The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 225
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Zecchitella, Philip (fl. 1930s) (items)
- Gas Engines and What Makes ’Em Tick, (ar) Flying Aces August 1936
- Results of National Model Meet, (ms) Flying Aces September 1936
- Tips on Gas Job Motor Mounts, (ar) Flying Aces October 1936
- Gas Model Self-Timers, (ar) Flying Aces November 1936
- A Gas Job Air Speed Indicator, (ar) Flying Aces December 1936
- About Those Gas Rules—, (ar) Flying Aces February 1937
- Controlled Flight Is the Answer, (ar) Flying Aces March 1937
- Here’s a Champ Gas Job, (ar) Flying Aces April 1937
- Go West, Young Modeler!, (ar) Flying Aces June 1937
- Logging the Motor Market, (cl) Flying Aces August 1937
- Gas Job Gossip, (cl) Flying Aces September 1937, etc.
- At the Nationals, (ar) Flying Aces October 1937
- Review of the Nationals, (cl) Flying Aces October 1938
- Gas Model Gossip, (cl) Flying Aces November 1938
- Select the Correct Engine (with Ben Shereshaw), (ar) Flying Aces April 1939
- Again—The Nationals!, (ar) Flying Aces October 1939
Ziegler, Carl (fl. 1920s-1940s) (items)
- Dawn Fury, (nv) Sky Riders #1, November 1928
- Sky Poker, (ss) War Birds #11, December 24 1928
- Scarlet Skies, (ss) Flying Stories December 1928
- Vagabond Crates, (ss) Sky Riders #2, December 1928
- Scavengers of the Clouds, (ss) Sky Riders #3, January 1929
- Fanged Death, (ss) Red Blooded Stories February 1929
- Night Buzzards, (ss) Sky Riders #4, February 1929
- Wolves of the Air, (ss) Flying Stories February 1929
- The Flying Uhlan, (na) Aces May 1929
- Thundering Ships, (nv) Sky Riders #7, May 1929
- Wings of Peril, (ss) Flying Stories May 1929
- Cloud Busters, (ss) Air Stories August 1929
- King Bird, (ss) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine August 1929
- Mavericks of the Skies, (ss) Sky Riders #12, October 1929
- Hellcats of the Air, (nv) Eagles of the Air November 1929
- Shadows of Doom, (nv) Love and War Stories January 1930
- Ships of Doom, (nv) Eagles of the Air January 1930
- Whispering Wings, (ss) Eagles of the Air February 1930
- Dagger of the Heights, (ss) Wings March 1930
- Eagle of the Sea, (ss) Wings October 1930
- The Ace of Hearts, (ss) Wings January 1931
- Crimson Skies, (ss) Aces Spring 1937
- Cloud Convoy, (ss) Wings Summer 1941
Zier, Avrum (fl. 1930s) (items)
- Build Frank Hawks’ “Sky Chief”, (ar) Flying Aces May/June 1933
- Principles of Model Building, (cl) Flying Aces May/June 1933, etc.
- Build the New Beechcraft, (ar) Flying Aces July 1933
- Principles of Model Building No. 2, (ar) Flying Aces July 1933
- A Fairchild 22 That Flies!, (cl) Flying Aces August 1933
- Fly the Fokker D-VIII, (ar) Flying Aces September 1933
- Build Balbo’s Famous Savoia-Marchetti, (ar) Flying Aces October 1933
- Here’s the Springfield Racer, (ar) Flying Aces October 1933
- Build the Fast Wedell-Williams Racer, (ar) Flying Aces November 1933
- Build the Curtiss-Wright Coupe, (ar) Flying Aces December 1933
- Build the Seversky Amphibian, (ar) Flying Aces February 1934
- Building the Great Lakes Trainer, (ar) Flying Aces March 1934
- Here’s the Stinson Reliant!, (ar) Flying Aces May 1934
- Build the Vought Corsair V-80, (ar) Flying Aces June 1934
- Build the Flying Aces Biplane, (ar) Flying Aces July 1934
- New Flying Aces Three-in-One Model Plan, (ar) Flying Aces July 1934
- Build the Berliner-Joyce XF J-2, (ar) Flying Aces August 1934
- Build the Guerchais Stratosphere Ship, (ar) Flying Aces September 1934
- Here’s the Fairchild “24” Cabin, (ar) Flying Aces October 1934
- Build the Gee Bee Eightster, (ar) Flying Aces November 1934
- Build the Luscombe Sport Plane, (ar) Flying Aces December 1934
- Build the Berliner-Joyce OJ-2, (ar) Flying Aces January 1935
- Here’s the Northrop Gamma Victoria, (ar) Flying Aces February 1935
- Build the Great Lakes Trainer, (ar) Flying Aces April 1935
- Build the Leopard Moth, (ar) Flying Aces May 1935
- Questions and Answers, (qa) Flying Aces June 1935
- Aerodynamics Simplified, (cl) Flying Aces August 1935, etc.
