The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 548
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Good, Dan (items)
- A Single Star, (pm) Dead Lines #1, January 1995
- One Cold Rainy Night, (pm) Dead Lines #2, May 1995
- White Death, Ghost of Death, (pm) Dead Lines #2, May 1995
- Car Shadow, (pm) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
- Dream #12, (pm) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
- Star Light, Star Bright, (pm) Dead Lines #3, November 1995
Good, Julie R. (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- The Hawks’ Road, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #2, March 1993
- Elinor’s Particle Theory of Death, (vi) Pirate Writings #12, 1996
- Jigsaw, (ss) Not One of Us #18, September 1997
- The Living Lake, (ss) Cemetery Dance #35, 2001
- Fog, (ss) Paradox #4, January 1 2004
Goodavage, Joseph F. (1925-1989) (about) (items)
- [letter from New York 24, NY], (lt) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1962, etc.
- The First Science, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1962
- Crucial Experiment #2, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction November 1962
- Crucial Experiment #3, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction December 1962
- Crucial Experiment #4, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction January 1963
- Crucial Experiment #5, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction February 1963
- Crucial Experiment #6, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction March 1963
- Report on Crucial Experiment: December, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction May 1963
- Report on Crucial Experiment: January, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction June 1963
- Report on Crucial Experiment: February, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction July 1963
- Report on Crucial Experiment: March, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction August 1963
- [letter from Flushing 54, NY], (lt) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction May 1964
- [letter from New York], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1966, etc.
- Situation of Some Gravity, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1968
- Magic: Science of the Future?, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact December 1972
- An Interview with Carl Sagan, (iv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1976 [Ref. Carl Sagan]
- An Interview with T. Galen Hieronymus [Psionics], (iv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact January 1977 [Ref. T. Galen Hieronymus]
- Skyquakes, Earthlights, and E.M. Fields, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact September 1978
- Astrometeorology, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1983
Goodfellow, Cody (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Grinding Rock, (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #5, Winter 2005
- Burning Names, (ss) Cemetery Dance #51, 2005
- A Drop of Ruby, (ss) The Third Alternative #41, Spring 2005
- Feast of the Ixiptla, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #15, Summer 2005
- Venus of Santa Cruz, (ss) Lullaby Hearse #6, 2005
- The Santero, (ss) Horror Carousel #5, Spring 2007
- The Love Parade, (ss) Bare Bone #10, 2007
- Baby Teeth, (ss) Dark Discoveries #11, Spring 2008
- Atwater, (ss) Black Static #4, April/May 2008
- The Squonk Hunt, (ss) Flurb #7, Spring/Summer 2009
- The Traveling Salesman, (ss) Bare Bone #11, 2009
- Rapture of the Deep, (ss) Dark Discoveries #15, Fall 2009
- At the Riding School, (ss) The Bleeding Edge ed. William F. Nolan & Jason V. Brock, Cycatrix Press, 2009
- Wasted on the Young, (ss) Cemetery Dance #62, 2009
- Artists Only, (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #3, Winter 2010
- Night of the Katzenjammers, (cs) Dark Discoveries #16, Winter/Spring 2010
- Bloom Where You’re Planed, (ss) Allen K’s Inhuman Magazine #5, Fall 2011
- Earthworms, (ss) Midnight Echo #6, November 2011
- The Fat of the Land, (nv) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #10, Fall 2013
- The Barham Offramp Playhouse, (ss) Shock Totem #8, January 2014
- Livingstone, (ss) Weirdbook #37, 2017
- Insights: Christine Morgan, (iv) Forbidden Futures #1, Summer 2018 [Ref. Christine Morgan]
- Insights: Jeffrey Thomas, (iv) Forbidden Futures #1, Summer 2018 [Ref. Jeffrey Thomas]
- The Past Demands a Rematch: Passion, Persistence & the Pulchritudinous Power of Pulp, (ed) Forbidden Futures #1, Summer 2018
- Goodfellow’s Guide to the Old Ones, (ar) Forbidden Futures #2, Fall 2018
- Lovecraft Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry, (ed) Forbidden Futures #2, Fall 2018
- Squatters’ Rights, (ss) Black Static #65, September/October 2018
- Exiled from Middle Earth: How Fantasy Failed Us, (ed) Forbidden Futures #3, Winter 2018
- Uncle Krust’s Dungeon Bastard’s Guide to Fantastic Beasts, (ms) Forbidden Futures #3, Winter 2018
- Uncle Krust’s Guide to Men, (vi) Forbidden Futures #4, Spring 2019
- Uncle Krust’s Guide to Nocturnal Visitors, (vi) Forbidden Futures #5, Summer 2019
- Massaging the Monster, (ss) Black Static #70, July/August 2019
- The Touring Car, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #30, August 2019
- The Gernsback Referendum: Send More Space Opera, (ed) Forbidden Futures #6, Fall 2019
