The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 2127
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[uncredited] (chron.) (continued)
- * Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh, (mr) Aberrations #28, April 1995
- * The Canopy of Time, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) January 1960 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- * The Canopy of Time, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (UK) January 1960
- * Can Spacemen Live with Their Illusions?, (ar) New Worlds SF #147, February 1965
- * Canteen with Anya Ow, (iv) Curiosities #6, 2019 [Ref. Anya Ow]
- * Captain Future’s Boyhood [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Spring 1942
- * Captain Future’s Strangest Adventure [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Summer 1943
- * Captain Future Trails the Chameleon [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Fall 1942
- * The Card Game for Horrible Places, (iv) Speculative City #2, 2018 [Ref. Lisa Nisenson]
- * The Care and Feeding of Gremlins, (pi) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1984
- * Carnacki the Ghost Finder: The Whistling Room, (ar) Hub Magazine #2, Winter 2007 [Ref. William Hope Hodgson]
- * Carnell-Creator of Worlds, (bg) Operation Fantast Summer 1953
- * Carnivorous Lunar Activities, (br) Hinnom Magazine #10, Spring 2019 [Ref. Max Booth, III]
- * Carrie’s bio, (bg) EOTU Ezine December 2003
- * Margaret L. Carter Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1992 [Ref. Margaret L. Carter]
- * Case of the Laughing Coffin [Karmahahti], (ss) Ghost Stories August 1927, as "He Tried to Burn a Ghost", by Carol Lansing
- * The Case of the Wayward Lady, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories #13, September 1955
- * Cash Prize Contest!, (cn) Future Combined with Science Fiction June 1942
- * Cash Those Checks, (ms) Star*Line v15 #7, 1992
- * Castaways, (br) Shroud #6, Spring 2009 [Ref. Brian Keene]
- * Casting the Net, (cl) Skeleton Crew Feb, Mar, Apr 1991
- * Mort Castle Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1990 [Ref. Mort Castle]
- * Cataclysm [Martin Raymer], (ss) (by Wilfred P. Cockroft) Scoops April 28 1934
- * Category Phoenix, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955 [Ref. E. F. Bleiler & T. E. Dikty]
- * Caterpillar Army Halts Train, (ms) Weird Tales July/August 1923
- * Catron County Comprehensive Land Plan, Excerpt from Preface, (pr) Xizquil #9, May 1993
- * Caution of a Brother’s Spirit, (ms) Weird Tales April 1924
- * The Caves of Steel, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- * CD Reviews, (rv) Scream-4-Me #1 Jun/Jul, #1 Sep/Oct, #2 Nov/Dec 2005
- * The Celestial Airship, (pm) (by Will Murray) Spicy Zeppelin Stories 1989
- * Celestial Chess, (br) Science Fiction Review #41, Winter 1981 [Ref. Thomas Bontly]
- * Celestial Distances, (ar) The Science Fiction Collector June 1937
- * Celluloid Reflections, (mr) Insidious Reflections #4 Fll 2005, #5 Wtr, #6 Sum 2006
- * The Cemetery of Contributors, (bg) Frightmares #3 Aug, #4 Oct 1998
- * Central State Insane Asylum, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * Ceri Jordan Selected Bibliography, (bi) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000 [Ref. Ceri Jordan]
- * Cerne’s Zoo, (ss) (by Bob Lock) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * Cern’s Detection of Higgs Boson Confirmed, (ar) The Daily Galaxy September 10 2012
- * The Certificate, (ms) Amra v2 #1, 1959
- * Chad Oliver: 1928-1993, (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1994 [Ref. Chad Oliver]
- * Chain Mail: Amazing Stories Interviews 13 Authors from the Book View Cafe, (iv) Amazing Stories Summer 2012
- * Chainsaw-Films: An interview with Matt Watering of the British production company, (iv) Dark of Night #2, November/December 2005 [Ref. Matt Watering]
- * Chairman’s Chat, (pr) Dark Horizons #47, Spring 2005
- * Chairman’s Introduction, (ed) The Silent Companion #3, Spring 2008
- * The Chalice of Life, (br) Leading Edge #55, May 2008 [Ref. Karen Anne Webb]
