The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 72
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Brown, (Donald) Wenzell (1911-1981); used pseudonym Guy Tolman (about) (items)
- Murder Seeks an Agent [Peter Aswell], (n.) Five Star, 1945
- Lipstick, (ss) Manhunt June 1956
- Stick-Up School, (ar) The Saint Detective Magazine August 1957 [Ref. Aniello Caccio]
- Anonymous Fame, (ss) Mystery Digest November 1957
- Downbeat for Murder, (ss) Mystery Digest March 1958
- Witness to Murder, (nv) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1958
- Murder in Tanganyika, (ss) Mystery Digest December 1958
- Midnight Call, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1959
- The Murder of Scented Flower, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine June 1959
- God’s Ugly Bride, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine November 1959
- The Death of Joe the Grinder, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine February 1960
- The Rum and Coca-Cola Murders [Peter Aswell], (n.) The Saint Mystery Library #14, 1960
- Murderer’s Chain, (ss) Fantastic Universe March 1960
- The Man with Two Shadows, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine June 1960
- Ocolio Nañigo, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) March 1961
- The 68th Husband, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) June 1961
- I Am Not a Murderer!, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) January 1962
- Strange Ransom, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) April 1962
- No Business Man, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1962
- Diet and Die, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1962
- The Red Rose of Death, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) November 1962
- The Man Who Ate Oysters, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) January 1963
- The Dangerous Danetree Sisters, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1963
- The Scar, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) March 1963, as by Guy Tolman
- The Hanging of Cattle Kate, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) September 1963
- The Widder Jackson, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 1963
- Instrument of Death, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine February 1964
- The Lure, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine February 1964
- Don’t Call Me Fido!, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) April 1964
- Marked for Death, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine June 1964
- An Old Wives’ Tale, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1964
- The Purple Jacket, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) September 1964, as by Guy Tolman
- Night on the Beach, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1964
- Death by Misadventure, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1965
- The Mystery of the Severed Fingers, (ar) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) April 1965
- Death Bid [Maw and Paw], (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) May 1965
- Gallivantin’ Woman, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July 1965
- Occupational Hazard, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) August 1965
- A Caterwaulin’ Murder, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine October 1965
- The Crab Woman, (ss) The Saint Magazine September 1966
- The Blue Man, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1966
- Tomboy [Maw and Paw], (ss) The Saint Magazine January 1967
- Cards on the Table, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1967
- The Third Brother [Mike Stranger], (na) The Saint Magazine April 1967
- Treacherous Triangle [Mike Stranger], (nv) The Saint Magazine August 1967
- A Natural Born Victim, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January 1968
- Blood Money, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1968
Brown, Zenith Jones (1898-1983); used pseudonyms Leslie Ford & David Frome (items)
- The Hammersmith Murders, (n.) Doubleday, 1930, as by David Frome
- In at the Death, (n.) Longmans, Green, 1930
- Two Against Scotland Yard [Evan Pinkerton], (n.) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1931, as by David Frome
- The Man from Scotland Yard, (n.) Grosset & Dunlap, 1932, as by David Frome
- Murder in Maryland [Lt. Joseph Kelly], (n.) Farrar & Rinehart, 1932, as by Leslie Ford
- Scotland Yard Can Wait!, (n.) Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1933, as by David Frome
- The Strangled Witness [Colonel John Primrose], (na) The American Magazine May 1934, as by Leslie Ford
- The Clock Strikes [Colonel John Primrose], (na) The American Magazine May 1935, as by Leslie Ford
- Death Stops at a Tourist Camp, (na) The American Magazine April 1936, as by Leslie Ford
- False to Any Man [Colonel John Primrose], (n.) Scribner’s, 1939, as by Leslie Ford
- The Man on the Iron Palings [Evan Pinkerton], (ss) 1941, as by David Frome
Browne, Howard (1908-1999); used pseudonyms Alexander Blade, William Brengle, John Evans & Lee Francis (about) (items)
- A Quarter for Your Trouble [Wilbur Peddie], (ss) Mammoth Detective May 1942
- Keep Your Eye on It [Wilbur Peddie], (ss) Mammoth Detective September 1942
- Presenting the Author, (bg) Mammoth Detective September 1942
- Incredible Ink [Wilbur Peddie], (nv) Mammoth Detective January 1943
- Blackmail in Blue Ink [Wilbur Peddie], (ss) Mammoth Detective August 1943
- Murder Wears a Halo, (n.) Mammoth Detective February 1944, as by John Evans
- A Penny for Your Corpse [Wilbur Peddie], (nv) Mammoth Detective February 1944
- Halo ’Round My Dead, (na) Mammoth Detective February 1945, as by John Evans
- Hot Warehouse [Wilbur Peddie], (nv) Mammoth Detective August 1945
- Halo in Blood [Paul Pine], (n.) Bobbs-Merrill, May 1946, as by John Evans
- Off the Blotter, (cl) Mammoth Detective June 1947
- If You Have Tears, (n.) Mystery House, 1947, as by John Evans
- So Dark for April [Paul Pine], (nv) Manhunt February 1953, as by John Evans
- House Call, (ss) Rogue 1956
Browning, Gerald (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Pro Bono, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #44, January 2004
- A Hint of Cinnamon, (ss) Hardboiled #32, November 2004
- The Throwaway Man, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #54, November 2004
- The Eye Witness, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #55, December 2004
- The Dead Don’t Dream, (ss) Hardboiled #37, March 2008
Bruce, George (1898-1974) (about) (items)
- “X” Marks the Spot, (sl) Gangster Stories October 1930, etc.
