The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 133
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Bonnell, Nathanael (fl. 2020s) (items)
- New Maps: An Introduction, (ms) Into the Ruins #16, Summer 2020
- Introduction, (ed) New Maps Winter 2021, etc.
- Some Notes on Cartography and Spelling, (ar) New Maps Winter 2021
- A Deindustrial State of Mind, (ar) New Maps Spring 2021
- Tough Times for Wandering Luddites, (ar) New Maps Summer 2021
- …And I Feel Fine, (ar) New Maps Fall 2021
- Ship Breaker and the Drowned Cities: Living When Lives Are Cheap, (ar) New Maps Winter 2022
- No User-Serviceable Parts Inside (A Tinker’s Damn), (ar) New Maps Spring 2022
- Whither English?, (ar) New Maps Fall 2022
- Introduction to the Magic Issue, (ed) New Maps Winter 2023
- The More We Get Together, (ar) New Maps Fall 2023
Bonvissuto, Steven A. (1964- ); used pseudonym Trevor Floyd (items)
- Animal, (ss) Not One of Us #4, November 1988, as by Trevor Floyd
- Defender, (ss) Dead of Night #5, Spring 1990, as by Trevor Floyd
- It Comes in Cycles, (nv) The Tome #6, 1990, as by Trevor Floyd
- The Scent of Magnolias, (ss) Thin Ice #11, 1992, as by Trevor Floyd
- Comes the Sandman, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #11, 1993, as by Trevor Floyd
- Depósito, (ss) Aberrations #18, March 1994, as by Trevor Floyd
- Open Graves, (ss) Spellbound #2, Summer 1994, as by Trevor Floyd
- Mrs. Depayoso, (ss) Terminal Fright #6, October/December 1994, as by Trevor Floyd
- Can I Play with My Pet?, (ss) Shadow Sword #4, November 1994, as by Trevor Floyd
- Psycho on My Train, (ss) Into the Darkness #3, 1995, as by Trevor Floyd
- Killing Frost, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #6, Winter 1997, as by Trevor Floyd
- Abandoned Cars, (ss) Night Terrors #5, November 1997, as by Trevor Floyd
- Burk’s All-American Hall of Mirrors, (ss) Night Terrors #12, December 2002
- The Girl of Raven, (ss) Glyph #11, 2003
- Dream of the Black Castle, (ss) Fantasy World Geographic Magazine #1, March 2005
Boodhoo, Thea (Kinyon) (fl. 2010s-2020s); used pseudonym T. K. Rex (about) (items)
- Growing Swirling Clouds, (ss) Terse February 22 2019
- A Layer Thin as Breath, (nv) Metaphorosis July 2019
- Gentle Dragon Fires (with Lezlie Kinyon), (ss) Strange Horizons January 17 2022, as by Lezlie Kinyon & T. K. Rex
- The Beast of the Shadow Gum Trees, (ss) New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine Fall 2022, as by T. K. Rex
- The Hall of Being, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #51, September 2022, as by T. K. Rex
- The Roots in the Box and the Roots in the Bones, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2023, as by T. K. Rex
- Squawker and Dolphin Swimming Together, (ss) Reckoning #7, Winter/Summer 2023, as by T. K. Rex
- Margot, the Clouds Will Part Again for Us, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #125, September 2023, as by T. K. Rex
- Hi from Shelling Point, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine October/November 2023, as by T. K. Rex
- Water, Which Laughs at All Things (with L. Ann Kinyon), (ss) New Edge Sword & Sorcery Magazine Winter 2023, as by L. Ann Kinyon & T. K. Rex
- The Hen and the Shadow of the Monstrance Street Commune, (ss) Haven Speculative #13, January 2024, as by T. K. Rex
- Davu the Explorer and the Druid Tía Yara, (ss) Roses & Wildflowers Spring 2024, as by T. K. Rex
- To Plant an Oak in Sand, (ss) Reckoning #9, Winter/Summer 2025, as by T. K. Rex
Book, David L. (fl. 1960s-1970s); used pseudonym Lincoln Albert (items)
- The Columbus Problem (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Stories November 1969
- The Columbus Problem: II (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Stories January 1970
- Is Anybody Out There? (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Stories March 1970
- Where Are They? (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Stories May 1970
- Color the Sky (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Stories July 1970
- Treaty (with Gregory Benford), (vi) Fantastic August 1970, as by Lincoln Albert
- What You Eat You Are (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories September 1970
- Not with a Whimper (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1970
- The Road to Hal (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1971
- The Ultimate City (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1971
- Biological Clocks, Geological Calendars (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1971
- Man’s Best Friend (with Gregory Benford), (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1971
- Standing Room Only—Cultural vs. Biological Evolution, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories March 1972
- The Scientist in Science Fiction, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1972
- A History of the Great Tachyon Flap, (ar) Amazing Science Fiction Stories January 1973
Boop, David (Wayne) (1968- ) (about) (items)
- Addictions, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v2 #1, 2006
- The Plagiarists, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v3 #1, 2007
- The Rag Doll Kid, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v3 #3, 2007
- Grismel Guffyfeld’s Quick Drawatorium, (ss) Science Fiction Trails #2, 2007
- The (Almost) Entirely Untrue Legend of John Henry, (ss) Steampunk Trails #2, August 2014
- The Great Wild West Writing Challenge (with John Howard & Joel Jenkins, et al.), (ms) Science Fiction Trails #11, 2014
- Edge of the Grave, (ss) Story Emporium #2, 2016
- Love…in the Time of the Weird West, (ss) Science Fiction Trails #14, 2019
- Crystal Blue Perception, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #52, September 2021
Boord, Angela (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Forget Me Not, (ss) Strange Horizons November 5 2001
- Ice for the King, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #5, February 2003
- Maenad, (ss) Lone Star Stories #7, February 2005
- The Only Gold Is Grass, (ss) Ideomancer June 2005
- Evergreen, (nv) Lone Star Stories #13, February 2006
- Roses in Winter, (ss) Grimdark Magazine #30, 2022
Booth, Frederic (fl. 1950s) (items)
- Want to Race?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1951
- Under the Disappearing Moon, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1951
- She’s No Slouch!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1951
- Make Way for the New, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1951
- Sing the Man a Song…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1951
- Oil—or Juice?, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1952
- You Can’t Get Away, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1952
- Angel on a Pin Point, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1952
- Clothes Save the Man, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1952
- Rockets Can Be Rough!, (ms) Amazing Stories May 1952
- The Arrow of Time, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1952
- The Pit of Gravity, (ms) Fantastic Adventures June 1952
- The Last of the Saucers?, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1952
- The Mystery of Thought, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1952
- Polish the Paint, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1952
- Killer Birds, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1952
- War, Murder or Stupidity?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1952
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