The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 184
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Booth, Roy C. (1965- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Dante’s Infernal Nursing Home, (pl) Tales of the Unanticipated #31, 2014
- * Grave Tending (with Axel Kohagen), (ss) Shroud #15, Winter 2015
- * Maggot Coffee (with Axel Kohagen), (ss) Weirdbook #32, 2016
- * Sabine Barring-Gould and the Werewolf (with Lauri Gardner), (ss) Necrotic Tissue #8, October 2009
- * The Thing in the Tub (with William Tucker), (ss) Necrotic Tissue #13, January 2011
Booth, Ruth E. J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Anniversary, (vi) Black Static #61, November/December 2017
- * Beyond the Mountains, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #11, Spring 2018
- * Beyond UK Black History Month, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #29, December 2021
- * Carrying Glass, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
- * Case 3 in the Multiverse of Madness (or, Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once), (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #31, Summer 2022
- * The Company of Bears, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #10, Winter 2017/2018
- * The Elephant in the Ceremony Room, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #17, Winter/Spring 2020
- * Goodbye to All That, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
- * The Honey Trap, (ss) La Femme ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2014
- * Interlude, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #6, Winter 2016/2017
- * Into the Woods, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #37, Spring 2024
- * Invitation, (ss) ParSec #11, Summer 2024
- * The Legend of the Kick-Arse Wise Women, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #8, Summer 2017
- * Letter to a Future Architect, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
- * Lost Part 1: Further North, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #14, Spring 2019
- * Lost Part 2: The Blue Country, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #15, Summer 2019
- * The New, Normal, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #23, June 2021
- * Noise and Sparks, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #33 Win 2022, #34 Spr 2023
* ___ Beyond UK Black History Month, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #29, December 2021
* ___ Carrying Glass, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
* ___ Case 3 in the Multiverse of Madness (or, Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once), (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #31, Summer 2022
* ___ The Company of Bears, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #10, Winter 2017/2018
* ___ The Elephant in the Ceremony Room, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #17, Winter/Spring 2020
* ___ Goodbye to All That, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
* ___ Interlude, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #6, Winter 2016/2017
* ___ Into the Woods, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #37, Spring 2024
* ___ The Legend of the Kick-Arse Wise Women, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #8, Summer 2017
* ___ Letter to a Future Architect, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
* ___ Lost Part 1: Further North, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #14, Spring 2019
* ___ Lost Part 2: The Blue Country, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #15, Summer 2019
* ___ The New, Normal, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #23, June 2021
* ___ The Power of Stories, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #16, Autumn 2019
* ___ Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Genre?, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #12, Summer 2018
* ___ The Work of the Heart, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #7, Spring 2017
* ___ A YA Revolutionary’s Guide to the Pandemic, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #19, Winter 2020/2021
* ___ You Have to Live, (cl) Shoreline of Infinity #5, Autumn 2016
- * The Power of Stories, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #16, Autumn 2019
- * Telling Stories, (ss) The Dark #43, December 2018
- * Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Genre?, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #12, Summer 2018
- * The Work of the Heart, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #7, Spring 2017
- * A YA Revolutionary’s Guide to the Pandemic, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #19, Winter 2020/2021
- * You Have to Live, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #5, Autumn 2016
Boothe, Richard M. (fl. 1960s-2020s) (chron.)
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 2021
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Jul 1996, Feb 1998
- * [letter from Pacific Palisades, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact November 1965
- * [letter from Seal Beach, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact Jan/Feb 2018, Sep/Oct 2019
- * [letter from Sunset Beach, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 2015
Bordman, Ann (1957- ); also known as Ann Kennedy (chron.)
- * Editor:
* ___ The Silver Web, as by Ann Kennedy
* ___ The Sterling Web, as by Ann Kennedy
- * Editor: The Sterling Web Wtr, #7 Fll/Win 1991, #8 Spr/Sum 1992, #9 Win/Spr, #10 Fll/Win 1993, #11 Spr/Sum 1994, #12 Sum 1995, #13 1996, #14 1997, #15 Jan 2002, as by Ann Kennedy
- * Editor: Weird Tales Nov/Dec 2007, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2008, Spr, Fll 2009, Sum 2010, Spr, Sum, Oct 2011
Wtr 2012, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Editor: Shimmer #18 Feb, #19 May, #20 Jul, #21 Sep 2014, #23 Jan 2015, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Editor (with Stephen H. Segal): Weird Tales Spring 2010, as by Stephen H. Segal & Ann VanderMeer
- * A Conversation with Jack Ketchum, (iv) The Silver Web #14, 1997 [Ref. Jack Ketchum], as by Ann Kennedy
- * Editor’s Journal (with Amy K. Mann), (cl) The Sterling Web, as by Ann Kennedy & Amy K. Mann; #1.