- Uncle Krust’s Guide to Heroes & Villains of the Spaceways, (vi) Forbidden Futures #6, Fall 2019
- The Sister City, (nv) Nowhereville ed. C. Dombrowski & Scott Gable, Broken Eye Books, 2019
- In Praise of Sex and Violence, (ed) Forbidden Futures #7, Spring 2020
- Uncle Krust’s Guide to Female Lady-Types, (ms) Forbidden Futures #7, Spring 2020
- Asleep in the Deep End, (nv) Black Static #75, May/June 2020
- Run the Table, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #41, October 2020
- My Heroes Have Always Been Monsters, (ed) Forbidden Futures #8, Winter 2020
- The Flying None, (ex) Dark Moon Digest #43, April 2021
- The Corpse’s Crusade [Zothique], (cs) Forbidden Futures #9, Chaos Magick 2021
- Greed, Flesh, and Fantasy, (ed) Forbidden Futures #9, Chaos Magick 2021
- 100 Punks, (ed) Forbidden Futures #10, All Punk 2023
- Stone Skin, (ss) Forbidden Futures #12, Back to the Stone Age 2024
- A Visit from the God Squad, (ss) Forbidden Futures #10, Beyond Tomorrow 2024
- Black Sacrament, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- The Usurper of Dreams, (ss) Forbidden Futures #13, Belief Systems 2024
- Queen of the Rodeo, (ss) Nightmare #143, August 2024
Goodlett, Paula (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Poor Little Rich Girls [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v4, 2005
- Susan’s Story [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v5, 2005
- Old Folks’ Music [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v6, 2006
- Assistant Editor’s Preface, (ed) Grantville Gazette v7, 2006, etc.
- Mass Media in the 1632 Universe [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ar) Grantville Gazette v7, 2006
- Trommler Records [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v7, 2006
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 1: A Russian Noble [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v8, 2006
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 2: A ’Merican in Moscow [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v9, 2006
- If at First You Don’t Succeed… [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v9, 2006
- Try, Try Again [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v9, 2006
- Waves of Change [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v9, 2006
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 3: Boris, Natasha…But Where’s Bullwinkle [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v10, 2007
- The Salon [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v10, 2007
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 4: A Dissertation on the Value of Freedom and Security [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v11, 2007
- Wish Book [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (nv) Grantville Gazette v11, 2007
- The Monster [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (nv) Grantville Gazette v12, 2007
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 5: The Dog and Pony Show [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v13, 2007
- The Spark of Inspiration (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v13, 2007
- From the Badlands (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe October 2007
- Mrs. Schumacher [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v14, 2007
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 6: The Polish Incident, or, The Wet Firecracker War [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v15, 2008
- Doc [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v16, 2008
- Bunny B. Goode [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (nv) Grantville Gazette v17, 2008
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 7: The Bureaucrats Are Revolting [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v18, 2008
- High Road to Venice [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (nv) Grantville Gazette v19, 2008
- In the Army Now [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v21, 2009
- Butterflies in the Kremlin, Part 8: As the Bear Turns [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v22, 2009
- A Nerd at Sea [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v25, 2009
- The Beckies [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v35, 2011
- Credit Where It’s Due [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v36, 2011
- The Arrow [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (nv) Grantville Gazette v38, 2011
- Ball Whats? [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v39, 2012
- The Porcelain Throne [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v39, 2012
- Anna Nicole…Bozarth? [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v40, 2012
- Fresno Construction [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v41, 2012
- Gloom, Despair and Agony on You [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v43, 2012
- Bartley’s Man [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (sl) Grantville Gazette v46, 2013, etc.
- Contraflow!, (ar) Grantville Gazette v47, 2013
- Murder at the Higgins [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v49, 2013
- The Problem with Demons (with Eric Flint & Gorg Huff), (ss) Grantville Gazette v76, 2018
- Escape from Moscow [1632] (with Gorg Huff), (nv) 1632 & Beyond #2, November 2023
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