The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 289
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[The Editor(s)] (chron.) (continued)
- * The Editor’s Page, (cl) Mammoth Adventure September 1946
- * The Editor’s Page, (ed) Mammoth Adventure Jul, Nov 1946, May, Jul, Sep 1947
- * Exhaust, (cl) Complete Aviation Novel Magazine Apr, May 1929
- * Eyes Seaward, (ed) Sea Novel Magazine January 1941
- * Fallen Frontiers, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 December 1936
- * The Fire Step, (ed) Battle Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, #9 May, #10 Jun, #11 Jul, #12 Aug, #13 Sep, #14 Oct, #15 Nov, #16 Dec 1928
#17 Jan, #18 Feb, #19 Mar, #20 Apr, #21 May, #22 Jun, #23 Jul, #24 Aug, #25 Sep 1929
- * The Firing Step, (ed) Battle Stories Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1927
- * Flying Flivvers, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces May 1937
- * Flying in to View, (cl) Sky Birds Nov 1929, Mar, Aug, Jun, Jan, Feb, Sep 1930
- * The Fokker F-14, (ar) Wings March 1930
- * The Four Horsemen, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd December 1930
- * From the Editors, (ed) Dark Worlds Adventures Winter 2009
- * From the Editor’s Cockpit, (ed) Air Adventures Dec 1939, Feb 1940
- * Gas, (cl) Zeppelin Stories July 1929
- * Give Thanks!, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st December 1930
- * Glory for Fools, (ed) Fighting Aces July 1940
- * Gratitude, (ed) Sea Stories Magazine March 1922
- * The Greatest Crime, (ed) The Spider September 1939
- * The Great Moment, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd October 1930
- * Guillotine Gag, (ed) The Spider March 1938
- * Guns and Pearls, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st March 1931
- * Halted Wings, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces August 1937
- * Heart to Heart Talks with Our Readers, (cl) Fighting Romances from the West and East November 1925
- * Help Your Country, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1917
- * Help Your Favorite Authors Win Cash Prizes!, (ms) The Danger Trail April 1927
- * Heroes, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st June 1930
- * Introduction, (ed) World Wide Adventure Win 1967, Spr 1968
- * Invisible Foe, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 March/April 1938
- * Is There a Doctor in the House, (ed) Action Stories April 1922
- * Judge of Men, (ed) The Spider January 1939
- * Killers, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd February 1931
- * The Landing Field, (cl) Air Trails Oct, Nov 1928, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1929, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1931, Oct 1929, Jul 1931, Nov, Dec 1929, Aug, Sep, Oct 1931
Jan, Feb 1930, Jun 1931, Mar 1930
- * Letters of a War Bird, (cl) Aces May 1929
- * Men Without Wings, (cl) Captain Combat June 1940
- * Merry Christmas!, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st January 1931
- * Message from the Author, (ms) The Spider October 1940
- * Metropolis of Crime, (ed) The Spider July 1939
- * Modern Transports, (cl) Air Stories Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1929, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1930
Feb, Mar, May, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1931, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1932
- * Modern Transports, (cl) Wings Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov, Dec 1929, Jan, Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov 1930
Jan, Jun, Jul 1931
* ___ The Fokker F-14, (cl) Wings March 1930
* ___ The Spartan C-4-225, (cl) Wings December 1930
* ___ The Stearman Coach, (cl) Wings February 1930
* ___ The Waco 225 Straight-Wing, (cl) Wings April 1930
- * Mountains, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd November 1930
- * Movie Action’s World Premiere, (ed) Movie Action Magazine November 1935
- * New Cloaks for Crime, (ed) The Spider February 1937
- * A New Magazine, (ed) Air Stories August 1927
- * No Spies Wanted!, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 March/April 1937
- * Note from the Editor, (ed) Doc Savage May 1944
- * Nothing Too Much, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd July 1930
- * An Old Southern Custom, (ed) The Spider September 1936
- * On Parade…, (ed) Combat: The Action Magazine April 1957
- * The Orderly Room, (cl) Canadian War Stories May, Jul, Aug, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1, Nov 1, Dec 1 1929, Jan, Feb 1930
- * Out of the Ashes, (ed)
- * Paging the Spider!, (ed) The Spider May 1940
- * Peace—or Treason?, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 May/June 1937
