The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1095
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Pohl, Frederik (George, Jr.) (items) (continued)
- Starman’s Quest, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- The Stars Are Too High, (br) If January 1960, etc. [Ref. Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr.]
- The Transcendent Man, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Jerry Sohl]
- Tros of Samothrace, (br) If January 1960 [Ref. Talbot Mundy]
- The Day the Icicle Works Closed, (nv) Galaxy Magazine February 1960
- Dinosaurs, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Darlene Geis]
- Echo in the Skull, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. John Brunner]
- A Handbook of Science Fiction and Fantasy, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Donald H. Tuck]
- Journey to the Center of the Earth, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Jules Verne]
- Looking at the Stars, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Michael W. Ovenden]
- The Mutant Weapon, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Murray Leinster]
- The Other Side of the Sky, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- Out of the Sky, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. H. H. Nininger]
- The Pirates of Zan, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Murray Leinster]
- Power Unlimited!, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Abraham & Rebecca B. Marcus]
- Rocket to Limbo, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Alan E. Nourse]
- Skyport, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Curt Siodmak]
- Soap Bubbles, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Charles Vernon Boys]
- Tomorrow the Moon!, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Abraham & Rebecca B. Marcus]
- A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. Anthony Boucher]
- When the Sleeper Wakes, (br) If March 1960 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- Beyond the Night, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Cornell Woolrich]
- The Dark Destroyers, (br) If May 1960, etc. [Ref. Manly Wade Wellman]
- Deals with the Devil, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Basil Davenport]
- First to the Stars, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Rex Gordon]
- Gödel’s Proof, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Ernest Nagel & James R. Newman]
- Immortality, Inc, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
- Logic Machines and Diagrams, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Martin Gardner]
- Man of Many Minds, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. E. Everett Evans]
- The Man Who Could Cheat Death, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Barre Lyndon & Jimmy Sangster]
- The Outward Urge, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. John Wyndham & Lucas Parkes]
- Planet in Peril, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. John Christopher]
- The Planet Killers, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- Science Fiction Showcase, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Mary Kornbluth]
- The Sea People, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Adam Lukens]
- Siege of the Unseen, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- The War Against the Rull, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- We Claim These Stars!, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Poul Anderson]
- We Who Survived, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. Sterling Noel]
- The World Swappers, (br) If May 1960 [Ref. John Brunner]
- Drunkard’s Walk, (n.) Galaxy Magazine June 1960, etc.
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Ninth Series, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Robert P. Mills]
- Dr. Futurity, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- The Man with Nine Lives, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- The Martian in the Attic, (ss) If July 1960
- Methuselah’s Children, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- The Mind Readers, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. S. G. Soal & H. T. Bowden]
- New Maps of Hell, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Kingsley Amis]
- Slavers of Space, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. John Brunner]
- Space Prison, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Tom Godwin]
- Starship, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Brian Aldiss]
- Strange World of the Moon, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. V. A. Firsoff]
- A Touch of Infinity, (br) If July 1960 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
- And Then the Town Took Off, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Richard Wilson]
- Earth’s Last Fortress, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- Fallout, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. John M. Fowler]
- Fire Past the Future, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Charles Eric Maine]
- Islands in the Sky, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- Lost in Space, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. George O. Smith]
- Lost Race of Mars, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- A Medicine for Melancholy, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Ray Bradbury]
- The Oscillating Universe, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Ernst J. Opik]
- Out of Bounds, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Judith Merril]
- Out of the Silent Planet, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. C. S. Lewis]
- The Sioux Spacemen, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Andre Norton]
- The Sound of His Horn, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Sarban]
- Stadium Beyond the Stars, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Milton Lesser]
- Strange Relations, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Philip José Farmer]
- Tales to Be Told in the Dark, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Basil Davenport]
- The Tomorrow People, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Judith Merril]
- To the End of Time, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Robert Moore Williams]
- Unearthly Neighbors, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Chad Oliver]
- The Unexpected Dimension, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Algis Budrys]
- World of the Masterminds, (br) If September 1960 [Ref. Robert Moore Williams]