- * Chamber of Horrors, (cl) Horror Stories Jan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec 1935, Apr/May 1936, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan 1938, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan 1939
- * The Chamber’s Interview with Author Russell James, (iv) The Chamber Magazine August 5 2022 [Ref. Russell James]
- * Change Song, (br) Amra v2 #58, 1973 [Ref. Lee Hoffman]
- * The Changing of the Guard: Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, (mr) Hinnom Magazine #4, 2017
- * Changing Seasons, (ms) Into the Ruins #12, Spring 2019
- * Changing the Guard, (ms) Star*Line v15 #7, 1992
- * The Chaos Club, (bg) Terror Australis Aut 1988, Sum 1992
- * Chapters of the Skull: A Directory of Kindred Souls, (ms) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #1, 2018
- * Characters, Good Quality Draws Kubert to Mutants, (iv) Parsec Winter 2001 [Ref. Adam Kubert]
- * A Charity Anthology: Dancing in the Shadows: A Tribute to Anne Rice, (ar) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * Charles Dye, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #31, January 1955 [Ref. Charles Dye]
- * Charles Eric Maine, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #40 Oct 1955, #81 Mar 1959 [Ref. Charles Eric Maine]
- * Charles L. Grant, (ar) Midnight Sun #5, 1979 [Ref. Charles L. Grant]
- * Charles L. Grant Bibliography, (bi) Midnight Sun #5, 1979 [Ref. Charles L. Grant]
- * Charlie and Marsha Brown Locus #37-42, (fr) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * Charlie Jacob Interview, (iv) Bloodsongs #9, 1997 [Ref. Charlee Jacob]
- * Charter of the I.L.S.F. (Independent League for Science Fiction), (ar) Arcturus February 1936
- * Charting Our Genes, (ms) If January 1960
- * A Chat with Cat Rambo, (iv) Waylines #1, January 2013 [Ref. Cat Rambo]
- * A Chat with David Steffen, (iv) Waylines #5, September 2013 [Ref. David Steffen]
- * A Chat with Dean Wesley Smith, (iv) Waylines #4, July 2013 [Ref. Dean Wesley Smith]
- * A Chat with Donna Taylor Burgess, (iv) Razar #2, 2007 [Ref. Donna Taylor Burgess]
- * A Chat with Evan Viera, (iv) Waylines #3, May 2013 [Ref. Evan Viera]
- * A Chat with Jack Dann, (iv) Altair #6/7, 2000 [Ref. Jack Dann]
- * A Chat with Kathe Koja, (iv) Aphotic Realm #4, June/July 2018 [Ref. Kathe Koja]
- * A Chat with K-Michel Parandi, (iv) Waylines #4, July 2013 [Ref. K-Michel Parandi]
- * A Chat with Luke Randall, (iv) Waylines #4, July 2013 [Ref. Luke Randall]
- * A Chat with Mary Robinette Kowal, (iv) Waylines #3, May 2013 [Ref. Mary Robinette Kowal]
- * A Chat with Minister Faust, (iv) Waylines #2, March 2013 [Ref. Minister Faust]
- * A Chat with Patrick Jean, (ms) Waylines #2, March 2013 [Ref. Patrick Jean]
- * Cheap Fuel, (ms) Astounding Science-Fiction December 1940
- * Checklist of Arkham House Books, (bi) Gargoyle v1 #1, 1950
- * Checklist of Fantasy Books in Print, (bi) The Fanscient Spr, Sum, Fll 1949
- * A Check-list of the First Editions of George Sterling, (bi) The Recluse 1927 [Ref. George Sterling]
- * A Checklist of the Published Weird Stories of Henry S. Whitehead, (bi) Leaves #2, 1938 [Ref. Henry S. Whitehead]
- * Checklist: The Carvings of Clark Ashton Smith, (bi) The Arkham Sampler Winter 1948
- * Cheers, Tex!, (ms) Probe #38, November 1978
- * Chemical Analysis at Home, (cl) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #42 Feb 15, #43 Mar 15, #44 Apr 15 1954
- * Chemo, (ss) (by Terry Grimwood) Nemonymous #3, 2003
- * Cherchez la Femme!, (ms) Detective Romances November 1936
- * C.J. Cherryh, (pi) Galileo #10, 1978 [Ref. C. J. Cherryh]
- * Chicagoans to Live in the Air Fifty Years Hence, (ms) Weird Tales May 1923
- * Chicago Invaded—By the Men from Mars!, (ar) Amazing Stories March 1941
- * Chicago Man Attacked by Fighting Owl, (ms) Weird Tales June 1923
- * Child Dies from Candy Lodged in Throat, (ms) Weird Tales December 1923/January 1924
- * Childhood’s End, (br) If January 1954 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Childhood’s End, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #47, July 15 1954
- * Children of the Void, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955 [Ref. William Dexter]
- * A Child’s Dream of a Star, (vi) (by Charles Dickens) Household Words April 6 1850, uncredited.