- * Pile on the Odds!, (ed) The Western Raider October/November 1938
- * Praise from the Master, (ed) World Man Hunters February 1934
- * The Price of Peace, (ed) Captain Combat August 1940
- * Progress, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces December 1936
- * Prophet of Folly, (ed) The Spider September 1937
- * Public Monster No. 1, (ed) The Spider December 1937
- * Pulp-itorial, (ed) Pulp Adventures #18, Summer 2015
- * The Purple Eye, (ms) The Octopus February/March 1939
- * Robin Hood in Modern Dress!, (ed) The Spider January 1940
- * The Round Table, (ms) Golden Fleece October 1938
- * Sailors Without Uniforms, (cl) Thrilling Adventures July 1943
- * Saucy Moments with the Editor, (ed) Saucy Movie Tales Apr, May 1937
- * Searchlights on Crime, (ed) The Spider June 1937
- * Secret Orders, (cl) Thrilling Spy Stories Fll 1939, Spr 1940
- * Shadows of Action, (cl) Action Stories September 1923
- * Singing Struts, (cl) Airplane Stories Mar, May 1929, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec 1930, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1931
- * Sky Duel’s Evolution, (ar) Battle Stories April 1928
- * Sky Soldier, (cl) Captain Combat April 1940
- * Sky Writer, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces February 1940
- * Snake in the Bosom, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 October/November 1936
- * Some Notes on Spicy Artwork, (ms) Spicy Armadillo Stories July 1990
- * The Souk, (cl) Oriental Stories Oct/Nov 1930, Apr/May/Jun 1931, Wtr 1932, Jul 1933, Jan 1934
- * The Spartan C-4-225, (ar) Wings December 1930
- * Special Announcement, (ms) Air Adventures August 1929
- * The Spicy Artwork Problem, (pi) Spicy Armadillo Stories January 1991
- * The Spider’s Image, (ed) The Spider February 1939
- * Splitaire, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd June 1930
- * The Sport of the Mighty, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st February 1931
- * Spot for the D.A., (ed) The Spider July 1940
- * The Stars and Their Courses, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st October 1930
- * The Stearman Coach, (ar) Wings February 1930
- * The Takeoff, (cl) Army-Navy Flying Stories May 1942, Wtr, Fll 1943, Wtr, Fll 1944, Wtr, Spr 1945
- * Taking It Over, (cl) Popular Fiction Magazine June 1932
- * Talks with Our Readers, (cl) Fighting Romances from the West and East Dec 1925, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1926
- * Talks with Top-Notch Readers, (cl) Top-Notch Magazine Jan 1, Jan 15, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1, Apr 15 1916
- * Tattooed Men, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st August 1930
- * Thrilling Experiences, (cl) The Thrill Book September 1 1919
- * To Glass-House Dwellers, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Tower Talking, (ed) Wings Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1948
- * The Trail Table in the Lean-To, (ed) Outdoor Stories Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1927, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1928
- * Trojan Horse of Crime, (ed) The Spider August 1940
- * Under New Management, (ed) Mystery Adventures December 1936
- * United We Stand, (ed) Fighting Aces September 1940
- * Valor and Discipline, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd March 1931
- * Vanity, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 1st September 1930
- * The Waco 225 Straight-Wing, (ar) Wings April 1930
- * War Clouds, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces October 1936
- * War Declared, (ed) Battle Birds June 1934
- * The War-God Laughs, (ed) Secret Service Operator #5 June/July 1936
- * War Wings, (ed) Fighting Aces March 1940
- * We Apologize…, (ms) George Bruce’s Contact June 1934
- * What About It?, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces March 1939
- * What Price Beauty?, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd August 1930
- * When Madmen Reign, (ed) The Spider October 1936
- * When the Scorpion Strikes, (ms) The Scorpion April/May 1939
- * Where Adventure Lurks, (ed) Top-Notch Magazine 2nd January 1931
- * Wings of the World, (ed) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer May 1934
- * The Wings of Time, (cl) Battle Birds September 1940
- * Without Guns or Gadgets, (ed) The Wizard February 1941
- * A Word About This Magazine, (ed) Combat: The Action Magazine December 1956
- * “Young America Flies”, (mr) Flying Aces October 1940
- * The Zero Hour, (cl) Captain Zero Nov 1949, Jan, Mar 1950
- * Zero-Zero, (ed) Dare-Devil Aces April 1937
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