The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 981
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Jorgensen, Ivar (fl. 1950s); house pseudonym used by Howard Browne (1908-1999), Harlan Ellison (1934-2018), Paul W. Fairman (1909-1977), Randall Garrett (1927-1987), Robert Silverberg (1935- ) & Henry Slesar (1927-2002) (about) (chron.)
- * And Then He Was Two, (ss) Fantastic June 1957
- * The Beast, (nv) Fantastic Adventures March 1953
- * Belly Laugh, (vi) Amazing Stories April/May 1953
- * Bleekman’s Planet, (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Imagination February 1957
- * Blessed Are the Murderous, (nv) Amazing Stories November 1954
- * The Blessed Assassins, (na) Amazing Stories October 1952
- * The Case of the Stripped Blonde, (ss) Imaginative Tales May 1956
- * Children of Chaos, (nv) (by Harlan Ellison) Amazing Stories November 1957
- * Coward’s Death, (ss) (by Henry Slesar) Fantastic December 1956
- * The Curse, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1953
- * Dark Miracle, (ss) Fantastic July 1957
- * Day of the Comet, (ss) Imagination October 1956
- * The Day the Gods Fell, (ss) Amazing Stories June/July 1953
- * Deadly City, (nv) (by Paul W. Fairman) If March 1953
- * The Genius, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1955
- * A Handful of Dust, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1951
- * Housemaid No. 103, (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Imaginative Tales November 1957
- * Ivar Jorgensen, (bg) Fantastic Adventures June 1951
- * Let’s Do It Again, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1955
- * Like a Silver Arrow, (ss) Imaginative Tales March 1956
- * The Lure of Galaxy A, (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Imaginative Tales March 1958
- * “Madam, I Have Here—”, (ss) Fantastic December 1955
- * The Man Who Talked to Bees, (ss) Amazing Stories July 1955
- * Meeting at the Summit, (ss) Imagination February 1956
- * Men Behind Fantastic Adventures:
* ___ Ivar Jorgensen, (bg) Fantastic Adventures June 1951
- * The Missing Symbol, (ss) (by Paul W. Fairman) Fantastic November/December 1952
- * Mystery at Mesa Flat, (ss) Imagination June 1956
- * Never Trust a Thief!, (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Imagination February 1958
- * New Year’s Eve—2000 A.D., (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Imaginative Tales September 1957
- * O’ Captain, My Captain, (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Fantastic August 1956
- * Operation Graveyard, (nv) Fantastic October 1957
- * Pattern in the Dust, (ss) Fantastic Adventures February 1952
- * Pause in Battle, (ss) Imaginative Tales May 1957
- * The Penal Cluster, (na) Amazing Stories September 1957
- * Pirates of the Void, (ss) (by Randall Garrett) Imaginative Tales July 1957
- * Plague Planet, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1955
- * Professor Mainbocher’s Planet, (na) Amazing Stories December 1955
- * Quest of the Golden Ape (with Stephen Marlowe), (n.) (by Paul W. Fairman) Amazing Stories Jan, Feb, Mar 1957, as by Adam Chase & Ivar Jorgensen
- * Rest in Agony, (na) (by Paul W. Fairman) Fantastic Adventures January 1952
- * The Runaway, (ss) Imaginative Tales November 1956
- * Secret Weapon, (nv) Fantastic September/October 1953
- * The Senator and the Robot, (nv) Amazing Stories August/September 1953
- * The Seventh Bottle, (nv) (by Howard Browne) Fantastic August 1954
- * Slaughter on Dornell IV, (ss) (by Randall Garrett & Robert Silverberg) Imagination April 1957
- * Something for the Woman, (ss) Fantastic March/April 1953
- * The Sore Spot, (nv) Fantastic February 1956
- * Space Traveler’s Revenge, (ss) Imaginative Tales July 1956
- * Success Story—Complete with Genie, (ss) Dream World May 1957
- * Tailor-Made Killers, (ss) (by Henry Slesar) Fantastic August 1957
- * The Thirty Thousand Stiffs, (nv) Amazing Stories January 1956
- * This Way Out, (ss) Amazing Stories February 1956
- * A Trip to Anywhen, (nv) Amazing Stories May 1956
- * Two to the Stars, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1955
- * The Vicar of Skeleton Cove, (nv) Fantastic December 1954
- * Whom the Gods Would Slay, (na) (by Paul W. Fairman) Fantastic Adventures June 1951
- * The Wishing Stone, (ss) Fantastic July/August 1953
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Jorgensen, Jeana (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Daddy Death, (pm) GlitterShip Spring 2018
- * King Wivern, (pm) Mirror Dance #38, Summer 2017
- * Moon, (pm) The Future Fire #49, 2019
- * Seasick, (pm) Strange Horizons July 24 2017
- * Secrets, (pm) Liminality #13, Autumn 2017
- * Walking on Knives, (pm) The Future Fire #50, 2019
- * What Happened to the 12th Dancing Princess (Circa 1946), (pm) Liminality #21, Autumn 2019
- * The Witch’s House, (pm) Liminality #15, Spring 2018
Joron, Andrew (fl. 1970s-2000s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Aging of Clones (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1982
- * All Equations Are Lesion’s Equal, (pm) Velocities #1, Summer 1982