- And There Was Light, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Rudolph Thiel]
- Beyond, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Theodore Sturgeon]
- Bow Down to Nul, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Brian W. Aldiss]
- The Climacticon, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Harold Livingston]
- Eight Keys to Eden, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Mark Clifton]
- From Zero to Infinity, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Constance Reid]
- Galaxies Like Grains of Sand, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Brian Wilson Aldiss]
- The Genetic General, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Gordon R. Dickson]
- Invisible Men, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Basil Davenport]
- The Lost World, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. A. Conan Doyle]
- Nine Tomorrows, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- Notions Unlimited, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
- Time to Teleport, (br) If November 1960 [Ref. Gordon R. Dickson]
- Best Stories of H. G. Wells, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- The Challenge of the Sea, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- The Glory That Was, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- Next Door to the Sun, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Stanton A. Coblentz]
- Solomon’s Stone, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
- Star of Stars, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Frederik Pohl]
- The Status Civilization, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
- The Swordsman of Mars, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Otis Adelbert Kline]
- Venus Plus X, (br) If January 1961 [Ref. Theodore Sturgeon]
- A Gentle Dying (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) Galaxy Magazine June 1961
- Punch, (ss) Playboy June 1961
- The Quaker Cannon (with C. M. Kornbluth), (nv) Analog Science Fact—Fiction August 1961
- The Abominable Earthman, (nv) Galaxy Magazine October 1961
- The World of Myrion Flowers (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1961
- Way Out There, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1961
- Critical Mass (with C. M. Kornbluth), (nv) Galaxy Magazine February 1962
- The Martian Star-Gazers, (fa) Galaxy Magazine February 1962, as by Ernst Mason
- What’s in It for Us?, (ed) Galaxy Magazine February 1962
- Who Else but You?, (ed) If March 1962
- Footnotes Up Front, (ed) Galaxy Magazine April 1962
- Jots and Tittles, (ed) If May 1962
- The Deadly Mission of Phineas Snodgrass, (ss) Galaxy Magazine June 1962
- From the Editor’s Notebook—Honest!, (ed) If July 1962
- Three Portraits and a Prayer, (ss) Galaxy Magazine August 1962
- Which Way Is Progress?, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1962
- Chemistry Creates a New World, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. Bernard Jaffe]
- The Human Brain, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. John Pfieffer]
- Living Earth, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. Peter Farb]
- Maya, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. Charles Gallenkamp]
- Nine Planets, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. Alan E. Nourse]
- The Road to Man, (br) If September 1962 [Ref. Herbert Wendt]
- The Worlds of Science, (rc) If September 1962
- The Business of Being Bad, (ed) Galaxy Magazine October 1962
- Plague of Pythons, (n.) Galaxy Magazine October 1962, etc.
- On Binary Digits and Human Habits, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1962
- Opportunity Knocked—But No One Was Home, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1962
- The Five Hells of Orion, (nv) If January 1963
- Honor for Prophets, (ed) Galaxy Magazine February 1963
- Dramatis Personae, (ed) Galaxy Magazine April 1963
- Now That Tomorrow’s Here, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow June 1963
- Of Worms and Men, (ed) Galaxy Magazine June 1963
- The Reefs of Space [Starchild] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) If July 1963, etc.
- Hindsight and Foresight, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1963
- Spacewar, 1963, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1963
- Notes from the Editor’s Pad, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow October 1963
- What’s the Score?, (ed) Galaxy Magazine October 1963
- The Dragon Masters, (br) Galaxy Magazine December 1963 [Ref. Jack Vance]
- Galaxy’s Five Star Shelf (with Theodore Sturgeon), (rc) Galaxy Magazine December 1963
- On People and Pi, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow December 1963
- Science—Sacred & Profane, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1963
- Spectrum II, (br) Galaxy Magazine December 1963 [Ref. Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest]
- The World of Flying Saucers, (br) Galaxy Magazine December 1963 [Ref. Donald H. Menzel & Lyle G. Boyd]
- The Sky Is Falling (with Lester del Rey), (na) Magabook #1, 1963, as by Lester del Rey
- The Paper Tiger, (ed) Galaxy Magazine February 1964
- Reading and Writing, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow February 1964
- Earth Eighteen, (fa) Galaxy Magazine April 1964, as by Ernst Mason
- How to Talk Science, (ed) Galaxy Magazine April 1964
- Stars and Cities, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow April 1964
- Ode to a Skylark, (ed) If May 1964
- All We Unemployed, (ed) Galaxy Magazine June 1964
- Renaissance Man, Mark II, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow June 1964
- Now That We’re Monthly—, (ed) If July 1964
- Chess and the Giant Brains, (ed) If August 1964
- Immortality—and After, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1964
- Politics—21st Century Style, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1964
- The Children of Night, (nv) Galaxy Magazine October 1964
- Seeing Stars, (ed) Galaxy Magazine October 1964
- Father of the Stars, (nv) If November 1964
- How to Be Human, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1964
- Seconds on Firsts, (ed) If November 1964
- Old Names and New, (ed) If December 1964
- Spacemen & Lawmen, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1964
- Computers and the World of the Future, (br) If January 1965 [Ref. Martin Greenberger]
- God, Golem and Tomorrow, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow January 1965
- Starchild [Starchild] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) If January 1965, etc.