- Flow of Air Around Bodies, (ar) Flying Aces November 1935
- The Vortex Theory of Lift, (ar) Flying Aces December 1935
- Flying Aces Model Laboratory, (cl) Flying Aces March 1936, etc.
- Baby Sky Flier, (ar) Air Trails June 1939
- Plotting Airfoils, (ar) Air Trails September 1939
Zinberg, Leonard S(amuel) (1911-1968); used pseudonyms Steve April & Ed Lacy (about) (items)
- “But You Don’t Know Me!”, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine February 1966, as by Steve April
- “…Who Married Dear Old Dad”, (vi) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine April 1966, as by Ed Lacy
- How the Cookie Crumbled…, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine May 1966, as by Ed Lacy
- Easy Dough, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine June 1966, as by Ed Lacy
- The Citizen, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine July 1966, as by Steve April
- Curacao Caper, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine September 1966, as by Steve April
- Murder-Care, (ss) The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine December 1966, as by Steve April
- Hooked, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine April 1967, as by Steve April
- The Undertaker’s Assistant, (vi) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine May 1967, as by Ed Lacy
- The Can Opener, (ss) The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine June 1967, as by Ed Lacy
- Fade Out—Fade In, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine June 1967, as by Ed Lacy
- The Legal Bind, (ss) The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine October 1967, as by Steve April
- Murder, He Says?, (ss) The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine October 1967, as by Ed Lacy
- The Weekend Was Murder, (ss) The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Magazine October 1967, as by Steve April
[The Editor(s)] (items)
- Talks with Top-Notch Readers, (cl) Top-Notch Magazine January 1 1916, etc.
- Help Your Country, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1917
- Cross-Trails, (ed) The Thrill Book September 1 1919
- Thrilling Experiences, (cl) The Thrill Book September 1 1919
- Action—That’s All, (ed) Action Stories September 1921
- Gratitude, (ed) Sea Stories Magazine March 1922
- Is There a Doctor in the House, (ed) Action Stories April 1922
- Shadows of Action, (cl) Action Stories September 1923
- Heart to Heart Talks with Our Readers, (cl) Fighting Romances from the West and East November 1925
- Talks with Our Readers, (cl) Fighting Romances from the West and East December 1925, etc.
- Help Your Favorite Authors Win Cash Prizes!, (ms) The Danger Trail April 1927
- A New Magazine, (ed) Air Stories August 1927
- The Firing Step, (ed) Battle Stories September 1927, etc.
- The Trail Table in the Lean-To, (ed) Outdoor Stories September 1927, etc.
- The Fire Step, (ed) Battle Stories January 1928, etc.
- Sky Duel’s Evolution, (ar) Battle Stories April 1928
- The Landing Field, (cl) Air Trails October 1928, etc.
- The Editorial Greetings, (ed) Action Novels December 1928
- Assault Formation, (ia) Battle Stories #17, January 1929
- Barrage, (ed) World War Stories March 1929, etc.
- Singing Struts, (cl) Airplane Stories March 1929, etc.
- Exhaust, (cl) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine April 1929, etc.
- Modern Transports, (cl) Air Stories April 1929, etc.
- Letters of a War Bird, (cl) Aces May 1929
- The Orderly Room, (cl) Canadian War Stories May 1929, etc.
- Gas, (cl) Zeppelin Stories July 1929
- Special Announcement, (ms) Air Adventures August 1929
- Contact!, (ed) Flying Stories September 1929
- The Clue Club, (cl) Detective Classics November 1929, etc.
- Flying in to View, (cl) Sky Birds November 1929, etc.
- The Stearman Coach, (ar) Wings February 1930
- The Fokker F-14, (ar) Wings March 1930
- The Waco 225 Straight-Wing, (ar) Wings April 1930
- Heroes, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st June 1930
- Splitaire, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd June 1930
- Beasts, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st July 1930
- Nothing Too Much, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd July 1930
- Tattooed Men, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st August 1930
- What Price Beauty?, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd August 1930
- Vanity, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st September 1930
- Curfew!, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd September 1930
- The Stars and Their Courses, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st October 1930
- The Great Moment, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd October 1930
- The Editor’s Easy Chair, (cl) All-Fiction October 1930, etc.
- The Souk, (cl) Oriental Stories October/November 1930, etc.
- To Glass-House Dwellers, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st November 1930
- Mountains, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd November 1930
- Give Thanks!, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st December 1930
- The Four Horsemen, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd December 1930
- The Spartan C-4-225, (ar) Wings December 1930
- Merry Christmas!, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st January 1931
- Where Adventure Lurks, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd January 1931
- The Sport of the Mighty, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st February 1931
- Killers, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd February 1931
- Guns and Pearls, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st March 1931
- Valor and Discipline, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd March 1931
- Taking It Over, (cl) Popular Fiction Magazine June 1932
- Action Novels, (ed) Action Novels December 1932/January 1933
- Action Trails, (cl) Action Novels December 1932/January 1933
- All Over the Place, (ed) Conflict Summer 1933
- Editorial Announcement, (ed) World Adventurer January 1934, etc.