- The Fall Guy [Detective Nick Rongetti], (nv) Black Aces January 1932
- The Guy from Chi [Detective Nick Rongetti], (nv) Black Aces February 1932
- The Cover Up [Detective Nick Rongetti], (ss) Black Aces March 1932
- The Shakedown [Detective Nick Rongetti], (ss) Black Aces April 1932
- Bloody Moon, (nv) Thrilling Detective December 1934
- Dance of Death, (nv) Popular Detective May 1935
- Too Tough to Die [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective July 1935
- Murder Money [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective August 1935
- Fifty Grand Reward [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective October 1935
- Death in Bloom [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective December 1935
- The Big Crush-Out, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly February 29 1936
- Death Balances the Budget, (ss) Detective Tales February 1936
- White Death [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective April 1936
- Hell’s Busy Signal, (ss) Detective Tales May 1936
- A Butterfly Net for a Tiger, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly June 6 1936
- Death Strikes Out [Red Lacey], (na) Popular Detective June 1936
- One Man Job [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective July 1936
- Claim of the Fleshless Corpse [Sylvester Corrigan], (na) Popular Detective August 1936
- Short Cut, (nv) Popular Detective September 1936
- Bloody Hundred [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective October 1936
- Big Bad Guy [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective November 1936
- The Case of the Deadly Dowager [Information, Inc.], (na) Detective Tales November 1936
- The Case of the Whispering Terror [Information, Inc.], (nv) Detective Tales December 1936
- Claim of the Double Death [Sylvester Corrigan], (na) Popular Detective December 1936
- The Case of the Murdered Marionette [Information, Inc.], (na) Detective Tales January 1937
- Terror at the Track [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective April 1937
- The Bachelor Club Mystery, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly May 1 1937, etc.
- Claim of the Little Red Bugs [Sylvester Corrigan], (nv) Thrilling Detective May 1937
- Research Into Death, (nv) Popular Detective June 1937
- Gone to the Dogs [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective July 1937
- Death Masquerade [Red Lacey], (nv) Popular Detective August 1937
- Pay-Off, (ss) Detective Book Magazine Fall 1937
- Murder Is a Game [Red Lacey], (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1937
- Murder in the Night [Red Lacey], (na) Popular Detective February 1938
- The Judas Jackpot, (nv) Bull’s-Eye Detective Fall 1938
Bruder, Harold (fl. 1960s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1960
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1961
- [front cover], (cv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1961
Bruen, Ken (1951- ) (items)
- Why I Turned to Crime, (ar) Shots Winter 1998
- Taming the Alien [Sgt. Brant; Insp. Roberts], (ex) Do-Not Press, 1999
- Crime; an Irish Take, (ar) Crime Factory #7, August 2002
- Back on the Boulevard, (ar) Crime Time #26, 2002
- Losing My Religion, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2004
- Punk, (ss) Hardluck Stories Winter 2006
- Eye on Hollywood (with Jeremy Lynch & Todd Robinson), (cl) Crimespree Magazine #11, March/April 2006
- To Have and to Hold, (ss) Hardluck Stories Spring 2006
- Drinking with James Crumley, (ar) Crime Time #47, 2006 [Ref. James Crumley]
- Beige, (ss) The Strand Magazine #21, February/May 2007
- Words Are Cheap, (ss) Murdaland #1, 2007
- The Killer, (ex) Crime Factory January 2010
- Colt, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2010
- Angel of Hospitality, (ss) The Big Click #1, March 2012
- An Fear Gorta, (ss) Grift Magazine #1, Spring 2012
- Tort, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2012
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