- * Editor’s Note, (ed) Shimmer #18, February 2014, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * The Eyrie:
* ___ Oddspeed, Weird Tales, (ed) Weird Tales Winter 2012, as by Ann VanderMeer
* ___ On Metamorphoses, (ed) Weird Tales July/August 2008, as by Ann VanderMeer
* ___ Staff Changes at Weird Tales!, (ed) Weird Tales Spring 2011, as by Ann VanderMeer
* ___ Steampunk Specialness, Hammered Together the Weird Tales Way, (ed) Weird Tales Spring 2010, as by Ann VanderMeer
* ___ Weird Tales Goes to Hell and Back, (ed) Weird Tales Summer 2011, as by Ann VanderMeer
* ___ A World Full of Weird Stories, (ed) Weird Tales September/October 2008, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Instant Rain from the Black Sea, (ms) The Sterling Web Summer 1989, as by Ann Kennedy
- * Introduction (with Jeff VanderMeer), (in) The Big Book of Science Fiction ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Vintage Books, 2016, as by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer
- * Oddspeed, Weird Tales, (ed) Weird Tales Winter 2012, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * On Metamorphoses, (ed) Weird Tales July/August 2008, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Onward to the Next 85 Weird Years, (ed) Weird Tales March/April 2008, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Richard Kirk: Weird Visions, (iv) Weird Tales Winter 2012 [Ref. Richard A. Kirk], as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Spinnerets, (bg) The Sterling Web Winter 1991, as by Ann Kennedy
- * Staff Changes at Weird Tales!, (ed) Weird Tales Spring 2011, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Steampunk Specialness, Hammered Together the Weird Tales Way, (ed) Weird Tales Spring 2010, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Webtalk, (ed) The Silver Web #7 Fll/Win 1991, #8 Spr/Sum 1992, #10 Fll/Win 1993, #11 Spr/Sum 1994, #12 Sum 1995, #13 1996, #14 1997, as by Ann Kennedy
- * The Weird and the Surreal, (iv) Weird Tales Summer 2011 [Ref. Carrie Ann Baadé], as by Ann VanderMeer
- * Weird Tales Goes to Hell and Back, (ed) Weird Tales Summer 2011, as by Ann VanderMeer
- * A World Full of Weird Stories, (ed) Weird Tales September/October 2008, as by Ann VanderMeer
_____, [ref.]
Borell, Marcia A. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Burning at Both Ends, (vi) The Drabbler #1, October 2004
- * The Cleaner, (vi) The Hungur Chronicles Samhain 2023
- * Coffee Shopping?, (ss) The Hungur Chronicles Walpurgisnach 2022
- * The Crack, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v1 #2, 2005
- * Dahhhhhh!, (vi) The Drabbler #11, June 2008
- * Ghosts, (il) Beyond Centauri April 2004
- * Gifts, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVIII ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2004
- * Hammered, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v1 #2, 2005
- * His Night, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVII ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2003
- * Idi Ot, (vi) The Drabbler #1, October 2004
- * Last of the Red Hot Lovers, (pm) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVII ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2003
- * Night Walk (with James C. Wardlaw), (vi) EOTU Ezine October 2003
- * Pages to Color, (il) Beyond Centauri April 2005
- * Seven Fishes, (il) EOTU Ezine February 2001
- * Smoky Burnout, (vi) The Drabbler #2, 2005
- * Starlight, Moonlight, Hope to See a Ghost Tonight (with James C. Wardlaw), (ss) Beyond Centauri April 2004
- * SWM Seeks Princess, (pm) EOTU Ezine April 2001
- * What Counts, (vi) The Drabbler #2, 2005
- * [front cover], (cv) EOTU Ezine February 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fourteen, Hadrosaur Tales Volume Fifteen 2002, Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVII 2003, Hadrosaur Tales Volume XVIII 2004, Hadrosaur Tales Volume XXI 2005
- * [front cover], (cv) Whispers of Wickedness #5 Sum 2004, #15 Sum 2007, #16 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) Aoife’s Kiss March 2005
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Whispers of Wickedness #2 Aut, #3 Win 2003, #5 Sum 2004, #11 Win 2005, #12 Spr, #13 Sum, #14 Win 2006, #15 Sum 2007
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Sounds of the Night February 2008
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