The Adventure, War, and Espionage Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 253

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    The Thrill Book   (about)
    While contemporary statements of intent indicate that this magazine was originally intended to have a heavy fantasy orientation, in actuality its fantasy content is probably not much higher than most contemporary adventure fiction magazines, and varies considerably from issue to issue. Its overblown reputation caused its inclusion in several previous indexes and the repetition of that data here seems unavoidable.

    A number of stories were left over when The Thrill Book died. Apparently these stories were pulled out every few years and circulated to other Street & Smith editors in an attempt to get them into print. This seems to have been successful only once: “Dead Hands on the Wheel” by Denby Brixton eventually appeared in the March 1942 issue of The Avenger. The rest of the inventory survives in the S&S collection at Syracuse University. “As It Is Written” by De Lysle Ferée Cass was found there in the late 70’s and misidentified as the work of Clark Ashton Smith. It was published under Smith’s byline as a hardcover by Donald M. Grant in 1982.

    For an extremely detailed analysis see Richard Bleiler’s excellent study, The Annotated Index to The Thrill Book, Starmont, 1991.

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