The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Transplantation of Deer, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 28 1928
- * Transplanted, (vi) Chicago Ledger October 14 1911
- * Transportation in Many Lands, (pi) Your Car: A Magazine of Romance, Fact and Fiction June 1925
- * Transport Development, (pi) Air Trails October 1937
- * Transporting a Mountain Gun, (ar) Chums September 7 1898
- * Transporting Mischief, (ms) The Railroad Man’s Magazine June 1910
- * Transposed Letter Puzzle, (pz) Chatterbox 1945
- * Trans-Siberian Railway, (ar) Locomotive Firemen’s Magazine January 1901
- * A Transvaal Episode, (ss) Stories, a Weekly Journal #1, November 6 1897
- * Transvaal (Map), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1900
- * A Transversal of Six, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1890
- * Transylvania, (ar) (by Leslie Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine November 1866
- * Transylvanian Ancestry, (ms) The Daily Telegraph August 8 1974
- * Transylvanian Times, (ms) Horror Sex Tales v1 #1, 1972
- * The Transylvania Times, (hu) Champagne Horror #1, 1990
- * Trantorian Trivia, (cl) Seldon Seen #1 Apr, #2 Jul/Aug 1967
- * The Trap, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine March 1932
- * The Trap-Door Spider, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1880
- * Trapdoor to Foil Bank Bandits, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 4 1920
- * Trapdoor Treasures, (ms) The Saint Magazine June 1984
- * Trapeze Artists, (pi) Collier’s December 24 1954
- * A Trap for Fargo Neal [Fargo Neal], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 17 1937
- * A Trap for Maverick Wade [Maverick Wade], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 14 1938
- * Trap for Wheat Rust, (ar) Capper’s Farmer August 1946
- * Trapped, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1905
- * Trapped!, (ms) Mystery Magazine #130, April 15 1923
- * Trapped!, (ss) Chums September 30 1916
- * Trapped!, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st May 1930
- * Trapped Aboard a Sunken U-Boat, (ar) Battle Stories #16, December 1928
- * Trapped by a Belly Crawler, (ts) Real Action for Men August 1957
- * Trapped by a Button, (ar) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * Trapped—by a Habit, (ms) Detective Fiction Weekly March 23 1929
- * Trapped by a Voice, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal September 10 1887
- * Trapped by Bells, (ms) Far West Illustrated July 1928
- * Trapped by His Own Story, (ms) Flynn’s November 7 1925
- * Trapped by His Typewriting, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 22 1919
- * Trapped by His Vanity, (ms) Flynn’s August 15 1925
- * Trapped by Ice, (ms) Far West Stories September 1930
- * Trapped by Redskins, (ms) Triple-X Western #87, August 1931
- * Trapped by the Cinema [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #41, 1921
- * Trapped by Vanity, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 5 1925
- * Trapped in a Sack, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 7 1925
- * A Trapped Injun, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 1 1939
- * Trapped in My Own Net, (ss) Today’s Love Stories September 1959
- * Trapped in the Arctic Ice, (pi) Argosy February 1947
- * Trapped in the Fog, (ss) Chums September 21 1892
- * Trapped in the Jungle, (ts) Smart Set October 1926
- * Trapped in the Rockies, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #11, August 3 1912
- * Trapped Into Marriage, (nv) Love Revelations combined with Secret Confessions June 1941
- * Trapped on Ice Floe, (ar) The Popular Complete Stories May 15 1932
- * A Trapped Tiger, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper February 11 1905
- * Trapped with the Loot, (ms) North•West Stories 1st January 1927
- * Trapper Ambushed, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly August 14 1937
- * The Trapper Came Back, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 11 1936
- * Trapper Found in Canadian Lake, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 10 1925
- * Trapper Keeps Winter Vigil, (ms) Western Story Magazine March 7 1925
- * Trapper Leaves Will on Cardboard, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 13 1926
- * A Trapper of the Cascades, (ms) Western Story Magazine January 27 1923
- * The Trapper of the Northwest, (ar) The Golden Argosy December 17 1887
- * The Trapper of the Northwest and His Game, (il) The Golden Argosy December 17 1887
- * The Trappers and the Trapped, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 1 1928
- * Trappers Braved Death to Save Furs, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 2 1932
- * Trapper’s Courage, (ms) Wild West Weekly October 25 1930
- * Trappers Escape Death, (ms) North•West Stories 1st December 1926
- * Trappers’ Gruesome Find, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly June 13 1931
