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine January 1940
- * Miniature Murder [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters June 1938
- * Mr. Whiskers [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces June 1932
- * The Mole [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine April 1940
- * Monkey Business [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine January 1942
- * Murderer’s Guest [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask July 1935
- * The Murder Genius [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Benedict Stark (Prince of Evil)], (n.) The Shadow July 1 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Murder in Make-Up, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1936
- * Murder in Manhattan [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces March 1932, as "The Cinema Mob"
- * Murder Is News [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask August 1937
- * Murder Mad, (nv) The Shadow September 1943
- * Murder Maze [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask September 1936
- * Murder Merchant, (ss) The Feds November 1936
- * Murder Minded, (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine May 1943
- * The Murder Penny, (nv) Thrilling Detective April 1938
- * My Candle Burns [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask April 1940
- * Never Surrender, (na) Clues Detective Stories July 1941
- * Nice People [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine March 1941
- * No-Gang’s Land [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces February 1932
- * No More Limericks [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask April 1938
- * Noose of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow July 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Nothing to Sneeze At, (ss) Pocket Detective Magazine March 1937
- * No Time to Fool [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters September 1938
- * Park Avenue Item [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask December 1932
- * Partners of Peril [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow Magazine November 1 1936, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Party from Detroit [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask October 1932
- * Pavement Pounder, (ss) Nick Carter Detective Magazine April 1936
- * Perfumed Cargo, (nv) Detective Romances January 1937
- * Phantom of Flame, (ss) The Shadow Magazine January 1 1936
- * The Pigeon Man [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces April 1932
- * The Pooltex Tangle [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow October 1 1937, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Porcelain Pig [Martin Breed], (nv) Clues Detective Stories August 1937
- * Pretty Parker, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 17 1936
- * The Prince of Evil [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Benedict Stark (Prince of Evil)], (n.) The Shadow April 15 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- * The Racket Busters [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces February 1932, as "No-Gang’s Land"
- * Red Face [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine January 1941
- * Riddle in Jade [Martin Breed], (nv) Clues Detective Stories July 1937
- * Riddle in Silk [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters December 1938
- * Riddle in the Rain, (nv) Ten Detective Aces July 1936
- * River of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant
- * River of Death [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (na) The Thriller Library #531 Apr 8, #532 Apr 15, #533 Apr 22, #534 Apr 29, #535 May 6, #536 May 13, #537 May 20, #538 May 27, #539 Jun 3, #540 Jun 10, #541 Jun 17 1939, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from the story of the same name in The Shadow, March 1, 1939.
- * Run, Rat, Run! [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces July 1932, as "Too Smart to Live"
- * Satan’s Signature, (na) Clues Detective Stories November 1941
- * The Scarlet Ace [Amusement, Inc.; The Scarlet Ace], (nv) All Detective Magazine February 1933
- * Slingshot Magic [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters August 1938
- * Smoke [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask June 1934
- * Snow Trap [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters April 1938
- * Society Kill [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine July 1940
- * Somebody Stole My Pal [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask July 1933
- * South Wind [Jerry Tracy], (ss) Black Mask November 1932
- * The Spanish Cross, (ss) Clues Detective Stories June 1937
- * Star Bait, (nv) Ten Detective Aces March 1936
- * Station K-I-L-L [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask November 1938
- * Storm Signal [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask June 1936
- * Stubborn Lady [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters December 1937
- * Syndicate of Sin [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow September 15 1942, as by Maxwell Grant
- * Tar Baby [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine November 1939
- * Terror Below [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine March 1940
- * Terror Island [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters April 1939
- * Thief’s Brother, (ss) Detective Tales November 1935
- * The Three-Toed Horse [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters August 1939
- * Three Ways to Burn, (ss) The Shadow Magazine March 1 1936
- * The Three X’s [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters September 1939
- * Ticketed for Death [Jerry Tracy], (nv) Black Mask September 1935
- * Tin Soldier [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters May 1939
- * Too Smart to Live [Amusement, Inc.], (nv) Black Aces July 1932
- * Tower of Darkness, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1935
- * Toys of Satan, (ss) Federal Agent January 1937
- * Trigger Trail, (ss) The Shadow Magazine June 15 1936
- * Undercover Death!, (nv) New Detective Magazine December 1935
- * The Unusual Mr. Smith [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine November 1942
- * Water Medicine, (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1937
- * The White Column [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow March 15 1941, as by Maxwell Grant
- * White Elephant [Carrie Cashin], (ss) Crime Busters November 1937
- * Who Is the 5th Napoleon? [John Harverson (The Shadow)], (ss) The Thriller Library #577, February 24 1940, as by Maxwell Grant; heavily abridged and rewritten from “The Fifth Napoleon” (The Shadow, February 1, 1938).
- * Write It and Die!, (ss) Detective Tales October 1935
- * The Yellow Man [Carrie Cashin], (nv) Crime Busters October 1939
- * You Can’t Cheat Death [Carrie Cashin], (na) Street & Smith’s Mystery Magazine November 1940
- * Young Men of Death [Kent Allard (The Shadow)], (n.) The Shadow April 1943, as by Maxwell Grant
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