The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1673
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Samatar, Sofia (1971- ) (about) (chron.)
- * An Account of the Land of Witches, (ss) Tender by Sofia Samatar, Small Beer Press, 2017
- * Blue Flowers: Fragments, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #13, November/December 2016
- * A Brief History of Nonduality Studies, (ss) Expanded Horizons #36, August 2012
- * The Closest Thing to Animals, (ss) Fireside Magazine #27, September 2015
- * Dawn and the Maiden, (ss) Apex Magazine #47, April 2013
- * The Early Ones (with Del Samatar), (pm) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018
- * Fairy Tales for Robots, (nv) Made to Order ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2020
- * Fallow, (na) Tender by Sofia Samatar, Small Beer Press, 2017
- * The Frog Sister, (ar) Fantasy Magazine #58, October 2014
- * A Girl Who Comes Out of a Chamber at Regular Intervals, (ss) Lackington’s #2, Spring 2014
- * Hard Mary, (nv) Lightspeed #100, September 2018
- * Honey Bear, (ss) Clarkesworld #71, August 2012
- * How to Get Back to the Forest, (ss) Lightspeed #46, March 2014
- * Immersive Journey: Jeff VanderMeer and Jeremy Zerfoss on Wonderbook, (ar) Interfictions Online #3, May 2014 [Ref. Jeff VanderMeer & Jeremy Zerfoss]
- * Inclusive Reviewing: A Discussion (with Samuel R. Delany, L. Timmel Duchamp, Fábio Fernandes, Andrea Hairston, Alex Dally MacFarlane & Aishwarya Subramanian), (ar) Strange Horizons March 24 2014
- * An Interview with Tade Thompson, (iv) Interfictions Online #7, October 2016 [Ref. Tade Thompson]
- * The Knight of the Beak (with Del Samatar), (pm) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018
- * Lost Letter, (pm) Strange Horizons July 23 2012
- * Make the Night Go Faster, (pm) Liminality #1, Autumn 2014
- * The Matter of Cloud: An Interview with Greer Gilman, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #43, November/December 2021 [Ref. Greer Gilman]
- * Meet Me in Iram, (ss) Meet Me In Iram/Those Are Pearls by Sofia Samatar, Guillotine Series, 2015
- * The Myth of Everyman, (ar) Lightspeed #48, May 2014
- * The Nazir, (ss) Ideomancer March 2012
- * Notes Toward a Theory of Quantum Blackness, (pm) Strange Horizons February 29 2016
- * Ogres of East Africa, (ss) Long Hidden ed. Daniel Jos^e' Older & Rose Fox, Crossed Genres Publications, 2014
- * Olimpia’s Ghost, (ss) Phantom Drift #3, October 2013
- * Persephone Set Free, (ss) Mythic Delirium #28, Winter/Spring 2013
- * The Red Thread, (ss) Lightspeed #73, June 2016
- * Request for an Extension on the Clarity, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #33, July 2015
- * Selkie Stories Are for Losers, (ss) Strange Horizons January 7 2013
- * The Tale of Mahliya and Mauhub and the White-Footed Gazelle, (ss) The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2016
- * Those, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #3, March/April 2015
- * Three Tales from the Blue Library, (ss) Conjunctions Spring 2021
- * Undoomed, (pm) Ideomancer June 2013
- * Victory Lap: An Interview with Jennifer Marie Brissett, (iv) Strange Horizons June 29 2015 [Ref. Jennifer Marie Brissett]
- * A Visit with Morgan le Fay, (pm) Liminality #4, Summer 2015
- * Walkdog, (ss) Kaleidoscope ed. Alisa Krasnostein & Julia Rios, Twelfth Planet Press, 2014
- * Wolf Tones, (ss) Conjunctions Fall 2019
- * “Write Your Heart Out”: An Interview with Nalo Hopkinson, (iv) Strange Horizons February 25 2013 [Ref. Nalo Hopkinson]
- * Writing Queerly: Three Snapshots, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #5, July/August 2015
- * The Year of Disasters, (ss) Bull Spec #7, Spring 2012
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- * Interview: Sofia Samatar by Deborah Stanish, (iv) Uncanny Magazine #3, March/April 2015
- * Interview: Sofia Samatar, Author of A Stranger in Olondria by Erin Hoffman, (iv) Ideomancer June 2013
- * Interview with Sofia Samatar, (iv) Big Echo #11, January 2019
- * Interview with Sofia Samatar by Teika Marija Smits, (iv) Shoreline of Infinity #32, Autumn 2022
- * Love and Care: A Conversation with Sofia Samatar by Arley Sorg, (iv) Clarkesworld #211, April 2024
- * The Practice, the Horizon, and the Chain by Gautam Bhatia, (br) Interzone #299, May 2024
- * Ways of Knowing: An interview with Sofia Samatar by Nic Clarke, (iv) Strange Horizons June 24 2013
- * The Winged Histories by Maureen Kincaid Speller, (br) Interzone #265, July/August 2016
Sammon, Paul M(ichael) (1949- ) (chron.)
