The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 50
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Blassingame, Wyatt (Rainey) (items) (continued)
- Murder in Paradise, (ss) Private Detective Stories January 1945
- Through Hell to Glory, (ss) New Western Magazine March 1946, as by Van Cort
- The Dark Waters, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1946
- The Bargain, (ss) The Phantom Detective March 1947
- Cargo of Death, (ss) Popular Detective May 1947
- Murder on Midnight, (nv) Thrilling Detective October 1947
- Arms of the Black Widow, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1947
- Dead Man’s Trail, (ss) G-Men Detective November 1947
- Race for the Morgue, (ss) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1948
- Dark as Any Grave, (nv) Detective Tales February 1948
- Knowledge of Crime, (ss) Popular Detective March 1948
- Death Under the Palms, (nv) G-Men Detective May 1948
- Me—Target for Tonight!, (nv) Detective Tales May 1948
- The Reluctant Corpse, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine May 1948
- Fish for Murder, (nv) Popular Detective July 1948
- —And Sudden Death! [Johnny Allen], (nv) Detective Tales August 1948
- The Beautiful Angel of Death, (nv) Popular Detective November 1948
- A Home for Murder, (nv) G-Men Detective November 1948
- The Hearse of the Turtle, (ss) Dime Detective Magazine January 1949
- Night Without End, (nv) Thrilling Detective April 1949
- The Dark Doorway, (nv) Mystery Book Magazine Winter 1950
- Buffalo Patrol, (ss) .44 Western Magazine March 1951, as by Van Cort
- I Make My Own Laws, (nv) The Phantom Detective Fall 1951
- The Girl in the Mist, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1960
- Act of God, (vi) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine December 1965
Blaustein, Hank (1937- ) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1996
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2010
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2013
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine April 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 2014
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 2016
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2017
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2018
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2018
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2018
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine July/August 2018
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2018
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March/April 2019
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2019
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2019
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2021
- [illustration(s)], (il) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine January/February 2022
Bleeck, G(ordon) C(live) (1907-1971) (items)
- Bouncing Blonde, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #10, 1954, uncredited.
- The Case That Jack Built, (ss) Popular Detective (Australia) v1 #6, 1954
- Dangerous Dame, (ss) Popular Detective (Australia) v1 #14, 1954
- Dead Letter, (nv) East-Side Detective v1 #6, 1954, uncredited.
- Elusive Woman, (nv) Leisure Detective #31, 1954
- The Frail and the Fillies, (nv) Leisure Detective #33, 1954
- The Frightened Man, (nv) Action Detective Magazine #20, 1954
- Nightclub Murder, (ss) Modern Detective #10, 1954
- Nude in the Boot, (nv) Action Detective Magazine #24, 1954
- Play It My Way, (nv) East-Side Detective v1 #7, 1954
- Shy Guy, (nv) Leisure Detective #37, 1954
- Undercurrent of Death, (ss) Modern Detective #3, 1954
- Date with a Corpse, (nv) Leisure Detective #46, 1955
- Grab a Blonde, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #17, 1955
- Homicide Hostess, (nv) Action Detective Magazine #42, 1955
- Million Dollar Blonde, (nv) East-Side Detective v1 #13, 1955, uncredited.
- Murder to Melody, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #23, 1955, uncredited.
- Photograph for Murder, (nv) East-Side Detective v1 #12, 1955
- Ring Racket, (ss) Thrilling Detective (Australia) #19, 1955
- Shady Knight, (nv) Action Detective Magazine #45, 1956
- Drive Your Own Hearse, (nv) Leisure Detective #23, 195? (var.1)
- Yegg’s Nest, (ss) Double-Action Detective (Australia) #2, 195?, uncredited.
Blighton, Frank H(arris) (1873-1926); used pseudonyms Walcott Lyle, Barclay Northcote & Bertrand Royal (about) (items)
- A Prima Donna in Plain Clothes, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 20 1916
- Zamrowski’s Reappearances, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 5 1916
- Crushing Out, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 8 1918
- The Hop on Hyperspace, (ss) The Black Mask May 1920
- An Automatic Alibi, (ss) The Black Mask January 1921
- The Time Detective, (nv) Mystery Magazine #133, June 1 1923
- On the Yellows, (ss) Mystery Magazine #145, December 1 1923
- Hounded!, (nv) Mystery Magazine #148, January 15 1924
- In Reserve, (nv) Mystery Magazine #153, April 1 1924
- The Talking Dog, (ss) Mystery Magazine #164, September 15 1924
- Euclid, Archimedes & Company, Detectives, (ar) Flynn’s September 20 1924, etc.
- Tea for Two, (ss) Mystery Magazine #165, October 1 1924
- Walled In, (ss) Mystery Magazine #169, December 1 1924
- Children of Chaos, (ar) Flynn’s December 20 1924
- The Olympian Burglar, (ar) Flynn’s March 7 1925, etc., as by Barclay Northcote
- Coming, The Crime Crushers, (ms) Flynn’s March 28 1925, uncredited.