- Praise from the Master, (ed) World Man Hunters February 1934
- April’s Mental Menu, (ed) World Man Hunters March 1934
- Wings of the World, (ed) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer May 1934
- War Declared, (ed) Battle Birds June 1934
- We Apologize…, (ms) George Bruce’s Contact June 1934
- Big Cash Prizes, (cn) Terence X. O’Leary’s War Birds #84, March 1935
- Contact, (ed) Air Stories (UK) May 1935, etc.
- Movie Action’s World Premiere, (ed) Movie Action Magazine November 1935
- The War-God Laughs, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 June/July 1936
- Drums of Disaster, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 August/September 1936
- An Old Southern Custom, (ed) The Spider September 1936
- Snake in the Bosom, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 October/November 1936
- War Clouds, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces October 1936
- When Madmen Reign, (ed) The Spider October 1936
- Fallen Frontiers, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 December 1936
- Progress, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces December 1936
- Under New Management, (ed) Mystery Adventures December 1936
- Death Ray, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 January 1937
- America—Stand By!, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 February 1937
- New Cloaks for Crime, (ed) The Spider February 1937
- No Spies Wanted!, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 March/April 1937
- Saucy Moments with the Editor, (ed) Saucy Movie Tales April 1937, etc.
- Zero-Zero, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
- Flying Flivvers, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces May 1937
- Peace—or Treason?, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 May/June 1937
- Searchlights on Crime, (ed) The Spider June 1937
- Halted Wings, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces August 1937
- Prophet of Folly, (ed) The Spider September 1937
- Crook Lingo, (ed) The Spider November 1937
- Editorial, (ed) All-American Fiction November 1937, etc.
- Beating the Drum, (ed) All-American Fiction December 1937, etc.
- Public Monster No. 1, (ed) The Spider December 1937
- Guillotine Gag, (ed) The Spider March 1938
- Invisible Foe, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 March/April 1938
- Cocktail of Death, (ed) The Spider April 1938
- Pile on the Odds!, (ed) The Western Raider October/November 1938
- The Round Table, (ms) Golden Fleece October 1938
- By Courage Alone, (ed) The Western Raider December 1938/January 1939
- Judge of Men, (ed) The Spider January 1939
- Editor’s Page, (ed) Doc Savage February 1939, etc.
- The Spider’s Image, (ed) The Spider February 1939
- The Purple Eye, (ms) The Octopus February/March 1939
- What About It?, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces March 1939
- When the Scorpion Strikes, (ms) The Scorpion April/May 1939
- America’s Most Dangerous Criminal, (ed) The Spider June 1939
- Metropolis of Crime, (ed) The Spider July 1939
- Editor’s Notes, (ed) The Avenger September 1939, etc.
- The Greatest Crime, (ed) The Spider September 1939
- Secret Orders, (cl) Thrilling Spy Stories Fall 1939, etc.
- From the Editor’s Cockpit, (ed) Air Adventures December 1939, etc.
- Robin Hood in Modern Dress!, (ed) The Spider January 1940
- The Cloud Club, (cl) Battle Birds February 1940
- Sky Writer, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces February 1940
- Always the Brave, (cl) Battle Birds March 1940
- War Wings, (ed) Fighting Aces March 1940
- Sky Soldier, (cl) Captain Combat April 1940
- Paging the Spider!, (ed) The Spider May 1940
- Men Without Wings, (cl) Captain Combat June 1940
- Glory for Fools, (ed) Fighting Aces July 1940
- Spot for the D.A., (ed) The Spider July 1940
- The Price of Peace, (ed) Captain Combat August 1940
- Trojan Horse of Crime, (ed) The Spider August 1940
- Boycott Crime!, (ed) The Spider September 1940
- Clear the Tarmac, (ed) Air War Fall 1940
- United We Stand, (ed) Fighting Aces September 1940
- The Wings of Time, (cl) Battle Birds September 1940
- Message from the Author, (ms) The Spider October 1940
- “Young America Flies”, (mr) Flying Aces October 1940
- Eyes Seaward, (ed) Sea Novel Magazine January 1941
- Without Guns or Gadgets, (ed) The Wizard February 1941
- Anchors Aweigh, (ed) Exciting Navy Stories April 1942, etc.
- The Takeoff, (cl) Army-Navy Flying Stories May 1942, etc.
- Sailors Without Uniforms, (cl) Thrilling Adventures July 1943
- Editor’s Note, (ed) Sky Fighters March 1944
- Note from the Editor, (ed) Doc Savage May 1944
- The Editor’s Intercom, (ed) Air Adventures November 1945
- The Editor’s Page, (ed) Mammoth Adventure July 1946, etc.
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