The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 32
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Magazine Issue Index —
Exciting Detective (about)
Exciting Detective promised “excitement, action, violence, and constant movement”, albeit on a rather erratic schedule. Despite that, it lasted for a mere 15 issues before succumbing to the wartime paper shortages.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, Fall (August) 1940 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, Winter 1941 (November 1940) (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, March 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, May 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, Summer (July) 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, Fall (October) 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, Winter (December) 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, March 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, Spring (April) 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, Summer 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #1, Fall (September) 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #2, Winter (December 1942) (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #3, March 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #1, April 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #2, Summer (August) 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #3, Fall 1943 (unpublished) (Better Publications, Inc., pulp) (Contents)
Exciting Detective (Canada) (about)
Despite the title this magazine reprinted stories from several different US magazines. Number of issues published not known.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v3 #2, December 1941 (Better Publications, Toronto, 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, February 1942 (Better Publications, Toronto, 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, April 1942 (Better Publications, Toronto, 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, July 1942 (Better Publications, Toronto, 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
Exciting Mystery (about)
A short-lived detective pulp that never found an audience.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, October 1942 (Nedor Publishing Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, Winter (February) 1943 (Nedor Publishing Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, Spring 1943 (Nedor Publishing Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, Summer 1943 (unpublished) (Nedor Publishing Company, pulp) (Contents)
F.B.I. Detective Stories (about)
F.B.I. Detective Stories was introduced in February 1949 and ran on a regular bimonthly schedule for 14 issues—quite a long life for a magazine about “The Feds”, particularly at a time when the general trend was long past.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, February 1949 (All-Fiction Field, Inc., 25¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Albert Drake) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, April 1949 (All-Fiction Field, Inc., 25¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, June 1949 (25¢, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, August 1949 (25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, October 1949 (All-Fiction Field, Inc., 25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, December 1949 (All-Fiction Field, Inc., 25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, February 1950 (All-Fiction Field, Inc., 25¢, 130pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, April 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, June 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, August 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, October 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #4, December 1950 (25¢, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, February 1951 (All-Fiction Field, Inc., 25¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, May 1951 (25¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, July 1951 (unpublished) (25¢, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
F.B.I. Detective Stories (Canada) (about)
Canadian reprint edition of F.B.I. Detective Stories. Appears to be identical to US edition.
- ___ v1 #1, February 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v1 #2, April 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v1 #3, June 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v1 #4, August 1949 (25¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #1, October 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v2 #2, December 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v2 #3, February 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #4, April 1950 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v3 #1, June 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v3 #2, August 1950 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v3 #3, October 1950 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v3 #4, December 1950 (25¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v4 #1, February 1951 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v4 #2, May 1951 (25¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
F.B.I. Detective Stories (UK) (about)
British reprint edition of F.B.I. Detective Stories.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ ca. July 1950 (Thorpe & Porter, 1/-, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ (October 1950) (Thorpe & Porter, 1/-, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ (December 1950) (Thorpe & Porter, 1/-, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ (February 1951) (Thorpe & Porter, 1/-, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ #5, (April 1951) (Thorpe & Porter, 1/-, 96pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ #6, ca. December 1951 (Thorpe & Porter, 1/6d, 96pp, pulp) (Contents)
The Feds (about)
The Feds was Street & Smith’s attempt to cash in on the fad for G-Men stories inspired by the Jimmy Cagney movie Public Enemy. It was never very successful and folded after a mere fifteen issues.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, July-September 1936 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, October 1936 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, November 1936 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, December 1936 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, January 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, February 1937 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, March 1937 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, April 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by John Drew) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, May 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, June 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #5, July 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #6, September 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, October 1937 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, November 1937 (Street & Smith Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, December 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by David Berger) (Contents)
Fiction Quarterly (Canada) (about)
Pulp magazine that reprinted remaindered copies of various Canadian pulps of various genres. Note that the Spring 1942 issue has been seen with variant contents so the following should be regarded as an illustrative sample only.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ Spring Number (March-June) 1942 (American News Company, Limited, Toronto, 25¢, 512pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ Spring Number (December?-March) 1944 (American News Company, Limited, Toronto, 25¢, 442pp, pulp) (Contents)
Fingerprints Detective (about)
Issues are undated, but probably in the 1940s. Stories and articles were reprints from companion title Scientific Detective.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ #1, 1945? (EBR Book Co., 25¢, 128pp, digest) (Contents)
- ___ (#2), 194? (R. and J. Publishing Company, 25¢, 128pp, digest) (Contents)
Five-Cent Detective (about)
One of the “Nickel Series” of magazines, along with Five-Cent Adventures, Five-Cent Flying Stories and Five-Cent Western published in 1932. Nothing else is known about the magazine which is believed to have lasted for only 1 issue.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, June 18, 1932 (5¢, pulp) (Contents)
5-Detective Mysteries (about)
Short-lived detective pulp about which very little is known.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, Oct.-Nov. 1942 (Dell Publishing, 20¢, 162pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, Dec. 1942-Jan. 1943 (Dell Publishing, 20¢, 162pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, Feb.-March 1943 (Dell Publishing, 20¢, 162pp, pulp) (Contents)
5 Detective Novels Magazine (about)
A reprint magazine selecting mostly from other Standard Magazines of the late 1930s/early 1940s but later from American Magazine and Black Mask. Some sources list an 18th issue, Winter 1954, but Cook/Miller state this does not exist.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, November 1949 (Standard Magazines, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, Winter 1950 (Standard Magazines, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, Spring 1950 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, Summer 1950 (25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, Fall 1950 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, Winter 1951 (25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, Spring 1951 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, Summer 1951 (25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, Fall 1951 (25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, Winter 1952 (Standard Magazines, Inc., 25¢, 130pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, Spring 1952 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, Summer 1952 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #1, Fall 1952 (Standard Magazines, Inc., 25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #2, Winter 1953 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #3, Spring 1953 (Standard Magazines, Inc., 25¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Janes) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #1, Summer 1953 (25¢, 148pp, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #2, Fall 1953 (25¢, 148pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #3, Winter 1954 (unpublished) (pulp) (Contents)
Flynn’s: (about)