- The Breath of Bowanee [(Ex-)Inspector George F. Hopper], (nv) Flynn’s April 4 1925, as by Bertrand Royal
- Smashing the Big Mob, (ar) Flynn’s April 4 1925, etc., as by Barclay Northcote
- The Clew Infallible, (ar) Flynn’s April 11 1925, uncredited.
- Vindication of the Law, (ar) Flynn’s April 25 1925
- The Twisted Trail, (ar) Flynn’s May 9 1925
- Mirabel, The Ghost Raiser, (ar) Flynn’s May 16 1925
- Unconquerable Cartouche, (ar) Flynn’s June 6 1925
- Which Was the Husband?, (ar) Flynn’s June 20 1925
- The Incomparable Collet, (ar) Flynn’s November 7 1925
- Unmasking the Molly Maguires, (ar) Flynn’s December 12 1925, etc.
- The Monarch of Bandits, (ar) Flynn’s January 16 1926
- On Demand, (sl) Flynn’s January 30 1926, etc.
- A Butter and Egg Burglar, (ar) Flynn’s March 27 1926
- Four Dependable Crooks, (nv) Flynn’s April 3 1926
- Up the Moonbeam, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly June 26 1926, as by Walcott Lyle
- Ride ’Em, Cowboy, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly July 3 1926, as by Walcott Lyle
- Villains and Vigilantes, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly July 10 1926, as by Walcott Lyle
- Beezlebub Backfires, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly July 24 1926, as by Walcott Lyle
- Carroll of Carrollton, (ar) Flynn’s Weekly July 31 1926, etc.
- Who’s Got the Button?, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly July 31 1926, as by Walcott Lyle
- Out on the Leaning-R, (nv) Flynn’s Weekly August 7 1926, as by Walcott Lyle
- Under the Green Moon, (sl) Flynn’s Weekly November 13 1926, etc.
Blish, James (Benjamin) (1921-1975); used pseudonym Marcus Lyons (about) (items)
- Death Off the Record [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1945, as by Marcus Lyons
- Murder Wears a Mourning Cloak [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1946, as by Marcus Lyons
- Hot Corn—Cold Heart, (ss) Crack Detective Stories May 1946, as by Marcus Lyons
- Red Chip for Blackmail [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1946, as by Marcus Lyons
- The Spirit Is Killing [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories November 1946, as by Marcus Lyons
- Killer of Fire [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories April 1947, as by Marcus Lyons
- Claw of the Kidnapped Idol [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories December 1947, as by Marcus Lyons
- Death’s Photo Finish [Bicarbonate Johnny], (ss) Crack Detective Stories February 1948, as by Marcus Lyons
- Mistake Inside, (nv) Startling Stories March 1948
- I Remember Murder, (ss) Crack Detective Stories January 1949
- Ferry to a Funeral, (ss) Crack Detective Stories July 1949
- Killer, Come Back to Me!, (nv) Famous Detective Stories June 1950
- King of the Hill [Civilian Intelligence Group (Harris)], (ss) Infinity Science Fiction November 1955
Bliss, Tip; [i.e., Tyler Howe Bliss] (1890-1944) (about) (items)
- In the Split Second, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 20 1926
- The Laughing Clew, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 1 1927
- Queer, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1927
- The Risen Dead, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 16 1927
- Stalking Terror, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1927
- White Death, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 14 1927
- Gleaming Hands, (ss) Crime Mysteries #2, September 2 1927
- When He Wasn’t Looking, (ss) Crime Mysteries #7, November 1927
- It Is to Laugh!, (ss) Crime Mysteries #8, December 1927
- Locked Safety, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1929
- The Last Hour, (ss) Gangster Stories March 1930
- Born a Cop, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly December 20 1930
- Shadows of Murder, (ss) Amazing Detective Stories February 1931
- A Piece of Paper, (ss) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #42, December 1931
- Murder of Honor, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly January 16 1932
- Murder on the Pullman, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 9 1932
- Death in the Dan, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly July 23 1932
- Smoky Sam, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 20 1932
- Death Walks on Broadway, (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #59, May 1933
- Ticket for Parking, (ss) All Detective Magazine December 1933
- A Dory Named Dora [“Desprit” Oscar Dow; “Mumpsy” McCoy], (ss) All Detective Magazine February 1934
- Buttons, Buttons, Who’s Got— [“Desprit” Oscar Dow; “Mumpsy” McCoy], (ss) All Detective Magazine April 1934
Blizzard, C. D. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- Seduction, (ss) Futures #11, October/November 1999
- Forbidden Kiss, (ss) Futures #12, December 1999/January 2000
- The Mystic, (vi) Futures #12, December 1999/January 2000
- Bust-a-Groove, (ss) Futures #13, February/March 2000
- Tall Ships, (ss) Futures: Short Tales for Story Lovers #17, October/November 2000
- I Love Old People, (ss) Futures: Short Tales for Story Lovers #19, February/March 2001
Bloch, Robert (Albert) (1917-1994); used pseudonyms Tarleton Fiske, Will Folke & E. K. Jarvis (about) (items)
- Waxworks, (nv) Weird Tales January 1939