- * The Trapper’s Joke, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 27 1939
- * Trappers’ Luck, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd September 1926
- * Trapper’s Pony Team, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 6 1935
- * Trappers Treed by Floods, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 23 1932
- * Trapper’s Troubles, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly May 13 1939
- * Trappers Utilize the Airplane, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 23 1929
- * Trappers Wait for Coyotes’ Pups, (ms) Western Story Magazine March 7 1931
- * A Trapper’s Yarn, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1927
- * Trapper Talk, (qz) Zane Grey’s Western Magazine April 1951
- * Trapper Trapped, (ms) Manhunt April 1956
- * Trapper Uses Hunter’s Tractor, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 9 1924
- * Trapping a Grizzly, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * Trapping a Millionaire, (vi) Chicago Ledger December 27 1902
- * Trapping an International Dope Ring, (ms) Clues October 1927
- * Trapping a Smuggler, (ms) Mystery Magazine #132, May 15 1923
- * Trapping a Tiger, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1882
- * Trapping Fish on the James River, Opposite Richmond, Va., (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1876
- * Trapping Holds Sour Doughs, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 28 1928
- * Trapping Moths by Electric Light, (ms) Chambers’s Journal November 28 1908
- * Trapping Prairie-Hens, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1883
- * The Trappings of Adventure, (ms) Spellbound Winter 2012
- * Trapping Tanks, (ar) Modern Wonders December 9 1939
- * Trapping the Cayman, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1876
- * Trapping the Nimble Speeder, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Trapping the Turkey Thief, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 20 1929
- * The Trappist Monk, (nv) (by A. Ernest Hinshelwood) Temple Bar November 1899
- * Trap Readers Inside “The Obsidian Chamber”, (iv) Suspense Magazine November/December 2016 [Ref. Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child]
- * Trap Set for Indian Hunters, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly February 26 1938
- * Trap Shooter’s Slang, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly March 10 1915
- * Trap-Shooting, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 30 1909
- * The Trash Basket, (cl) Sun Spots v1 #4, v2 #2 1940
- * Travel, (cl) Mayfair v17 #12, 1982
- * Travel, (cl) Penthouse (US) December 2006
- * Travel, (pi) The Blue Book Magazine September 1948
- * Travel—Adam Swings to Aspen, (cl) Adam November 1975
- * Travel-Adam Swings to Canada, (cl) Adam July 1975
- * Travel—Adam Swings to England, (cl) Adam August 1975
- * Travel—Adam Swings to Florida, (cl) Adam October 1975
- * Travel—Adam Swings to Hawaii, (cl) Adam December 1975
- * Travel—Adam Swings to the Bahamas, (cl) Adam September 1975
- * Travel Arrangement, (pi) Debonair #31, February 1969
- * Travel Broadens Norse Miss, (pi) Cad September 1967
- * Travel: Columbus’ Islands, (ar) Penthouse (UK) October 1983
- * Travel, Discs, (cl) Mayfair v21 #5, 1986
- * Travel, Discs, Eating Out, (cl) Mayfair v20 #3, v20 #6 1985
- * Traveled and Busy Bees, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 5 1932
- * Traveled Fifteen Thousand Miles to Get Evidence, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 21 1922
- * The Traveler, (ss) The Columbian March 1904
- * Traveler, Eve Alexander, (ar) The American Magazine April 1934 [Ref. Eve Alexander]
- * Travelers Beware!, (ms) Scotland Yard #12, May 1931
- * Travelers’ Check Thieves, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 2 1922
- * Travelers for a Night, (ss) (by Frances Lee Pratt) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1868
- * The Travelers’ Hut, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1891
- * Traveler’s Tree, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1878
- * Travel, Films, Eating Out, (cl) Mayfair v19 #9 1984, v20 #9 1985
- * Travel Guide Budget Trip, (cl) Cosmopolitan March 1952
- * Traveling, (pm) Two Gun Western Stories October 1929
- * Traveling Across the Palins in the ’60s, (ar) Complete Stories August 1927
- * The Traveling Church, (ar) Five-Novels Monthly December 1942
- * Traveling “Down the River” with Diane Fanning, (iv) Suspense Magazine April/May/June 2019 [Ref. Diane Fanning]
- * The Traveling Exhibtion, (ar) The Scrap Book October 1909
- * Traveling in the East, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1880
- * The Traveling Library, (vi) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1886
- * Traveling on a Nickel, (pm) The Motion Picture Story Magazine November 1911
- * Traveling Some!, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine 1st July 1929
- * Travel Is So Broadening, (??) Cloud-9 v1 #3, 1960
