The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 739
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Gordon, David; pseudonym of Randall Garrett (1927-1987) (chron.)
- * The Asses of Balaam, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Fiction October 1961
- * Battle for the Thousand Suns (with Robert Silverberg), (nv) Science Fiction Adventures December 1956, as by David Gordon & Calvin M. Knox
- * The Best Policy, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction July 1957
- * A Bird in the Hand, (nv) Future Science Fiction #35, February 1958
- * By Proxy, (nv) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction September 1960
- * By the Rules, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1950
- * The Convincer, (ss) Future Science Fiction #33, Summer 1957
- * Cum Grano Salis, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction May 1959
- * Despoilers of the Golden Empire, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction March 1959
- * The Foreign Hand Tie, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1961
- * Hanging by a Thread, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Fiction August 1961
- * Intelligence Quotient, (ss) Future Science Fiction #37, June 1958
- * Look Out! Duck!, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction September 1957
- * Mercenaries Unlimited, (nv) Fantastic Universe February 1960
- * No Approach, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1951
- * …Or Your Money Back, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction September 1959
- * There’s No Fool…, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction August 1956
- * With No Strings Attached, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1963
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction March 1959
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Gordon, Giles (Alexander Esmé) (1940-2003) (chron.)
- * Construction, (ss) New Worlds #187, February 1969
- * The Illusionist, (ss) New Worlds 9 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1975
- * The Line-up on the Shore, (vi) New Worlds #178, December 1967/January 1968
- * Maestro, (ss) New Worlds 9 ed. Hilary Bailey, Corgi, 1975
- * An Office Meeting, (ss) New Worlds 6 ed. Michael Moorcock & Charles Platt, Sphere, 1973
- * Pictures from an Exhibition 10., (pm) New Worlds #194, September/October 1969
- * Pictures from an Exhibition 9., (vi) New Worlds #194, September/October 1969
- * Scream, (ss) New Worlds #182, July 1968
Gordon, John (William) (1925-2017) (about) (chron.)
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- * Crossing the Line: The Short Supernatural Fiction of John Gordon by Benjamin Harris, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #36/37, November 2019
- * An Interview with John Gordon by Rosemary Pardoe, (iv) Ghosts & Scholars #21, 1996
- * “It May Have Been the Trail.” Jamesian Certainties (and Uncertainties) in John Gordon’s The House on the Brink by Benjamin Harris, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #39, 2020
- * Left in the Dark: The Supernatural Tales of John Gordon by Scott Connors, (br) Weird Tales April/May 2007
- * Obituaries (John Gordon; Mark E. Smith) by Rosemary Pardoe, (ob) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #33, April 2018
- * Two Lesser-Known John Gordon Novels by Rosemary Pardoe, (ar) The Everlasting Club Mailing May 2018
Gordon, Millard Verne; pseudonym of Donald A. Wollheim (1914-1990) (chron.)
- * Blind Flight, (ss) Stirring Science Stories March 1942
- * Bomb, (vi) The Phantagraph May/June 1941, as by Donald A. Wollheim
- * Cosmophobia, (ss) Stirring Science Stories April 1941
- * The Oomph Beasts, (ss) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1942
- * The Planet of Illusion, (ss) Comet March 1941
- * Purple Dandelions, (vi) Cosmic Stories March 1941
- * Revolving World, (ss) Science Fiction September 1941
- * Saknarth, (ss) Science Fiction Quarterly #6, Spring 1942
- * The Space Lens, (ss) Wonder Stories September 1935
- * Storm Warning, (ss) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1942
- * The Unholy Glass, (ss) Uncanny Tales (Canada) September/October 1943
- * The World in Balance, (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction June 1942
Gordon, Rex; pseudonym of S. B. Hough (1917-1998) (about)
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- * First on Mars by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction February 1958
- * First to the Stars by Frederik Pohl, (br) If May 1960
- * First to the Stars by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction July 1960
- * No Man Friday by Kenneth F. Slater, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #18, 1956
- * No Man Friday by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #54, December 1956
- * Utopia 239, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #59, July 15 1955
- * The Yellow Fraction by Lester del Rey, (br) If July/August 1970
- * The Yellow Fraction by Paul Walker, (br) Science Fiction Review #41, November 1970
- * The Yellow Fraction by Richard E. Geis, (br) Richard E. Geis #3, 1972
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