- * Asleep in the Arms of Mother Night, (pm) Speculative Poetry Review #2, 1977
- * Awakening the Android, (pm) Argonaut #16, Summer 1992
- * Beacon, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1983
- * A Beautiful Disease, (pm) Pig Iron #10, 1982
- * Black God: Black Hole (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Ice River #2, Winter 1987
- * Bulletin from the Galactic Center, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1985
- * Cascade (with Lee Ballentine), (pm) Velocities #1, Summer 1982
- * Cities in Fog (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Strange Horizons November 30 2009
- * The Continued Aging of Clones (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Fungi #10, Summer 1986
- * Europe after the Rain (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Stories March 1990
- * Excavations: An Archaeological Fantasy (with Robert Frazier), (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 1984
- * Exiled of Worlds (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Stories September 1987
- * from the cycle Human Voices, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1981
- * Hegemony, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 1984
- * The Hermetic Prince, (pm) Amazing Stories March 1991
- * The Hunter: 20,000 A.D., (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1982
- * The Impossible Room, (pm) Grue #14, Summer 1992
- * The Inverted World, (pm) The Removes by Andrew Joron, Hard Press Editions, 1999
- * Invisible Machines (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic September 1984
- * Kaleidoscope of Dust, (pm) Grimoire #6, Fall 1983
- * The Lander’s Soliloquy, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1990
- * Living with Nuclear Weapons, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1988
- * The Magazine of Speculative Poetry, (br) Star*Line March/April 1987
- * The Memory in the Earth (with Robert Frazier, Kathryn Rantala & Gene Van Troyer), (pm) Last Wave v1 #2, 1984
- * A Memory of the Future #1 (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic June 1982
- * A Memory of the Future #2 (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic June 1982
- * More Reviews (with Bruce Boston), (rc) Star*Line September/October 1981
- * Nature Morte, (pm) Grimoire #2, Fall 1982
- * The Navigator, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1985
- * New Moon, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1992
- * Nostalgia for the Infinite (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1992
- * Oedipus-Mask of an American Inventor, (pm) Science Fiction by Andrew Joron, Pantograph Press, 1992
- * Original Rays (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1989
- * Palaces on Pluto?, (pm) Amazing Stories November 1986
- * Poe + Isis: A Rejoinder to Engh, (ar) Star*Line May/June 1989
- * Quotella, (??) Star*Line September/October 1981
- * Recent Spculative Works by Mainstream Poets: A Polemical Review—Part 2, (ar) Star*Line June 1979
- * Recent Speculative Works by Mainstream Poets: A Polemical Review, (br) Star*Line April 1979
- * A Re-Union of Selves (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic January 1984
- * Reviews (with Jaime Lee Moyer), (rc) Star*Line May/June 1981
- * Sanctuary, (pm) Ice River #5, October 1989
- * SF Poetry: A New Genre, (ar) Portland Review Fall 1981; delivered as a speech (“Is This Poetry, or Is This Science Fiction?”) at the 1980 World Science Fiction Convention.
- * Shipwrecked on Destiny Five, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1985
- * The Sonic Flowerfall of Primes, (pm) New Worlds #216, September 1979
- * Their Terminals Have Said (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic September 1981
- * The Timescope (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Fungi #12, Winter 1986
- * Time’s Gypsy Speaks to the Spinning Cube (with Robert Frazier), (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Winter 2004/2005
- * Titles from Tanguy (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Fungi Spring 1986
- * Two Walkers Across the Time Flats, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1981
- * Under the Chronopaths (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Paradox Summer 1982
- * Unmanned, (pm) Star*Line September/December 1989
- * Vehicular Man, (pm) Velocities #3, Fall/Winter 1983
- * The Wake of Gravity (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1985
- * The Weatherman, (pm) Science Fiction by Andrew Joron, Pantograph Press, 1992
- * The Webbed Axis, (pm) Grimoire #4, Spring 1983
- * What Clones Share When They Pass Beyond Their Corporeal Lifetimes (with Robert Frazier), (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry October/December 1988
- * The X Mass, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1990
- * [front cover], (cv) Star*Line September/October 1985
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Star*Line Jan/Feb 1981, Jan/Feb 1982, Mar/Apr 1985
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