- * The Traveller and the Hangman, (ms) Suspense (UK) July 1959
- * The Travellers in the Desert, (vi) My Magazine June 1915
- * Travellers’ Joy, (ms) Travel by Road April 1924
- * Travellers’ Joy, (qz) Argosy (UK) Jan 1946, Apr 1950, Jul 1952
- * Traveller’s Quiz, (qz) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #4, April 1948
- * The Traveller’s Return, (pm) The Young Englishman October 11 1873
- * The Traveller’s Servants, (vi) My Magazine March 1915
- * A Traveller’s Tale, (cs) Chums November 23 1912
- * Travellers’ Tales, (cl) The Wide World Magazine July 1957
- * Traveller’s Tales: Giant Belzoni, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #422, February 14 1970
- * Traveller’s Tales: Search for a Lost City, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #421, February 7 1970
- * Traveller’s Tales: The Long Ride, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #420, January 31 1970
- * Traveller’s Tales: The Worst Desert in the World, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #423, February 21 1970
- * A Traveller’s Warning, (ss) The Argosy (UK) December 1898
- * Travel Light, (br) Subterranean (online) Fall 2007 [Ref. Naomi Mitchison]
- * The Travelling Cradle! [Dare of ’D’ Division], (ss) The Surprise #70, July 1 1933
- * Travelling in India (To Illustrate “In Times of Peril”), (il) The Union Jack July 29 1880
- * Travelling in the Air, (ar) London Society December 1863
- * The Travelling Man: Traffic Traps, (cl) Man’s Adventure September 1957
- * The Travelling Plant, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper April 18 1885
- * Travelling Right, (cl) Mayfair v6 #1, 1971
- * Travelling with Half a Million, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1893
- * Travel Luxury on Land and Sea—Midland Railway, Cunard Line and South-Eastern Railway, (ia) The Windsor Magazine April 1898
- * Travel: Naked in Mexico, (cl) Adam November 1971
- * Travel Notes, (br) Blue Pencil Magazine December 1900
- * Travel Notes, (cl) Fry’s Magazine Jul 1912, Mar 1914
- * Travel Notes, (cl) The Golden Book Magazine #117, September 1934
- * Travel Notes, (ms) The Idler September 1901
- * Travel Piece, (pi) High Time v1 #4, 1961
- * Travel Service, (cl) Cosmopolitan April 1965
- * Travel Service, (ms) Mayfair v18 #1, v18 #4 1983
- * Travels in Abyssinia and Kordofan. No. I, (nf) Westminster Review
- * Travels in Abyssinia and Kordofan. No. II, (nf) Westminster Review
- * Travels in the Air, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 6 1902
- * Travels in the Air I, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science July 1872
- * Travels in the Air II, (ar) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science August 1872
- * The Travels of Baron Munchausen, (ex)
- * The Travels of Marco Polo, A Venetian, (ex) Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1818
- * The Travels of Sir Justinian, (pi) Margaret Weis’ Testament of the Dragon, HarperPrism, 1997
- * Travels with a T-Square, (ts) The Cornhill Magazine March 1903
- * Travel Talk, (pm) Cassell’s Magazine October 1 1870
- * The Travel-Talk of a Serjeant-at-Law, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine April 1885
- * Travel Talks Are Favorites with Liberty’s Radio Fans, (cn) Liberty February 6 1926
- * Travel to Yosemite, (ar) Sunset April 1904
- * Travel:
* ___ Amsterdam, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #2, 1974
* ___ Australia, (cl) Harlequin Magazine/Newsletter v1 #3, 1973
* ___ Cornwall, (cl) Harlequin Magazine/Newsletter v1 #2, 1973
* ___ Edinburgh, Scotland, (cl) Harlequin’s Woman v2 #7, 1974
* ___ The Hawaiian Islands, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #6, 1974
* ___ London, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v1 #6, 1973
* ___ Mallorca, (cl) Harlequin Magazine/Newsletter v1 #1, 1973
* ___ Malta, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #5, 1974
* ___ Munich, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #3, 1974
* ___ Paris, (cl) Harlequin Magazine/Newsletter v1 #5, 1973
* ___ Rome, (cl) Harlequin Magazine/Newsletter v1 #4, 1973
* ___ Stratford, Ontario, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #4, 1974
* ___ Victoria, British Columbia, (cl) Harlequin Newsletter Magazine v2 #1, 1974
* ___ Weekends Away, (cl) Nova April 1965
- * Travertine Stone Found in the United States, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 19 1930
- * Trawling for Our Breakfast, (ia) Modern Wonder February 19 1938
- * A Tray of Diamonds, (ms) The Woman at Home Oct, Nov, Dec 1893, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul 1894
- * The Treacherous Servant, (ss) Endless Entertainment #15, 1825
- * Treacherous Waters, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine August 15 1927
- * The Treachorous Friend, (ss)
- * Treacle and Feathers [Pick-’em-Up Pete], (ss) The Buzzer #3, October 30 1937
- * The Tread of Invisible Feet, (ss) (by Henry Mills Alden) Harper’s Magazine
