The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1026
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Kilworth, Garry (Douglas) (1941- ); used pseudonym Garry Douglas (about) (chron.)
- * 1948, (ss) Strange Plasma #5, 1992
- * Afterword, (as) Spiral Words #2, 1999
- * Almost Heaven, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1982
- * Angel’s Eyes, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine August 1986
- * The Arab Ironsmiths, (pm) 1967
- * Ascendancies, (br) Extro v1 #1, 1982 [Ref. D. G. Compton]
- * Atlantic Crossing, (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- * Attack of the Charlie Chaplins, (ss) New Worlds ed. David Garnett, White Wolf, 1997
- * An Author’s Biography, (bg) Spiral Words #1, 1999; originally published in a promotional booklet for Hunter’s Moon, 1988.
- * The Bare Rock and the Vulture, (iv) Interzone #136, October 1998 [Ref. Gwyneth Jones]
- * Battlestar Galactica, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * BFS Masterclass:
* ___ 3: The Short Story, (ar) BFS Journal Autumn 2012
- * Black Drongo, (ss) Omni May 1994
- * Blind Windows, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1982
- * Bonsai Tiger, (ss) Spectrum SF #1, February 2000
- * Bowmen in the Mist, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1989
- * Chasing Gaia, (ss) Breakout ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2015
- * Cold, (pm) 1978
- * The Council of Beasts, (ss) Interzone #111, September 1996
- * Death of the Mocking Man, (ss) Interzone #147, September 1999
- * Dip a Pen in Your Heart and Write!, (ob) Interzone #181, August 2002 [Ref. Richard Cowper]
- * The Dissemblers, (ss) Interzone #3, Autumn 1982
- * Dop*elgan*er, (ss) Interzone #21, Autumn 1987
- * The Fabulous Beast, (nv) BFS Journal Spring 2012
- * Filming the Making of the Film of the Making of Fitzcarraldo, (ss) In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave by Garry Kilworth, The Bodley Head, 1989
- * The Final Assassin, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1985
- * Forests, (pm) Tree Messiah by Garry Kilworth, Envoi Poets, 1985
- * Fossils, (ss) Interzone #69, March 1993
- * Garry Kilworth’s “How to Cook”—Parts One and Two, (ms) Spiral Words #7, September 2000
- * The Green Man Tennis Club, (ss) infinity plus July 2002
- * Gremlins, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * Hamelin, Nebraska, (ss) Interzone #48, June 1991
- * Here There Be Shark Gods, (ar) Spiral Words #9, 2001; from Kilworth’s member’s page for the British Fantasy Society.
- * H.G. Wells’ The Shape of Things to Come, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * Hobblythick Lane, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1986
- * Home, (ss) Works #8, 1992
- * Ifurin and the Fat Man, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1989
- * Image in a Dark Glass, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1985
- * In the Country of Tattooed Men, (ss) Omni September 1990
- * Into Your Dreams, (in) Fantasy Stories ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson Children's Books, 1996
- * The Invisible Foe, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 18 1982
- * Island with the Stink of Ghosts, (ss) In the Hollow of the Deep-Sea Wave by Garry Kilworth, The Bodley Head, 1989
- * Kilworth on Kilworth, (cl) Spiral Words #4 1999, #6, #7 Sep, #8 Dec 2000, #9 2001
- * The Last Day, (pm) Tree Messiah by Garry Kilworth, Envoi Poets, 1985
- * Let’s Go to Trevor!, (ar) Matrix #131, 1998; originally given as a talk to a BSFA meeting.
- * The Light of the World, (ss) Opus Quarterly #1, Spring 1987
- * The Long Drop Upwards, (pm) from Gemini God, Faber and Faber, 1981
- * The Looking-Glass Man, (ss) Omni March 1988
- * Lord of the Dance, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1980
- * The Lost Garden of Enid Blyton, Beatrix Potter, Lucy Atwell and the Rest of the Lads of the 32nd Parachute Regiment, (cs) Orbit: The Best of Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine #3, 1990; adapted from the story of the same name (Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, March 1985) by Fred Burke.