- * Chiller Theater Conventions, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #28, January 2006
- * China Space Program Bound for Mars, (ar) The Daily Galaxy
- * Chris Lacher Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1989 [Ref. Chris B. Lacher]
- * Christmas Eve, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #70, June 15 1956 [Ref. C. M. Kornbluth]
- * Christmas? Never Again, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet Winter 1996/1997
- * Christmas Presents, (vi) Punch December 16 1914
- * Christmas: Season of the Werewolf, (ms) Werewolf Magazine #4, 2006
- * Christopher Frey, (iv) Waylines #5, September 2013 [Ref. Christopher Frey]
- * Christopher Golden, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #5, 2005 [Ref. Christopher Golden]
- * Christopher Kezelos, (iv) Waylines #1, January 2013 [Ref. Christopher Kezelos]
- * Christopher Priest, (bg) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1974 [Ref. Christopher Priest]
- * Chroniclers, (bg) The Cromcast Chronicle #1 Win 2020, #2 Win 2021, #3 Win 2022
- * Chronological Bibliography, (bi) BFS Booklet #7, 1984 [Ref. August Derleth]
- * Chronological Table of the Sunday Strip, (bi) All Rare #1, Spring 1980
- * Chrysalides, (bg) The Urbanite #7, 1996
- * Cinco de Mayo, (br) Leading Edge #61, June 2011 [Ref. Michael Martmeck]
- * Cine-Biology, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955 [Ref. J. Valentine Durden, Mary Field & F. Percy Smith]
- * Cinema Scope, (mr) Perihelion #5, May/June 1968
- * Cinkarion: The Heart of Fire, (br) Leading Edge #61, June 2011 [Ref. J. A. Cullum]
- * The Circle Cast by Alex Epstein, (br) Lacuna #5, October 2011
- * Citation: Tales of Tomorrow, (rv) If March 1952
- * Cities of Tomorrow, (ar) Amazing Stories August 1939
- * City, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #44, April 15 1954 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * The City and the Stars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #74, November 1956 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The City in the Sea, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #56, 1955 [Ref. Wilson Tucker]
- * City of Fashion, (ss) (by Mick Finlay) Nemonymous #9, 2009
- * City of Heroes Game Review, (gr) City Slab #6, 2005
- * City of the Future, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #58, June 15 1955
- * City Slab Crossword, (pz) City Slab #3, 2003
- * City Wide Lockout Disrupts Futurian Plans, (ms) The Daily Phantagraph February 12 1946
- * Civil Aircraft Markings, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955 [Ref. J. W. R. Taylor]
- * Clark Ashton Smith—His Life and Letters, (ar) The Auburn Journal [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * A Clash of Symbols, (br) Astounding Science Fiction (UK) February 1960 [Ref. James Blish]
- * The Class Harmonica by Dorothee E. Kocks, (br) Lacuna #7, October 2012
- * Classic South African Retro, (rv) Lighthouse Magazine #2, December 2003
- * The Classic Viking Rocket, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955
- * A Classification of the Universe, (ms) Astounding Stories August 1931
- * Classifieds, (ms) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #7, June/July 2003
- * Cleansing the Palate with Language, (ed) Abyss & Apex #43, 3rd Quarter 2012
- * Hal Clement, (pi) Galileo #11/12, 1979 [Ref. Hal Clement]
- * Cleveland II, (ms) Amra v2 #33, 1965
- * Clichéland, (vi) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1977
- * Clichéland, (vi) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1978
- * Clichéland, (vi) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1978
- * Clifford C. Reed, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #75, September 1958 [Ref. Clifford C. Reed]
- * Clifford D. Simak 1904-1988, (ob) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact November 1988 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * Clifford M. Eddy, (ob) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #3, Summer 1968 [Ref. C. M. Eddy, Jr.]
