The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 307
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Crowther, Peter (items) (continued)
- Noir? Nah!, (rc) Interzone #127, January 1998
- Timequake, (br) Interzone #127, January 1998 [Ref. Kurt Vonnegut]
- Wizard and Glass, (br) Interzone #127, January 1998 [Ref. Stephen King]
- Fear Nothing, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Dean Koontz]
- The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Joe Lansdale]
- Hell House, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Richard Matheson]
- I Am Legend, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Richard Matheson]
- The Illustrated Man, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- The October Country, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- Shadowland, (br) Interzone #129, March 1998 [Ref. Peter Straub]
- Warts and All, (rc) Interzone #129, March 1998
- Eye of the Beholder, (br) Interzone #132, June 1998 [Ref. Ed Gorman]
- Front-Page McGuffin and the Greatest Story Never Told, (nv) Black Cats and Broken Mirrors ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 1998
- Kissing the Beehive, (br) Interzone #132, June 1998 [Ref. Jonathan Carroll]
- The Stormwatcher, (br) Interzone #132, June 1998 [Ref. Graham Joyce]
- Surf’s Up, (rc) Interzone #132, June 1998
- Bag of Bones, (br) Interzone #137, November 1998 [Ref. Stephen King]
- Eyes of Prey, (br) Interzone #137, November 1998 [Ref. Barry Hoffman]
- Head Injuries, (br) Interzone #137, November 1998 [Ref. Conrad Williams]
- Journey Into Space, (rv) Interzone #137, November 1998 [Ref. Charles Chilton]
- Telling It All, (rc) Interzone #137, November 1998
- All Human Life… and Then Some, (rc) Interzone #141, March 1999
- Cornered, (cl) The Third Alternative #18, 1999, etc.
- Double Edge, (br) Interzone #141, March 1999 [Ref. Dennis Etchison]
- The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, (br) Cemetery Dance #31, 1999, etc. [Ref. Stephen King]
- Slaughtermatic, (br) Interzone #141, March 1999 [Ref. Steve Aylett]
- So Long, See You Tomorrow, (br) Interzone #141, March 1999 [Ref. William Maxwell]
- The Wilds, (br) Interzone #141, March 1999 [Ref. Richard Laymon]
- A Writer’s Tale, (br) Interzone #141, March 1999 [Ref. Richard Laymon]
- Batter Up!, (rc) Interzone #143, May 1999
- The Day the Music Died, (br) Interzone #143, May 1999 [Ref. Ed Gorman]
- The Dead Past, (br) Interzone #143, May 1999 [Ref. Tom Piccirilli]
- No Good from a Corpse, (br) Interzone #143, May 1999 [Ref. Leigh Brackett]
- Spree, (br) Interzone #143, May 1999 [Ref. Lucy Taylor]
- Being Music, (rv) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Clive Barker]
- Dark Fantastic, (rc) Interzone #147, September 1999
- 411, (br) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Ray Garton]
- Indigo, (br) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Graham Joyce]
- Long, Long Ago, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away., (ar) The Third Alternative #20, 1999
- The Marriage of Sticks, (br) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Jonathan Carroll]
- Mule Variations, (rv) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Tom Waits]
- Stephen King Live!, (rv) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Stephen King]
- What You Make It, (br) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Michael Marshall Smith]
- When the Feast Is Finished, (br) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- The Winchester Horror, (br) Interzone #147, September 1999 [Ref. William F. Nolan]
- Late Night Pick-Up, (nv) Alien Abductions ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW, 1999
- Crowther’s Corner, (cl) The Third Alternative #21, 1999, etc.