- * The Lost Garden of Enid Blyton, Beatrix Potter, Lucy Atwell and the Rest of the Lads of the 32nd Parachute Regiment, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1985
- * Malta, (pm) 1968
- * The Man Who Collected Bridges, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1980
- * Memories of the Flying Ball Bike Shop, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1992
- * The Men’s Room, (ss) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * Mirrors, (ss) Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, HarperPrism, 1998
- * Moby Jack, (ss) The Edge #6, December 1997/January 1998
- * Murders in the White Garden, (ss) Postscripts #3, Spring 2005
- * My Lady Lygia, (ss) R.E.M #2, November 1992
- * Nerves of Steel, (ss) New Worlds 4 ed. David Garnett, Gollancz, 1994
- * Networks, (ss) Fantasy Tales, #5 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1990
- * Paper Moon, (ss) Omni January 1987
- * Punctuated Evolution, (ss) Crank! #1, 1993
- * The Ragthorn (with Robert Holdstock), (nv) A Whisper of Blood ed. Ellen Datlow, Morrow, 1991
- * Reaching Out, (ss) Science Fiction Monthly v3 #3, 1976
- * The Rose Bush, (ss) Ad Astra #13, 1980
- * Scarlet Fever, (ss) Extro v1 #3, 1982
- * The Sculptor, (nv) Interzone #60, June 1992
- * Shadow-Hawk, (ex) infinity plus July 1999
- * The Short Story, (ar) BFS Journal Autumn 2012
- * Singing Rock, (ss) Kimota #4, Summer 1996
- * Skyscrapers, (pm) Tree Messiah by Garry Kilworth, Envoi Poets, 1985
- * Something’s Wrong with the Sofa, (vi) The Edge #4, 1997
- * The Songbirds of Pain, (ss) The Songbirds of Pain by Garry Kilworth, Gollancz, 1984
- * Soylent Green, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * Spiral Winds, (ss) Interzone #9, Autumn 1984
- * The Stray, (ss) Spiral Words #5, 2000
- * Sumi Dreams of a Paper Frog, (ss) Extro v1 #1, 1982
- * Surfing Spanish Style, (ss) The Gate #2, 1990
- * The Thunder of the Captains, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1985
- * Time Bandits, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * Toomey’s Circus, (ss) Ad Astra #6, 1979
- * Truman Capote’s Trilby: The Facts, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #15, Spring 1990
- * Turkey Shoot, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * 12 Men Born of Woman, (ss) Postscripts #6, Spring 2006
- * The View from Hut 5, (pm) Tree Messiah by Garry Kilworth, Envoi Poets, 1985
- * The Vivarium, (ss) Interzone #15, Spring 1986
- * Waiting by the Corpse, (ss) Maelstrom #7, February/July 1995
- * The Watcher in the Woods, (mr) The Science Fiction Film Source Book ed. David Wingrove, Longman, 1985
- * Wayang Kulit, (ss) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * We Are the Music Makers, (ss) infinity plus June 1998
- * [letter], (lt) Interzone #25 Sep/Oct 1988, #31 Sep/Oct 1989, #76 Oct 1993
- * [letter], (lt) Spiral Words #3, 1999
_____, [ref.]
- * Abandonati by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #29, May/June 1989
- * Angel by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #77, November 1993
- * Archangel by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #93, March 1995
- * Bibliography, (bi) Spiral Words #1, 1999
- * Bibliography—Part Two, (bi) Spiral Words #2, 1999
- * A Bloody Book Review by Michael Stone, (br) Spiral Words #8, December 2000
- * …Bugs, Rennies, Resolutions, Domes, Alka Seltzer…, (iv) Spiral Words #4, 1999
- * Cloudrock by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #25, September/October 1988
- * Cloudrock by Michael Stone, (br) Spiral Words #2, 1999
- * Comments on “Cold” by Sybil Ings, (ms) Spiral Words #8, December 2000
- * Comments on “Skyscrapers” by Sybil Ings, (ms) Spiral Words #9, 2001
- * Comments on “The Arab Ironsmiths” by Sybil Ings, (ms) Spiral Words #3, 1999
- * Comments on “The Last Day” by Sybil Ings, (ms) Spiral Words #4, 1999
- * Cybercats by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #109, July 1996
- * Dark Hills, Hollow Clocks by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #45, March 1991
- * The Drowners by Michael Stone, (br) Spiral Words #1, 1999
- * Drummer Boy, (br) Spiral Words #9, 2001
- * Frost Dancers by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #67, January 1993
- * Garry Kilworth Has Published Millions of Words… by Michael Stone, (bi) Spiral Words #9, 2001
- * Garry Kilworth Interview by Gwyneth Jones, (iv) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * Garry Kilworth on the Web by Jonathan Ewers, (ar) Spiral Words #4, 1999
- * Garry Kilworth: The Ideas Man by Robert Holdstock, (ar) Novacon 18 Programme Book ed. Rog Peyton, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1988
- * Hogfoot Right and Bird-Hands by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #79, January 1994
- * House of Tribes by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #103, January 1996
- * Hunter’s Moon by Helen Stone, (br) Spiral Words #1, 1999
- * Hunter’s Moon: A Story of Foxes by Phyllis McDonald, (br) Interzone #31, September/October 1989
- * In Solitary by Dean R. Lambe, (br) Science Fiction Review #34, February 1980
- * An Interview with…Garry “Douglas” Kilworth, (iv) Spiral Words #3, 1999
- * Land-of-Mists by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #138, December 1998
- * Malta—An Analysis by Sybil Ings, (ar) Spiral Words #6, 2000
- * A Mammoth Interview, (iv) Spiral Words #4, 1999; published as an information poster by Mammoth Books in 1998.
