The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 941

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    Gothic Romances:   (about)

    Gothic Stories [v1 #4, May 1971] (50¢, 72pp+, large)
    • 2 · Who Is Vivian Greene? · Ruth Willock · ss
    • 11 · Hours to Kill [Part 2 of 2] · Ursula Curtiss · n. Dodd, Mead, 1961
    • 32 · The Manhood of Edward Robinson · Agatha Christie · ss The Grand Magazine December 1924, as “The Day of His Dreams”
    • 38 · Jane in Search of a Job · Agatha Christie · ss The Grand Magazine August 1924
    • 46 · Flowers from a Stranger · Dorothee Carousso · na Woman’s Home Companion June 1945 (+1)

    Grantville Gazette   (about)
    Indexing Grantville Gazette is a rather fraught exercise given that the early issues, at least existed in a variety of formats (online, ebook, print, etc.) which tended to vary slightly from one to the other. For simplicity this index will cover the issues as published on

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