The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Wetzel, George T. (1921-1983) (items)
- Some Thoughts on the Lovecraft Pattern—, (ar) Fantasy Commentator #12, Fall 1946 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- Something About Vampires, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1948
- On the Cthulhu Mythos, (ar) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1948
- An Analytical Approach to the Supernatural-Horror Tale, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1948
- A Tale of the Older Gods, (vi) The Fanscient Spring 1949
- The Church Ghost, (ss) Destiny Fall 1950
- Lovecraft’s Amateur Press Works, (bi) Destiny Summer/Fall 1951
- Anonymous (with Malcolm Willits), (ss) Destiny Winter 1951/Spring 1952
- The Ghoul-Changeling, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1951/1952
- A Lovecraft Randomonium, (ar) Destiny Winter 1951/Spring 1952
- Weaver of Nightmares, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Spring/Summer 1952 [Ref. Edward Lucas White]
- Lovecraft’s Professionally Published Works, (ar) Operation Fantast Winter 1952
- The Dream-Gate and Other Matters, (ar) Fantasias #4, 1954
- Amateur Press Works, (bi) HPL: Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies ed. George T. Wetzel, SSR Publications, 1955 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- The Cthulhu Mythos: A Study, (ar) HPL: Memoirs, Critiques and Bibliographies ed. George T. Wetzel, SSR Publications, 1955 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- The Entity, (ss) The Gothic Horror and Other Stories by George T. Wetzel, 1955
- Genesis of the Cthulhu Mythos, (ar) Fantastic Story Magazine 1955
- Shadow Game, (vi) The Arkham Collector #10, Summer 1971
- A Lovecraft Profile, (bg) Nyctalops #8, April 1973 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- Nightmare House, (ss) HPL Supplement #2, July 1973
- Night on Fort Carroll, (ss) Weirdbook #7, 1973
- Poison Pen, (vi) From Beyond the Dark Gateway #3, 1974
- A Memoir of Jack Grill, (bg) HPL Supplement #3, 1974 [Ref. Jack Grill]
- The Adventure of Gosnell [Charles Gosnell], (vi) From Beyond the Dark Gateway #4, 1977
- Jumbee, (ss) Weirdbook #11, 1977
- Glamis Castle and Sandoz’ “The Maze”, (ar) Nyctalops #14, March 1978
- Lovecraft’s Literary Executor, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1978/1979 [Ref. Robert H. Barlow & August Derleth]
- Edward Lucas White: Notes for a Biography, (bg) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1979/1980, etc. [Ref. Edward Lucas White]
- Comments on “The Light-House”, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe & Robert Bloch]
Wexler, Django (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Einstein Versus Satan, (ss) Aphelion #28, September 1999
- The Changing of the Guard, (ss) Aphelion #31, December 1999
- Darkness in Summertime, (ss) Aphelion #35, April 2000
- Compassion, (ss) Aphelion #36, May/June 2000
- The Penitent Damned [The Shadow Campaigns], (nv) self-published, 2013
- The End of the War, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2015
- Judge’s Comments, (ms) Elegant Literature #12, November 2022
Wexler, Robert Freeman (1961- ) (about) (items)
- Suspension, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #8, June 2001
- Indifference, (ss) Full Unit Hookup #1, Spring 2002
- Tales of the Golden Legend, (ss) The Third Alternative #30, Spring 2002
- Circus of the Grand Design, (ex) Prime Books, 2004
- Travels Along an Unfurling Circular Path, (ss) Electric Velocipede #10, Spring 2006
- Darkness, and Darkness, (ss) The Dragons of the Night ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2016
Whalbring, Marcus (fl. 2020s) (items)
- Hunger, (pm) Abyss & Apex #83, 3rd Quarter 2022
- We Needed Bread, (pm) Space and Time #142, Fall/Winter 2022
- A Local TV Weatherman Describes the Apocalypse, (pm) Strange Horizons October 10 2022
- The Man in Our Basement, (pm) The Chamber Magazine May 5 2023
- There’s a Strange Light Coming from CVS Tonight, (pm) The Chamber Magazine May 5 2023
- Stairs Appeared in My Backyard One Night, (pm) Haven Speculative #9, June 2023
- Self Portrait of Myself, Except My Parents Are Monsters, (pm) Ghostlight Spring 2024
Whalen, John M. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Tulon Station [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #6, September 15 2006
- Kiss Me Now, Kill Me Later [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #7, October 1 2006
- … In the Waste Howling Wilderness… [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #9, November 1 2006
- Carbonville [Jack Brand], (sl) Ray Gun Revival #16, February 15 2007, etc.
- The Eight Arms of Death [Jack Brand], (sl) Ray Gun Revival #23, June 1 2007, etc.
- Tulip [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #27, August 1 2007
- The Secret Treasure of Dar-Zul [Jack Brand], (sl) Ray Gun Revival #32, October 15 2007, etc.