- An Interview with Tim Lebbon, (iv) infinity plus November 2000 [Ref. Tim Lebbon]
- In Mendaala, with the Rains, (pm) Fables Winter 2000
- Drifting Apart, (nv) Horror Garage #3, 2001
- The Funny Pages, (cl) Interzone #194, September/October 2004
- Once Upon a Time…, (ed) Postscripts #3, Spring 2005
- Thoughtful Breaths, (na) Subterranean #1, 2005
- 25: Celebrating 25 Years of Interzone, (ms) Interzone #212, September/October 2007
- Also Known As, (ss) Subterranean #6, 2007
- Edward Miller: An Appreciation, (iv) Subterranean #6, 2007 [Ref. Edward Miller]
- Birthday Wishes and Greetings, (ms) Farmerphile #11, January 2008
- Leaves, (nv) British Invasion ed. Christopher Golden, Tim Lebbon & James A. Moore, Cemetery Dance Publications, 2009
- Editorial, (ed) Postscripts BSFA Sampler 2009
- Memories, (ss) Cemetery Dance #63, 2010
- A Multiplicity of Phaedra Lament, (ss) Fables from the Fountain ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press, 2011
- Rustle, (cs) Grave Tales #7, June 2013; adapted by Joe Hill
- Joe Hill, (ar) Cemetery Dance #74/75, 2016
- Songs of Leaving, (ss) Mardi Gras Madness ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, Cumberland House, 2000
- Thanksgiving, (ex)
Cruz, Vida (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- To Megan, with Half My Heart, (ss) The Silliman Journal July/December 2013
- First Play for and by Tikbalang Triggers Uproar on Opening Night, (ss) Philippine Speculative Fiction 9 ed. Charles Tan & Andrew Drilon, Kestrel & Flipside, 2014
- Ink: A Love Story, (ss) Lontar #7, Autumn 2016
- Song of the Mango, (nv) Lontar #10, Spring 2018
- Have Your #Hugot Harvested at This Diwata-Owned Café, (ss) Strange Horizons May 4 2020
- We Are the Mountain: A Look at the Inactive Protagonist, (ar) Fantasy Magazine #70, August 2021
Csernica, Lillian (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Fallen Idol, (ss) After Hours Winter 1992
- Maeve, (ss) Not One of Us #10, April 1993
- Masquerade, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #6, 1993
- Saving Grace, (ss) Space & Time #82, Fall 1993
- Evil Sirens Sweetly Singing, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #10, 1993
- The Screaming Key, (ss) Terminal Fright #3, March/April 1994
- Dark Water, (ss) The Urbanite #5, 1995
- Book Reviews, (rc) Dark Regions & Horror Magazine #11, Winter 1999
- The Family Spirit, (ss) Weird Tales Winter 2000/2001
- Music Lover, (ss) Insatiable #1, October 2012
Cthew, Lew; pseudonym of James Ambuehl (1961- ) (items)
- An Appreciation of “He Hunts”, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #3, 1983
- Nightmare, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #3, 1983
- The Crypt, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v1 #4, 1984
- Kappa Alpha Tau, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v1 #4, 1984
- The Song of Cthulhu, (ss) The Arkham Sampler v2 #2, 1984
- Acolyte of the Arcane: Henry Kuttner, (ar) Etchings & Odysseys #4, 1984 [Ref. Henry Kuttner]
- Sculpture [Cthulhu], (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- Maker of Illusion, (ss) The Arkham Sampler v3 #1, 1985
- Dythalla, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #7, 1985
- The Outcast, (vi) Etchings & Odysseys #7, 1985
- He Knew, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- Madness in Haiti (with David Stall), (nv) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #2, 1986, as by Areth Bey & Lew Cthew
- The Outsider, (pm) Eldritch Tales #24, Winter 1990
- Where Walks Istasha, (pm) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- The Critique, (vi) Crypt of Cthulhu #78, St. John’s Eve 1991
- Ragnalla, (pm)
Cuba, Gary (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Mrs. Schrödinger’s Cat, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe August 2007
- For the Cause of the Saints, (ss) Abyss & Apex #36, 4th Quarter 2010
- Firing Squad, (vi) Flash Fiction Online December 2010
- The Machine Whisperer, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #47, 2010
- Another Day at the Collider, (ss) New Myths #14, March 2011
- The Songs of Eridani, (sl) The Colored Lens #1, Autumn 2011, etc.
- For the Love of Sin, (ss) Grantville Gazette v38, 2011
- A Courtly Diversion, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss December 2011
- The Anubis Plague, (ss) Abyss & Apex #43, 3rd Quarter 2012
- The Nine Billion Pixels of Samsara, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #53, 2012
- On the Train to Cairo, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #53, 2012
- Buck and the Twee Fairies of Interstate 20, (ss) Conjurings #1, June 2013
- Packing Density, (ss) Perihelion August 12 2013
- Five Stages of Future Grief, (ss) Perihelion January 12 2014
- Granny’s Time, (ss) Penumbra (online) January 2014
- How to Lose the One You Love, (vi) Nature Physics February 2014
- Fixing Falls, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #60, 2014
- How Far Is Heaven?, (ar) Perihelion March 12 2016
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