- * Climate Inclement, (br) New Worlds SF #166, 1966
- * Climbing the Tallest Tree in the World, (vi) (by Rhys H. Hughes) Nemonymous #2, May 2002
- * Clive Jackson, (bg) Slant #5, Spring 1951 [Ref. Clive Jackson]
- * Clockwork Angel, (br) Weird Tales Spring 2011 [Ref. Cassandra Clare]
- * Clockwork Heart, (br) Weird Tales July/August 2008 [Ref. Dru Pagliassotti]
- * The Closed Cabinet, (na) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine January 1895
- * Close to the Land, Interview with Lone Wolf Circles, (iv) Xizquil #9, May 1993 [Ref. Lone Wolf Circles]
- * The Cloverfield Paradox, (mr) Hinnom Magazine #5, February 2018
- * Club News, (ms) Probe #39, February 1979
- * Club Passim Benefit Concert, (ar) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #6, May 2000
- * C.M. Kornbluth, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #28, October 1954 [Ref. C. M. Kornbluth]
- * Coast Guard in the Air, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine April 1936
- * The Coast of Coral, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #75, December 1956 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * Cocktails with Cole, (iv) Fear #36, December 2015 [Ref. Adrian Cole]
- * Cocktail:
* ___ Sex on Mars, (ms) Sexy Fantastic #1, 2021
- * Coffee Shop:
* ___ Mort Castle Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1990 [Ref. Mort Castle]
* ___ Deidra Cox Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1992 [Ref. Deidra Cox]
* ___ Elvira, Mistress of the Dark Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1990 [Ref. Elvira]
* ___ Nina Kiriki Hoffman Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1991 [Ref. Nina Kiriki Hoffman]
* ___ Nancy Holder Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1992 [Ref. Nancy Holder]
* ___ An Interview with Alan Rodgers, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1992 [Ref. Alan Rodgers]
* ___ Nancy Kilpatrick Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1993 [Ref. Nancy Kilpatrick]
* ___ Roberta Lannes Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1993 [Ref. Roberta Lannes]
* ___ Joe R. Lansdale Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1991 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
* ___ Elizabeth Massie Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1994 [Ref. Elizabeth Massie]
* ___ Richard Christian Matheson Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1989 [Ref. Richard Christian Matheson]
* ___ William F. Nolan Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1991 [Ref. William F. Nolan]
* ___ Wayne Allen Sallee Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1991 [Ref. Wayne Allen Sallee]
* ___ David B. Silva Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1993 [Ref. David B. Silva]
* ___ Tanith Lee Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1995 [Ref. Tanith Lee]
* ___ Ruth Thompson Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1992 [Ref. Ruth Thompson]
* ___ Steve Tymon Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1994 [Ref. Steve Tymon]
* ___ Lawrence Watt-Evans Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1993 [Ref. Lawrence Watt-Evans]
* ___ Elayne Wechsler-Chaput Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1994 [Ref. Elayne Wechsler-Chaput]
* ___ J. N. Williamson Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1994 [Ref. J. N. Williamson]
- * A Coffin Full of Questions, (iv) Dark Tales #10 2007, #8 Spr 2006 [Ref. David Brin]
- * A Coffin Full of Questions with Piers Anthony, (iv) Dark Tales #9, Autumn 2006 [Ref. Piers Anthony]
- * Coincidence?, (ms) Astounding Stories October 1933
- * Cold Light?, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction #80, May 1957