- Master of the Silver Giants, (nv) Thrilling Mystery May 1940
- House of the Hatchet, (ss) Weird Tales January 1941
- Yours Truly—Jack the Ripper, (ss) Weird Tales July 1943
- It’s Your Own Funeral, (nv) Mammoth Detective November 1943
- Meet Mr. Murder?, (ss) Mammoth Detective November 1943, as by Tarleton Fiske
- Horror in Hollywood, (ss) Mammoth Detective February 1944
- Singe for Your Supper, (ss) New Detective Magazine March 1944
- Eye of Medusa, (ss) Mammoth Detective August 1944
- Death Is a Vampire, (ss) Thrilling Mystery Fall 1944
- Son of Rasputin, (nv) Mammoth Mystery February 1945
- The Finger Necklace, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine September 1945
- C.O.D.—Corpse on Delivery, (ss) Detective Tales December 1945
- The Noose Hangs High, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine February 1946
- The Knife and the Throat, (nv) Detective Tales April 1946
- Enoch, (ss) Weird Tales September 1946
- Lizzie Borden Took an Axe…, (ss) Weird Tales November 1946
- Skeleton in My Closet, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine November 1946
- A Head for His Bier!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1947
- Hell Is My Legacy, (ss) New Detective Magazine July 1948
- Head Man, (ss) 15 Mystery Stories June 1950
- A Good Imagination, (ss) Suspect Detective Stories February 1956
- Terror in the Night, (ss) Manhunt February 1956
- String of Pearls, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine August 1956
- Water’s Edge, (ss) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1956
- The Real Bad Friend, (nv) Michael Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1957
- Man with a Hobby, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1957
- Dig That Crazy Grave!, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1957
- Luck Is No Lady, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine August 1957
- Crime in Rhyme, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1957
- The Cure, (ss) Playboy October 1957
- Sock Finish, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1957
- Is Betsy Blake Still Alive?, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1958
- A Killing in the Market, (nv) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1958
- That Old Black Magic, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine September 1958
- The Fast Fix, (vi) Bestseller Mystery Magazine November 1958
- No Witness, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine November 1958
- The Ungallant Hunter, (vi) Bestseller Mystery Magazine November 1958
- The Truth About Wallpaper, (hu) SaFari April 15 1959
- Show Biz, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1959
- The Man Who Knew Women, (nv) The Saint Mystery Magazine July 1959
- Double Tragedy, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine October 1959
- The Big Send, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine January 1960
- The Show Must Go On, (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine January 1960
- Till Death Do Us Part, (ss) Bestseller Mystery Magazine January 1960
- The Dead Beat, (na) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine February 1960
- The Great Elvis Presley Mystery (with Dick Ashbaugh), (ss) Keyhole Mystery Magazine April 1960, as by Dick Ashbaugh & Will Folke
- A Matter of Life, (ss) Keyhole Mystery Magazine June 1960
- Pin-Up Girl, (ss) Shock—The Magazine of Terrifying Tales July 1960, as by Will Folke
- Skin-Deep, (ss) Bestseller Mystery Magazine July 1960
- The Big Build-Up, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1960
- The Case of the Clumsy Cadaver, (ss) Keyhole Mystery Magazine August 1960, as by Will Folke
- Fat Chance, (ss) Keyhole Mystery Magazine August 1960
- Final Performance, (ss) Shock—The Magazine of Terrifying Tales September 1960
- Hobo, (ss) Ed McBain’s Mystery Book #2, 1960
- A Home Away from Home, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1961
- The Man Who Looked Like Napoleon, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1961
- Untouchable, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) November 1961
- The Living End, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine May 1963
- Deadly Joker, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine August 1963
- The Same Channel, (ss) The Saint Mystery Magazine (UK) August 1964
- All in the Family, (ss) The Saint Magazine May 1966
- Pride Goes—, (ss) The Saint Magazine August 1966
- Life in Our Time, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1966
- The Living Dead, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1967
- The Man Who Never Did Anything Right, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1968
- The Gods Are Not Mocked, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1968
- The Play’s the Thing, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May 1971
- I Never Had a Christmas Tree, (nv) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine June 1972
- See How They Run, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1973
- A Most Unusual Murder, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1976
- Crook of the Month, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine November 1976
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