- * The Arts: Film, (mr) Omni Apr 1981, May 1982
- * The Arts: Painting, (cl) Omni October 1981
- * Behind the Phenomenon, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #15, Summer 2011
- * ‘Cocoon’, (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1985
- * In Late December, Before the Storm, (ss) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine January/February 1985
- * John Landis, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1983 [Ref. John Landis]
- * On the Set of TWILIGHT ZONE, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine September/October 1983
- * Richard Matheson Interview, (iv) Midnight Graffiti Special #1, 1994 [Ref. Richard Matheson]
- * Rough Cuts, (cl) Cemetery Dance; Fll 90 - Fll 96.
- * Rough Cuts, (cl) Cemetery Dance #6 Fll 1990, #7 Wtr, #8 Spr, #9 Sum, #10 Fll 1991, #11 Wtr, #12 Spr, #13 Sum, #14 Fll 1992, #15 Wtr, #16 Spr, #17/18 Fll 1993
#19 Wtr, #20 Spr, #21 Sum 1994, #22 Wtr 1995, #23 Spr, #24 Sum, #25 Fll 1996, #27 Fll 1997
- * SF’s Wizard-in-Residence, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine March 1982 [Ref. Fritz Leiber]
- * Spawn of the NC-17/Henry and June, (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Ted Sturgeon: The Last Interview, (iv) Midnight Graffiti #2 Fll 1988, #3 Spr, #4 Fll 1989 [Ref. Theodore Sturgeon]
- * TZ Screen Preview:
* ___ ‘Cocoon’, (mr) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine July/August 1985
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Sammons, Brian M. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Cold Desires, (ss) Dark Animus #10/11, January/June 2007
- * Disconnected, (ss) Arkham Tales ed. William Jones, Chaosium, 2006
- * Eat to Live, (ss) Bare Bone #8, 2005
- * Hero, (ss) Horror Carousel #4, Spring 2006
- * The Hunted, (vi) Forbidden Futures #6, Fall 2019
- * The Locked Door, (ss) Dreaming in R’lyeh #3, 2005
- * Masks, (ss) Dark Discoveries #24, July 2013
- * Matters Most Grave, (ss) E’ch Pi El #8, December 2010
- * Stomach Acid (with David Conyers), (nv) Lovecraft’s Disciples #5, August 2006
- * X Rev, (ss) Cthulhu Sex v2 #20, 2005
Sammy, Loraine (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Apex Interview with Anneliese Juergensen, (iv) Apex Magazine #60, May 2014 [Ref. Anneliese Juergensen]
- * Apex Interview with Julie Dillon, (iv) Apex Magazine #58, March 2014 [Ref. Julie Dillon]
- * Fandom Activism for Change in Visual Entertainment Media: We Have the Power, (ar) Apex Magazine #65, October 2014
- * Interview with Ashley Mackenzie, (iv) Apex Magazine #62, July 2014 [Ref. Ashley Mackenzie]
- * Interview with Catherine Denvir, (iv) Apex Magazine #65, October 2014 [Ref. Catherine Denvir]
- * Interview with Cover Artist Jeff Ward, (iv) Apex Magazine #64, September 2014 [Ref. Jeff Ward]
- * Interview with Cover Artist Tory Hoke, (iv) Apex Magazine #61, June 2014 [Ref. Tory Hoke]
- * Interview with Cyril Rolando, (iv) Apex Magazine #63, August 2014 [Ref. Cyril Rolando]
- * Interview with Mark Greyland, (iv) Apex Magazine #66, November 2014 [Ref. Mark Greyland]
- * Interview with Mehrdad Isvandi, (iv) Apex Magazine #59, April 2014 [Ref. Mehrdad Isvandi]
Sammy, Vincent (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Gallery, (pi) Beware the Dark #2, May 2014
- * The Imitation Game, (ed) Interzone #262, January/February 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) Something Wicked #5, November 2007/January 2008
- * [front cover], (cv) Black Static #36, September/October 2013
- * [front cover], (cv) Beware the Dark #2, May 2014
- * [front cover], (cv) Interzone #262 Jan/Feb, #263 Mar/Apr, #264 May/Jun, #265 Jul/Aug, #266 Sep/Oct, #267 Nov/Dec 2016, #290/291 2021
- * [front cover], (cv) Apex Magazine #82, March 2016
- * [front cover], (cv) Shattered Prism #2, August 2016
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Black Static #25 Oct/Nov 2011, #30 Sep/Oct, #31 Nov/Dec 2012, #33 Mar/Apr, #35 Jul/Aug, #36 Sep/Oct 2013, #38 Jan/Feb, #39 Mar/Apr, #41 Jul/Aug, #42 Sep/Oct 2014,
#46 May/Jun, #49 Nov/Dec 2015
#63 May/Jun, #65 Sep/Oct, #66 Nov/Dec 2018, #69 May/Jun, #70 Jul/Aug 2019, #73 Jan/Feb, #75 May/Jun, #76 Sep/Oct 2020, #80/81 2021, #82/83 2023
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #246 May/Jun 2013, #257 Mar/Apr 2015, #272 Sep/Oct, #273 Nov/Dec 2017, #277 Sep/Oct 2018, #282 Jul/Aug, #284 Nov/Dec 2019, #285 Jan/Feb, #289 Nov/Dec 2020,
#292/293 2022
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