- * Midnight’s Sun by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #43, January 1991
- * A Midsummer’s Nightmare by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #116, February 1997
- * The Mystique of Landscape by Gwyneth Jones, (iv) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * The Princely Flower by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #122, August 1997
- * The Roof of Voyaging by Gwyneth Jones, (br) Interzone #112, October 1996
- * Shadow-Hawk by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #152, February 2000
- * Spiral Winds by John Clute, (br) Interzone #23, Spring 1988
- * Split Second by David Langford, (br) Extro v1 #1, 1982
- * Square-Eyed by Michael Stone, (iv) Spiral Words #9, 2001
- * Standing on Shamsan by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #67, January 1993
- * A Theatre of Timesmiths by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #9, Autumn 1984
- * The Third and Final Part of the Bibliography, (bi) Spiral Words #3, 1999
- * The Violent Spectres Interview with Garry Kilworth, (iv) Violent Spectres #3, 1995
- * The Welkin Weasels: Thunder Oak by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #126, December 1997
Kim, Alice Sola (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Beautiful White Bodies, (nv) Strange Horizons Dec 7, Dec 14 2009
- * Bummed Out and Ugly on the Occassion of Philip K. Dick’s Birthday, (ed) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2014
- * Hwang’s Billion Brilliant Daughters, (ss) Lightspeed #6, November 2010
- * The Night and Day War, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #21, November 2007
- * The Other Graces, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2010
- * A Residence for Friendless Ladies, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2015
- * We Love Deena, (ss) Strange Horizons February 11 2008
Kim, Bethanne (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Clotheslined [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v102, 2022
- * Down-Time Medical Training [1632], (ar) 1632 & Beyond #2, November 2023
- * A Fitting Tribute [1632], (ss) 1632 & Beyond #3, January 2024
- * Freedom Arches [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v100, 2022
- * The Glad Game [1632], (ss) A 1632 Christmas ed. Walt Boyes, Bjorn Hasseler & Joy Ward, 1632, Inc., 2021
- * Mrs. Flannery’s Flowers, Part 1: Acceptance [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v95, 2021
- * Mrs. Flannery’s Flowers, Part 2: Flowers and Fashion [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v96, 2021
- * Preface (with Bjorn Hasseler & Chuck Thompson), (pr) 1632 & Beyond Special Issue #1, Special Issue #2 2024
- * A Sodden Mess [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v101, 2022
- * Stilettos [1632], (nv) 1632 & Beyond #7 Sep, #8 Nov 2024
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Bjorn Hasseler & Chuck Thompson): 1632 & Beyond #1 Sep, #2 Nov 2023, #3 Jan, #4 Mar, #5 May, #6 Jul, #7 Sep, #8 Nov, Special Issue #1, Special Issue #2 2024, #9 Jan 2025
Kim, Bo-Young (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * An Evolutionary Myth, (nv) Clarkesworld #104, May 2015; translated from the Korean (“Jinhwa sinhwa”, HappySF, Volume 2, 2006) by Jihyun Park & Gord Sellar.
- * How Alike Are We, (na) Clarkesworld #157, October 2019; translated from the Korean (Because We Still Have Time, 2018) by Jihyun Park & Gord Sellar.
- * Whale Snows Down, (ss) Future Science Fiction Digest #9, December 2020; translated from the Korean (“Golae nun-i naelida”) by Sophie Bowman.
_____, [ref.]
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