- * Cold Mountain, (mr) Paradox #4, January 1 2004
- * Eoin Colfer, (iv) Amazing Stories January 2005 [Ref. Eoin Colfer]
- * Colin Kapp, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #82, April 1959 [Ref. Colin Kapp]
- * Colin Wilson, (ar) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Colin Wilson]
- * Collaborative Interview with the Ladies of The Sirens Call—Issue #25, (iv) The Sirens Call #25, February 2016 [Ref. Alison Armstrong, Miracle Austin, H. R. Boldwood, Peggy Christie, Hannah Clark, C. Cooch, Donna Cuttress, Betty Gabriel, Victoria Griffin, Kellie Honaker, Rivka Jacobs, Debbie Manber Kupfer, Lori R. Lopez, Kenya Moss-Dyme, E. H. Qin, Emerian Rich, Lori Safranek, B. E. Seidl, A. F. Stewart, Renee L. Tennis-McKinley, Winnona Vincent & Jessica Walsh]
- * Collapsing Cosmoses, (uw) (by Robert H. Barlow & H. P. Lovecraft) Leaves #2, 1938
- * The Collective…A New Ezine, (ar) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine Fall 1999
- * The Collector’s Bastard, (ms) Midnight Hour #1, Spring 2000
- * Collectors’ Corner, (hu) Real Spicy Horror Tales April 21 1937
- * Collide: Band Interview with the KaRIN and Statik & Some Kind of Strange, (cl) Dark Realms #11, Summer 2003
- * Colonists of Space, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Charles Carr]
- * The Colored Lens Interviews J. A. Becker, (iv) The Colored Lens #22, Winter 2017 [Ref. J. A. Becker]
- * The Colored Lens Interviews: Jarod K Anderson, (iv) The Colored Lens #23, Spring 2017 [Ref. Jarod K. Anderson]
- * The Columbarium, (br) Cenotaph #1, Summer 1997
- * The Columbarium: Capsule Reviews, (rc) Cenotaph #2, Winter 1999
- * Columbia, (ms) Artemis #8, Winter 2003
- * Colymbia, (ex) (by Robert Ellis Dudgeon) Tr^u"bner, 1873, uncredited.
- * Come In, The Water’s Lovely, (ar) Slant #4, Autumn 1950
- * Come Into My Parlor, (pi) Monster Parade September 1958
- * Come Late to the Love of Birds by Sandra Kasturi, (br) Abyss & Apex #49, 1st Quarter 2014
- * Come On In—the Imagination’s Fine, (ed) Yearnings #1, 1982
- * The Comet [Captain Future (Curt Newton)], (vi) Captain Future Fall 1941
- * Cometeers, (ms) Cosmic Tales April/June 1941
- * Comic Book Forum, (iv) The Spook #1, July 2001 [Ref. David Finch & Clayburn Moore]
- * The Comic Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones, (rv) New Worlds #216, September 1979 [Ref. Howard Chaykin & Samuel R. Delany]
- * Comics, (ms) The Howard Review #11, July 1998
- * Comics, (ms) Nth Degree #7 Sep, #8 Dec 2003, #9 Apr, #10 Jun, #11 Sep, #12 Dec 2004, #13 May 2005
- * The Comics, Can They Be Adult?, (ar) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- * Comic Shop Directory, (ms) Parsec Winter 2001
- * Coming Attractions, (ms) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Aug/Sep 2009, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2012, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Sep/Oct 2013, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct,
Nov/Dec 2014
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2015, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2016
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2017, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2018
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2019, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2020
Jan/Feb, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2021, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2022
Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2023, Wtr 2024
- * Coming Attractions, (ms) Lightspeed #56 Jan, #57 Feb, #58 Mar, #59 Apr 2015
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