Under a variety of titles Flynn’s (Weekly) (Detective) (Fiction) (Magazine) was one of the most popular, and longest running, of all the detective pulps—notching up an impressive 929 issues over a period of 28 years, maintaining a rigid publication schedule for 17 of those years.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, September 20, 1924 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 6+192+12pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, September 27, 1924 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, October 4, 1924 (10¢, 192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, October 11, 1924 (10¢, 192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, October 18, 1924 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, October 25, 1924 (10¢, 192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, November 1, 1924 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, November 8, 1924 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, November 15, 1924 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, November 22, 1924 (10¢, 8+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #5, November 29, 1924 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #6, December 6, 1924 (10¢, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, December 13, 1924 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, December 20, 1924 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, December 27, 1924 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #4, January 3, 1925 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #5, January 10, 1925 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #6, January 17, 1925 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, January 24, 1925 (10¢, 192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, January 31, 1925 (10¢, 192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, February 7, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #4, February 14, 1925 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #5, February 21, 1925 (10¢, 4+192pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #6, February 28, 1925 (10¢, 192pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #1, March 7, 1925 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #2, March 14, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #3, March 21, 1925 (10¢, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #4, March 28, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #5, April 4, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+12pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #6, April 11, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #1, April 18, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #2, April 25, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #3, May 2, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #4, May 9, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 481-640pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #5, May 16, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 164pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #6, May 23, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #1, May 30, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #2, June 6, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #3, June 13, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #4, June 20, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #5, June 27, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #6, July 4, 1925 (10¢, 10+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #1, July 11, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #2, July 18, 1925 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #3, July 25, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #4, August 1, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #5, August 8, 1925 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #6, August 15, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #1, August 22, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #2, August 29, 1925 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #3, September 5, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #4, September 12, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+8pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #5, September 19, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #6, September 26, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #1, October 3, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 160pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #2, October 10, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #3, October 17, 1925 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #4, October 24, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #5, October 31, 1925 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 641-800pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #6, November 7, 1925 (10¢, 8+160+8pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #1, November 14, 1925 (10¢, 10+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #2, November 21, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #3, November 28, 1925 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #4, December 5, 1925 (10¢, 10+160+10pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #5, December 12, 1925 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #6, December 19, 1925 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #1, December 26, 1925 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #2, January 2, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 174pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #3, January 9, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #4, January 16, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #5, January 23, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #6, January 30, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #1, February 6, 1926 (10¢, 10+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #2, February 13, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 161-320pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #3, February 20, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #4, February 27, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #5, March 6, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #6, March 13, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #1, March 20, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #2, March 27, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 161-320pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #3, April 3, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #4, April 10, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #5, April 17, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 641-800pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #6, April 24, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 164pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #1, May 1, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #2, May 8, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 161-320pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #3, May 15, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #4, May 22, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
Flynn’s Weekly
Title changed from Flynn’s.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v15 #5, May 29, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 641-800pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #6, June 5, 1926 (8+160+6pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #1, June 12, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #2, June 19, 1926 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #3, June 26, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #4, July 3, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #5, July 10, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #6, July 17, 1926 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #1, July 24, 1926 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #2, July 31, 1926 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #3, August 7, 1926 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #4, August 14, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #5, August 21, 1926 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #6, August 28, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #1, September 4, 1926 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #2, September 11, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #3, September 18, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #4, September 25, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #5, October 2, 1926 (10¢, 8+160+8pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #6, October 9, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #1, October 16, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #2, October 23, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #3, October 30, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #4, November 6, 1926 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 481-640pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #5, November 13, 1926 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #6, November 20, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #1, November 27, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #2, December 4, 1926 (10¢, 8+160+12pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #3, December 11, 1926 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #4, December 18, 1926 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #5, December 25, 1926 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #6, January 1, 1927 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #1, January 8, 1927 (10¢, 8+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #2, January 15, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #3, January 22, 1927 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #4, January 29, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #5, February 5, 1927 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #6, February 12, 1927 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #1, February 19, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 160pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #2, February 26, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 161-320pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #3, March 5, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 321-480pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #4, March 12, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 481-640pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #5, March 19, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 641-800pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #6, March 26, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 801-960pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #1, April 2, 1927 (10¢, 12+160+8pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #2, April 9, 1927 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #3, April 16, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #4, April 23, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #5, April 30, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #6, May 7, 1927 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #1, May 14, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #2, May 21, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #3, May 28, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #4, June 4, 1927 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #5, June 11, 1927 (10¢, 4+160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
Flynn’s Weekly Detective Fiction
Title changed from Flynn’s Weekly.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v24 #6, June 18, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #1, June 25, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 160pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #2, July 2, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 161-320pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #3, July 9, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #4, July 16, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #5, July 23, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #6, July 30, 1927 (10¢, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #1, August 6, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 160pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #2, August 13, 1927 (The Red Star News Company, 10¢, 161-320pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #3, August 20, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #4, August 27, 1927 (10¢, 160pp+, pulp, cover by Lejaren Hiller) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #5, September 3, 1927 (10¢, 8+160+4pp+, pulp) (Contents)
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