- Wise Men [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #36, December 15 2007
- An Iron Clad Contract [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #40, February 15 2008
- A Couple of Hours in Coreytown [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #43, May 2008
- Fear Lies Waiting [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #44, June 2008
- Wishbone Pass [Jack Brand], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #45, July 2008
- The Vincent Stone Affair [Frank Carson], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #47, October 2008
- The Alexander Cochran Affair [Frank Carson], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #48, November 2008
- The Great Author Affair [Frank Carson], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #50, January 2009
- Fire Creek, (ss) Science Fiction Trails #4, 2009
- Forever Eden [Frank Carson], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #55, 2009
- The Great Author Affair [Frank Carson], (ss) Ray Gun Revival #50, January 2009
- Wildness, (ss) Science Fiction Trails #5, 2010
- The Man Who Had No Soul, (ss) Science Fiction Trails #7, 2011
- The Edgar Rice Burroughs Movie I’d Like to See, (ar) Amazing Stories August 2012
Whalen, Tom (fl. 1980s-2020s) (items)
- The Cataclysmic Variables, (pm) Velocities #3, Fall/Winter 1983
- Lustspielabend, (pm) Velocities #3, Fall/Winter 1983
- [untitled], (pm) Velocities #3, Fall/Winter 1983
- The Larger Bodies, (pm) Ice River #3, Summer 1988
- Adrift, (pm) Velocities #5, Winter 1988
- Here in Domehead, (vi) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #15, September 1989
- The Sound, (pm) Chasm: A Journal of the Macabre Summer 1996
- Concerning the Vampire, (ex) Obscure Publications, 2001
- The Man on the Plane, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #52, November 2014
- The Arrival, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #83, August 2022
- Lisbon, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #83, August 2022
- Tableau Vivant, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #83, August 2022
- Angst, My Death, and Inside My Head It’s Snowing, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #85, February 2023
What, Leslie (1955- ); also known as Leslie What Glasser (items)
- King for a Day, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1992
- Clinging to a Thread, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1994
- Designated Hater, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1994
- Compatability Clause, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1995
- Magic Carpets, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 1995
- How to Feed Your Inner Troll, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 1995
- Things the Mirror Sees, (ss) Talebones #2, Winter 1996
- Uncle Gorby and the Baggage Ghost, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1996
- Goddess Is Alive and, Well, Living in New York City, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1996
- In His Pants, (ss) Talebones #6, Winter 1997
- Mothers’ Day, (ss) Realms of Fantasy February 1997
- A Dark Fire, Burning from Within, (ss) Realms of Fantasy June 1997
- Smelling of Earth, Dreaming of Sky, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1997
- Story of Creation, (pm) Talebones #10, Winter 1998
- Say Woof, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 1998
- Going Vampire, (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 1998
- The Cost of Doing Business, (ss) Amazing Stories Winter 1999
- Picture a World Where All Men Are Named Harry, (ss) Quantum Speculative Fiction ed. Kurt Roth, Obscura Press, 1999
- Nothing Without a Name, (ss) Talebones #19, Spring 2000
- The Morning After, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2000
- Things Don’t Always Turn Out Like We Plan, (ss) Realms of Fantasy December 2000
- ’Goyles in the Hood, (ss) Black Gate Summer 2001
- Paper Mates, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2001
- I Remember Marta, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #9, November 2001
- Grease and Sex at the King of Chicken, (ss) Journal of Pulse-Pounding Narratives #1, 2002
- Of Two Minds, (vi) Infinite Matrix September 3 2002
- Blind Date with the Invisible Man, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 1 ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2002
- That Jellyfish Man Keeps A-Rollin, (ss) The Third Alternative #29, 2002
- Babies, (ss) The Third Alternative #34, Spring 2003
- The Changeling, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #13, November 2003
- Love Me, (vi) Infinite Matrix June 8 2004
- The Mutable Borders of Love, (ss) Amazing Stories November 2004
- 2:30, (ss) Strange Horizons December 13 2004
- Dead Men on Vacation, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2005
- Aliens Captured Me, Implanted Alien Cookies in My Brain, Used Anal Probes, Left Me Naked in a Cornfield, and All I Got Was This T-Shirt, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2006
- Frankenfetish, (ss) Flytrap #7, May 2007
- Number One#1, (ss) Electric Velocipede #14, Spring 2008
- Money Is No Object, (vi) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2008
- My Big Night Out with Thing, (ss) Flurb #11, Spring/Summer 2011
- Big Feet, (ss) Unstuck #1, 2011
- Counter, (ss) Flurb #13, Spring 2012
- Satiric Speculation and Short Stories by Carol Emshwiller, (ar) Phantom Drift #3, October 2013 [Ref. Carol Emshwiller]
- Tilt, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2023
- Wayback, (ss) Khōréō v4 #2, 2024
- Olympic Games, (ex)
Whateley, C(harles) D(aniel); pseudonym of Charles Lovecraft (1955- ) (items)
- Voyager, (pm) The Australian Horror and Fantasy Magazine #3, Winter 1984
- Gypsy Song, (pm) Eldritch Tales #15, 1988
- Lady Night, (pm) Eldritch Tales #17, 1988
- Worms, (pm) Fantasy Tales, v.11 #3 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1989
- At the Door of the Dwarf and Unicorn, (pm) Eldritch Tales #25, Spring 1991
- Hecate II, (pm) Nyctalops #19, April 1991
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