- Worlds of When…, (ed) If January 1965
- Fred Hoyle Revisited, (ed) Galaxy Magazine February 1965
- Science Fiction in Academe, (ed) If February 1965
- The Universe—and How It Began!, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow March 1965
- What Fans Do, (ed) If March 1965
- Alone Through the Dark Seas, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Thomas Whiteside]
- Astronomy, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Camille Flammarion]
- Beyond the Solar System, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Willy Ley & Chesley Bonestell]
- The Binary Stars, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Robert G. Aitken]
- The Friendly Stars, Revised and Updated by Donald H. Menzel, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Martha Evans Martin]
- Here Are the Stars, (ed) Galaxy Magazine April 1965
- Riddles of Astronomy, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Otto Oscar Binder]
- Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1965 [Ref. Richard Hinckley Allen]
- “What You Do Once—”, (ed) If April 1965
- Out There, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1965
- The Semi-Artificial Man, (br) If May 1965 [Ref. Harold M. Schmeck, Jr.]
- When Is a Robot?, (ed) If May 1965
- Out of the Idiot Box, (ed) If June 1965
- Whichness and Whereness, (ed) Galaxy Magazine June 1965
- Concerning Worms and Serpents, (ed) If July 1965
- Earth, Sky and Us, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow July 1965
- Scientists and Scoundrels, (br) If July 1965 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
- Growing Pains—and Pleasures, (ed) If August 1965
- Old Home Month, (ed) Galaxy Magazine August 1965
- Air and Space, (ed) If September 1965
- Under Two Moons, (nv) If September 1965
- The Universe, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow September 1965
- The Age of the Pussyfoot, (n.) Galaxy Magazine October 1965, etc.
- The Day After Tomorrow, (ed) Galaxy Magazine October 1965
- Where Are They Now?, (ed) If October 1965
- Communication Between Minds, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1965
- What You Don’t Know About You, (ed) If November 1965
- Edward E. Smith, Ph.D., (ob) If December 1965 [Ref. Edward E. Smith]
- To the Stars, (ed) Galaxy Magazine December 1965
- Enemies of Mankind, (ed) If January 1966
- Living Longer, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow January 1966
- The Business of Science, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1966
- Day Million, (ss) Rogue February/March 1966
- The Race for Space, (ed) If February 1966
- If, (ed) If March 1966
- Why Space?, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow March 1966
- Kick Yourself to Mars, (ed) If April 1966
- Where the Jobs Go, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1966
- When to Move, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1966
- Looking Ahead to 1965, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1966
- A Relativistic Dilemma, (ed) If June 1966
- Cheer Up, Fellows!, (ed) If July 1966
- Ah, Mars That Might Have Been, (ed) If August 1966
- Faith Healing, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1966
- The Game, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1966
- Immortality Through Freezing (with Victor Borge, R. C. W. Ettinger, Shirley Herz, Joseph Lo Presti & Long John Nebel), (ar) Worlds of Tomorrow August 1966
- To Solve the Future, (ed) If September 1966
- Causes, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1966
- TV by the Numbers, (ed) If October 1966
- About Scientists, (ed) If November 1966
- The Impact of Science on Technology, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. Aaron W. Warner, Dean Morse & Alfred S. Teichner]
- An Inquiry Into Enoughness, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. Daniel Lang]
- The New Priesthood, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. Ralph E. Lapp]
- The Questioners, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. Barbara Lovett Cline]
- Science, the Never-Ending Quest, (br) If November 1966 [Ref. William C. Vergara]
- The World of Today, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow November 1966
- Cordwainer Smith, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1966
- On Hugos, (ed) If December 1966, etc.