- * The Tread of Invisible Feet, (ss) (by Justin McCarthy) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1871
- * Treason and Plot, (pm) The Strand Magazine July 1942
- * The Treason of the Senate, (ed) Cosmopolitan Magazine February 1906
- * Treason’s Reward, (ar) Fact Spy Stories September 1939
- * Treasure, (pm) The Golden Argosy August 28 1886
- * The Treasure, (ss) Danish Fairy Tales by Sven Grundtvig, tr. Jesse Grant Cramer, R.G. Badger, 1912
- * Treasure Chest, (pi) Best for Men April 1966
- * The Treasure Chest of Hayti, (n.) Aldine Adventure Library #15, 1928
- * The Treasure Detectives, (ar) Look and Learn #13, April 14 1962
- * Treasured Needlework, (ms) Romance August 1950
- * Treasure Finders Killed for Their Gold, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly April 17 1937
- * Treasure from Knockout Claim, (ss) Chums December 28 1898
- * Treasure Galore, (ar) Modern World October 26 1940
- * A Treasure House for All, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 28 1888
- * The Treasure House of Mexico, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 11 1928
- * Treasure Hungers, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine June 15 1928
- * The Treasure Hunt, (cl) Pirate Stories Mar, May 1935
- * Treasure Hunters Are Busy, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 31 1934
- * Treasure Hunting by Submarine, (ar) Modern Wonder September 23 1939
- * Treasure Hunting from House to House, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1934as told to Boyden Sparkes
- * Treasure Hunting Is Costly, (ar) Pearson’s Weekly #2380, March 7 1936
- * Treasure Hunting on Wings, (ms) Liberty September 23 1933
- * Treasure Hunting up to Date, (ms) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Treasure Huntin’ Sweepstakes, (ms) Western Fiction Magazine February/March 1971
- * Treasure in Space, (nv) Futuristic Science Stories #3, 1950
- * Treasure in the West!, (pi) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #392, July 19 1969
- * Treasure Island, (ar) Chums Annual 1936, 1935
- * Treasure Island!, (sl) The Modern Boy Dec 29 1934, Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19 1935
- * “Treasure Island”, (th) The London Magazine May 1923
- * Treasure Islands of Alaska, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 2 1929
- * The Treasure Lies Buried Here, (ar) Modern Wonder December 11 1937
- * The Treasure Logs, (vi) Chicago Ledger February 16 1901
- * Treasure Map, (pz) The Silver Jacket #7, 1954
- * The Treasure of Dead Man’s Isle, (sl) (by Hedley O’Mant) The Ranger #83 Sep 10, #84 Sep 17 1932
- * Treasure of El Dorado, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #247, October 8 1966
- * The Treasure of Juan Sierra, (pi) The Gent September 1956
- * The Treasure of Life, (ss) The Youth’s Companion March 28 1912
- * Treasure of the Gorge, (ss) Searchlight: Adventure Stories for Boys, Spring Books, 1961
- * Treasure of the Incas [Incas], (ss) The Buzzer #30, May 7 1938
- * The Treasure of the Manchus [Sexton Blake], (n.) (by R. C. Armour) The Sexton Blake Library #32, 1925
- * The Treasure of Trinidad, (ar) Cheer Boys Cheer #54, May 31 1913
- * The Treasure of Yesterday and Today, (ar) The Pacific Monthly February 1909
- * Treasure on Its Travels, (ar) New York Press
- * Treasurer’s Report, (ms) Star*Line Jul/Aug 1992, May/Jun, Nov/Dec 1993, May/Jun 2007, Sep/Oct 2008
- * Treasures, (pm) The Argosy (UK) July 1879
- * Treasures, (pm) Womankind
- * “Treasures”, (ts) The Argosy (UK) November 1892
- * The Treasure Schooner, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #336, November 16 1907
- * The Treasure Seeker, (nv) (by Johann Karl August Musäus) Tales from the German by Johann Karl August Musäus, John Murray, 1791
- * The Treasure-Seeker; or, Courtship in the Cavern, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #99, June 1 1850
- * A Treasure Ship Goes Down, (ar) Argosy August 1955
- * A Treasure Ship Goes Down, (ms) Adventure August 1960
- * “Treasures of Art”, (br) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine March 1891 [Ref. J. W. Cathcart & Walter Rowlands]
- * Treasures of the Church, (ar) The Bible Story #27, September 5 1964
- * The Treasures of the Deep, (pm) (by Felicia Hemans) The New Monthly Magazine August 1823
- * Treasures of the Earth: Copper: First Metal Used by Man, (ar) Look and Learn #165, March 13 1965
- * Treasures of the Earth No. 1: Iron, More Precious Than Gold, (ar) Look and Learn #164, March 6 1965
- * Treasures of the National Gallery of British Art, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine June 1907
- * Treasures of the Tate Gallery, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1907
- * Treasures on Canvas, (iv) Suspense Magazine January 2010 [Ref. Lynn Spaulding]
- * Treasure That Sleeps, (ar) Top-Notch Magazine October 15 1915
- * Treasure Towns and Caches of Gold, (pi) Zane Grey Western Magazine September 1974
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