The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 822
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Harman, Dominic (Emile) (1974- ) (chron.)
- * Come to Dust, (ss) All Hallows #30, June 2002
- * Inside Clive’s Covers, (ar) Dark Horizons #54, 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) Interzone #121 Jul, #126 Dec 1997, #129 Mar, #131 May, #133 Jul, #135 Sep, #137 Nov 1998, #139 Jan, #141 Mar, #142 Apr, #143 May, #147 Sep,
#148 Oct, #149 Nov, #150 Dec 1999
#151 Jan, #153 Mar, #155 May, #156 Jun, #157 Jul, #159 Sep, #161 Nov 2000, #164 Feb, #166 Apr, #170 Aug 2001, #177 Mar, #179 May,
#183 Oct 2002
#191 Sep 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Altair #4, August 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Absolute Magnitude #12 Win 1999, #17 Aut 2001, #18 Spr 2002, #21 Spr 2005
- * [front cover], (cv) Weird Tales Spr 2000, Win 2001, Spr 2002
- * [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Feb 2001, Sep, Nov 2002, Jun, Oct 2005, Nov 2010, May, Oct 2013, Jun 2014, Mar, Oct 2015,
Mar/Apr 2019
Jul/Aug 2020
- * [front cover], (cv) Fantastic Stories of the Imagination #21, Spring 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 2001, Jun, Oct/Nov, Dec 2002, Sep 2004, Feb 2007, Oct/Nov 2009, Jun 2016, Jan/Feb 2020, Jan/Feb 2022,
Mar/Apr 2023
- * [front cover], (cv) Spectrum SF #6, July 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Talebones #23, Winter 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Dark Horizons #54, 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy Aug 2009, Apr 2010
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Interzone #124 Oct, #126 Dec 1997, #127 Jan, #129 Mar, #130 Apr, #131 May, #132 Jun, #133 Jul, #134 Aug, #135 Sep, #136 Oct, #138 Dec 1998
#141 Mar, #142 Apr, #143 May, #145 Jul, #146 Aug, #147 Sep, #148 Oct, #149 Nov, #150 Dec 1999, #151 Jan, #152 Feb, #153 Mar, #154 Apr,
#155 May, #156 Jun, #157 Jul, #159 Sep, #161 Nov 2000
#164 Feb, #165 Mar, #166 Apr, #170 Aug 2001, #177 Mar 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Tales Winter 2001/2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Absolute Magnitude & Aboriginal Science Fiction #20, Fall 2003
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Dark Horizons #53 2008, #54 2009
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Realms of Fantasy February 2011
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Mar/Apr, Nov/Dec 2020, May/Jun 2021
- * [illustration(s)] (with Alfred R. Klosterman), (il) Dark Horizons #53, 2008
Harmon, Jim; [i.e., James Judson Harmon] (1933-2010) (about) (chron.)
- * The Air of Castor Oil, (nv) Galaxy Magazine August 1961
- * The Alien Counterfeiter, (ss) Perry Rhodan #40, 1974
- * Always a Qurono, (ss) Galaxy Magazine August 1962
- * Baker’s Dozens, (ss) If July 1959
- * Big Business, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1966
- * The Big Headache, (ss) If September 1962
- * A Bit for Mrs Halloran, (ss) Venture Science Fiction September 1957
- * Blueblood, (ss) Galaxy Magazine December 1960
- * Break a Leg, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1957
- * Caliban (with Thomas N. Scortia), (ss) Future Science Fiction #48, April 1960
- * Charity Case, (nv) Galaxy Magazine December 1959
- * Confidence Game, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1957
- * The Corner Shelf, (rc) Science Fiction Review #21, August 1955
- * Dangerous Quarry, (ss) If March 1962
- * The Depths, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1962
- * The Dreamer, (ss) Popular Science Fiction #6, 1955
- * End as an Explorer, (nv) Science Fiction Stories September 1959
- * The Expendables, (ss) If May 1962
- * February Strawberries, (ss) If March 1961
- * Howling Day, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1967
- * How to Make Friends, (ss) Galaxy Magazine October 1962
- * Incident, (ss) Psychotic #15, September 1954
- * The Last Place on Earth, (ss) If January 1962
- * The Last Trespasser, (ss) If July 1960
- * Luck, Inc., (nv) Science Fiction Stories November 1959
- * Measure for a Loner, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1959
- * Messenger Boy, (ss) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #15, 1960
- * Mindsnake, (ss) If November 1960
- * Name Your Symptom, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1956
- * The Noncombatant, (ss) Popular Science Fiction #5, 1954
- * No Substitutions, (ss) Galaxy Magazine November 1958
- * Of All Possible Worlds, (br) Science Fiction Review #21, August 1955 [Ref. William Tenn]
- * People of the Valley, (ss) Spaceway April 1955
- * The Place Where Chicago Was, (nv) Galaxy Magazine February 1962
- * The Planet with No Nightmare, (ss) If July 1961
- * The Prejudiced People, (vi) Orb v3 #1, 1952
- * Science Fiction Terror Tales, (br) Science Fiction Review #23, October/November 1955 [Ref. Groff Conklin]
- * The Smuggler, (vi) Spaceway April 1954
- * Some Radio Fantasy, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Summer/Fall 1949
- * Spectrum of Space, (ss) Spaceway June 1955
- * The Spicy Sound of Success, (ss) Galaxy Magazine August 1959
- * Stranger, (ss) Science Fiction Stories January 1956
- * The Uncompromising People, (nv) Spaceway June 1954
- * The Upside-Down Captain, (ss) If March 1960
- * Voting Machine, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1954
- * The Well-Dressed Spaceman, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #56, 1955
- * [letter], (lt) Psychotic #9 Mar, #11 May, #12 Jun, #17 Nov/Dec 1954, #19 Mar/Apr 1955, #25 May, #26 Jul 1968, #30 Apr 1969
- * [letter from Illinois], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries April 1952
- * [letter from Mt. Carmel, IL], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction October 1959
_____, [ref.]
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