- H.G. Wells Plus 100, (ed) If January 1967
- The Dyson Worlds, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow February 1967
- More About Being Bad, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1967
- Talk, Talk, Talk, (ed) If February 1967
- The Hugo Winners, (ed) If March 1967
- Making Models, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1967
- Three Brave Men, (ed) If April 1967
- Man of Tomorrow, (ed) Worlds of Tomorrow May 1967
- Too Many Inputs, (ed) If May 1967
- The Dismal Science, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1967
- Why the Earth Isn’t Round, (ed) If June 1967
- Wiped Out, (ed) If July 1967
- No More Tomorrows, (ed) If August 1967
- A Dog’s Job, (ed) If September 1967
- A Galaxy of Fashion, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1967
- Thirty Long Years, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1967
- What Space Is For, (ed) If October 1967
- Rapid Transit, (ed) If November 1967
- SF Film Festival, (ed) International Science Fiction November 1967
- On Doing Better, (ed) If January 1968
- The Day We Launched the Moonship, (ed) If February 1968
- Playing Games, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1968
- What Science Fiction Is, (ed) If March 1968
- For a Festival of Science Fiction, (ed) If April 1968
- Yet Still It Moves, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1968
- On Inventing Futures, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction June 1968
- Rogue Star [Starchild] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) If June 1968, etc.
- Tomorrows to Order, (ed) If June 1968
- All but 98%, (ed) If July 1968
- The Week That Was, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1968
- Tony Boucher, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1968
- Film Festival (II), (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1968
- More Bubbles for Your Bier, (ed) If September 1968
- Majority Rule, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1968
- Packaging People, (ed) If October 1968
- More Dooms, (ed) If November 1968
- Vietnam Revisited, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1968
- The Great Inventions, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1968
- Three in a Row, (ed) If December 1968
- Space Art, (ed) If January 1969
- Tricks and Treats, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction January 1969
- Traps or Truths, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction February 1969
- The Election Everybody Won, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1969
- Hugos & Others, (ed) If March 1969
- The Prometheus Project, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1969
- What We Think With, (ed) If April 1969
- The Littleness of Earth and the Bigness of Man, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1969
- Sufficient Unto the Day, (ed) If May 1969
- Looking Ahead, (ed) If July 1969
- SF in the Sun, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1969
- Unnatural Selection, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction September 1969
- Machines That Teach, (ar) If October 1969
- What Happened on 18 December 1955?, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction October 1969
- Overkill, (ed) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1970
- Call Me Million, (ss) Worlds of Fantasy v1 #2, 1970
- The Gold at the Starbow’s End, (na) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 1972
- Sad Solarian Screenwriter Sam, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1972
- The Merchants of Venus [Heechee (Robinette Broadhead)], (na) Worlds of If July/August 1972
- Shaffery Among the Immortals, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1972
- The Most Controversial Speech at Chessmancon, (ar) Speculation Autumn 1972
- [transcript of discussion following Pohl’s speech at Chessmancon], (sy) Speculation Autumn 1972
- The Meeting (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1972
- Doomship [Cuckoo] (with Jack Williamson), (na) Worlds of If March/April 1973
- In the Problem Pit, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction September 1973
- Some Joys Under the Star, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973
- Balticon Guest of Honor Speech, (ar) Thrust Science Fiction April 1974
- The Org’s Egg [Cuckoo] (with Jack Williamson), (n.) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1974, etc.
- Guest Editorial, (ed) Worlds of If May/June 1974
- The Gift of Garigolli (with C. M. Kornbluth), (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1974
- Mute Inglorious Tam (with C. M. Kornbluth), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1974
- SF East: An SF Safari to Redland, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction November 1974
- A Short Term Solution, (ar) Galaxy Science Fiction April 1975
- The Mother Trip, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1975
- The Prisoner of New York Island, (nv) Odyssey Spring 1976
- Man Plus, (n.) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1976, etc.
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