The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 316
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Kreitzberg, Tom (fl. 1990s) (items)
- Swift Justice, (ss) Murderous Intent Fall 1995
- The Tomato Rule, (ss) Murderous Intent Winter 1996
- Probable Cause, (vi) Red Herring Mystery Magazine v3 #1, 1996
- A Bodyguard’s Lot, (vi) Murderous Intent Fall 1996
- No Time for Justice [Adair Donleavy], (ss) Murderous Intent Winter 1997
- A Tale of Two Proclivities, (pm) Murderous Intent Winter 1997
- A New Beginning, (vi) Murderous Intent Fall 1997
- A Mystery Logic Puzzle, (pz) Murderous Intent Spring 1998
- Rather a Lot of Murders at the Vicarage, (pz) Murderous Intent Summer/Fall 1998
- A New Mystery Logic Puzzle, (pz) Murderous Intent Winter 1998
- Remembrance of Thugs Past, (vi) Murderous Intent Winter 1998
- The Birth of Father Brown, (ar) Murderous Intent Summer 1999 [Ref. G. K. Chesterton]
- Forget Her Ofttimes, (pm) Murderous Intent Summer 1999
- What a Question, (pm) Murderous Intent Summer 1999
Kreuiter, V(ictor) C. (fl. 1980s-2020s) (items)
- Mr. Bartholomew, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1980
- We’re in This Together, Aren’t We?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2021
- Miller and Bell, (ss) Mystery Magazine August 2022
- People, Glass Houses, Stones, (ss) Mystery Magazine March 2023
- Humble Servant, (ss) Mystery Magazine June 2023
- The Five Wives Book Club, (ss) Mystery Magazine March 2024
- The Best It Ever Gets, (ss) Mystery Tribune #22/23, Winter 2025
Kripper, J. A. (fl. 1950s) (items)
- Hotel Murder, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine September 1955
- Murder on the Lake, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine October 1955
- Gas Station Incident, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine November 1955
- Fish and Chips Murder, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine December 1955
- Fall to Death, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine January 1956
- Death by Strangulation, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine February 1956
- Ski Lodge Murder, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine April 1956
- The Missing Necklace [Inspector Goldsmith], (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine May 1956
- Garage Death, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine July 1956
- Miami Murder [Inspector Goldsmith], (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine September 1956
- $5,000 Ransom, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine November 1956
- Dog in the Day, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine February 1957
- Night Slugging, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine July 1957
- Golf Murder, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine January 1958
- Country Club Kidnaping, (pz) Mercury Mystery Book-Magazine April 1958
- Hung to Death, (pz) Mercury Mystery Magazine June 1958
- Death of a Tall Man, (pz) Mercury Mystery Magazine October 1958
- Home from the Sea [Inspector Goldsmith], (pz) Mercury Mystery Magazine April 1959
- Mystery Puzzle, (pz)
- Winter Murder, (pz)
Kubilius, Walter (1918-1993); used pseudonym J. S. Klimaris (about) (items)
- The Case of the Vanishing Cellars [Wilbur & Stevenson], (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction August 1942, as by J. S. Klimaris
- Remember Me, Kama!, (ss) Astonishing Stories October 1942
- The Face of Fear, (ss) New Detective Magazine January 1947
- Look Before You Slay, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1947
- One-Way Gift, (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1949
- Flag Down Murder, (ss) Famous Detective Stories February 1951
- Death-House Drink, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951
- Turn Backward, O Time!, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly May 1951
Kuhfeld, (Rose) Ellen (fl. 1970s-2010s); previously known as Al Kuhfeld (items)
- An Ill Wind (with Mary Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1984, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- Allergic to Death (with Mary Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1984, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- The Scales of Justice (with Mary Kuhfeld), (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1985, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- The Old Shell Game, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1986, as by Al Kuhfeld
- Timely Psychiatric Intervention (with Mary Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1986, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- Night Light (with Mary Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1987, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- A Specialist in Dragons (with Mary Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1987, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- Thorolf and the Peacock, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1987, as by Al Kuhfeld
Kuhfeld, Mary (Monica Pulver) (1943- ) (items)
- An Ill Wind (with Ellen Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 1984, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- Allergic to Death (with Ellen Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1984, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- The Scales of Justice (with Ellen Kuhfeld), (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine mid December 1985, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- Timely Psychiatric Intervention (with Ellen Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1986, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- Night Light (with Ellen Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1987, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
- A Specialist in Dragons (with Ellen Kuhfeld), (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1987, as by Al & Mary Kuhfeld
Kull, George F(rederick?) (1911-1963); used pseudonym Dean Evans (about) (items)
- Red Christmas, (ss) Black Mask January 1948
- A Red-Headed Dame, (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1948, as by Dean Evans
- Old Injun Trick, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine April 1948, as by Dean Evans
- A Bier for Anello, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1948, as by Dean Evans
- Death Is No Bargain, (nv) Black Mask May 1948
- Death Is My Hubby, (ss) The Phantom Detective September 1948, as by Dean Evans
- Dreams Get Blasted, Too, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine September 1948, as by Dean Evans
- I’ll Remember, Dearest, (nv) The Phantom Detective November 1948, as by Dean Evans
- The Crimson Wheel, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine December 1948, as by Dean Evans
- Frame for a Dame, (ss) Black Mask March 1949, as by Dean Evans
- One Time Only Do You Die, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1949, as by Dean Evans
- Need a Body Cry? [Edward Gates], (na) New Detective Magazine May 1949, as by Dean Evans
- I.O.U.—One Grave [Edward Gates], (nv) New Detective Magazine November 1949, as by Dean Evans
- Hot-Rod Homicide, (nv) Black Mask March 1950, as by Dean Evans
- The Man Behind the Gun [Sammy Gomez], (ss) Detective Tales July 1950, as by Dean Evans
- Margie—It’s You! [Sammy Gomez], (ss) Detective Tales September 1950, as by Dean Evans
- Scandal-Time Gal, (nv) Black Mask Detective January 1951, as by Dean Evans
- Night Ride, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories March 1951, as by Dean Evans
- Lady on the Loose, (nv) Detective Tales August 1951, as by Dean Evans
- Hot Eyes, (ss) Suspense Magazine Winter 1952, as by Dean Evans
- Immanuel [Sammy Gomez], (nv) 5 Detective Novels Magazine Summer 1952, as by Dean Evans
- The Look That Kills!, (nv) Detective Tales October 1952, as by Dean Evans
- A Bier for Baby, (ss) Mobsters December 1952, as by Dean Evans
- Remember Rose for Murder!, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine April 1953, as by Dean Evans
- The Way It Is, (ss) Mobsters April 1953, as by Dean Evans
- The Yakking Corpse, (nv) Detective Tales April 1953, as by Dean Evans
- The Corpse and the Flame, (nv) New Detective Magazine June 1953, as by Dean Evans
- Heart Shot, (ss) Detective Tales June 1953, as by Dean Evans
- Night Shift, (ss) Thrilling Detective Fall 1953, as by Dean Evans
- Requiem in Reno, (nv) Fifteen Detective Stories October 1954, as by Dean Evans
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